Read Bachelor Unforgiving Online

Authors: Brenda Jackson

Bachelor Unforgiving (8 page)

BOOK: Bachelor Unforgiving
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Chapter 9

r. Bougard, Kara Goshay is—”

“Put her call through,” he interrupted.

He hoped Kara had made a decision about what he'd proposed to her yesterday, especially after he read the article appearing in that morning's newspaper. And then there was the phone call he'd received from Thomas Fortner.

Fortner had informed Virgil that he was considering taking his business elsewhere after playing golf with Marv Hilton this weekend. Virgil could just imagine what embellishment Hilton had added to the story to make Fortner consider doing such a thing.

“Ms. Goshay is not on the phone, sir. She's here and would like to see you.”

Kara was here?
“Please send her in.”

He clicked off the phone and adjusted his tie as he stood. In the old days Kara rarely read the morning paper before noon so chances were she was unaware of the article. In that case, was she here to turn down what he'd suggested yesterday? Fearing that possibility, last night he'd tried coming up with a plan B and had even gone so far as to make a list of other women. Not a single one he'd considered a strong candidate.

The door to his office opened and Kara walked in. He wondered if there would ever be a time when her entrance into any room would not take his breath away. As usual she looked beautiful. Professional and sexy rolled into one. Her chocolate-brown business suit emphasized her small waist and curvy hips. However, it was what was beneath that business suit that he was remembering so well.

It wasn't even ten in the morning, yet she looked as radiant as any woman had a right to be this early. She had a graceful, fluid walk, something he'd always admired watching, and he wasn't surprised at the sexual chemistry that surrounded them. It had always been that way and always would, regardless of how they barely tolerated each other.

“Kara, to what do I owe this visit?” He studied her. There was something about her that looked different this morning and he wasn't sure what it was.

“I've made a decision regarding your request yesterday. The one about us dating exclusively just for show.”


“And like you said, there could never be anything between us again. But letting people assume there is might work in our favor. Your image will improve and I'll get another success story to boast about.”

So in essence she would be using him like he would be using her. Why did the thought of that bother him? There was no reason for it. Like she said, in the end both of them would benefit.

“Are you willing to attend that commencement with me next weekend?” he asked her.

“Yes. I'm sure your father will explain things to your mother so she'll know the truth.”

“I'm sure he will.” He paused a minute then asked, “This plan will also require us to be seen together on occasion, around town, having dinners, going to movies. Do you have a problem with that?”

“I should be asking you that, Virgil. Will you have a problem with us being seen as if we're getting back together?”

Virgil knitted his brow for a second as he contemplated. “No, I won't have a problem with it. Those I care about will know the truth.”

“Fine. Then I'll see you next weekend,” she said, turning to leave.

“Meet with me later today.”

She turned back around. “Why?”

“To plan our strategy. Did you see the newspaper this morning?”


He picked up the copy off his desk and handed it to her. “We've drawn interest already.”

Kara read the headlines in the
Flo on the Ro

Has Charlotte's Biggest Womanizer Finally Come to His Senses?

Virgil Bougard was seen having dinner last week with Kara Goshay. It's been almost four years and the big question on this editor's mind is...are these two on again? I certainly hope so and think it's about time. Stay tuned.

A frown bunched Kara's brows. Below the article was a photo of her and Virgil enjoying dinner together that day at the Goldenrod Restaurant. Shaking her head, she handed the paper back to Virgil. “Who took that picture?”

“No telling. Smartphones can turn anyone into a photographer these days. Now we have to deal with everyone speculating. For us that might be a good thing. We need to keep the momentum going by being seen together often.”

“We'll be seen together next weekend at UNCC's commencement ceremony.”

“I think a couple of times before then wouldn't hurt. Let's meet later to discuss it. Plan strategies.”

Kara was inwardly elated he'd suggested meeting with her later; especially after she'd awakened that morning to decide Cassandra's suggestion last night had merit. She would use this opportunity to remind Virgil how good things used to be between them. Even if it didn't work, she felt it was a risk worth taking. The key was to not let him suspect anything, which meant she couldn't appear too eager for them to spend time together.

She gave a half-hearted protest. “I have a full day today, Virgil. I'm not sure I'll have time later.”

His eyes narrowed. She could tell he didn't like to be denied. He was a man who was used to getting whatever he wanted. “I suggest you squeeze me in somehow, Kara.”

She held his gaze and wondered what was there in the penetrating depths staring back at her. Cockiness? Anger? Lust? She hadn't missed the latter when she'd entered his office. He might be mad at her but she had clearly seen lust in his eyes when she'd arrived. That had given her hope. “Fine,” she finally said. “We can meet somewhere later this evening. Have your administrative assistant call and—”

“I will be the one who calls you,” he said, taking his phone out of his pocket. “What's your number?”

“It didn't change.”

He nodded and then punched in her phone number. She couldn't help being pleased that he remembered it. When her cell phone rang, he said, “Now you have my new number. Use it to reach me if you need to.”

“I doubt I will.” Turning back toward the door, she was surprised to hear him say, “You never know.” Then she walked out.

When the door closed shut behind Kara, Virgil sat down at his desk and leaned back in his chair. He'd figured out what was different about her today. Her hair. It still hung to her shoulders but instead of being curly it was straight. He always liked the curly hair style on her but thought he liked this one even better.

He then frowned. The fact that he'd noticed such a thing didn't sit well with him. Why would it matter to him one iota how she wore her hair? But he couldn't help remembering those times he would run his fingers through the thick strands and how he would enjoy gripping a handful of her hair whenever they made love.

He muttered a curse under his breath, knowing he had to get control. Regardless of the picture they would be painting for others, there was no going back. He would tell himself that a million times a day if he had to.

