Bad Teacher (15 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Wild

BOOK: Bad Teacher
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Chapter 18





Thirty minutes later



The restaurant is chic as fuck. Seriously, I’m not kidding. I’ve never been to a place like this. It has tablecloths, different glasses for wine and water, two of every cutlery, and they talk to me as if I’m some kind of lady from the middle ages. Waiters here walk as if they just shit gold glitter from their ass.

It’s terrifying, to say the least.

But I have to admit the food is beyond delicious.

Every time I take a bite of my venison tenderloin, I die a little. That’s how good it is. And maybe a moan or two even slips out.

Thomas keeps looking at me with a stupid smile on his face, and I constantly have the feeling that I’m being laughed at for using the wrong fork and knife, but I don’t care.

“How is it?” Thomas asks.

“Delicious!” I say.

He chuckles. “I can tell from the moans.”

“Sorry … I just can’t control myself.”

He leans forward, whispering, “Or is it the plug?”

I almost choke on a little venison there but manage to swallow it down eventually. “I’m trying not to pay attention to it.”

“Oh, so me talking about it only makes you feel it more? Nice to know.” He grins.

“Stop it,” I hiss.

“Why? Am I embarrassing you?”

“Yes. It feels wrong here.”

“Here? Is this place any different from college? I could do this anywhere,” he muses, taking a bite of his crab.

“If I knew you were taking me to such an uptight place, I would’ve dressed nicer.”

“You look amazing, Hailey,” he says, making me blush.

I rub my earlobes, only to be reminded of those earrings I put in. I love them, but wearing them to something this fancy is really awkward. “Well, I just feel so out of place here with my ice-cream cone earrings.”

“Hmm …” He licks his lips. “They only make you more beautiful.”

I try to hide my smile behind my fork, but it doesn’t work. Luckily, he smiles back. Compliments … why do I fall so damn hard for them every goddamn time?

“You’re uncomfortable,” he says.

“No, not at all,” I say, clearing my throat, but he knows as well as I do that I’m lying.

“I won’t hide my opinion of you, Hailey. I’ll tell you whatever’s on my mind. Bad or good. You okay with that?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

He shrugs. “Some people can’t take the heat.”

“I think I’ve already proven I can.” A self-satisfied smile perks up on my face.

“All right … then let’s continue our game. Ask three questions and I’ll answer them, then you do the same.”

“You wanna play a game again? I thought we were already over this,” I say.

“There’s plenty more I can learn about you. We’re only just about to get to know each other,” he says, taking a sip of his wine.

I purse my lips. “So you
want to get to know me beyond the bedroom?”

It takes him a while to put down his wine glass and think of an answer. “I want to know who I’m fucking … literally.” He leans forward. “So what’s it going to be, Hailey? Will you allow me to get to know your mind as well as I know your body?”

“Assuming you know my body so well … maybe I will,” I say, taking a sip of my drink. “All right, you start.”

He sits back in his chair, mulling it over a bit. “Would you have come to class and done better if I wasn’t teaching?”

I make a face. “What kind of question is that?”

He shakes his finger. “Ah-ah. Answer first. Question later.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine. I don’t know. Maybe I would have. But I’m not skipping any of your classes now, am I?”

“But you did,” he taunts, tracing an invisible line on the table.

“My turn. Would you ever have remotely thought of fucking me if you’d never met me before our first class?”

“Absolutely.” He smirks. “Attraction would’ve happened, whether I met you before or later. Would I have acted on it? Probably not. But that’s not the way it went with us, now did it? We can take so many paths in life, but there’s no use thinking about them because we chose only one. That’s the one we should believe in. It’s all we can do. Believe we made the right choice.”

I nod. There’s actually a lot of wisdom behind that statement. “True. As long as you stand behind the choice.”

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t even want to know what would’ve happened if we didn’t meet.”

Everything he says makes me feel like I should be trying my best more. He seems so much more interested and actually okay with the choice he made when he fucked me. It’s almost like he’s finally coming to terms with our ‘relationship.’ Or whatever the fuck this is we’re doing.

“So … second question … Where did you get those earrings?”

My eyes widen. “Excuse me?”

“Where’d you get those?” He points at them, and my instinct is to immediately grab them and hold on tight.

“What does it matter?”

He shrugs. “It doesn’t if they wouldn’t matter to you, but they do.”

My words stick in my throat. “H-how do you know?”

He smiles. “C’mon now, Hailey … this isn’t the first time we met, and I’m starting to recognize your little quirks. It’s not a shame that they mean a lot to you. I’m just curious.”

I sigh and turn my head toward the table so I can think about it for a second. It’s none of his business. Or is it? Does he mean something to me? Enough to tell him more about me? Do I mean enough to him that he’d want to know? Apparently.

Taking a deep breath, I say, “I got them from my father for my seventh birthday. I know they’re stupid, and I’m too old to wear them, but I love them.”

He lowers his head and nods, then looks up with a cocked head and a smile. “I get it. Your dad means a lot to you, and that’s truly admirable. I hope he loves you just as much.”

I rub my lips together, biting the bottom one in the process. “I hope so.” My throat suddenly feels tight, and I can’t swallow well, so I quickly take a sip of my drink and say, “Next question. Will we ever be more than fuck buddies?”

His lips part, but then he slams them shut again, a difficult look on his face. “You know I can’t answer that question, Hailey.”

“You can’t, or you don’t want to?”

He just looks at me without saying a word.

