Baddest Bad Boys (5 page)

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Authors: Shannon McKenna,E. C. Sheedy,Cate Noble

Tags: #Fiction, #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult, #Suspense, #Anthologies

BOOK: Baddest Bad Boys
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He flushed, like a teenage boy. “Because I’m hung like a horse, that’s why. Which is great for some women, if they’re built for it. And it sucks for others. Virgins belong in the second category.”
Her mouth dangled open, eyes wide. Her gaze flicked down to his crotch. “Let me see,” she said, reaching down.
He blocked her hand and pinned it against the sofa cushion. “Uh-uh. Do not let the beast out of its cage,” he said, teeth clenched.
“Poor trapped beast won’t have any fun unless you let him out.”
“You think this is fun?” he snarled.
She struggled up into a sitting position. “I hoped it would be,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to torture you. I wish you could lighten up.”
His laughter was bitter. Lighten up, his hairy ass. After months of worming through the sewer of Geddes’s sick mind?
But he didn’t want to lay that tortured crap on Robin.
“I am who I am,” he said grimly. “If you don’t like me this way, we can just stop. I’ll just go lock myself in the bathroom and jerk off.”
She gazed at him, looking uncertain. “I don’t want to stop,” she whispered. “Whatever you want to give me…I’ll take.”
He sagged over her, and pressed his face against her belly, nuzzling the secret cleft of her navel. She shuddered, sliding her fingers into his hair as he slid his hand into her jeans. His searching fingers found a silky swatch of fine pubic hair, smooth and flush to her skin.
Lower, to find the dampness, the plump, cushiony lips of her pussy. The seam was slick and hot. Panties soaked with lube.
She whimpered, and clutched his wrist. She was primed.
He had to see it. Taste it. Feel her come with her clit in his mouth. He pulled his hand out, and sucked his gleaming fingers. Sweet as candy. The roar in his ears got louder. “Get those jeans off,” he said.
She was too damn slow. She couldn’t get the knots of her sneakers undone, so she pried them off her heels. He wrenched the buttons open, and yanked panties and jeans down together.
It happened so fast. One minute she was arguing, and the next, she was buck naked but for her ankle socks.
“This is like Sexual Fantasy Number 2017B. My ravishing pirate fantasy,” she babbled. “Remarkably similar to the medieval knight fantasy. Or the Scottish Laird fantasy. You star in them all.”
His grim mouth twitched. “You fantasized about me?”
She made a rude sound. “Dumb question,” she murmured.
His hands slid up her thighs. “What did I do in these fantasies?”
Robin’s giggles stopped. She was sobered by a stab of longing.
“You, um, you wanted me,” she whispered.
Jon’s face went hard. “I’m warning you again. Don’t get all intense about me.” His voice was flinty. “Don’t even look at me that way.”
She looked away. Shit. She was scaring him off already, wrecking this for herself. “Sorry,” she whispered. “Can’t help it.”
He was silent for a moment. “Help it,” he said flatly. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all. What a fucking surprise.”
Oh, no, no, no. She was playing what few cards she had all wrong. “Oh, don’t worry.” She forced lightness into her voice. “My intentions are completely dishonorable. I’m leaving the Northwest, too.”
“You are? Where are you going?”
“San Francisco,” she informed him. “I got accepted into the training program of the Circo della Luna Rossa a few months ago. I cannot wait. I am so out of here.”
He looked impressed. “Wow. I’ve heard about that show. That’s, uh, pretty amazing. What do Mac and Danny think of it all?”
Her eyes dropped. “They, uh, don’t actually know about it yet.”
There was an expressive silence. “Ah,” he said.
“They’re going to be unthrilled,” she confessed. “But it’s not up to them. Anyhow. Never mind my brothers. The point is, I want no ties. I need to be able to just pick up and go. Travel the world for months at a time. So put your mind at ease. I’m just using you for sex.”
“I see,” he said, his voice velvety. “If you’re such a hardboiled, tough broad using me for sex, why are your legs clamped together?”
In fact, they were. Jon’s hands were exerting gentle, constant pressure. Her thighs shook with the effort of resisting. She laughed, which released the tension. Her thighs opened to his coaxing hands.
