Bad Bitch (19 page)

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Authors: Christina Saunders

BOOK: Bad Bitch
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He claimed my lips again, more insistently this time. Deepening our kiss, he let his tongue explore. I answered, opening my mouth and pulling him in even closer. He turned me around and sat me down on the conference table. I opened my legs, and he snugged himself between them. I wanted to give him anything, everything. Whatever it took to make him stay.

He pulled away despite my groan. He smiled and took a lock of my hair in his hand.

“I prefer the red.” He kissed my forehead.

“I have to hide. Blond allows me to do that.”

“You don’t have to hide anymore.” He let the strands drop and tried to take my mouth again.

“B-but how did you find me?”

“Wouldn’t you know it? I had some delicious Italian the other day. Prepared fresh by a real virtuoso of the art of cooking, and also the art of baseball.”

He stared at my mouth as my jaw went slack. Shock radiated through me. “Sal gave me up?”

“Sure did. I tracked you there. Do you have any idea how hard it is to retrieve records of phone calls going to or from a federal courthouse?”

“I can imagine.” My curiosity was fading and being replaced with the need for his mouth. I was no longer interested in the how or the why. I only wanted him to kiss me again with his fire, his heat.
Hi, my name is Evangeline
and I’m a Lincoln addict.

“That’s what took me so long. Sal said he knew I’d come looking for you eventually. He wanted to know if I was the one who called you angel. Told me to say ‘hi,
’ once I’d found you.”

I smiled, fond memories of Sal playing in my mind.

“I told him to lay off my woman.”

I leaned closer to him, needing his lips on mine. “How did he take that?”

“Not so well at first. But a few bottles of Italian wine later and we were the best of friends.”

I couldn’t wait any longer. I pressed into him, savoring his taste. He pushed me back, covering me on the table. He was the fantasy come to life, the alpha taking me in a boardroom. I wrapped my legs around his back and squeezed, feeling his hard shaft against my stomach.

“You’re going to make me do bad things.” He kissed down to my neck, sucking and biting along my shoulder and collarbone.

“I’m not scared.” I was thrilled.

He straightened, picking me up and crushing me to him. He stared into my eyes, the scar giving him a dangerous look that wore well on him. His nose had long since healed; only a sliver of a scar remained. The flaws were what made him, made us. I wanted to kiss every scar.

“Let’s see if we can’t do something about that, angel.”

“M-my secretary will be back in fifteen minutes.”

He smiled, beautiful and intense. “I guess we’d better hurry. Where’s your office?”

“Not here?” I asked.

He grinned. “All in good time, Ms. Angel. I’m going to fuck you in every location I can find.”

I swallowed hard. “Last door at the end of the hall.”

He carried me, dotting kisses along my face and neck as he went.

“I hope you have a couch. Otherwise, you’re going to be suffering from some rug burn for a little while.” That grin never left his face, the devil.

He dropped me on the couch and kicked the door closed behind us. He pulled his polo shirt over his head. The tattoos I’d dreamed about, imagined, still imbedded in his gorgeous skin.


I followed suit, pulling my top over my head and unclasping my bra.


I looked up at him, tears welling in my eyes again. I knew why he told me to wait, what he’d seen.

He knelt down and raised my left arm. There, next to my breast, in black ink was audentes fortuna iuvat.

He kissed the letters, tracing them with his mouth. I let the
sound escape my lips.

“Inked for me, angel?”

“Yes.” My voice was throaty, not even mine.

“A spot like that, it must have hurt.”

“It did.”

He smoothed his hand over my ribs and cupped my breast, kneading it as he continued his kisses around to my other nipple. He took it in his mouth, lashing the tight bud with his tongue. I lowered my arm and ran my hand through his hair, pushing through the thick strands I remembered so well. Every touch from him, every kiss, stoked the fire in me.

“Lie back.”

I did as he said, no hesitation.

“Take your panties off. Leave the skirt.”

Oh, God, the anticipation was too much. I licked my lips. He followed the motion and rubbed the heel of his hand over the rise in his pants. It was so masculine, so desirous, that my mouth watered. He kept his steady gaze on me as I followed his instructions and slid my thong down my legs.

“Good. Now hands over your head.”

He stood and stripped his pants off. When he was naked, gorgeous and hard, he prowled on top of me. He pushed my skirt up, leaving my pussy bare to him. I wanted him to plunge in deep, to give me what I’d dreamed about for the months since we’d been together.

The front door of the office opened. I craned my head around and brought my hands down, momentarily knocked out of his spell. What a delicious mistake. He gripped my wrists and wrenched them above my head before sinking his teeth into my shoulder.

The sheer pleasure made me cry out, a little too loudly.

“Ms. Angel?” Carol called down the hall. “I got you chicken salad, hope that’s okay.”

“Shit, she’s back, you can’t—” Too late, I realized I’d said the magic words.

Lincoln pushed into me, his head seeking straight to my most intimate parts.

“Ohhh,” I moaned as he started a smooth rhythm, pushing deeper and deeper inside as I became reacquainted with him. I didn’t think it was possible, but it was even better than I remembered.

Carol’s keys made a skittering sound as she threw them down on her desk right outside my door.

“Wow, boss, I didn’t realize you liked chicken salad so much.”

Lincoln smirked and kept pumping into me, as if wanting Carol to hear and walk in. He was Satan incarnate. I loved every second of it.

I needed to come up with a plan to get rid of Carol somehow. I closed my eyes. Mistake.

His warm breath tickling my ear, he said, “Look at me, angel. Keep looking at me while I fuck you.”

My eyelids flew open.

“That’s my girl.” His whisper was gravelly, sex in a sound.

“Carol!” I gasped. “Don’t, mmm, don’t come in. I’ll, oohh, I’ll be out in a little bit. Could you—”

Lincoln nipped at my lips and slid a hand down to my ass, pulling himself even deeper inside me.

“Ohhh. Carol, just go down and eat in the conference room. Pleeeaaasseee.”

“Um, sure, Ms. Angel.” She was hesitant. Now was not the time to be hesitant. “You sure I shouldn’t—”

“Go!” I yelled.

“Yes, ma’am.” I finally heard her steps retreating down toward the front of the office.

I smirked up at Lincoln and brought my hands down to his chest, pinching his nipples hard. “Oops, looks like I broke the rules again.”

He smiled, the look in his eyes pure heat as he thrust harder, punishing me so sweetly. “That’s my bad bitch.”

About the Author

Christina Saunders is an Alabama girl who loves to tell stories that are always hot and sometimes dark. In addition to being an unrepentant book hoarder, she has a particular affinity for dirty jokes and foul mouths. She is a former attorney who spends all her free time with her husband and two sassy daughters. She also writes under the pen name Celia Aaron. You can sign up for email updates

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Copyright Page

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2016 by Christina Saunders. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Cover photographs: woman and Man © Dmitrii Kotin/iStock; velvet texture © Zick Svift/Shutterstock


First Edition: July 2016

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