Back to Square One (Brandon Bay Babes) (16 page)

BOOK: Back to Square One (Brandon Bay Babes)
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Gillman’s was packed as usual for a Friday night.
And the place was hopping.
“Trucker Joe” had channelled his inner M.J. once again and sung “Don’t stop till you get enough” and Kit was starting to feel it could become her theme song for the evening.
Even Jasmine, who was the instigator of the black Russian craze, decided Kit was imbibing rather heavily and that Pete the Bartender should cut her off.


Kit’s encounter with Jeffrey Jones the previous week had left her confused beyond belief.
In her eyes, he had played with her like a fish on the hook.
Letting her think he was not interested, then reeling her in with his sexy talk and dazzling smile; only to throw her back like a little fish not worth keeping.


She was sure glad that she’d had the last word in the situation at the Gallery.
But she took no comfort in it.
She’d really thought they could be friends.
There was a definite affinity between them, and Kit was saddened that it had ended the way it had.


“Hi Kit” A pair of well-formed pecs made their way into her field of vision.
Looking up, Kit dove into familiar sea-green eyes and sighed.


Jeremy Atwell stood before her in all his gorgeous glory and Kit couldn’t help but admire his ability to look good, even through beer goggles, or should that be vodka goggles.
Anyway, he looked good; better than a guy should look after five Black Russians had had their way with her.


“Hi yourself” she smiled.


“Wanna dance beautiful?”


“Who me?” Kit pointed to herself playfully.


“Yeah, you.” Jeremy held out his hand to her.


When Kit made a move, Jasmine held her back.
“Maybe you shouldn’t?” she said in concern.


“Don’t worry Jas.
I may be drunk, but I’m not stupid”




Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.


Kit rolled over in bed and took her pillow with her, covering her eyes from the morning sun spilling in through the window.


Last night had been quite a night.
She’d been as drunk as a skunk (whatever that means), and reverted to a place called Horny Teenager-dom, where Jeremy Atwell was King and she was his hand maiden and not opposed to making out in the back of his pickup truck by Craig’s Cliff.
‘Hand maiden’ was right.
She’d had her hands all over Jeremy’s well-defined torso and he’d pretty much had his hands all over her, not quite so buff, body as well.


Thank God she’d sobered up a little by the time it was getting past the point of no return.
Although she’d enjoyed kissing and groping Jeremy immensely, it had been a huge mistake.
An ego booster after the Barnaby and J.J. fiascos, but a huge mistake all the same.


The phone rang and Kit groaned.


It’s for you.” Gladys said through the door.


“Coming” she wailed, her temples pounding.
Staggering to the phone, she took it from her mother and ignored the disapproving looks she was sending her way. “Hello?”


“Hey Kit”




“Wanna go to a ball game this afternoon?”


this?” she asked slowly in complete ignorance.


“It’s Jeremy” he stated a little crossly.


Oh no.
Kit internally slapped herself.
Great; how trampy to not even recognise the voice of the guy she’d eagerly swapped spit with the previous evening.
“I’m sorry Jeremy; I’m not really up to it today.
After last night …”


His voice got low and sexy.
“Last night was great.
I had a great time.
Look, I know you were a little “non compos mentis” last night, but I’m hoping we can get together and maybe go on a real date.”


God no, Kit thought with alarm.
He was being nice.
Why couldn’t he be a total jerk, it would be so much easier.
“Sure” Kit said quickly; anything to get him off the phone so she could return to bed and sleep it off.
Her head was throbbing and dealing with the aftermath of her trip to ‘tongues-ville’ with Jeremy was not what she wanted to do at this particular moment.


After an alarmingly long silence, Jeremy finally said.
“Okay then, I’ll call you later.”


“Do that.
I really just want to go back to bed” she replied with a grimace.


“Sounds like an idea”


“Yeah. Right” Kit answered, rolling her eyes.
If he got a good look at the rats’ nest that was her head and smelled her less than minty-fresh breath, he wouldn’t be thinking it was such a great idea.
“Call me later Jeremy, okay?”


