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Authors: Brenda Jackson

Bachelor Unforgiving (7 page)

BOOK: Bachelor Unforgiving
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Chapter 7

rowning in irritation, Virgil stepped off the elevator to the executive floor of Bougard Enterprises. Why had he allowed Xavier to put that foolish notion into his head about Kara stepping into the role of his exclusive love interest? And what bothered him more than anything was that he'd been giving it serious consideration. How crazy was that?

He hadn't been able to sit and watch his favorite TV show for thinking about the possibilities...especially how the thought that he and Kara were back together would irk Marti to no end. But what really had him twitching in the gut was his attraction to Kara. Last night's dinner showed she could still raise his desire to an unprecedented level. It had taken every bit of control he had to concentrate on the taste of his steak and not allow his mind to be flooded with memories of the taste of her.

However, like Xavier had pointed out, such a move had its advantages. But just like there were pluses, he could think of several minuses.

He walked into the lobby adjacent to his office. “Good morning, Pam.”

His administrative assistant gave him a huge smile. “Good morning, Mr. Bougard. Your father is waiting for you in your office.”

Virgil's smile faded. “He is?”


Virgil assumed his parents would stay in Houston for at least another month. In addition to Leigh and Chad, his father's family still lived there as well as a few high school pals he'd stayed close to over the years. That was one of the reasons his parents had purchased a second home in Houston.

“Hold my calls for a while, Pam.”

“Sure thing.”

He walked into his office to find his father standing at the window staring out. “Dad, I hadn't expected you back in Charlotte for a while.”

His father turned around and smiled. “And I hadn't expected to come back. Rhona remembered she agreed to be commencement speaker next weekend at UNC Charlotte. She wanted to return early to concentrate on writing her speech.”

“I see.” Virgil wondered if that meant his father would be hanging around Bougard Enterprises while he was in town. His father's next words gave him hope that would not be the case.

“Rhona suggested I fly back to Houston tomorrow. A few of the guys—former high school classmates of mine—planned a fishing trip this weekend.” Matthew chuckled. “Your mother needs to work on her speech and claims I'll be a distraction if I am here.”

“And I agree,” Virgil said smiling. “You know how quiet Mom likes it when she's in her Dr. Rhona B. Bougard mode, Dad.”

In all honesty, Virgil was proud of his mother, who had earned her PhD in education before he had started high school. She had been the president of Johnson C. Smith University for years before retiring two years ago.

Matthew nodded. “I definitely don't want to distract Rhona and there's really no reason to hang around here. I got a copy of Kara's action plan. It seems the two of you have everything under control.”

Virgil moved toward his desk to place his briefcase on top of it. If his father assumed that was the case then he would let him. “I take it you looked over what she proposed.”

“Yes. Her recommendations are on point. I can see how they will improve your image. Having a steady woman and making yourself more visible in the community where it counts are good strategies.”

Virgil figured now was not the time to tell his father that, although he intended to be more visible in the community, he had no intention of having a steady woman of any kind.

“Well, I'll be going now. I'm flying back to Houston tomorrow for that fishing trip.” Before heading for the door Matthew said, “I'll see you when I get back next week, and I'm looking forward to meeting your lady.”

Virgil raised a brow. “What lady?”

“The one you select to be seen around town with on a consistent basis. And it would be nice if you brought her to UNCC's commencement to hear your mom's speech. I anticipate a lot of people will be there and it will be a great place to be seen with her. For you to bring her around your parents will give the impression the two of you are serious.”

Matthew glanced at his watch. “I need to run. Can't keep my queen waiting.” And then he opened the door and was gone.

Virgil sat down at his desk and stared at the closed door for a long moment while thinking that some days it didn't pay to get out of bed. He built a steeple with his fingers while leaning back in deep thought. His father naturally assumed he would fall in line with every one of Kara's recommendations since he expected his son to put the needs of Bougard Enterprises before his own.

Virgil knew there was no good reason for him not to go along with everything Kara had suggested. And taking everything into consideration, he also knew Xavier was right. Kara would be the logical choice if he did so.

He stood, walked over to the window and shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked out. How would she feel if he suggested such a thing? For all he knew she was already in a relationship with someone. He hadn't made it his business to keep tabs on her since their breakup. As far as he'd been concerned, the less he knew about what was going on with her, the better.

He had to admit that rekindling an affair with Kara would seem more believable to people than for him to suddenly develop a deep interest in one of his lovers. Why did the thought of having to spend so much time with Kara twist his insides into knots? Considering their strained relationship, could the two of them even pull such a thing off?

