Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1) (28 page)

BOOK: Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1)
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I love the smell of new things. The new paint, new leather... both meld into one giant aroma as I enter my new office. The lettering on the door is brand spanking new, too. I set my laptop case on my sparsely occupied desktop and make the rounds to start the coffee maker, boot up the computers and check my messages. My interns wo
t arrive until next week, but
ve been managing pretty well so far by myself, so I have no doubt the next handful of work days wo
t be any different.

Two hours and three cups of coffee later, my office phone rings. I stare at it, as very few people even have the phone number for it. I pick up the receiver and practice my well rehearsed introduction.

Vincenza Lombardi, how may I help you

I try to sound as professional as I can.

I reach for a pencil to scribble down any notes from the call.

Can you tell me
I am getting reports that you had drinks with E.J. Rizzo last night

I drop my pencil to the desk, the rubberized eraser causing it to rebound and bounce over the edge, landing on the floor an the far side from where I am sitting.

I inhale deep, preparing my answer, knowing full well how ridiculous it will sound. I do
t get to offer it though, as I am cut off.

I thought I made myself abundantly clear on this, V. And yet, what do you know? The second I leave town, yo
re spotted in a restaurant with the one man who I would kill with my bare hands for simply speaking to you

I widen my eyes in shock at the violent threat.

t even... If I was
t clear before, let me make myself crystal for you. You are not to speak to the man, you are not to have drinks, dinner or any other meal with the man, V. You are not to share phone calls, text messages, or emails with the man. Is there anything I have forgotten to specifically detail

Anger flashes inside me, as Dom continues his tirade. I stand up, pushing myself up from my seat.

ll talk about this when I get home. Until then, just do as I say


He hung up on me. My eyes bore into the dial tone radiating from the receiver in my hand. That son of a bitch hung up on me! I use my shaking finger to pound the numbers into the keypad of the phone. Two rings later, i
s answered.



I interrupt.
m the one talking now. First of all, I did
t have drinks or anything else with him. I was waiting at a restaurant for
sister. E.J. Happened to be in that same bar, having a drink and approached me where I promptly, shut. Him. Down. So the next time one of my little babysitters reports back to you, make sure you have your facts straight before you have the nerve to scold me. And we will
talk about this when you get home, because I will most likely not be talking to you
at all
. Do
make myself

I do
t wait for an answer as I pound the phone into the receiving dock. I find my anger is only escalating, so I pick up the phone and slam it down three more times. The phone immediately rings. I carefully lift the handle and stretch the cord, tossing the receiver into the trash, at which point my cellphone begins to vibrate. I power the phone down and stuff it deep into my handbag.

I manage to get another half hour or s
s worth of work accomplished before the emails begin to flood my inbox. I delete each one without reading. I continue with my mental to-do list.

All of the event invitations have been sent, the transportation arranged, vendors hired, and legal paperwork for our scholarship fund in place to be executed. As of now, I think ther
s not much left to do other than wait.

I use the search engine on my computer to browse for spyware and software capable of intercepting emails. After last nigh
s charade, I need to know how our mishap was orchestrated. No direct links are found other than prototypes and patent pending research proposals. I take the opportunity to change all of my passwords, to strengthen them against hacking. I choose the most fitting code that enters my mind at the moment. All caps.





Other than a barrage of direct-to-voicemail phone calls, an inundation of emails, several bouquets of delivered flowers and even an armed couriered jewelry delivery, all from Dom, the next handful of days pass uneventfully. I manage to finalize all of the event details and tidy up some loose ends. With more than a couple of late nights under my belt, and even earlier mornings... I decide to let loose and have some fun. Stephanie and I have been playing phone tag for weeks, since her return from her family vacation. We make plans to meet up later tonight for a good old-fashioned gir
s night out.

I find myself watching the clock like a hawk, begging it to magically turn to five PM so I can lock up and head home guilt-free for the weekend. With twelve minutes to go, I begin to power-down my computer while tossing loose scraps of paper into the trash pail. Ten minutes. I can practically feel the outdoor sun on my face.

