Baby Love (3 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Baby Love
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    “Oops,” Gina murmured, apologetically.
   “Maybe I jostled her a little too much just now.”
     Trey cocked an eyebrow at her.
   “You think Gina?”
     We scurried out of the apartment waiting until we were safely in the elevator before we cut loose with our giggling.
    “The Hot Nazi is pissed at me I’ll bet,” Gina said grinning from ear to ear.
    “It’s dry cleanable, no worries,” I answered.
    “Seriously though, Ty.  He is adorable with her I have to admit.”
     “I know,” I replied warmly.  “He has surpassed my expectations as a father that is for sure.  I mean I knew that he would eventually get with the program, but right from the start he has been a major help with the baby.”
      We were in Gina’s car on the way to the gym and she had been quiet for the past few minutes.
     “Ian and I are off birth control,” she stated quietly.
     “That is so great Gina!  I hope you get pregnant quickly so that there isn’t too much of an age difference between our babies.”
     “Wouldn’t that be so cool?  I want to breast feed too.  You make it look so easy Ty.”
     “It is easy,” I admitted.  “But more than that, it is just so special the way it makes you feel.  It’s hard to describe.  Did I tell you that I want to start sleep-sharing?"
     “Sleep sharing? What is that exactly?”
     I explained to Gina that many parents that are breastfeeding their infants are now opting to have the ‘family bed’, which is where the mother, father, and baby all sleep together.  It was supposed to help with total family bonding as well as benefit the infant promoting security and self-confidence.
    “So the Hot Nazi is down with that?”
    “Well actually I haven’t discussed it with Trey in any detail yet.”
    “Right,” she laughed.  “You be sure and let me know how that goes, alright?”
    “I think Trey will be on board with it,” I lied.
    “Ty – I hate to state the obvious here girlfriend, but it looks like I have to.  How in the hell are you two supposed to have a sex life with a baby there in bed with you all night long?”
       I flushed knowing that this would be the same argument I could expect from Trey when I approached him on it.
     “Gina,” I replied patiently, “It enhances the specialness for couples as they find more creative and spontaneous times and places in their schedules to accommodate their lovemaking in private.” 
              I had practically memorized this verbatim from the information I had found online relative to the ‘family bed’.
Gina replied.  “I’m gonna go out on a limb here Tylar and say that there isn’t going to be any ‘family bed’ in your house as long as Trey is living there.”
              She started snickering.  I ignored her for the moment fairly certain that she was right.
       Pilates was brutal but well worth it when I got home and weighed myself on the bathroom scale.  I had lost two more pounds since last week.  I had only four more pounds to go until I would be back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
      Trey was in our bedroom watching something on ESPN.  Preston was sleeping soundly in her bassinet next to our bed.  I crawled up on the bed next to Trey.
      “How did she do for you tonight?” I asked him.
      “She was a perfect angel as always,” he boasted gently tugging at my ponytail to draw my face close to his.  He kissed me warmly.
      “I’m going to grab a shower.  Want to join me?” I asked.
       Trey gave me his dimpled grin.  Within moments we
were soaping each other up in the shower, enjoying the
feel of our hands all over each other.  We quickly towel dried ourselves then made a beeline for the bed while we had this window of opportunity before Preston would demand my attention once again.               
        We crawled beneath the sheets still damp from our shower.  Trey was on his back, his arm crooked beneath his head, watching me as I traced his nipple with my tongue.  I continued on a southward path down his taut belly and below. 
              My hands caressed his hips and massaged his firm ass.  I parted his thighs and crawled between his legs and knelt, bending over to allow my damp hair to caress his belly while I took his manhood into my mouth.  I gently flicked my tongue along the growing length of it.
                “Mmmm,” I moaned as I brought his erection to fullness. 
              I went up and down on him, rocking back and forth to take his full length into my mouth.  My tongue swirled hungrily around and around the head, tasting his clear fluid as his hips gyrated with pleasure. 
              My fingers massaged his scrotum gently; my fingernails traced the seam to his sensitive perineum.  I applied pressure to several spots there.  I could tell my massaging was bringing considerable pleasure to him.  He moaned each time I increased the pressure in a different area.
              “Oh baby,” he rasped, “Are you ready for some protein?”
              His hips were thrusting faster and harder now.  I moaned loving the taste of him; hungry for the warm, salty protein he was about to give me.  I sucked harder now; working my mouth to bring him his pleasured release.
                 Just then Preston started fussing from her bassinet.  I could hear her sucking loudly on her fingers.  She was hungry and it was right on schedule.  I tried to increase my rhythm on Trey, going up and down on him faster.  He had slowed his thrusting, distracted by the
baby's fussing.  Her discomfort was quickly escalating into full-blown crying.
