B.A.D (8 page)

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Authors: Caitlin Moran

Tags: #alpha high school pregnancy teens

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His mouth left my mine and traveled to
my neck. He licked a line down to the pulse there where he lightly
bit. I shuddered and he growled.


His body was shaking now. He gave a
strangled groan/growl. "I don't know... if I... if I can control
him. My wolf." He rubbed against me again. My hips thrust up at the
same time his did. I moaned and arched my back into him, breasts
rubbing against his chest through my shirt. "SHIT!" he growled

His breathing was rapid and so was
mine. His face pressed into my neck and he gave a big whiff.
"Damn.. You smell really good." he moaned into my hair, his nose
pressed up against my neck.

I didn't really care about anything at
the moment. I was burning and his touch was the only thing that
seemed to be helping the fire within me. I crushed him back onto
me, hips rubbing and mouths clashing.

He only shook harder, struggling with
his wolf. His face came back up and I could slightly see fangs
elongating from his teeth - sexy. His eyes were pure black. I
wasn't scared, just turned on.

"Just fuck me already." I almost
growled out. I was sexually frustrated and I really needed him at
the moment.

I don't know if he lost it or what but
he let out a ferocious growl. He looked down at me with black eyes
and long fangs. His mouth crashed to mine, hips thrusting against

Chapter 16

I felt an arm pull me closer to a hot
body and I shivered, loving the sensation. A leg, that I hadn't
noticed until now, was securely layed over my legs. The arm not on
my waist was around my head and touching my breast. I was pressed
up against Rane - chest to back.
Even in his sleep, he seemed to be protecting me, wrapping himself
around my body. I didn't mind.
When I opened my eyes, I didn't see him but I felt him. I also felt
something poking me on the back but I didn't move.
I was trying to turn my head over but felt a slight ping on my
neck. It didn't necessarily hurt, it was just tender. Reaching my
hand up, I lightly touched the tender flesh.
I didn't feel anything - nothing at all. I frowned. There must be
something. I then remembered Rane biting me last night. I didn't
really know why he did but there doesn't feel like he did
I tried to slip out of bed to go and look in the mirror but Rane
pulled me back to him. He grumbled something under his breath, too
low for me to catch it, but didn't wake up. I turned around to face
him, his hand moving from my breast.

As soon as his hand moved
away, he woke up.
Haha - horny dog.
He smiled when he saw me.
I felt happy to know that he smiled when he saw me - I think I
fell in love with it.
His smile - not
him... right?

I smiled back up at him.

"Have a good night sleep?" his voice
was husky from just waking up.

"The best." I probably sounded like a
dying cat. His eyes drifted over to my neck and when they saw what
was there they got really big.

"Shit!" He sat up and I did
too. The regret on his face made me flinch.
Did he regret last night? Did he not want me? Was it a
mistake? Was

"What?" I really hoped he didn't
confirm all of my questions. He turned sad eyes onto me.

"I'm sorry." I was so
Why was he

"I-I..." he groaned. "We..." he took a
deep breath. "I claimed you." I was still confused.

"What's that?" My head tilted a bit,
confusion evident. He sighs and lays back down. I lay back down
too. We face each other.

"When a male - or female - werewolf
bites their mate, they mark them. They are signaling to all other
werewolves that the female or male is taken. The marked wolf's
scent changes when this happens, mixing slightly with the other
wolf's. I-I claimed you."

"What's the difference?"

"A mark can fade, a claim cannot. A
claim happens during sex - which we did." I nod, telling him to go
on. "It means that we mated. That we'll be together..." he trails
off and looks at me, a goofy smile etching his pink lips,

I sat there, stunned. Ha. Rane had to
be with me forever. I then frowned. He frowned too, a little

"What? You don't want to?" his eyes
showed hurt and pain. The hurt in his eyes made me sad. I
immediately shook my head.

"N-NO! That's not what my look meant. I
was just going to ask..." he nodded, telling me to just ask. "So
you can't like... cheat on me?" Every girl has been going after
him, I wouldn't be too surprised if he did cheat on me. A growl
rose in his chest rose but I wasn't afraid, not anymore.

"Never." he growled, eyes darkening.
"After a male has his mate for the first time, there is no going
back. It's disgusting to even look or think about another girl
unless it's in the friend zone. The male will only think, act, and
look sexually at his mate, there is no one else. Only one thing
could break that bond." His eyes stared into mine, burning with its

I was happy, he wouldn't cheat on me. I
suddenly had a feeling rise up in me. Actually, a lot of feelings.
Sadness, hurt, pain, happiness, love, anger, joy, and so much more.
I looked up at Rane.

"What's going on?" He seemed confused
for a second but then realization dawned on him.

"You're feeling all the feeling I have
ever felt. Now that we are mated, we can tell what our mate is
feeling. It's incredible. I felt yours already, last night. A
werewolf will feel it almost immediately. You're a human, it may be
a little slower." I nod, the feelings all flitted through me. I
stored them all away. I then realized something.

"Even if I'm a human, a male wolf still
feels the same about his... his mate?" I somewhat wanted the answer
- somewhat didn't. He looked at me, eyes burning with an
unidentifiable emotion.

"Yes. You'll only ever be

He sealed the deal with a kiss - okay,
maybe more than that.


When we left his room, hours later, I
was in a pair of his boxers and his shirt. I looked to a smiling
Rane. His smile was huge. He was like a little kid on Christmas who
just got everything he wished for - maybe he did...

"Come on! I have to show my parents the
mark." I frowned.

"I haven't even seen it yet!" I voiced
my thoughts. He shakes his head.

