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Authors: Ana E Ross

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He reached a hand down between them and spread his palm across her belly and caressed her softly.  It was so tiny and flat.  He wondered if his child had room to grow in there.  He eased her onto her back and kissed his way slowly down her body to her stomach, where he stopped and planted a series of kisses on the soft skin there, before laying his cheek against her.  “You make me so happy.”

He felt her hands on his head, her fingers burrowing into his hair, caressing him as he savored the newness of being told he was going to be a father.  It was a gloriously rapturous feeling.

Finally, he lifted his head and gazed up at her.  “Now that my parents are here to take care of the kids, I want to take you away on a honeymoon to anywhere in the world you want to go.  Just say it and we’re there.”

Her smile was radiant.  “Disney World.”

Bryce cocked his head, his brow wrinkling.  “Disney World?”

“Oh, please, Bryce.  It was the one place I wanted my daddy to take me when I was a little girl, but we didn’t have the money to go.”

Bryce’s heart ached with the pain and neglect she’d endured as a child.  He moved back up in the bed and rolling onto his back, he brought her to lie supine on top of him again.  “Okay, sweetheart.  I’ll take little Kaya Brehna to Disney World,” he said, brushing her hair from her eyes.

“Can big Kaya come, too?” she asked with a mysterious twinkle in her eyes.  

“She’d better.”  Bryce had an overwhelming need to be with her, in her, show her how much he desired her, wanted her, loved her.  “Are you up to making love?” he asked reaching out to turn off the light.

“What kind of stupid question is that?  I should kick you out of bed just for asking?”

Bryce chuckled.  “Just try.”  He pulled her gently up and met her halfway.

Her lips were warm and gentle as they joined his in a deep, soul-wrenching, tantalizing kiss.  Her hands came up to caress his face, her fingers burrowed into his hair.

Bryce’s hands trailed eagerly down her soft body, caressing every sacred inch of her.  He sighed in pleasure as his hands moved to cup her delectable buttocks.  She rubbed against him and curved her body, allowing him to easily dip his finger between the apex of her thighs to find her hot and wet, ready for him. 

Four days was way too long for him not to have made love to his wife.  “I missed you, love,” he whispered against her lips.

“I missed you too, so much.  I love you, so much.”

With a bit of maneuvering of their bodies, Bryce spread her thighs over his and eased his turgid aching erection inside her warm slippery channel.  She trembled on a long deep sigh of desire as her muscles closed and tightened around him.  Each tremor resonated deep inside Bryce, past his flesh to his heart and soul.

He angled his head and captured one swollen breast in his mouth and suckled her.  The thought of his baby’s little mouth nursing at her breasts in less than nine months deepened his hunger.  He captured the other one and with his hands on the lovely arc of her buttocks, guiding her, he began to thrust up inside her, slow, deep, and steady.  Her sighs and moans and the undulating movements of her body on his sent deep, earth-shaking tremors surging through him.

Flames of passion churned deep within both of them, pushing them higher and higher to that pinnacle of delight where the only way out of the sizzling vortex that whipped them about was to crash and burn.  They cried out each other’s names as the hot tide of passion pulled them under then eject them up and out into the universe, where they exploded, shattering into a million glowing stars.  Yet one body, one mind, one soul.

They clung to each other, soaked and trembling, fighting for air.

Lying on his stomach with his still hungry sex buried inside her, Kaya spoke.  “Bryce?”

“What, sweetheart?”

“My panties have been disappearing.”

Bryce held his breath, his stroke down the hollow of her back temporarily halted.  “I wonder where they could be.”

“I found a few in the pockets of your trousers.  And I know why you take them.”

Bryce chuckled.  “You got me.” 

He groaned as her muscles contracted around him as if to punish him.

“You're a dirty, dirty man.”

His laughter floated up from his throat, and he felt the vigor return to his sex, full force.  It was going to be another long night of passion.  Supporting Kaya’s back with his arm, Bryce rolled over and pinned her to the mattress.  “Can’t help it.  I love the way you smell, love.  And you’re right, I’m dirty.  Just let me show you how dirty I am.”

He reached down to where their sexes were joined and lathered his fingers with her hot juices.  He smeared it all over her face, her chin, her neck, loving the delicious chuckles she emitted.  He kissed her deeply, and as her laughter turned to desire and she began to move provocatively under him, Bryce buried his nose in the hollow of her neck.  “What’s the count?” he asked against her skin.  They’d been practicing Taoist Secrets of Love.

“Nine,” she whispered on a shudder.

Bryce recaptured her mouth as he began to thrust with measured strokes.  Nine shallow quick thrusts, one deep and long, nine shallow, one deep, nine shallow… 

Bryce repeated the mesmerizing cadence until Kaya’s erotic groans and unintelligible words floating from her lips, the unrelenting convulsions of her thrashing body, the thumping of her heart under his, the sheen of moisture covering her body, told him that she was trapped in the relentless cyclone of a series of tumultuous orgasmic waves.  She was drowning, raking her sharp nails into his back, bawling out his name, and the only way he knew to save her was to jump in the water with her.

All the blood in Bryce’s body rushed to gather in a sizzling whirlpool between his legs.  He thrust with renewed speed and intensity—just in and out at his body’s will, for his mind had gone numb.

When the dam broke and his seed flooded her womb, Bryce bellowed Kaya’s name then dropped his head in the hollow of her neck and filled his lungs with her intoxicating aroma.

