Bad Men Do What Good Men Dream: A Forensic Psychiatrist Illuminates the Darker Side of Human Behavior (50 page)

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Authors: Robert I. Simon

Tags: #Psychopathology, #Forensic Psychology, #Acting Out (Psychology), #Good and Evil - Psychological Aspects, #Psychology, #Medical, #Philosophy, #Forensic Psychiatry, #Child & Adolescent, #General, #Mental Illness, #Good & Evil, #Shadow (Psychoanalysis), #Personality Disorders, #Mentally Ill Offenders, #Psychiatry, #Antisocial Personality Disorders, #Psychopaths, #Good and Evil

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Chapter 12: Character and Destiny

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Page numbers printed in boldface type refer to tables or figures.

Acer, David J., 111 Animal torture, 71, 85, 267 Acquaintance rape, 59–60 Antiabortion extremists, 109 Aggression terrorism by, 109

as human trait, 3, 9 Antidepressant medication, role in channeled, 16, 287 workplace violence, 122 controlled, and sexual fantasy, Antisocial behavior, 15–16, 30–34,

65 38, 50, 292
feedback mechanism to inhibit, Antisocial personality disorder, 35,
124, 41–42, 48.
See also
Psychopaths and rape, 59, 63, 64, 66, 69, precursors of, 54
70–71 Applewhite, Marshall Herff sexual, and testosterone, 173, (Heaven’s Gate), 215, 224,
178, 255 226
Al-Zawahiri, Ayman (al-Qaeda),
Arendt, Hannah, xii, 10
241, 243 Asahara, Shoko (Aum Shinrikyo), Alcohol, role in workplace violence, 245–246
120 Auden, W.H., 145
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Autoerotic asphyxia, 211 (ATF), Bureau of, 216–217,
229, 237, 246 Bakker, Jim, 169
Alienated workers, workplace
Banality of evil, xii, 10
violence by, 119 Bardo, Robert John, 83, 88 American Medical Association Bates, Carolyn, 175
(AMA), Council on Scientific Baumrock, Kenneth, 112 Affairs, 161 Bean-Bayog, Margaret, 165–167, American Psychiatric Association, 176
35, 148–150, 163–165 Behavioral profile, signaling Task Force Report on Clinician workplace violence, 114–120, Safety, 107 115
Ames, Aldrich, 41 Behavioral Science Investigative Anger, displaced, rape growing out Support Unit (of FBI), 125– of, 71–72 126, 238, 256

Berendzen, Richard, 143
Berkowitz, David (“Son of Sam”),

252, 256, 261, 264, 267
Bernardin, Joseph, 169
Bernardo, Paul, 254
Beyond Good and Evil

Bianchi, Kenneth (“Hillside
Strangler”), 158–160, 256,
259–260, 267
Bin Laden, Osama (al-Qaeda), 215,
218, 240–244, 246
Borderline personality stalkers, 85–
Boundaries, professional
guidelines for, 182–184
violations of, 178–182
Brain pathology, role in violence,
Brodsky, Annette M., 175
Brothers Karamazov
Bryant, Martin, 100
Bundy, Theodore Robert “Ted,” 20,
23, 91, 253, 255–259, 266–267,
269, 274–275, 278, 282, 288,
Buono, Angelo (“Hillside
Strangler”), 158–160, 260 Bureau of Justice Statistics, 99, 102

