Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (15 page)

BOOK: Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology
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"Yeah. Maybe."

"Goodbye, Hurricane Elissa. Happy travels to you." He holds out his hand again, and I shake it.

"Bye, Scott. It was nice meeting you."

With a wave, he strides off in the direction of the duty-free stores, and I saunter toward the departure gate.



He Sees You When You're Sleeping



It's a truth universally acknowledged
that once you fly first class, you're forever ruined for any other type of travel. This was my first experience sitting at the front of the plane, and I couldn't believe that during my ten-hour flight I feasted on gourmet food, slept in a bed complete with designer sheets, and even had a shower. All while soaring thousands of feet above the earth.


When I book flights for myself, I always travel economy, because I can't justify the outrageous expense of business or first class. Of course, Liam has no such qualms. No wonder he always looks happy and refreshed after he travels.

When I get off the plane, I briefly see Scott in the immigration line looking exhausted and more than a little miserable. Ah, the curse of economy. He gives me a solemn wave as I pass, and I wave back. Then I lose sight of him.

After collecting my luggage and heading through customs, I find a good-looking silver-haired man in a collared shirt and slacks holding a sign that reads, "Miss Elissa Holt."


His face lights up. "Miss Holt! Hello. You're even more beautiful than the picture Mr. Quinn sent. My name is Luis. Please, let me take your suitcase."

He takes control of my luggage and leads me outside to where a slick town car is waiting.

"Luis, how long until we get to our destination?"

"Oh, not long, if the wind is kind to us."


He nods sagely.

"Don't suppose you can tell me anything about where we're going?"

"I'm afraid not. Mr. Quinn was specific about it being a surprise."

I sigh and close my eyes. "I hate surprises."


Okay, so, I have to admit, this surprise is pretty awesome.

For the first time in my life, I'm in a helicopter, and it's amazing! Luis turns out to be a pilot, and he gives me a running commentary on the region and its people as he flies us along the Brazilian coast.

After a while, we head out to sea, and he points to an island in the distance. "That's where we're going."

"The island?"

He nods.

The green shape gets bigger as we approach, and when we're right over it, I press my head against the window to get a better look.

Either I'm crazy, or that island vaguely resembles a love heart.

In the center, there seems to be a large lake, and around the edges are pristine, white beaches.

"It's beautiful."

Luis nods. "Mr. Quinn thought you would like it."

"Is there a resort down there? I can't see it." I can just imagine sitting out by a pool while a bronzed Brazilian waitress brings me a drink with an umbrella and half a pineapple poking out of the top.

"No," Luis says. "Apart from my wife and I who take care of Mr. Quinn's house, the island is completely uninhabited."

I turn to Luis. "Liam owns a house there?"

"Well, yes, but only because it came with the island."

I stop breathing as his words sink in. "Luis ... are you telling me that Liam—" God, this is too bizarre to even say. "Liam bought an

Yep, sounds just as ridiculous as I thought it would.

Apparently Luis doesn't think so, because he gives me a warm smile. "He bought it a couple of months ago. For you. He calls it

My lungs tighten. "Let me get this straight. Liam bought an island."


"For me."


"And he called it Bliss?"


A shrill giggle bubbles out of me.

Sweet Holy Mother.
Most girls are lucky if they get dinner and a show. My man bought me a baby continent.

I giggle again and realize there's a strong possibility I'm losing my grip on reality.

"He must love you very much," Luis says as he banks the helicopter down toward the island.


Feeling like my insides are going to explode, I say, "Yeah."

Luis takes us down over a wide grassy area before expertly landing on a bright yellow helipad.

I know I should be asking more questions about Brazil, but I'm still caught up in the whole, 'My fiancée's idea of a grand romantic gesture is purchasing an entire land mass.'

Despite his protests, I help Luis load my luggage into a waiting SUV, and then we're hurtling through the underbrush of a tropical rainforest.

