Back to the Dream Sequel 2 Dreamland (23 page)

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Authors: Felicitas Ivey

Tags: #Gay, #General, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction

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"I was not injured,” I said. It had been a near thing, because I had thrown myself into the fight recklessly. I had gone ahead of my guard, and I had thought that Okita would burst with anger when he saw what I was doing. That he managed to keep the scavengers—
—that surrounded it off of me was more good fortune than I had deserved.

"That is because the gods look out for fools,” Inukai snapped as he walked into the tent.

"I am not a fool,” I told him tiredly. I yawned and looked down at the bowl of rice in my hands. “You...."

"I promised Mother that I would look out for you,” Inuyama said. “I know that you gave me your word, but it would be better for you if you sleep. You don't unless we drug you."

That was true, and I really couldn't be angry with them. My anguish about Keno had settled into a mind-numbing ache. That didn't mean I couldn't function; the
were here to make sure I was taken care of as much as they were here to make sure I didn't kill myself.

I carefully put my bowl down and went over to the futon in the corner of the tent. I closed my eyes and just floated away, too broken to really fight what was happening here. They'd wake me for a battle or to feed me. That's all my life was now: sleeping, eating, and fighting. There was a thick wall of ice between me and the rest of the universe. That was something I needed so I wouldn't feel the loss of Keno, which echoed in my brain at the oddest moments. That was why I had attacked the
. I had heard the tiny whisper of “he's gone” in the back of my head, and suddenly, attacking that creature without waiting for help seemed the most logical thing in the worlds to do. They told me afterward that it had been practically shredded by the amount of damage I had done to it. I didn't remember a moment of that battle.

"We're going to have a hard time waking him,” I heard Inukai say before everything just stopped.

* * * *

I was awakened by Inusuka shaking me roughly. I blinked, wondering why he looked so happy. During the week that Tamazusa's
fell into chaos, Inusuka had become more and more intense, blocking out anyone but his brother Inukawa. Inukawa had become almost as grim as Inuyama, so I didn't know why Inusuka needed him, but they had grown up together. They had a very close bond. If I'd had the energy, I might have cared about it.

"There has been a bird from Hamaji,” Inusuka said.

"Yes?” I was still befuddled by whatever was in my system. I saw the others were here with him, and all of them looked relieved. Even Yatsufusa looked happy, even if I didn't know when he had arrived.

"My wife sent word that the blossoms have returned to Nippon,” Inusuka told me.

"It's almost the harvest,” I said dumbly. “There are no blossoms."

They all looked at each other when I said that. Inukai frowned. “I think that we gave him too much this time."

"There was enough in there to bring down three men. Of course we gave him too much. He's been needing more and more lately,” Inuyama muttered. “But—"

"Enough,” snarled Inukawa. “He's in no condition for any type of word games. Samojirou, it seems that your lady and our brother have returned to Nippon."

I looked at them, the words finally making sense to me. Keno was better known as Sakura, rather than by his real name. It kept him safe from those who would use him and those who would try to make their name and reputation by challenging Inuzaka Keno. And my lady's name's kanji meant jeweled bush. Since anyone could shoot down a messenger bird or intercept it for its message, Hamaji's cryptic message made sense now.

"I have to...” I said, trying to get up, but my limbs wouldn't work.

"You can barely move,” Inukai said patiently. “You have to wait."

"I will not!” I snarled.

"You will,” Inuyama said, projecting calm. “You cannot walk the shadows with what is in your system. Wait. Sleep some more, and then you will see your lover."

"I can't,” I said even as I yawned. What had they been giving me? What had they given me this time? I could barely function, which had to have been what they wanted. I struggled to move, frustrated when Inukai stopped me by just pressing his hand against my chest.

"You walk now, and you'd be lost in the shadows, and then where would my brother be?” he asked softly. “You are his world. Wait so he does not lose it a second time."

With that I fell back to sleep.

* * * *

I woke up naturally several hours later, wondering why I felt so good. It took me a minute to remember the conversation I'd had last with the
. It still felt unreal to me. I sat up, noticing that it was Inukai who was my watcher now.