Calden, Paul, 113
Carlson, Ross Michael, 156–157 Cartier, Michael, 77–78, 84–85, 92 Celebrities, stalkers of, 81–84 Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, 104
Chapman, Mark David, 87–88 Character

consequences of, 289
defining, 283
and destiny, 281–295
and perceiving reality, 290–291 role of empathy in, 293
role of heredity in, 293–295 role of upbringing in, 291–292 Chase, Richard (“Vampire of Sacramento”), 261, 267
Chikatilo, Andrei Romanovich, 247–250, 253, 267, 270, 275 Child abuse
allegations of, 149–150
consequences of, 64, 67, 70, 141– 148, 265–268, 274, 284 identification with aggressors, 144
killer cult leaders and, 230, 233, 237
serial sexual killers and, 265– 268
soul murder, 145
Cho, Seung-Hui (Virginia Tech killer), 100, 106, 124
Civilization and Its Discontents
(Freud), 2
Cleckley, Hervey, 29, 34–36
Clergymen, sexual misconduct by, 168–170
Come Here: A Man Overcomes the Tragic Aftermath of Childhood Sexual Abuse
(Berendzen), 143
Compensatory rape, 66–68
Competency, 204
Confabulation, 137–141
Confessions of Felix Krull: Confidence Man
(T. Mann), xii
Conrad, Joseph, 2
Countertransference, 176
Crack-Up, The
(Fitzgerald), 143 Credentials of therapists, checking, 190–191
Crime Classification Manual (FBI), 58, 78, 254
Criminal psychopaths, 47–49 Cult Hotline and Clinic, 219–220, 244
See also
Killer cults
assessing risk of violence in, 240 defining, 218–221
killer, 215–246

Dahmer, Jeffrey, 8–9, 27, 262–264,
267, 270–272, 274–275, 277,
282, 290
Dangers faced by therapists, 98–103
Dark side of humanity, xv–xvi,
1–17, 191, 294–295
acknowledging, 287
universality of, 27–28
Dead Souls
(Gogol), 44
Death Benefit
(Heilbroner), 50–51 Dependent stalkers, 84–85
and kindling, 276
secondary to antisocial
personality disorder, 38 secondary to borderline
personality disorder, 86 and suicide risk, 195
Destiny, character and, 281–295 Deviant behaviors, 5
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM), 35 Dickinson, Emily, 287
Dissociation, 146, 158
Dissociative identity disorder, 149 Doomsday cults, 216
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 224
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, as model for disguised evil, 19–21, 57,
152, 257–259, 275
Drugs, role in workplace violence,

Earley, Pete, 30–31
Eichmann, Adolf, 10, 22

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 283, 289
inability to feel, 22, 34, 37 role in character, 293
Encyclopedic Handbook of Cults in America
(Melton), 219, 223
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 99
as stalkers, 88–90, 117
workplace violence by, 117
Escape From Freedom
(Fromm), 221
Espionage, 32–33, 41
Ethnic cleansing, xii, 1, 23, 44
Evil, 7–13
banality of, xii, 10
defining, 21
difference between thinking and doing, 26
origins of, 37
Exhibitionists, 5–6
Exploitative rape, 68–69
Family of Spies
(Earley), 30–31
role for serial sexual killers, 268– 272
role in rape, 62–68
role in violence, 105
Farley, Richard, 117
Fascination, with serial sexual killers, 272–273
Fear of rape, 72–76
Felin, M. Sindy, 26
Female therapists, sexual
misconduct by, 177–178
Ferguson, Colin, 252
Ferri, Gian Luigi, 97–98, 101, 112, 118, 121
First Sin of Ross Michael Carlson, The
(Weissberg), 157
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 143
Forensic psychiatry, 6, 179
investigating suicide cases, 193– 214
and killer cults, 239–240
Forrester, Jim H., 113
Foster, Vincent W., Jr., death of, 193–195
Free will, serial sexual killers and, 263–264
Freud, Sigmund, xi, 2, 7, 126, 272–
Fromm, Erich, 221

Gacy, John Wayne, 20, 22–23, 256,
258–259, 262, 265, 275–276,
Gender factor, 42, 89, 114, 177–178 Genocide, 1, 10, 24–25
Gogol, Maxim, 44
Golding, William, 2
Griffin, Michael F., 109
Group rape, 60, 62
Guevara, Che, 242
for preventing workplace
violence, 129–130, 132 for therapists, 183–184
Gutheil, Thomas G., xi–xiii, 3

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