Azaria (20 page)

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Authors: J.H. Hayes

BOOK: Azaria
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As they frolicked about, many young men attempted to join them, offering to fill their cups with various draughts to help their cause. Because they were so clearly associated with the beautiful young women, Dogahn and Tiriz had little trouble getting their fists filled further. Ilaya, Daneel, Yumineh and Aisika consented to dancing with some of them - especially as the poison they drank continued to take effect - but they stayed close to the group and broke off from the men when their hands got a little too adventurous or their suggestions a little too explicit. Dogahn, determined not to drink in excess while he was with Azaria, kept a close eye on his friends. More than once he helped Ilaya and Aisika with particularly aggressive suitors.

As the evening matured, he and Azaria tried more than once to sneak away, but Daneel was on to them and made sure to block all their attempts. After a fourth failed effort, Dogahn grew frustrated. "We need to feed her more poison," he suggested.

Azaria laughed. "I don't know about that. Look how she's dancing. She looks like a three-legged dog. Why is this so difficult?" she asked, holding onto him for support. Her cup also had been kept full by the steady stream of suitors and she was feeling the effects. While they laughed together at their own misfortune, two men approached who Dogahn recognized as respected Boar Camp hunters. He initially thought their path towards them was only coincidental. They were more highly regarded than the suitors that had been bothering them and he didn't expect them to try to court the inexperienced girls.

"Dogahn!" the shorter man addressed him with a commanding voice.

"Jochan!" Dogahn attempted to sound equally confident. "How are you?"

Azaria turned around as Dogahn greeted him, and saw the two men who had carried her back on her run from the Great Temple. "Jochan! Brutim!" she squealed as she jumped at them. "How are you? Are you enjoying yourselves?"

"Fine, Azaria. It's nice to see you again. But I’d enjoy myself much more if I could have that dance you promised me," Jochan said with a convincing smile.

"I did promise you a dance, didn't I?" she said with a sheepish smile before looking uncomfortably to Dogahn, who was standing next to her with his chest suddenly thrust forward. "Dogahn, Jochan and Brutim carried me back when I was returning with mother's medicine, and barely able to walk. I wouldn’t have made it by myself. Father and I asked them what they wanted in payment, but they both refused. When I asked again, Jochan said he'd like to share a dance tonight and of course I was more than happy to promise him one. You don't mind, do you?"

"Uhh, no... of course not," Dogahn stammered. He felt his face reddening and wondered if perhaps he’d consumed more poison than he'd accounted for. Whatever the reason, he didn't like that Azaria had promised Jochan a dance and knew it showed. The fact made his blush darken even further.

"Thank you," Azaria said, squeezing his hand. "Brutim, I have someone for you, too." She grabbed Daneel's hand and dragged her over, nearly pulling her tipsy friend to the ground. "Daneel, you know Brutim. Brutim, Daneel loves to dance!"

"Hi!?" Daneel smiled up at the large man, looking a bit bewildered, but happy for the pairing with the big, muscular hunter nonetheless.

"Come on Daneel, let's dance!" Azaria pulled her further into the crowd before she could object - although she had a feeling she wouldn't - with Brutim and Jochan right behind.

Brutim, more than pleased with the pretty, curvaceous match, lifted Daneel up and spun her around. "Aaahhhhhh," Daneel screamed in delight. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on even after he set her back down.

Jochan was much less aggressive, aware Azaria's young male friend was looking on uncomfortably. He knew the two had grown up together and that recently their relationship was developing into something more. But he wasn't sure how far it had come yet. He wasn't afraid of the budding young hunter by any means, but didn't wish to offend the boy. He was taken with the beautiful, young daughter of Boar Camp's Second Ta'araki, and hoped to win her from the young man before a lasting bond was forged, but was intent to do so his way, with dignity and respect. He was also aware her Ta'araki father was standing just at the fringe of the bonfires, keeping a watchful eye on his daughter and her friends.