After a while, we come to a clearing where a neat white cottage sits. "This is where Alma and I stay," Louis says. "If you need anything at all, you call us. We're available twenty-four hours a day."

"Okay." Sure. My island. My staff. Makes perfect sense.

A few hundred yards down the road, the jungle gives way to reveal one of the beaches I saw from the air. Above it sits a stunning contemporary mansion, seemingly built out of glass and stainless steel. It's so beautiful, it takes my breath away.

"It used to belong to a Sultan," Luis says. "He spared no expense in the construction."

"Why did he sell?"

A shadow crosses Luis's face. "He was a superstitious man. Claimed the house was cursed."


Luis shrugs. "Every time he stayed there, something bad happened. Personally, I think the man was a little crazy, but at least he sold it to Mr. Quinn for a bargain price."

"Did Liam know about the whole

"Yes. But I'm sure you know that Mr. Quinn isn't afraid of such things."

True. Liam isn't afraid of much at all. Except clowns, which is totally justified. Clowns are the work of the devil.

"Ready to see your new home for the next few weeks?" Luis asks with a smile as we pull up near the giant front door.

"Sure," I say. My trip has been already so full of unbelievable experiences, might as well add another one to the list.


Jesus Harold Christ. You've got to be kidding me.


When I was growing up, I'd often flick through Mom's copies of
Home Beautiful
. Every time I read the features on the homes of the rich and famous, I couldn't believe the amount of opulence with which some people lived.


Every one of those millionaire playgrounds looked like fixer-uppers compared to this place, with its open plan layout and floating wooden staircases. The entire front of the building is plate glass to make the most of the stunning ocean views. The decor is contemporary but comfortable, and it feels so familiar, I wonder if I’ve seen pictures of it before.

." A warm hand touches my arm, and I turn to see Luis's wife, Alba. She was waiting when we entered the house, and is now staring at me in concern. "You've been standing still for a while. Are you all right?"

I nod. "Sorry, Alba. Just trying to take everything in."

"You like the house?"

"Very much."

"Mr. Quinn thought you would. I can give you a tour if you'd like."


Over the next fifteen minutes, Alba shows me through the house as she highlights all of the features, including a state-of-the-art entertainment system, the well-stocked library, a massive sandstone balcony, complete with pool, and a gourmet kitchen that would make my mother scream in delight.

When she shows me upstairs into the main bedroom, I'm speechless. In the middle of the room is the largest four post bed I've ever seen, but unlike the heavy wooden versions I'm used to, this one is made of laser cut metal, so the posts look as though they're made of shiny 3-D lace. It's beyond beautiful.


Luis brings in my luggage and sets it by the foot of the bed. "Would you like us to unpack for you, Miss Holt?"

"Uh, no. That's fine, Luis. I can do it myself." The mere thought of anyone seeing the sheer volume of lingerie in my suitcase gives me cold sweats. They'd think I was some sort of sex maniac. I mean, it's true in regards to Liam, but no one needs to know that.

"If there's nothing else you need," Luis says, "we'll leave you to relax."

I go to give them both a cash tip, but Alba waves me away. "No need, Senhorita. Mr. Liam has taken care of everything."

"So it seems. Do you know when he might be arriving?"

They share a look. Then Luis pulls an envelope from his jacket and hands it to me. "Perhaps this will explain."

They both smile before taking their leave. When they're gone, I open the letter.


Darling Liss,

By now I'm sure you've already had a tour of the house and island. I hope you like it. When I think that we're going to be alone together with no one pointing, staring, or taking our picture for a whole month, I get stupidly excited. Total and absolute privacy is the only gift I want this Christmas. Screw the usual presents. Being with you is all I need. I hope it's okay that I've organized to have my gift a little early.

If everything goes to plan, I'll arrive on the island just before dinner tonight. So relax, have lunch, get Luis to show you the waterfall and have a swim. I'll be there soon, and goddammit, sweetheart, I can't wait to see you.

All my love,

Liam x

PS. Did you see the size of that bed?