* * *

Kara entered the Racetrack Café. Unlike the last time she'd met Virgil for dinner and he'd taken her to a place they'd never dined in before, this was the very place they used to hang out most of the time. She was immediately flooded with memories of how they would meet here after work before heading to her place or his.

Instead of calling, he had texted her instructions to meet here. At first she'd found it odd he would choose this place since it had such a history for them. Then again, she figured if he wanted to make it seem as if they were getting back together, this was the perfect place.

The first thing she noticed was that the café wasn't crowded, which was unusual for a Thursday night.

She glanced around and saw him. When their gazes met, she suddenly felt a little breathless and forced her feet forward to where he was now standing. Unlike her, he'd taken the time to go home and change into jeans. Since she had a late business meeting, she was still wearing her two-piece suit and heels.

“Sorry, I'm late,” she said, trying to ignore the rapid beating of her heart. “Late meeting.”

“No problem,” he said, sitting back down after she slid into the booth across from him. “Glad you could make it. I saw you when you parked so I went ahead and ordered your Arnold Palmer.”

“Thanks.” She tried not to smile at the thought that he remembered her favorite drink. “You said we needed to meet to plan a strategy.” She could tell he'd showered because her nostrils picked up the clean scent of man as well as his familiar aftershave. It had always been her favorite.

“Yes, but that discussion can come later. I thought we'd eat first,” he said, breaking into her thoughts.

Kara tried to avoid looking at him by glancing around. “Not a lot of people here tonight.”

“There's a big Panthers pep rally going on at the stadium. They're gearing up for tomorrow's preseason opener against the Eagles.”


He chuckled. “You're still not a football fan, I see.”

“No. Some things never change, I guess.” Their gazes connected and she couldn't help but feel the chemistry. The same one they'd always shared. Despite how much he disliked her, that hadn't changed, which was a good thing.

He finally broke eye contact with her when the waitress delivered their drinks. She quickly took a sip of hers and appreciated the feel of the cold liquid moving down her throat. She felt hot and needed to cool off. Sitting across from her was the one man who had the ability to make her burn, both inside and out.

“So how was your day, Kara?”

She glanced back over at him. “Do you really want to know or are you just being nice?”

Virgil held her gaze. “Both.” Bougard Enterprises was the only reason he was sitting across from her now and not at that pep rally like everyone else. But still the man in him appreciated a good-looking woman, which was why he'd felt a tightening in his gut when he'd seen her walk into the café. “So tell me, how was your day?”

He watched her shrug her shoulders before taking another sip of her drink. “It went rather well, actually. I was hired to do a series of leadership seminars at Lufton Financial Services. And I also found out that I've been nominated by our local league of women voters for Businesswoman of the Year.”

A smile automatically touched his lips. He was genuinely happy for her. “Congratulations for both achievements.”


“We need to celebrate this weekend.”

She lifted a brow. “We do?”

“Yes. It will be a good excuse for us to be seen together. I'll make the arrangements.”

She reached out and the touch of her hands on his sent stirring sensations ricocheting all through him, sensations he was sure she felt, too. But she didn't let go. “No, let me make the arrangements, Virgil.”

While gazing into her eyes, he thought like he always had that they were the most beautiful pair any woman could possess. Tonight he saw a determination in them that he hadn't seen in a long time, if ever.

“All right. You make all the arrangements,” he said, giving in and not having a problem doing so. He liked the way her touch was making him feel, although he wished otherwise.

She smiled and released his hand, and damn if that smile didn't make his gut tighten even more. “You won't be disappointed,” she said.

* * *

A short while later Kara pushed her plate aside. Virgil had invited her here to discuss strategies but so far they hadn't done that. Over dinner she'd asked questions about his family and when he'd told her his sister was pregnant, she couldn't help but smile.

She'd met Leigh and liked her a lot. Right before she and Virgil had broken up Leigh and Chad had gotten engaged. Kara had been surprised to get an invitation to the wedding but because she'd known Virgil would not have wanted her there, she hadn't attended. But she had sent a wedding gift. And now to hear that Leigh and Chad would be parents was wonderful news.

And when she'd asked, he'd told her about his father's family, some of whom she'd gotten to know when she had attended one of the Bougard family reunions with him in Houston. Matthew had come from a large family that consisted of seven brothers and three sisters. Of all his siblings Matthew had been the only one who hadn't attended college in Texas. Leaving home to attend Morehouse had been a big step and then settling down in Charlotte instead of returning to Houston after graduation had been another one. To compensate, he'd made certain both his son and daughter had been Texans by birth by making sure a pregnant Rhona had been in Houston when it was time for her to deliver.

Sitting here with him, chatting amiably, she couldn't help remembering the last time they'd dined together. She'd mentioned the possibility of them becoming friends and he'd flat out rejected the idea. She hoped he'd change his stance on that since they'd be seeing a lot of each other in the coming weeks. But she had to be realistic and remember Virgil was merely playing a role, one he intended to play to the hilt to benefit his company.

When their dishes had been cleared away, Virgil asked, “Have you noticed a couple of people looking over here at us?”

His question made her discreetly scan the café. It wasn't as empty as it had been, which meant the pep rally had ended. Virgil was right. Several people were openly staring at them, and Kara wondered if it had anything to do with the article appearing in this morning's newspaper. Thanks to
Flo on the Ro
, they were now the couple to watch.

“Give me your hands.”

She looked back at Virgil. Not understanding his request, she complied anyway. He took her hands and entwined their fingers. She raised her brow while keeping her gaze trained on his face, trying to ignore the warmth of his fingers interwoven with hers. She was sure every cell in her body was heating up.

“Now we're giving them something to look at,” he said in a deep husky voice that sent shivers down her spine.

BOOK: Bachelor Unforgiving
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