Azerban stood by himself at the edge of the festival revelers, his gaze systematically wandering across the crowd, often pausing to linger on Azaria and her troupe. As Ta'araki, it was his charge to ensure everyone behaved themselves and to come to the rescue of anyone who needed assistance. He was well aware of the activities some of the of-age Natu were engaging in. Most chose a quiet spot out of view for their encounters, but some enjoyed being watched and indulged their desires well in sight of the general crowd. There were no rules barring them from doing so and it was not frowned upon. If they wanted to honor the Great Mother in front of everyone else, it was their right to do so. Some even chose to engage each other right in the thick of the dancing mass.

As he took in the night's many sights, he was not unaware of how aroused he was. He wished Zephia was well enough to couple with. He only briefly entertained the idea of accepting one of the many offers from the women who occasionally approached him, an act well within his right. In fact, Zephia had encouraged him to do so.
Make sure you get your fill, Azerban
! Those were her exact words and they were still fresh in his head, knowing them to be sincere. As the night went on, his desire grew and he found himself taking her advice more seriously.
Perhaps I should lay off the poison for a while,
he thought.
I should go and see her.
Just as he made to leave, he heard a raspy voice from behind.

"Jochan seems to fancy her."

Azerban sighed, knowing who had spoken. "Yes, I think you're right. But she has an eye for the boy," he said.

"It may just be a passing interest," Fahim said, standing next to him. "You know how the young can be."

"Of course, you may be right. But they’ve been close their entire lives. I think it's more than that."

"Perhaps so. He may make a good match for her, but then again, Jochan has already proven himself."

"Hmmph. Since when do you take such interest in the fleeting interests of children?" Azerban asked.

"I take interest in all my children," Fahim answered, with an air of offense. "Especially those of my Second."

Azerban remained silent, not wishing to pursue the thread he had started.

"How is Zephia?" she asked, aware he didn't wish to discuss the topic any further.

"Stable. Still weak."

"Ahhh. Well, trust in the Ta'ar."

"Yes. I know," he remarked quietly. "I don't suppose you’ve thought of any other tricks."

"It's up to the Ta'ar now, Azerban. I've done all I can. I don't need to tell you how serious her illness is. Either she recovers or she doesn't."

"Yes, well-"

She interrupted him, "Actually, it is about that which I wanted to talk to you."

He stood silent for a moment and Fahim waited for him. "About what?" he finally asked.

"The Equinox is coming. We must prepare for the ritual."

"What of the ritual?" he asked pointedly, turning to face her.

"You know of what I speak," she answered, declining to face him and instead continuing to watch the crowd, sweeping her gaze across the fluid mass. "The Ta'ar demand a worthy sacrifice. Your mate’s fate may well rest on it."

"A worthy sacrifice," he repeated. "So then we are going back to the original tradition." He turned from her, casting his attention back to his daughter. He watched Jochan whisper into her ear and Azaria giggle in response.

"We have always honored the original tradition, and will continue to do so. It is only a matter of the subject," Fahim replied.

"A buck then. I agree completely," Azerban said, attempting a degree of finality.

"Not a buck," Fahim contradicted him, "The Ta'ar require more. They

Azerban's fury was building. He made no attempt to suppress it. "What more do
demand? Surely, you don't mean to suggest another-"

"I do!" she interrupted again, barking at him. "The
do! And I will...
will consent to Their requirements."

"What??" Azerban nearly exploded, turning again to face her. "And exactly what offering do you have in mind? We have no other captives."

Now she faced him also. "We need no captive. There are other options." She raised her voice to match his, although they went unheard by any others amidst the great noise of the oblivious revelers and the droning music.

"What other option, then? Do you propose we kidnap a Kebar, or another of the neighboring peoples? It is beyond all-"

"A Kebar will not do," she interrupted once again, lowering her voice once more, "or any other savage. They are unworthy subjects for the Ritual. The Ta'ar demand an offering of greater value. Of greater significance. A gift we prize above all others. Something we cannot do without..." Her voice trailed off at the end and her eyes emptied, as if she were in deep meditation.