Oh, the things I'm going to do to you on that thing.


I smile and flop back onto the feather-soft duvet. He'll be here soon. Thank God. The wait is almost over.


After having a shower to freshen up, I slip into one of the new bikinis I bought especially for the trip. Even though I could count on one hand the amount of times I've worn any sort of bathing suit, I'm surprised how comfortable this one feels, despite it being on the skimpy side.

I cover up with a floaty sarong tied around my neck before heading down to the main living area. Alba is in the giant kitchen, cooking something that smells delicious on the fancy glass cooktop.

"Perfect timing, Miss Elissa. Lunch is ready."

"You didn't have to do that, Alba."

"Oh, it was no trouble. Plus, Mr. Quinn didn't hire me just for my pretty face. I love to cook."

She turns off the stove and spoons a steaming dish of meat and vegetables onto a waiting bed of rice. "This is called
. It is popular in Brazil and my husband's favorite."

I perch on one of the stools that sit along the front of the massive marble island as Alba places the plate in front of me.

"It smells fantastic."

She smiles before turning away to clean up.

Turns out, it tastes even better than it looks, and I try to act like a lady while I shovel it into my mouth. I don’t think I fool Alba for a second, and she gives me a warm smile as she washes the dirty pan.

"Will you go to the beach after lunch? It's a beautiful day."

"Actually, Liam said I should check out the waterfall. Is it far?"

The pan slips from Alba's hands and hits the edge of the sink with a loud bang. When she looks over at me, she looks a little pale. "No. It isn't far. Luis can take you."

"Oh, I'm sure I can find it by myself if you point me in the right direction."

She picks up the pan and continues to wash it. "You should not go by yourself. There are wild creatures on the island. Best to have someone with you."

Wild creatures?
What, like lions? And tigers? And bears? Oh, my ...

When Luis walks in, Alba has a hushed conversation with him in Portuguese. Whatever she says, Luis seems to reassure her. Then she smiles at him before coming over to collect my empty plate.

"Thank you, Alba."

"You're welcome, Miss Elissa."

"So," Luis says as he leans against the bench. "Alba tells me you'd like to see the waterfall."

"Yes, as long as that's okay. If you’ve got something else to do, I could—"

Luis raises his hand to cut me off. "My only concern is taking care of you, Miss Holt. Would you like to go now?"


Before we can leave, Alba takes a canvas beach bag from a nearby closet and hands it to me. "This contains a towel, hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. The bug repellent is most important. Many mosquitoes in the rain forest."

I take it from her and give her a smile. "Thanks, Mom."

She laughs as Luis and I head out the door to the waiting jeep.


Dense foliage whips by on both sides of the jeep as Luis speeds through the forest. Heeding Alba's warning, I concentrate on rubbing thick bug repellent all over myself.

"Is there something wrong with the waterfall?" I ask.

He looks confused. "No. Why?"

"I just got the impression Alba didn't want me going there."

He chuckles. "My lovely wife listens to too many ghost stories, and she believes the waterfall is cursed."

"A cursed house
a cursed waterfall? Wow. No wonder Liam got this place for a song."

Luis laughs again. "Well, if you believe my wife, the waterfall is the source of the evil spirits who haunt the house. You see, this island has not always been so idyllic. Many years ago, it was the home of a particularly brutal tribe who believed their god would only keep them safe if they offered human sacrifices. There's a large stone altar near the waterfall, and legends tell us that was where the sacrifices took place."

"You don't believe it?"

"Oh, I do. When the Sultan bought the island, they cleared nearly a hundred sets of human remains from the area. I just don't believe that means it's cursed. But then again, my wife has a far better imagination than I. When workers were building the Sultan's mansion, they claim to have seen something in the jungle they called,
Espírito Vingativo,
or The Vengeful Spirit. They swore it sabotaged them on several occasions by moving their work tools or interfering with machinery." He gives me a quick glance. "Do you believe in these superstitions, Miss Holt?"

BOOK: Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology
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