He stared down at her, rapt. That muscle still pulsed in his jaw.
She felt so exposed. Her pubic hair was just a dark silky swatch that hid nothing of her tender private bits.
Jon looked hypnotized. His eyes glowed with a focused hunger more potent than physical touch. He caressed her pussy with his fingertips. She jerked, like she’d been shocked. He grabbed her hips and scooted them to the edge of the couch. She fought for balance, and lost. Tumbled back, splayed wide. He leaned down and put his mouth to her.
Oh. It felt so good, it was scary. She’d naively thought, with her erotic reading, and being her own enthusiastic best friend and all, that she knew how deliciously nice that would feel. She hadn’t had a clue.
She hadn’t factored in the trembling, shivering, on-the-edge feeling, the cool air that shivered over the surface of her skin, the flickering from the fire. Those fierce, bright eyes, flicking up to watch her reaction.
She quivered and moaned. Every swirling caress of his mouth, his tongue, was a shock of startled delight. She couldn’t stop moving, twitching, but only because it was so…damn…good, oh God—
The explosion was so wrenching, she fell away, lost herself.
He was at her again when she came back to herself, but she tried to push his face away. “Let me rest,” she begged. “Give me a sec.”
“I’m not leaving you wanting more. I’m going to leave you too tired to move,” he said. “If we’re gonna do this, I’m gonna make it count.”
He went at it slower the next time, building her up, making her wait. She was shivering on the brink of an explosion when he forced his finger inside her. “So tight,” he muttered. “I love how you hug me.”
She pushed herself against his hand, pleading for deeper, faster. More. She needed something so bad and he had it to give. He stroked that spot inside she’d never known about, while his tongue lapped and swirled, and then fastened his lips over the taut bud of her clit, exerting the perfect suckling pressure, fluttering his tongue…
The climax took her so violently, she passed out, for a few seconds.
When she opened her eyes again, he was staring into her face, his eyes blazing. The force of his need pulled her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tugged him closer. “Make love to me,” she pleaded.
He shook his head. A muscle in his jaw twitched with tension.
She shoved against his chest. “You are so goddamn stubborn!”
He started getting up. “So they tell me.”
She grabbed his belt as she realized he was about to walk away.
“Not so fast,” she said. “You said that you’d teach me how to…that we’d…” She couldn’t quite force the bold words out.
“Changed my mind,” he said. “I’ve decided that it’s inadvisable.”
“You can’t change the rules now, after what you just did to me!”
“I can do what I damn well please,” he said.
She wrenched his buckle open. “And what about the beast?”
“I’ll take care of the beast myself.”
“But the poor thing’s trapped in there, pleading for release,” she said, trying to tease a smile out of him.
Not a chance. His mouth was grim, but still, he was passive as she popped the buttons of his fly. “Don’t waste any compassion on the beast,” he said. “He gets his rocks off on a regular basis.”
That was not what she wanted to hear, but she brushed it off, and wrenched down his jeans. His penis sprang out at her, right in her face.
Holy cow. He hadn’t been exaggerating. His penis was way thicker and broader and…well, redder and angrier looking than anything she’d expected. A rush of lube moistened her thighs, just looking at it.
She grabbed it, curling her fingers around it tightly so he couldn’t change his mind and pull away. The contact made her hand tingle. His skin was so soft, and beneath it, the flesh hard and hot and pulsing. Smooth skin sliding over that stiff shaft, the thick knotwork of empurpled veins. She’d never played with one of these up close. Never imagined how it would feel to be a man and have it all sticking out there on display. Intimidating, but also…vulnerable. She could read the vulnerability on his face, even beneath the simmering tension.
“Wow,” she commented. “What a truly excellent toy.”
He let out a bark of laughter, and that was her cue to just go for it, before he gathered his defense, or she lost her nerve, either one. If he didn’t like how she did it, he could give her pointers along the way.
After all, please. Like, how complicated could this be?
Jon threw his head back with a groan of agonized delight. God. What she lacked in experience, she more than made up for with sheer intensity, and what he suspected was incredible innate talent.
So good. He got his cock sucked whenever he wanted it, never lacking for willing female company, and he enjoyed it lustily every time, but this desperate emotional edge he had right now changed it into something almost…dangerous.