Azerban stared into her lost gaze. He dared not consider what he knew Fahim had in mind. "Again I ask you, what are you proposing?"

"A Natu, Azerban," she said evenly. "A Natu."

At first, Azerban simply stared at her, completely taken by surprise, although deep inside he feared she would come to this sooner or later. He'd found her talk of
sacrifices in past meetings foreboding, whether he was consciously aware of his suspicions or not. What could be
than one of their own? Now it seemed so obvious. He stood there, eyes locked with hers for a long while, a battle of wills unfolding while the rest of the three camps unwittingly caroused in lost abandon. His next words exploded from his mouth, "You cannot! I will not let you!"

He cast his opposition with such force, with such volume, that those nearby flinched in alarm. They stopped and stared at him, not sure if they’d actually heard what they thought they just heard. He cowered slightly, embarrassed at being caught addressing Ta'araki in such a manner.

"The Ta'araki will discuss this later," she replied calmly. "Good night, Azerban." Then she turned and disappeared around the edge of the crush of revelers.


Dogahn danced with Ilaya and Aisika on either side, each draped up against him. He might have enjoyed the attention thoroughly, but was presently distracted watching Azaria. Jealousy brewed inside him like a thrashing tornado as he kept close watch on the very masculine hunter's hands on her back. She had hers wrapped around Jochan’s neck. There was nothing unusual in the way they embraced as they swayed to the throbbing beat, but Dogahn couldn't help his fevered response. He glared as Jochan mouthed unheard comments into her ear and she responded with laughter, teasingly slapping at his chin.
This has gone on long enough,
Dogahn thought -
too long.
He wanted to make his way over to them, to claim her back, but whenever he started, either Ilaya or Aisika would step in front, blocking his way.

Deciding he'd tolerated enough, he took Aisika in his arms and whispered in her ear, "Aisika, I'm getting thirsty. Would you get me something to drink?"

"Of course!" she answered at once and made off toward one of the men still holding a half empty bag. He then took Ilaya in his arms, lifted her up and spun her around, making sure to place her down behind him, before turning toward Azaria. Ilaya wrapped her arms around his mid-waist from behind, but he unhooked himself with his much stronger hands and said, "Why don't you dance with Tiriz for a while? He's all alone over there. I'll be back in a bit."

She looked back at Tiriz and realizing Dogahn was correct, agreed, "Okay. But don't try to sneak off with Azaria. There's still a lot of fun left tonight."

Dogahn sighed, having finally rid himself of the twins and turned to retrieve what was his. He was only a few paces away when another arm hooked his and spun him around.

"Hi!!" Yumineh said, radiating a playful smile. "Where are you going? You haven't danced with me all night." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in. Dogahn looked over at Azaria and Jochan, but Azaria had her back to him, her arms still around Jochan.

He looked back at Yumineh and sighed again. "Nowhere." He put his hands on her hips, bringing her in close before looking back to Azaria.

Yumineh placed her hand on his cheekbone and forced his gaze to hers. "Let Azaria have her fun," she said. "She's not going anywhere with him." She spun around and pushed her backside into him, rubbing rhythmically with the beat of the thrumming music.

With Yumineh in his arms, grinding against him, Dogahn thought back to the Long Run, when he'd grown excited watching Yumineh's nearly bare, bouncing humps as he ran behind. He’d wondered then what it would feel like to have her up against him. Now he knew - and he liked it even more than he'd imagined he would. He moved his chin over her shoulder and inhaled deeply, indulging in the sweet flowery scent she wore. As they danced, Dogahn spied a threesome several paces into the crowd. A pretty woman, a few winters older than them, was dancing closely with a man on either side. The top of her skin outfit was pulled down with her ample breasts exposed. As they turned, Dogahn saw the bottom of her skin was hiked up above her hips and the younger man was thrusting himself up against her, his tunic hiked up also. Dogahn’s urges fully awakened as he watched the two men take turns with the attractive woman, all three of them continuously moaning out in carnal exhilaration. With Yumineh in his arms and pressed against him, it wasn't long before he felt the familiar tightening in his loins.

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