What happens next throws me for one hell of a roller--coaster loop. With my office door opened, I have a direct view into the outer lobby. The overly made-up, leopard-print wearing, ozone-killing, perfumed blow-up doll walking in, is just enough to make me curse under my breath. I have
t seen Tanya since Cecil
s baby shower. I had hoped not to have to see her again for at least s few months, in light of the new revelations regarding her past with Dom.

” Her squeaky, nasally, voice calls out through the opened doors.

I slam my hand down on the desk, using the momentum to push myself away. The wheels on my chair continue to roll back after
ve left it. I close my eyes tight.

m in here.
m not exactly sure what yo
re doing here, but,
m really not in the mood for this

s silicone infused boobs make it through the door before she does. Her giant faux snakeskin bag clashes terribly with her Carmela Soprano mini-dress, but tha
s the least of her problems. And mine.

Well, look at you all settled into your new offic
…” She looks around, taking stock of the half furnished office space.
Looks like the princess is finally taking her thrown

I silently wonder at the appropriateness of a full-fledged bitch-fight in the middle of the office, and although I decide i
s not exactly the epitome of professional, I none the less prepare myself for it.

I really do
t have the time for this, Tanya.
m heading out
” I grab my handbag and begin to make my escape.

This wo
t take long
” I roll my eyes at her words, knowing that absolutely
  with Tanya does
t take long
Cecily thinks I should apologize to you for how you took what I said at the shower

Of course, Tanya ca
t just apologize for saying the things she did, she has to spin it and apologize for the way
I took it
. Like it was something I did. I
s now five PM.

Thanks.... I
s really not necessary. I absolutely have to be going

Tanya is like a little chihuahua nipping at my heels,
I think i
s important to explain to you

I spin around.
No! I do
t need you to
anything. Do
s already clued me in to your... your history. I do
t need to know any more of it

A wickedly evil smile plays out over Tany
s horribly vibrant red shiny lips.
Oh really? Are you sure h
s told you
? I highly doubt that

Whatever small amount of patience
ve been using to restrain myself is now gone. I point my finger at the wanton woman in front of me

m sorry that things did
t work out the way you wanted them too.
m sorry you have
t been able to move on, but my relationship with Dom has absolutely nothing to do with you or anything that happened between the two of you a long time ago

That seemed to be exactly what Tanya was waiting to hear. I can practically see her salivating at the mouth.

You really believe that do
t you? You think your perfect little life just happened to fall right into place, do
t you
” She laughs

For someone so smart, with your fancy school and your fancy job, you really are just a dumb little girl... a little baby. Maybe tha
s why they still call you Baby V

Our escalating voices must have traveled far, as a security guard enters our space,
Miss. Lombardi, is everything alright

I turn to greet the uniformed employee, glancing down to spot his name badge.

Yes, thank you Charles. Could you please escort this young woman from the building. And please make sure to stop at the central security desk on your way out so a picture may be taken to ensure that she will not mistakenly be admitted again

I smile at Charles, patting his shoulder in appreciation as he gladly begins his task.

Thankfully, the floor that my new department is housed in is sparsely occupied, so there are only a few witnesses, and all employees that
ve gone out of my way to introduce myself to over the last couple of weeks. They watch empathetically as I pass before turning their dagger eyes to the trouble maker.

In one last act of hoorah before her exile, Tanya screams out,
You should ask your
about your deep dark family secrets, kid

The elevator doors begin to close with me safely behind them. I can see Tanya struggling and resisting against Charles and the second security guard brought in to assist. Last I checked, they carried tasers. Hopefully they shock the bitch. She deserves it.




I scan the growing crowd for the person I am looking for. I have
t seen Steph in a little while but I ca
t imagine she looks all that different than when
ve last seen her... minus the graduation gown. Several preppy-looking guys spot me as I enter the restaurant and I can immediately see the appeal and why Steph chose this place. Sh
s always been a sucker for a fresh-cut, good looking guy in an blazer. Sh
s had a psuedo-crush on Dom ever since meeting him four years ago. She hit the roof when she found out
d gotten together with him- in a good way. In her own words, if she could
t have him, she was happy he was
t going to waste. I had to laugh at that one.

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