Authors: Larry Smith,Rachel Fershleiser
When he left me, he cried.
Ella Cristina
Jim slept here; so did Carlos.
Gloria Palazzo
The one for me married him.
Francis McEvoy
Waited out cancer;
you said bye.
Joe Carlson
Found my ex-husband on Craigslist. Twice.
Yin Shin
Car went kaput. So did he.
Lori Romero
My partner in sin
found God.
Marie D’Avignon
Moved in. No ring. Moved out.
Melissa Lafsky
Will always follow you.
On Twitter.
Mircea Lungu
I never said I wanted this.
Melchor Sahagun
He wrote songs for me. Sigh.
Pamela Des Barres
He impregnated her instead.
Bullet dodged.
Judith Edelman
One diamond necklace later,
I’m single.
Michael Collins
Singles ad, double wide, triple bypass.
Ray Overfield
Left my bed to marry her.
LoraMarie Mitchell
Last encounter:
crowded nightclub.
Ran away.
Tom Dolby
He’s off heroin and crack—
Tricia Boczkowski
The medication made him feel numb.
Tori Turner
She said she
liked my penis.
Chip Rowe
Siren wooed.
Sailor swooned.
Man overboard!
Jim Ruland
Stalked him until he
married me!
Tiffany Mesquite
Soulmate found in grade nine gym.
Amy Leask
You holding my
hair, me puking.
Diana Greiner
I’m not marrying for
love twice.
Lisa Baron
Reclaimed maiden name after
every divorce.
Victoria Martin
Married by
divorced by
G. M. Rouse
For the children, I remain his.
Gisele Phipps
best of seasons.
Julie Howe
Arranged marriage
now sounding pretty good.
Saleem Reshamwala
First college sweethearts,
now happily married.
Jason Pinter
This crazy dream
I lived died.
Julian Rubinstein
Around the world in
eighty guys.
K. C. Sanders
If it’s limping,
shoot it dead.
Lesley Blum
We belly laugh every
single day.
Michelle Ottey
Where’s the love? he asked,
Jessica Yu
Baseball is much better
without you.
Nicole Phillips
Smooches cause
but also
David Nadelberg
Once cute stubble,
now scraggly beard.
Debra Thurston
Obsession with garlic unhelpful,
I’ve learned.
Nathaniel Rich
Happy enough…was her
tentative reply.
Salli Hollenzer
He’s less tall but more sane.
Stephanie Losee
They both hated wide ruled
Scarborough Fairchild
We met on Halloween. No costumes.
Dani Shapiro
I thought we had more time.
Joe Hill
Single by chance;
mother by choice.
Chanda Gunn
SWM hemophiliac seeks
SWF knife thrower.
Allen Jones
My life’s accomplishments?
Sanity, and you.
Elizabeth Gilbert
Cuddling in bed, she said
Christopher Warren
People can’t want what they
Dr. Drew Pinsky
And his relationship status
said “Married.”
Genevieve Donaldson
Only once. It was a doozy.
Marc Mondfrans
Where he is, I am home.
Julia Evans
Marriage is annual contract,
renew wisely.
Kristi James
Surprise! Her affairs turn
husband on.
Laurie Simpkinson
Bachelor visits
library, books wife
Michael Perry
I always take love frivolously
Xaviera Hollander