His cell phone rang and from the ringtone he knew it was York. He and his wife Darcy lived in New York. Pulling the phone out of his pocket, he clicked it on. “Yes, Y?”

“Just giving you an update. I've been gathering information on Whitney Hilton's past as you requested, but you might want me to take a look at her old man's, as well.”

“Marv Hilton? Why?”

“I'm finding stuff on him that's rather interesting.”

Virgil nodded. “Interesting enough to use as leverage to make him back off?”

“Possibly. He's a businessman. One who's well thought of in the community. I'm sure he wouldn't want anything from his past to resurface that could tarnish his image like he's trying to do to yours. What's the saying? Don't try cleaning up somebody else's house unless yours is spotless.”

“I see what you mean. Let's see what we can find that could possibly stop him in his tracks.”

“Will do.”

After hanging up the phone, Virgil leaned back against the windowsill. If York was to find some damaging information on old man Hilton, then...

Virgil knew he couldn't get his hopes up on that possibility. Even if York was onto something, it might take weeks before Virgil received a final report. So he was back to square one. The action plan Kara had devised.

He knew what he had to do. Drawing in a deep sigh he walked back over to his desk and picked up his phone. “Yes, Mr. Bougard?”

“Pam, please get Kara Goshay on the line.”

* * *

Kara looked up from her documents. “Yes, Janice?”

“Someone is here to see you and he doesn't have an appointment.”

Kara raised an arched brow. “Who is it?”

From the tone of Janice's voice, it was apparent whoever had dropped by without an appointment was standing within listening range of their conversation.

“Mr. Virgil Bougard and he says he needs to speak with you immediately.”

Kara frowned. Virgil had called twice today already, but at the time, she hadn't had the inclination to talk to him and had told Janice to tell him that she would call him back by the end of the day. She'd taken as much of him as she could at dinner last night. Dealing with him had left her emotionally drained and she wondered what was so important for him to seek her out today.

“Okay, Janice, please send him in.”

Kara stood, not wanting to remember Virgil's last visit to her office and all the scandalous things they had done in here. It had taken months, or rather years, to wipe the memories from her mind and the last thing she needed was for them to resurface. But they were doing so anyway.

She had been working late one night and Virgil had surprised her with takeout dinner. She would never forget the moment she had looked up from the stack of papers on her desk to find him standing there with a delivery bag in his hand. The aroma of the food had gotten to her, but it was the look of heated desire in his eyes that had really set everything inside her throbbing.

She wasn't sure how they got through their meal. Needless to say, after finishing off the food, they had then proceeded to finish off each other. She wasn't sure who'd made the first move that night, nor had she cared. The main thing she remembered was that they'd both stripped naked and made out all over this room. After that night she hadn't been able to sit down at her desk and not remember the time he'd made love to her on top of it.

The door opened and Virgil walked in. Her breath caught with every step he took into the room. He had a serious expression on his face but that wasn't the primary thing holding her attention. As usual he was male perfection, immaculately dressed and handsome as sin. She really didn't like the way her body was responding to him and fought hard for control.

She watched Virgil close the door behind himself and glance over at her. “Thanks for seeing me, Kara.”

Coming around her desk, she leaned back against the front of it. “What's this visit about, Virgil? What's so urgent that it couldn't wait until I could return your call later today?”

He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I've changed my mind.”

She lifted a brow. “Changed your mind about what?”

“Your recommendation that I date a woman exclusively.”

She was definitely surprised to hear this. But she also knew him well enough to know there was something more to it than him having a mere change of heart. “What made you change your mind?”

He didn't say anything for a moment. It was as if he needed to make sure whatever words he spoke were given much thought. “I realized nothing is more important to me than Bougard Enterprises, and that I would do just about anything to ensure its continued success. Even if it means making sacrifices.”

She nodded. “I think you're making the right decision. And like I said yesterday, if you're not comfortable with dating someone you know already, I have a friend who owns a legitimate escort service. One that has a good reputation for being discreet. I can call—”

“That's not necessary. I have someone in mind.”

She really shouldn't be surprised that he did, although he'd claimed otherwise yesterday. “Fine. Then I'll let you take care of that part of things. You don't need me for that.”

“Oh, but I will need you.”

She was confused. “Why would you?”

He crossed the room to stand in front of her. “Mainly because I want
to be that woman. The one I will be dating exclusively.”

