Baby Love (7 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Baby Love
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              I allowed myself only one glass of champagne.  Susan insisted that she would bottle feed Preston through the night.
              Trey and I weren't leaving for Tybee Island until the following day.  Our official wedding night was to be spent in the bridal suite at the Marriott.  Trey had insisted on this and I suspected I knew the reason.  As long as we were at the house I would want to have Preston with us.  He had put his foot down.
              It was close to midnight when our limo arrived.  I kissed the baby goodnight as she slept in Tristan's arms. Once Trey had relinquished Preston into Susan's waiting arms, I reminded her that if anything happened she was to contact us at the Marriott immediately.  I saw Trey roll his eyes and shake his head, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the waiting limo.
              We were pelted with birdseed as we departed the estate headed toward the hotel and our wedding night.
              I snuggled against Trey in the limo; his arm was wrapped around me possessively.  I felt happier than I had ever thought possible. 
              Our suite was lovely.  Our luggage had been dropped off earlier and was in our room when we got there.  Trey opened another bottle of champagne and we shared a glass as we prepared for our bath. 
              Trey helped me out of my wedding gown.  I had lost the final four pounds gained during my pregnancy.  Thankfully, I hadn't gotten any stretch marks through the whole ordeal. 
              We lit candles in the bathroom and sank down into our warm bubble bath together.  I leaned back against Trey, loving the feel of his hands as they massaged my skin with soapy lather.  He lifted me up, turning me around so that we were face to face.
              Our lips met in a long, passionate kiss.  His tongue teased mine playfully.  I laced my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.  I could feel his erection underneath me and I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of me once again.  I had wondered if post-partum sex would be different.
              Trey lifted me from him, taking my hand as we left the tub.  I barely had time to wrap a towel around myself when he lifted me and carried me to the bed.
              "I'm not waiting one more minute to bury myself into you Tylar," he said, his voice husky.  "Is your diaphragm in place?"
              I smiled and nodded.  I knew Trey needed an initial fuck before we got down to more creative lovemaking.  I did as well.
              He pulled the towel from me, gazing down at me with hunger in his eyes.  He was kneeling on the bed, his erection stood bold and ready.  His knee nudged my thighs apart and he lowered his face to my sex, his tongue eagerly explored the soft folds beneath.  He inserted a finger inside of me; his thumb gently rolled the tip of my clitoris back and forth. 
              "You are wet already, baby," he said softly as I moaned and swiveled my hips in a circular motion in response to his touch.  He moved his face up to mine, capturing my lips with his as he removed his fingers from my womanhood.
              I felt him poised above me, his hand guiding his manhood to the apex at the top of my thighs.  In one swift movement he buried himself inside of me. 
I gasped as he plunged in and out of me. 
He placed his hands underneath my butt, raising me up to meet him.  My legs were wrapped around his hips, digging into his ass pulling him in deeper with each thrust.
              "God baby, I've missed this so much," he rasped, continuing his perfect flexing. 
              I was meeting him thrust for thrust, moaning at the pleasure I felt, as he possessed my body again and again. I felt the familiar warmth spreading at my core; the swelling of my sweet spot as the head of Trey's penis hit it again and again.  I moaned with pleasure.
              "Is that your spot baby?  Does that feel good?"
              "Oh God, yes Trey.  Please don't stop," I gasped, my fingernails digging into his back.
              "Tylar you feel so good baby.  You feel so fucking tight.  I'm ready baby."
              Trey increased his momentum as our pleasure spiraled to a peak together.  I was at the edge ready for a release I hadn’t felt for awhile.
              "That's my girl," his voice coaxed softly.  "That's my girl; come for Trey, baby."             
              My orgasm exploded around us.  I heard myself moaning and crying out Trey's name as my body found the wet release it so desperately needed.  Trey moaned with his release, gritting his teeth as his manhood pumped his ejaculation into me again and again. 
              "Oh God," I rasped, my body tingled with the aftershock. 
              "Oh baby," Trey said, out of breath as he collapsed against me. 
              We were both covered in sweat.  He perched his head on his elbow, gazing at me with eyes still dark with passion.  His fingers lightly traced my nipple, squeezing it gently.  I was always sensitive post-orgasm. 
              I felt him squeezing my nipple again causing me to letdown.  I knew what would happen if he did it again.  I waited to see if he would.
              He rolled my nipple around between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing it again.  This time a stream of breast milk squirted out.
              "Whoa," he said, surprised at the force of my milk stream.
              I laughed at his expression.  He lowered his mouth to my nipple and sucked on it gently.  I watched as he suckled from my breast.  I knew that he liked the taste of my breast milk.
              "Hmmm," he said, lifting his face up to mine.  "That does taste good Mrs. Sinclair.  I can see what all the fuss is about." 
              He lifted himself up and out of me.  He lay down next to me and continued to press playful kisses on my face and neck.
              "She's fine Tylar," he said, giving me a semi-stern look.
              "What?" I asked, feigning confusion.
              "Bobbin is fine," he repeated.
              "I know she is Trey," I lied. 
              I hated being apart from her and he knew it. 
              "Tylar," he started, a slight frown creased his forehead.  "Have you discussed your separation anxiety with your doctor?"
              "What separation anxiety?"
              "Oh come on sweetie.  You can't stand being away from her for more than an hour or two.  And then this shit you've brought up about a 'family bed' recently.  I'm a bit worried that's all."