                It was no use.  The window of opportunity had slammed shut for the moment. His hands framed my head, brushing my hair back and raising me up gently so that I could see his face.
                “Take care of Preston baby.  I can wait.”
              He smiled at me with his still smoldering eyes that were hungry for fulfillment.  We both understood that she was our priority now.  I lifted his hand, kissing the palm of it before I scooted out of our bed and lifted my hungry baby to my breast.  She rooted for a couple of seconds before firmly latching on to my nipple.
                 I climbed back up into bed next to Trey, pulling the sheet up around us as he pulled me back against him, resting an arm around my shoulder. 
              Preston’s sapphire blue eyes were wide as she locked her gaze onto me; her tiny fist kneading my breast.  I looked down at her thinking about what she had just interrupted.  She smiled up at me, dimpling in that same way Trey did; a droplet of milk ran down her chin.
                 I smiled back at her, cradling her closely to me.  Her head bobbed at my breast as she sucked noisily to fulfillment.
              Dr. Addison cleared me as being completely healed at my appointment.  He indicated that I could resume full sexual activity.  I knew Trey would be delighted with this news.
              The doctor and I discussed birth control that would accommodate my breast-feeding.  I decided to be fitted for a diaphragm; it was the most risk-free option in my mind.
              I discussed the 'family bed' with Dr. Addison, confiding to him my fears that Trey would shoot it down due to our "robust" sex life. Dr. Addison chuckled.  I had a feeling he had heard it all before.
              "The most important thing is that both you and Trey be fully committed to doing this.  That is the only way that it will successfully work.  Let Trey read the information.  Discuss it amongst yourselves; identify the pros and cons and then mutually decide what is best for all of you."
              "Thanks Dr. Addison, I will," I promised.  "I realize that it is a commitment for both of us."
              "Speaking of which, Tylar, I understand that you and Trey are to be married next month?"
              "Yes," I smiled.  We're getting married on July 4th at his family home in Virginia."
              "Independence Day, huh?"
              "Yes, doctor.  I guess you see the irony in that as well." 
              I smiled, as it had become a family joke with the Sinclair's since we had told them.
              "I think that you and Trey will make a wonderful family with your precious baby.  It does my heart good to see the commitment you both already have to yourselves and your beautiful daughter.  Best wishes to you both." 
              He smiled then, taking my chart and leaving the examination room.
              I removed the paper gown I had been given in advance of my examination and started getting dressed in my own clothing.  I contemplated how I would address a couple of these issues with Trey.
              It was not just the 'family bed', it involved abstinence as well.               I knew that Trey would be quizzing me at his earliest opportunity about what the doctor had said about resuming sex.  The truth was there was just under a month left until our wedding.  Part of me wanted to honor tradition and practice abstinence until our wedding night.  Having him agree to the 'family bed' would certainly make that part easier.
              Mrs. Harris had watched Preston for me while I kept my appointment with Dr. Addison.  She was an absolute dear with the baby; watching her occasionally on her days at our apartment so that I could run quick errands or keep appointments for various wedding preparations. 
              I didn't want to take advantage of her, so I went directly home after leaving the doctor's office.  I would take Preston with me tomorrow when I had the final fitting for my wedding gown.  Gina was going with me so she could help with the baby.
              Preston was awake in her swing when I got back to the apartment.  Jean was singing while she dusted the living room. Preston was swinging back and forth, content to watch her.
              She immediately recognized my voice as I greeted Jean and then bent down to talk to her. She smiled, dimpling me with her Trey dimple that warmed my heart.
              "That is one good baby you have there, Tylar," Jean said as she continued dusting. 
              "She never gives me a bit of trouble.  Whatever you are doing, it sure does make her one happy little baby girl I can tell you that."
              I beamed with pride.  Having no experience with babies it meant a lot that someone like Jean who had four children of her own would recognize that I was doing something right.  Of course I had to give Trey his just due.  He was a very participative father.
              "Thanks Jean," I said, lifting Preston from her swing.               
              I couldn't get enough of her baby smell. I pressed her close to me, planting soft kisses on her head.  She snuggled against me.
              "She sure does look like her daddy," Jean commented.  "Though I think she has your mouth and nose," she quickly added.  "Between the both of you, Preston is going to be one beautiful girl.  I can tell you that."
              "I think so, too, Jean.  Although it's mostly from Trey I think.  He is quite a handsome man."
              "Don't you sell yourself short Tylar. You are a mighty handsome woman yourself.  Why you and Mr. Sinclair complement each other with your good looks.  That baby got the best of both of you.  Anyone can see that."

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