Chapter 8

ara stared at him. She figured he had to be joking but the intense look in his eyes indicated he was dead serious. And considering his attitude at dinner last night and the things he'd said, that made her angry. “You have some nerve coming here and suggesting something like that. If I remember correctly, although you accepted my apology, you made it clear you would never forget about what I accused you of. You stated without batting an eye that we could never be friends. And I know the only reason you're even tolerating me is because of Matthew.”

“Will you at least hear me out?”

She raised her chin. “Why should I?”

“Because I'm the client, and although you presented my company with a good action plan, there's an aspect of it that won't work unless modifications are made.”

She narrowed her gaze at him. “I will work with any modifications you suggest as long as they don't include me.”

“But they do include you, because this idea of yours can only work with you.”

She rolled her eyes. “That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Why on earth would you, of all people, think that?”

“Because it's true. I will only feel comfortable with a woman that I know for certain won't get any ideas. You won't, since you know our relationship will never go back to the way it was before. And you know the arrangement is strictly a strategy to improve my image. I prefer not sharing such personal details with anyone else.”

“And you wouldn't have to if we used that escort service that I told you about.”

“It's too risky. What if someone was to discover it's nothing but a sham and that I'm paying someone to be seen with me?” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth to speak. “Before you say that there's no way anyone will ever find out, think again. Even with all the precautions and safeguards you put in place, can you guarantee that won't happen, Kara? Think about the consequences if it does. That would be a scandal Bougard Enterprises could never recover from.”

Kara knew he was right, but—

He cut off her thoughts. “Your company was hired to fix my image, Kara, not make a bigger mess of it.”

Virgil's words momentarily froze Kara and she held his gaze with her glare. “I know what my company was hired to do and I know what I'm doing, Virgil. Don't treat me like I don't.”

She saw the agitation in his face when he said, “Bougard Enterprises would not have hired you if we didn't believe that you knew what you're doing, trust me. All I'm saying is that for this plan of yours to work, all players have to be in the game. I know what I'm capable of doing and I doubt I can pretend interest in some woman.”

“But you can pretend interest in me? Knowing how you feel about me, that doesn't make sense,” she countered.

“Think about it, Kara. It makes perfect sense. First of all, you and I have a history and a lot of people remember that history. When they see us together again they will assume we've worked out whatever differences kept us apart.”

He paused a moment then added, “And as far as pretending interest in you, that will be easy, because that's all it will be—pretense. And I won't have to worry about you getting the wrong idea about anything.”

Kara hated admitting it but everything he'd said was true. They had dated exclusively for a full year and had been known as a couple in the community. They'd gone to events together and were always seen together. Everyone had speculated that eventually a wedding date would be announced. Some had even considered them the darling couple of Charlotte. At least that's how the society pages had pegged them thanks to a popular news column called
Flo on the Ro

For some reason the editor, a woman by the name of Florence Asbury, a romantic at heart, enjoyed keeping readers abreast on the romantic lives of some of Charlotte's prominent singles. Originally her column was called
Flo on the Romance Scene
, but later the title was shortened and became known as
Flo on the Ro
. Flo enlisted what had become known as Flo's Posse and the group would roam around town keeping their eyes and ears open for any newsworthy romantic gossip. A few years ago Flo and her posse had decided Kara and Virgil were newsworthy and she enjoyed writing about them in her weekly column, which had quite a following.

Then their breakup happened and it had fueled rumors as to what had caused it. It didn't help matters when Virgil reverted back to his old ways of being Charlotte's number-one womanizer.

“And you honestly believe people will assume we've reconciled our differences and are back together?” she asked him.

“I don't see why not. They only speculated as to why we broke up. Besides, it doesn't matter. It's been years and people love a good make-up story.”

Although Kara knew that to be true, she just wasn't sure that she and Virgil should be in the starring roles of one. He indicated he could pretend, but could she? And why should she? She wasn't responsible for his less-than-stellar image. However, she had been hired to fix it. And for that reason, a part of her refused to let his company be the one she failed to make into another success story. But still...

“I have to think about this, Virgil. There has to be another way.”

“If there is, you need to come up with it by next weekend. Mom is keynote speaker at UNCC's graduation and Dad wants me to bring whatever woman I've decided to date exclusively. He figures it will be the perfect time for us to be seen together.”

Kara agreed with Matthew that it would be the perfect time—if the plans didn't include her. “Like I said, I have to think about it. I'll get back in touch with you.”

He nodded and, without saying anything else, he turned and walked out of her office.

* * *

“So let me get this straight,” Cassandra Gilbert said to Kara through the phone line. “You found out Marti lied so you apologized to Virgil. He didn't accept your apology at first but has since come around, although grudgingly. And now his image needs repairing because of some scandal with another woman. Your company has been hired to fix it. And in doing so you'll be presented as his exclusive love interest.”