"It wasn't a dream,” he assured me with a grin. “You can go back to scandalizing Sousuke and Shinbee with our brother."

I laughed at that, even if it sounded strained. “You?"

"Seeing our brother happy, even if it is with you, makes me happy. He was such a bastard before. He's a good man now. It's good to see that one of us can be like that."

"An innocent,” I said, trying not to be upset by Inukai's statement. But I understood his bitterness toward me. If it weren't for what I had done to Jin-yo, he and his brothers wouldn't be here. Would they have been happier if they had lived normal lives?

"And we will keep him that way,” Inukai promised.

"I feel fine,” I stated.

"Eat first,” Inukai urged.

I grimaced, remembering my last meal. How long had I been unconscious? He laughed. “You're going to be too busy to eat when you get to Shino's castle. Now is the time to eat.” I got up, feeling stiff and sore. I looked at him. “About a day or so,” he said. “Inuyama wanted to make sure that you weren't going to give us any trouble. You need a bath too."

I nodded, not looking forward to it. There wasn't a decent place to bathe here.

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Chapter Nine


I got to Inusuka's castle in the evening, arriving in the shadows of one of the smaller gardens there. I brought Inusuka with me. I was surprised to see that he looked uncomfortable after we appeared.

"My brother does that with you?” he asked, swallowing hard. “He is braver than I thought."

"Keno was a creature of the shadows,” I said softly, “due to his vow. I fear that he is too comfortable with them still, since this manner of travel has never bothered him."

Inusuka looked at me and nodded. I knew that we would not speak of it again.

I followed him as he went into the lord's room, looking for his wife. We found Hamaji with Tamazusa and Keno in her garden, talking idly. I stopped at the edge of it, just needing to look at Keno and Tamazusa before I got closer. It didn't seem real to me, even if my lord was not in her customary black and Keno looked pale and somehow thinner. Both of them looked fragile to me, and I hated that. Inusuka strode forward. Keno looked up when he heard him, and then his eyes met mine. We just stared at each other, lost in the joy of seeing each other.

I didn't know who made the first move, but the three of us ended up in an embrace. I knew I should have been more formal with Tamazusa, but I needed to touch her, to know that she was actually there, as much as I needed to do the same with Keno. His head was buried against my chest, and he had both arms around me tight. I had Tamazusa in a partial embrace while hugging Keno tight to me.

"My lord,” I whispered.

"I fear that—” she started.

"I wasn't,” I said. “I never even thought that something like this would happen."

I was surprised that she was accepting of my embrace. “I will let you deal with Keno, before we discuss more grave matters,” she said. “He... I would not have survived without him."

She stepped back from me with a smile and actually laughed as I swung Keno up into my arms. I needed more than a simple hug from him now. I needed to reassure myself that he was really here.

"Left and three doors down,” he murmured before he started kissing me. I wasn't the only one who needed to be intimate.

I managed to get to his room without disgracing myself. I wasn't surprised that as soon as I set him down, he was taking my clothing off. “I want you,” he said hurriedly. “Now... please...."

He didn't need to beg. I wanted him as much, too much. There wasn't going to be any kissing or preparation, beyond what he needed to take me easily. “Keno,” I moaned.

"I have oil,” he said, blushing furiously. “And I... I knew that you were coming, so...."

That was all I needed to hear. I lifted him into my arms again, worried that he was so light, but unable to care about it. My fingers explored his hidden opening. He was oiled. I stretched him hastily, not wanting him to be in any pain. He moaned as I scissored my fingers in him, kissing me breathlessly. “Aboshi...."

I didn't let him say any more. I lifted him higher and impaled him on my staff. Thankfully, he understood what I was doing and wrapped his legs around my waist. I supported him as he rode me, kissing me fiercely. I almost came from that alone. I wasn't surprised that Keno came after only a couple of strokes. His joy triggered my own, and I emptied myself into him.

He lifted his head up, looking dazed. “Aboshi."

Not Samojirou. I didn't know if he was too satiated to be formal with me, or that he was finally willing to call me by my first name. “More,” I said roughly.