              Trey was starting to piss me off.  That was not a good thing for a couple on their wedding night I presumed.

              "Trey for the last time, a family bed is not about separation anxiety.  You've already told me 'no' so why are you bringing it up again?"

              "It's not just that Tylar; it's about your not wanting to be away from her even for our honeymoon.  We fought about that remember?"

              Of course I remembered.  It had only been last week for Chrissake.  All I had done was mention that it might be better to take Preston with us to Tybee Island rather than have to pump my breasts five times a day for the three days prior to leaving and then 'pump and dump' eight times a day for the two days we were gone.

              Trey had exploded when I had mentioned it.  He made me feel like some sort of 'Mommy Dearest' control freak.  It had not gone well.  I had given him the 'silent treatment' for the better part of a day. In the end, he had put his foot down again on that one.

              "Tylar I just think it may be something to discuss with your doctor.  It could be some form of post-partum stress or depression."

              "Trey I am not going to let you make me feel like some kind of nut job because I love my baby and I worry about her.  Why do you think that is so abnormal?"

              "I'm sorry I brought it up," he replied, raking his hand through his 'just-fucked' hair.  "It's our wedding night, baby.  Let's not argue okay?"

              "You started the shit," I snapped.

              "Come on," he said reaching his hand down for me to take his, "Let's go shower Mrs. Sinclair."
              I looked up at him seeing his warm and loving smile.  I knew that he only cared and worried about me.  Maybe I did have an attachment issue but it was only because I loved Preston so much.  I hadn't told Trey about my recent dreams.  They were the reason I didn't want to leave Preston for any length of time. . .
              I smiled up at my gorgeous husband, taking his hand and letting him pull me into the bathroom where we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves in the shower.
              Trey and I had returned to the manor the next morning to pack for Tybee Island.  I had been able to nurse Preston one last time before we left, getting my last "fix" with her before we left for two days.  I kissed her soft checks again and again. 
              Our two days and two nights at Tybee were totally relaxing, romantic and sex-filled.  We spent time on the beach, our honeymoon cottage included a very private beach which we thoroughly enjoyed - naked.  Trey and I reconnected sexually to heights of passion I had not imagined possible.  We were inseparable.  I felt so connected to him once again emotionally and sexually.
              Once we returned to Atlanta it was business as usual.  Trey resumed his hectic schedule at work; Gina and I hung out when possible, and Preston seemed to be growing and changing on a daily basis.  I celebrated my 22nd birthday with Trey and the baby at home. 
              Trey had once again put his foot down and said that Preston was old enough to be sleeping in the crib in her own room.  He moved the baby monitor to her room and she commenced sleeping in her crib there much to my dismay. 
              Trey was good about hearing her through the night.  He took responsibility for getting up and going to get her from her room bringing her to our bed so that she could nurse. He made sure once she had finished nursing she was carried back to her own bed and tucked in.  I missed having her fall asleep with us after nursing, but Trey was concerned that one of us might inadvertently roll over onto her.  He also took advantage of the fact that once I was awakened for her feedings we could squeeze some sex in right afterward.
              It was the second week of August.  Trey had just celebrated his 32nd birthday; Preston was a little over three months old. 
Gina had called earlier that morning, asking if Preston and I wanted to join her for lunch.  I suggested that she come over to the apartment and I would make lunch. 
              The truth was I didn't like taking the baby out in the August heat in Georgia.  She had been out over the past few days while I ran errands, went shopping and drove out to our house under construction to meet with a decorator.  Preston had a mild case of prickly heat on her bottom and the back of her neck.  I had been putting her in cloth diapers and pretty much letting her go without a shirt trying to get it cleared up.
              I bathed Preston, putting some calamine lotion and a light dusting of a cornstarch-based powder on her diaper area.  She was developing her own little personality now.  Like mommy, she loved her baths and loved it when I rubbed her skin with lotion. 
              I was putting calamine lotion on her bottom at the moment.  She was smiling and gurgling; trying her best to grab her feet that were up in the air while I was putting the cloth diaper up under her bottom.  My cell phone rang.  I quickly raised the sides on her changing table and pulled my phone out of the pocket of my shorts.
              "Mrs. Sinclair?"  The voice on the other end was not familiar to me.
              "Yes," I responded, "This is Tylar Sinclair."
              "Mrs. Sinclair, this is Cathy, Jean Harris's daughter calling.  I'm afraid there's been an accident.  My mother is in intensive care.  I wanted to let you know on account of she won't be coming in to work for you until further notice."
              "Oh my God," I breathed.  "Cathy - what happened?"

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