“Yes, that's about it,” Kara responded, setting her wineglass on her coffee table. She had needed someone to talk to and couldn't wait to get home to call her friend.

“In a way it's a rather smart move. Everyone will simply think the two of you have made up and gotten back together.”

“That's the plan.”

“Okay, so what's the problem?”

Kara rolled her eyes. “We're talking about Virgil Bougard, Cassandra.”

“I know who we're talking about, and the way I see it, there shouldn't be a problem unless...”

“Unless what?”

“Unless you're not as indifferent to him as you claim you are.”

Kara frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

“I think you know what I mean, Kara. You loved Virgil too much not to feel anything for him now.”

“Have you forgotten that I thought he betrayed me? When that happened, I stopped loving him,” Kara reminded her.

“Yes, I know how hurt you were, but did you really stop loving him?”

“Of course I did. I moved on.”

“Moved on? Who are you trying to fool? You never allowed yourself to get seriously involved with anyone else. Yes, you dated after Virgil but you never let anyone get close. I was there, Kara. I know. Besides, Virgil isn't a man a woman can fall out of love with easily.”

Kara defended herself. “Considering that I thought Virgil had betrayed me, falling out of love with him would have been understandable.”

“Understandable, yes, but it would not have been you. Like I said, you loved Virgil too much. You were hurt, devastated, but you can't convince me that you fell out of love with him completely.”

Kara wanted to argue with her friend, but Cassandra moved on to another topic. “I just can't believe Marti did that to you.”

“Sometimes I can't believe it myself. I probably would never have found out if I hadn't overheard that phone call.”

“Did she say why she did it?”

“She claims she was looking out for my best interests and felt Virgil would have eventually hurt me.”

“That's crazy. Virgil loved you. Anybody could see that. I guess that's one of the reasons I never thought he was guilty even when you did.”

Kara drew in a deep breath. “And now he hates me.”

“I doubt if he could hate you, Kara.”

“Trust me, he does. I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at me.”

“Yet he wants the two of you to pretend to be lovers?”

“Only to serve a purpose,” Kara said drily.

“So what are you going to do?”

“I don't know. It's my proposed action plan that he's using. I just didn't think he would involve me personally. I'll sleep on it and hopefully I will make the right decision tomorrow.”

“If I were in your shoes do you know what I would do?”

A part of Kara was afraid to ask. “What?”

“I would use that opportunity with Virgil to your advantage and remind him why he fell in love with you in the first place. I would make him remember how good the two of you were together.”

Kara shook her head even though her friend couldn't see her. “I'm not even sure I wish that was possible.”

“Regardless of what you're saying, I believe you and Virgil should be together. Your love just needs rekindling. A love as strong as the two of you had will never die.”

Kara wasn't as convinced as Cassandra seemed to be. “He's changed. It's like his heart is made of ice and it's my fault for not trusting him.”

“If his heart has turned to ice then you owe it to yourself to melt it.”

Kara fought back her tears. “I honestly don't think I can.”

“And I believe that you can. There's something you've omitted from your action plan, Kara. It's the only thing that can really help improve Virgil's image and behavior permanently. It will require that you and Virgil work out your differences and get back together for real. Otherwise, all you'll be doing is applying a temporary fix to the problem. Virgil might not know it, but he needs you back in his life. You were able to change him for the better once before and I believe you can do it again. The man loved you. He was happy back then. You owe it to yourself...and to make him happy again.”

Cassandra's words echoed in Kara's thoughts long after they'd said goodbye. Later that night after she had taken her shower and slid between the sheets, Kara couldn't stop thinking about everything Cassandra had said. Her friend was such an optimist, yet...
If his heart has turned to ice then you owe it to yourself to melt it.

Cassandra was right on point about the changes Virgil had made after they'd begun dating. When she'd met Virgil, he'd had a reputation of getting any woman he wanted. Yet she had made him earn his way into her bed. His entire outlook on life had changed and she knew for certain he'd given up his entourage of women just to be with her. She had been his one and only...until Marti's lie had made her believe otherwise.

And now he was back to his old womanizing ways. And she of all people was hired to clean up his image. Cassandra was right. All her company would do was put a bandage on the problem and not provide a permanent solution. It would be just a matter of time before he resorted back to his womanizing ways.

Could she be Virgil's permanent solution as Cassandra thought?

By the time sleep had lulled her to close her eyes, she had at least admitted something to herself. She was still in love with Virgil Bougard.

BOOK: Bachelor Unforgiving
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