“Will do” he replied.


Kit hung up the phone and staggered back the way she came, collapsing on her bed.
She had no more set her head on the pillow when the phone rang again.


“Kit? It’s for you again.”


“Tell them I’m not here. No, tell them I’m dead.”


“I’m not going to do that.” Gladys replied haughtily, popping her head round the corner of Kit’s bedroom door.
“You made your bed, now you have to lie in it”


“That’s what I’m trying to do, but the damn phone keeps ringing.” she cried.
Kit glanced at her mother, who was glaring back at her with condemnation.


Grudgingly getting up, she took the phone once again.




“We need to talk”


Kit gulped.
“And just
would I be talking to?” she asked in confusion.


“It’s Barnaby”


“Oh, hi Barn” she replied, trying for cheerful, and pretending their last encounter hadn’t ended in tears the way it had.


“Hi” When there was no response, he tried again. “Are you all right Kit?”


“I’m a little under the weather this morning Barn.
Could we maybe talk later” she ground out.
Her head was about to implode any second.


“Sure, sure.
I’m in town for two weeks on vacation to visit the folks” he said simply.
“So I thought maybe we could get together and um, talk.”


Kit tried to weigh her options, but her darn brain was still too foggy to work out what to say.


Thankfully Barnaby continued without her having to answer. “Well, I’ll let you get some rest.
We’ll talk later.”


“Later” she gratefully replied.


“Feel better.”


“Thanks” Kit said with small smile and hung up.
Blowing out a breath, she unplugged the phone, sat down and placed it on the kitchen table.
Staring at it in a daze, Kit didn’t notice when Gladys walked in.


“Expecting anyone else?” her mother asked with a bemused face.


“You never can tell.”
Kit said closing her eyes.
“Mommy, I don’t feel good”


Gladys put her arm around her and helped her up.
“Come on baby, back to bed.”




By the time four o’clock rolled around, Kit was getting back to her old self and she decided to see what Jasmine was up to down at the store.
Knowing a tongue lashing or rather an insightful lecture was headed her way, she stopped and got some muffins on the way to ease the pain.


“Well you don’t look
bad, considering” was the first thing out of Jasmine’s mouth.


“If it helps, I’m not proud of what I did” Kit said handing her a chocolate muffin.


“Yummy” Jasmine took the muffin and took a bite.
“So was he worth the wait?” she asked after swallowing.
“Ten years must build up a lot of orgasmic anticipation”


“We only made out” Kit replied, as if that was enough of an answer.






“Yeah, and …?” Jasmine prodded.


“He’s a good kisser” Kit said reticently.


Jasmine made a movement with her hand for her to continue, as her mouth was full.


“There’s nothing to tell.
It was a mistake.
I drank too many Russians and believe me I paid for it this morning”


“In rubles?” Jasmine smirked.


Kit narrowed her eyes.
“You’re so funny.”




Kit was perplexed.
That’s what you have to say to me?”


She shrugged in reply.
“I don’t blame you.
He has a cute butt.”


“My God, Jasmine.
Here I was expecting you to come down on me like a ton of bricks about thinking things through and… and… stuff like that.
And what do you tell me:
he’s hot; he has a cute butt!
Where are the words of wisdom, the pearls of knowledge to guide me on my way?”


“Don’t get your knickers in a knot.
I just figure that you know you did something dumb, and like you said, you paid for it, and you’ll never do it again.
Why should I beat you up over it?”


“O-kay” Kit said with a frown.


“Besides, I probably would have done the same thing –sans the Russians” she added with a giggle.
“He’s a hottie.”


Kit harrumphed at her and plonked herself down on a stool beside her. Picking up a muffin, she wrinkled her nose and put it back down again; her stomach was still rebelling from the night before, it seemed. “I still don’t quite get why he’s so interested.
He never even looked my way in high school, now it seems he only has eyes for me.
That’s quite a u-turn, as far as I’m concerned.”

BOOK: Back to Square One (Brandon Bay Babes)
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