He blinked, not knowing what I meant. He understood when I carried him over to the futon on the floor and laid him down, not slipping out of him the entire time. I started kissing him again, thrusting into him, not wanting this to end. I was rough with him, pinning his hands down and just taking him.

But Keno didn't fight me. He arched up into my thrusts, moaning with me, bowing off the floor, needing and wanting this as much as I did. As he wrapped his body around mine, we moved together as one, consumed with the need to pleasure one another. He took his joy again with a breathy sound, and I found mine a few thrusts later.

Keno sobbed once and hid his head in my shoulder. “I was so frightened that you—you would do something and that I'd never see you again!"

"I was cold,” I murmured. “The whole world was ice when I was aware of it. None of your brothers would help me join you until they were certain that there was no hope. I... I must confess that I didn't think that there was."

"The Northerners are barbaric,” he said. “I feared that I would not be able to protect Tamazusa-sama.” He was silent for a moment. “It was hard to accept Wolf's help."

I kissed him, and somehow we managed to switch positions to settle Keno on top of me. He flexed his body, grimacing for a moment before he leaned over and started to kiss me again, riding me in slow, languid movements.

"It's too much,” I protested, even as my body responded to him.

This time it was slow and gentle, with a warmth that was priceless to me. I didn't know how long we had been moving together; he turned into the only thing I was aware of. When Keno gave a small cry of completion, slumping over on me, totally exhausted, I thrust deeply one more time, finding my own ecstasy, as intense as the first two times had been, even if we were both worn out.

I twitched the cover over us, not wanting to move or caring about cleaning up or even checking on Tamazusa. Keno murmured something and nuzzled my chest. We were both asleep in minutes.

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Chapter Ten


I wandered over to where Tamazusa's room was. I noticed that she had gotten a room near Keno and Samojirou, which seemed to be in a nicer wing than where we were. I was glad, because I knew that even without her
, she was still someone who counted. But I was also of the opinion that Shino was hiding us, just so we didn't get sucked into this shitstorm. While Hamaji was being nice and friendly, it seemed like the rest of them didn't know what to do with us. I didn't blame them for that, unexpected relatives stopping in from way out of town in the middle of a war was something of a bitch to deal with. They were uncomfortable with the fact that it seemed their family had turned a bit odd. They were all shocked, except for Yatsufusa and Fuse, that me and Wolf weren't Japanese, or at least Asian, since we were supposed to be avatars of Japanese heroes. But that also meant no one could guess who we were, either.

Tamazusa was out sitting in the garden, watching the bees flit around. It was after supper, so I was surprised that she wasn't sitting with the rest of them and making plans. There seemed to be a lot more involved in this war than I thought. But I guessed that getting stuff from point A to point B wasn't as easy here as it was back home. For one thing, we really didn't have to worry about something eating the supplies before we got them. They were worrying about that here, because of some of the monsters that were running around. I knocked on the gate to the garden before I went in and asked, “You got a minute?"

"I am free to talk,” she agreed.

"So how's it really going? How deep's the shit that we're in?"

She grimaced when I said that, and I knew I had put my foot in it. “As well as can be expected,” she said slowly, guilt haunting her eyes. “From the messages that have been received, the chaos has spread from the Kanto plain toward the Capital and Nara. If the fighting spreads there, then the Capitol will burn again. That hasn't happened here, just in the real world during the Onin War.

"I don't doubt that some of the Southern lords have weakened their forces so that they might expand their holdings onto Honshu, which is what will leave them vulnerable to the Egyptians and the Trust. Soon others will be taking advantage of this disorder to take what they can from Nippon.

"I don't doubt that Iida and his unnatural allies are doing all that they can to help them. Iida seems to be trying to capture my
even if his allies are of the sea; I have no idea why he is doing that. I thought that he would be trying to capture territory on either Kyushu or Shikoku."

"And for those that don't have a map of Nippon memorized, what does that mean?” I asked, trying not to sound sarcastic. I'd probably be doing the same shit to her if we were in Boston, acting like everyone knew the local landmarks. Not like that was hard there, most of the time you're giving directions to people by churches and Dunkies.

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