"You will! Let's go! I'm so excited!" I
could tell. I could feel his excitement myself. The feeling bubbled
up within me. I was still getting used to this - feeling everything
he did. I was happy to though. It was like a fairy tale. If I
thought about it, the only family I had was Shane and the baby
inside me. I guess I could count Rane - we did mate.

He grabbed ahold of my arm and started
escorting me to the stairs.

"I can't go in this!" I cried out. I
was now Rane's mate - forever - and I didn't want to leave a bad
first impression. Well, I have already met them but now that I was
his mate I just wanted to make another impression - a better one
where I don't run away screaming.

He started pouting - his bottom lip
poking out. I wanted to kiss it away.

"Please?!? You're breaking my heart!"
he cried dramatically. I knew that he wasn't actually sad - I could
feel that he was still excited. That didn't mean I didn't give in

"Fine." I grumbled to the one who lit
up like a Christmas tree at night. He brought me down stairs and
practically ran to his father's office.

Once there, he burst inside, a huge
smile plastered on his face. His mother, father, and another girl
were all seated in different chairs in the room. Looking at the
girl, I was immediately embarrassed. The girl was absolutely
beautiful. Her long golden curls swished around as her head
swiveled in our direction.

A smile lit up her face as she got out
of her chair in a graceful jump. She ran and hugged Rane while
screaming his name. I could feel the jealousy coming up but tried
to tamper it down - Rane would feel it and I don't want to bigger
his ego. He could explode with how much he has...

I frowned and looked away. In the
process, I had uncovered the mark on my neck. I heard gasps around
the room and blushed a bright red. I looked to see the girl and she
had a huge smile on her face. She was... happy? I thought she was
one of Rane's exes. I was proved wrong.

"Big Bro! I was gone for only a week
and you go and get yourself a mate?!?" The excitement leaked out of
her voice and then I was suddenly embraced. Two arms wrapped
themselves around me as golden hair was flung in my face. Rane's
sister was hugging me. I was about to hug back when I heard Rane's

We both jumped apart,
looking for danger. We looked to Rane who was staring at my waist
then to his sister's arms. I giggled.
Overprotective bastard.
It was
actually really cute. He frowned and was going to walk over to me
when his mother slapped the back of his head.

"OW!" he yelled to her. She glared at
him - he glared back.

"Don't growl at your sister." He
narrowed his eyes at his mom, hands going to his hips. He growls -
she growls back even louder. His sister watches with amused eyes.
She turns to me and eyes me. Most likely wondering why he had been
growling at her for.

Not knowing, she slides over to me. Mr.
Moore (I still don't know his name) was looking at papers on his
desk, a frown marring his face. Rane and his mom are still
growling, his mom winning.

She comes over to me and looks me up
and down. I sigh. I did have a little bump, one that I felt with my
hand when I was pulling on Rane's shirt. I leaned over to

"I have a bun in the oven..." she
looked over to me and smiled.

"Really? I love bread!" I laugh and
shake my head. My laughter makes Rane look over and glare
suspiciously at his sister. His mom whacks him on the back of the
head again.

"Ow! What was that for?" He glares at
his mom and rubs the back of his head. She glares back.

"Don't glare at your sister. And for
growling at me." They go at it again - glaring and growling. I turn
to his sister (don't know her name either yet) and shake my head.
She seemed about 16 or 17.

Putting a hand on my stomach, I say
again "No, I have a bun... in the... oven." I say it slowly, hoping
she would understand. I then point to my stomach. She is still
confused. "Don't you get it? There's a bat in my cave? Up in the
Duff? Wearing my apron high? To quote Juno 'I am, fo' shiz, up the
spout? ... No? Really?" I look at her incredulously. Has she heard
of none of them? I shake my head. I turn to her again, about to
just state it bluntly when she looks at me with wide

Her high pitched squeal makes us all
wince. Damn that girl has a high voice.

"Oh. My. God!" She looks at me, about
to wrap her arms around me again for a hug but stops when she
remembers Rane. I frown. Her smile doesn't wane though. "I'm going
to be an auntie!" Her eyes are full of excitement, they shine with
it. Rane looks back over to me, no longer glaring.

Jade pops him a good one
again when he wasn't looking. "What was
one for?!?" She

"Felt like it." She starts to walk back
to her husband when she sniffs. Freezing, she turns back around and
squeals... Like Mother like Daughter... Her squeal is almost as
high as her daughter's. "I almost forgot! My baby has finally

"Finally? I'm only 17." He
snorts but looks at me with shining eyes. I can feel different
emotions come from him: pride, desire, slight anger from his
mother, happiness, and love -
I slightly hoped it was just
for his mom but another part wanted it to be directed at me. I
shook my head -
we'll deal with that when
we get there... which is later.

"Wow... it's really
beautiful." I frown.
What was beautiful?
Did his mark put something on my neck?
don't think I would mind if it did...

His mom and his sister's eyes were
frosted over, looking adoringly. I just stand there but jump when
another, scarier, growl echoes in the room. I jump but just as I
do, Rane's arms are around me.

"What is it dad?" Rane asks his father
as we all watch him push a hand through his graying black hair. His
green eyes - like his daughter's - are filled with anger. He closes
his phone with a snap. I didn't even know he had been using the

"We have a problem." We all sit back on
the chairs, Rane pulling me onto his lap. We sit in a one person
chair but with me sitting on his lap, we can sit perfectly fine.
His arms rest around my waist and I lay my head back onto his
shoulder, my face slightly in his neck.

"Is it the rogues?" I'm not too sure
what everything is just yet but I think I can keep up. His father

"Yeah. They have contacted us through a
messenger, not the alpha of the rogue pack. In the letter they sent
they said that they were going to attack when the new alpha rises
up. That's not a lot of time. We still have some injured wolves
from the last attack." I look around the room at the sad faces.
Rane's arms tighten around me protectively.

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