I shrug it off. “It was worth a shot.” Honestly, I am a little bit disappointed and hurt. I mean, he could’ve just said no, right? No hard feelings. Or something.

I sigh in my head. Who am I kidding? Of course, there are hard feelings. I don’t just fuck any guy. In fact, I never fucked a guy before him, and that means something to me. It may not mean something to him, but at least, he could acknowledge the fact that I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.

“I want to know about your dreams, Hailey,” he says. “What do you want to do after college?”

“My dreams?” I frown, confused. “I hadn’t thought about that yet.”

“What would you see yourself doing in ten years from now?”

“I don’t know. Maybe start up a business somewhere.” I clear my throat. “But you haven’t answered my question yet.”

“I don’t want to. Can’t we talk more about your parents? Or your hobbies? I’d like to know more about you,” he says.

“I don’t wanna talk about my parents. Anything but my parents.” I put the glass down a little too hard, making the wine splash over and onto my shirt. “Fuck.”

He picks up a napkin and leans over the table. “Damn, let me help you.”

He pats my shirt, but I snatch it away from him and dab my clothes myself. “I have hands. I can clean myself. Thanks.”

“No problem. Also, we don’t have to talk about your parents. Just tell me something else.”

I throw the dirty napkin on the table. “What’s there to tell? I’m a unicorns-and-rainbows-loving nerd, who prefers loud music over talking to people, who also happens to love bright colors and anything that distracts her. I’m pretty weird, but also pretty normal. Did I mention I love to party and hang out with boys?” I raise a brow to taunt him.

“As long as those boys don’t touch you, party away.”

“Really?” I shift in my seat. “Because I could’ve sworn I wasn’t anyone’s possession, so boys can touch me all they want, and I’ll gladly let them if they want to.”

He narrows his eyes. “Don’t play dirty games with me, Hailey. I’m not someone to mess with.”

“Oh, and I am?”

“Why are you so upset? Is it because I asked about your parents? That’s it, right?”

My nose twitches from annoyance. He’s really pushing me now.

“Or is it because I never said you’re mine?”

He reaches into his pocket.

Something inside starts to vibrate.

I squeal.

Everyone turns around.

Thomas places his finger on his own lips and shushes me.

“Don’t make a sound.”

“What the fuck?” I say.

“Shh … not so loud. You don’t want everyone here to know you have a butt plug in your ass, do you?” he whispers.

“Is that thing vibrating? Oh, my god.” My pupils dilate and then I growl, “
doing this.”

“Yes, I am. I needed to make a point here.”

“What point?” I shudder and clench my legs from the vibration, which pulses through me, causing delicious thumps.

Fuck. How am I supposed to concentrate on the conversation? How am I supposed to eat my damn venison if I can’t lift a damn fork without shaking?

“You are mine, Hailey. Whether you think you are or not doesn’t matter. When I say you’re mine, you’re mine completely. No one, and I mean no one, is going to touch you. I don’t share what belongs to me.”

“I don’t belong—”

“You belonged to me the moment I stuck my tongue into your pussy, and you know it,” he growls softly. “You think I’m playing around, don’t you? I’m not. I may not want to define whatever the fuck it is we’re doing here, but that doesn’t make me any less of a greedy motherfucker. And I am
greedy when it comes to you. That’s a problem of mine that I’m willing to admit now, having you on my mind every goddamn second of the day, wishing I could stick my tongue in your pussy and then my cock until I hear you scream my name. I also finally came to terms with the fact that I am one jealous asshole, and you won’t like me one bit when I’m jealous, Hailey, so don’t you make me one by letting other boys get a taste.”

I’m baffled.

I don’t even know what to say.

Completely fucking speechless, that’s what.

And I don’t even know if I’m supposed to take this as a compliment or a threat.

Judging by the sensations between my legs, I guess it’s good either way.

Not that I still have a choice in the matter. The more he talks, the more I want him to shut up and kiss me.

Now, I know what Lesley means when she’s talking about alpha men. He’s the prime example.

“Did you understand all that, Hailey?”

“Um … yes? I guess?” I say, licking my lips from the tightness in my ass that I’m suddenly very aware of, considering we’re in a restaurant.

The vibrating increases in intensity, making me squirm in my seat.

“Not. Good. Enough,” he growls. “Tell me exactly what you won’t be doing.”

“I won’t be seducing guys or letting anyone else touch me.”


“I belong to you, even though we aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Exactly. And when I ask you to tell me something, you
tell me.”

“Fine, yes,” I whisper, breathing heavily through my mouth to cope with the increased pleasure I’m feeling down below. Goddamn. It feels so wrong inside a restaurant.

“Yes, what?” He pulls the item from his pocket and shows it to me. “Or do you want me to turn this up a notch?”

“Yes, Sir!” I say, a little bit louder than intended, causing people to turn their heads.

He smiles wickedly. “Good.”

The vibrating loses its power, but it doesn’t stop completely.

“Why are you doing this?” I mutter. “We’re in a fucking restaurant.”

“I don’t care where we are. I will give you pleasure whenever I want, wherever I want. Because… let’s face it, that wasn’t really punishment, was it? Tell me the truth.” he muses, placing the item on the table in full view. Goddamn, it feels like a jab. Like he knows he owns me or something. Of course, he does. I know it too. I just wish I could own him too.

I sigh and pat my dress, trying to regain whatever’s left of my self-control. “Yes, Sir … I kinda liked it.”

“Hmm … that’s my good girl.”

Just those words … they do something to me.

Especially the part when he says ‘my.’

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