As he succumbed to the flames of surrender, Bryce thought that if anyone ever asked him what love smelled like, his reply would be, “

The End

From the Desk of Ana E Ross

Dear Reader,


I hope you enjoyed following Bryce and Kaya on their journey to love and Happily Ever After in The Mogul’s Reluctant Bride.  If you haven’t already, check out 
The Doctor’s Secret Bride
 – Book One in the series, and read about Erik and Michelle’s journey to their own HEA.


Reviews, comments, follows, and likes are greatly appreciated.





Until our paths cross again in Granite Falls, enjoy an excerpt from
Book Three
The Billionaire Brides of Granite Falls




Chapter One

He was the epitome of masculinity as he strolled through the door of the ski cabin, bringing a draft of New England’s frigid air with him.  The rough-hewn floor groaned under his weight, and his hard muscles rippled beneath his skin-tight ski outfit as his sturdy legs transported his six-foot, three-inch frame across the room.  He came to a stop in front of a woodstove, pulled off his mittens and held his large hands toward the roaring flames.  

Nia’s eyes glowed with a mixture of conflicting emotions as she gaped at the notorious Italian playboy of the century—Massimo Luciano Andretti, sole heir to Andretti Industries, one of the largest textile manufacturers in the world. 

With his smooth olive complexion, jet-black wavy hair, a wide sensuous mouth, and eyes as blue as the Atlantic Ocean on a sunny day, Massimo was by far the sexiest exhibit in the billionaire bachelors’ storefront window.  No woman he set his sights on was safe.  He captured them, pampered them, bedded them, then wiped his mouth and moved on to the next willing victim like an impartial judge at a pie-baking contest.

But Massimo’s irresistible sex appeal wasn’t the reason Nia had tracked him down to his resort mountain town of Granite Falls, New Hampshire.  She had a six-year-old score to settle with the bastard who’d caused her family’s financial ruin, the death of her father, and just recently placed her younger brother’s and her own lives in jeopardy.   

On his dying bed, her father had made her promise to forgive the Andretti’s and take care of Aaron.  Nia had kept her promise and gone on with her life as best she could, even though she had never been able to put Massimo Andretti completely out of her mind since she’d first seen him seven years ago.

Aaron had grown into a responsible young man and didn’t need her protection from Maine’s child welfare system, anymore.  He was a high school senior, and had recently received an early acceptance and a full scholarship to attend Princeton next year.  Nia was so proud of him, and grateful that she’d had a chance to give him as normal a life as possible.  It wasn’t easy, and many times she’d prayed for someone to come along and take the enormous burden of parenthood off her young shoulders.  But no one had come.  She was all Aaron had, and he was all she had.  Together, they’d survived their turbulent past and had been looking forward to a better future. 

But the past had a way of invading a girl’s present and hijacking her future.  It showed up in the form of a letter from a loan shark named Eddie.  Included in the letter was a copy of a six-year-old promissory note that bore her father signature.  Apparently, in a desperate attempt to save their family’s paper mill, her father had borrowed a substantial amount of money from Eddie after Massimo failed to honor the contract his then recently deceased father, Piero, had made with hers.  Eddie wanted his money—interest, penalties, and late fees included.

The letter was addressed to Nia Sylk.  Nia still had no idea how Eddie had tracked her down, especially when she’d been so careful to cover her tracks over the years.  She’d simply ignored the letter, hoping he would think the intended party never received it, but when a second letter arrived with a picture of Aaron walking home from school that very day, and a promise that he would be hurt—first, if she didn’t produce the money within three months, Nia knew she was in real trouble.

There was no way she could come up with a million dollars—ever—much less in three months.  In her desperation, her thoughts went to one man—Massimo Andretti.  He had caused this problem.  It was only fair that he fix it.  She’d thought of writing to him, but recalling her father’s numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact him, six years ago, she’d decided it was a waste of time.

Luckily for her, the delivery of the second letter coincided with the breakup of Massimo’s six-month engagement to an English heiress.  Nia wasn’t surprised when it fell apart.  Massimo was an Andretti, and five months into the engagement, rumors of an affair began flying.  Then just two weeks ago, the bride-to-be cancelled the wedding.  Nia didn’t blame the woman—it wasn’t like she needed his money.  Andretti men were known to carry on affairs during their marriages.  Massimo was already proving he was hewn from the same philandering piece of granite.

He hopped beds as frequently as he hopped the globe, which was pretty often, seeing he owned companies on every continent.  His five-month engagement to the heiress was the longest relationship he’d ever maintained.  He never denied the charges of infidelity, and he didn’t even seem shaken up over the breakup.  As far as the world knew, he hadn’t yet zeroed in on his next catch.  But with Massimo, one never knew.

The thought of associating herself with such an unscrupulous man sent pangs of disgust and fear surging through Nia.  But she had no choice.  Her father owed Eddie.  Massimo owed her.  His broken promises had destroyed her family.  That debt was not hers.  It was Massimo’s.  And it was time he paid it.

Pushing back the clouds of fear, Nia rubbed her palms along her arms and curled her fingers into the soft material of her cashmere sweater.  Her new wardrobe and travel expenses had cost several thousand dollars, not to mention the high interest on her credit cards, but she couldn’t approach Massimo looking like an underpaid schoolteacher.  He was a man who appreciated classy women.  She’d never seen a shabby-looking interest on his arm. 

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