He must be on the brink like this because he was so fucked up over the Geddes thing. He hadn’t had sex in months. Rare, for him. He had tankloads of backed-up mojo to unload. That was all it was.
But that and all other sure things he knew about himself were breaking down because of this girl, those slender hands gripping him, that clever tongue, licking, swirling, sucking. She sucked his glans into her mouth while her tongue circled and fluttered the underside.
He locked his knees, trembling, so he wouldn’t fall.
It took a while for her to figure out the choreography, but any woman capable of juggling tomatoes or flaming torches was more than capable of coordinating tongue, lips, hands to drive him out of his skull. She milked his root with her hands, finding that spot under the glans that made him nuts, the suckling outstroke, the perfect rhythm…
He had a bad moment imagining what Danny would say if he walked in, but the charge was building. He was going to explode.
The phone in his shirt pocket started to ring.
They froze, eyes locked. He plucked the vibrating thing out of his pocket. Two rings. Three. Sure enough. It was Danny. Aw, fuck. Fuck.
Four rings. Robin waited, caressing his slick, throbbing cock with her hands like she couldn’t bear to let go, a question in her eyes.
A challenge, too. Guilt made him furious.
Danny waited ten rings before he gave up. Jon flung the thing onto the couch, disgusted with himself. Hogtied by a woman’s mouth. She’d wrangled him so easily. All his bluster, all his resolve, had led him straight to this. Her lube all over his face. His cock in her mouth.
“So?” His voice came out hard. “You won. Finish me off.”
She blinked, startled by his harsh tone, but got right to it. Sucked him right back into that vortex of white hot pleasure.
He should have asked if she was OK with him coming in her mouth, but by the time it occurred to him, it was thundering down, pounding him under.
He could hardly believe he was still on his feet. He looked down as she wiped her mouth and pressed a kiss to the tuft of springy dark hair at his groin. He felt like shit. Even if she wasn’t his best friend’s baby sister, she was a sweet, vulnerable girl. She had no business getting mixed up with him. He could have stopped himself. And should. Right now. Because as he stared at her body, her big, glowing eyes, he knew he was capable of making it worse. Taking it all the way. Oh, yeah.
He pulled himself out of her grip, shoved his still turgid dick back into his pants and fastened them. “Class dismissed,” he said.
She looked disillusioned. “But I…didn’t you like it?”
“Sure, I liked it, and now it stops. Get your damn clothes on.”
He walked away. Out the kitchen, out the door, into the rustling moonless night. The wind was tossing the firs, petting them like a big hand. He stumbled out into their midst, watched them bend and sway.
He had to do something about the cold, dead feeling the Geddes case had left him with. It sat there in the middle of his chest like a rock. He’d tried alcohol, but he didn’t like getting as drunk as he needed to be to blunt it. He hadn’t noticed it when he was wallowing between Robin’s thighs, a voice in his head pointed out. Hadn’t felt it when she was blowing him, either.
Huh. He’d have to think about that. But it wasn’t permanent. The instant the sexual buzz eased off, the feeling crashed down, just like now. Tenfold. He heard the ringing of his cell. The door opened, and Robin appeared in the door, mercifully, clothed. Silhouetted against the kerosene lamplight, staring down at the screen display.
“I don’t want to talk to him,” he said.
“It’s not Danny,” she said. “It’s someone called Mendez.”
Constance Mendez, the colleague who was covering for him. She wouldn’t call him without a good reason. He strode to the door, grabbed the phone out of Robin’s outstretched hand, and hit Talk. “Yeah?”
“Amendola. Sorry to bug you, but I thought you’d want to know this.” Her usually crisp voice sounded subdued. “Geddes is dead.”
Of all things to feel at a piece of news like that, a stab of irrational fear was the most inappropriate he could think of. “Huh?”
“He sucked down a bunch of hand gel in the bathroom,” she said. “Happened this afternoon. Took him a while to die. I just found out.”
His stomach lurched. He tasted bile. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Maybe, uh…this will help you relax?”
“Don’t hold your breath,” he said. “Later, Mendez.”
He broke the connection, stared down at the phone for a minute, and thumbed the thing definitively off. No more calls. He was done.

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