Balancer's Soul (31 page)

Read Balancer's Soul Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Tags: #soul, #sarah, #connor, #balancer, #h lee morgan, #changer

BOOK: Balancer's Soul
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Sarah looked up to see her mother with wide
eyes and her father’s face going sheet white. “Oh no, Jack we need
to hurry!” Jillian stated while taking his hand in hers.

“Mother, what happened?” Sarah’s voice shook
as Connor’s limp head laid on her lap, as she sat on the ground. He
was barely breathing now.

“Your father used too much force to enter
Connor’s mind. Connor’s energy is slipping away, if we don’t do
something now he might slip in a permanent coma or worse. Sarah,
move!” She felt her father silently pick her up and moved her over,
out of the way.

Jack straightened Connor’s contorted body on
the floor. “Sarah, stay back and don’t say a word. We’ll fix the

Jillian moved the chair out of the way as she
knelt at Connor’s left side and Jack took the other. Her left hand
rested on her mate’s right palm. Sarah suddenly felt the
temperature rising in my room. It had to of come from her father.
Where their hands touched, their skin began to slightly give off a
glowing sheen that could barely be seen. It looked just like how
you’d hold your hand over a flashlight and see your skin glow, but
the only difference is that it was her parent’s power being called
forth and mixed.

Their other hands began to faintly glow as
well, but this time Jillian placed her other hand over Connor’s
exposed chest, directly in the center of his scar. Jack placed his
hand on top of hers and Sarah faintly saw the power flow from their
hands and get absorbed into Connor’s body. They really were trying
to help him by feeding him their combined energy. Jillian had her
eyes closed in concentration just as Jack did.


Five minutes later they stopped and sat back
in complete exhaustion. Sarah was still frantic with panic as she
asked “How is he?”

Jack leaned back and looked at her with
hollow, exhausted eyes. “Sarah, we gave him as much energy as we
could and we are out of strength ourselves. He will be better in
time, at least he won’t die on us. He’s a large person so it took
more to stabilize him. Now that everyone is weak, will you bring us
as much food as you can manage? The more calories the better.”

Suddenly Sarah heard a groan from the floor.
She peeked over her father’s shoulder and asked “Connor? Is that

He turned his head to the sound of her voice
and spoke weakly. “Wha… What happened? Why am I on the ground?”

Jack cursed under his breath. “What the hell
is this kid made out of? He should be asleep for the next five days
at least.” He then looked at his mate. “My Love, are you

Jillian leaned up from the floor weakly.
“Yes…just really drained. Connor, are you hurting anywhere?”

“Only a massive headache. Will someone please
tell me what just happened?” His voice became stronger with every
moment. He weakly sat up and Sarah put her arm under him, to help
him get into her bed. He was larger than her single mattress.

As she stood, her father said from the floor.
“It was my fault. You went unconscious because of my mistake.
Jillian and I poured our energy into you before…”

Connor’s head lay on her pillow with his eyes
now opened. His hazel eyes weren’t as piercing, but at least they
were calm. He said in awe “Amazing!”

“How is that
? I could have lost you.” Sarah said in a
worried tone.

He shut his eyes slowly while saying “It was
amazing because your parents poured their energy into me to save
me. I never knew that it could be possible.” He opened his eyes to
look at her again. “Sarah, your parents aren’t the only ones who
need those calories. Could you please bring me something as

“Right! I’ll be right back. Don’t you die on
me, do you understand?” He smiled at her command.

“I will always obey my princess.” As Sarah
left for the kitchen she heard Connor speaking. “You two are
incredible; in a good and a bad way.”

“I can’t wait to hear this… Go ahead, let’s
have it.” she heard her mother say. Sarah quickly grabbed
everything she could manage to carry from the pantry and started
back to the room.

“I asked for you to get permission to read my
mind, but I am glad that you had the ability to save me.”

“You’re taking this quite well.” Jack said
rather calmly.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m disappointed at you
alright, but I understand why you did it. From now on you will know
this.” Sarah heard the mattress springs shift and knew he shifted
how he laid. “I never hurt my family, I protect them. I also
include you as a part of my family. We need to rely on each other,
not harm. Got it!” Connor actually scolded her ancient parents.

As Sarah came back into her room her father
said “You’re right, we are family.” He and her mother laid on the
floor together now. “Welcome back, Sarah.” Jack smiled up at his

Sarah handed her parents a package of
cereal and a bottle of soda. They sat up and ate quickly, trying to
replenish their depleted energies. She walked around them and sat
on the edge of her bed while looking at Connor. He now rested on
his back wearing the
on his
chest proudly. “What did you bring me?” He didn’t sit up, but he
smiled her smile. Sarah looked down at his resting hand.

“Please don’t ever try and upset Father like
that again.” She looked up again to see him wearing the same

“What else are son-in-laws for then?” He
smiled softly.

Jack chuckled quietly. “He’s got a point,
Sarah. It’s a guy thing. I too like giving your grandfather a hard
time, especially when he’s not being kind.”

“Men.” Jillian shook her head and Sarah

“It doesn’t really matter then.” Sarah said
and Conner smiled. She handed him a granola bar and a banana along
with a bottle of water.

He took the food first, but he seemed so weak
after this ordeal.


As everyone finished eating, Connor was at
last able to sit up on his own again. His eyes winced, but he
pushed himself. Jack and Jillian now stood with renewed vigor as
their energy levels came up again. “Connor, I’m sorry about
tonight.” Jillian apologized while looking at him on the edge of
the bed.

“I’m not. It was educational for me. Besides
that, I have a surprise waiting at home for me.”

“I forgot all about
Jillian suddenly looked at Sarah and smiled.
And as she read her mind her jaw continually dropped

Jillian spoke with her mind.

Well he has completely shattered your
shell, my daughter. It now looks like you want to break his

“Mother, please don’t get carried away.” She
shrugged indifferently.

Connor changed the flow of the room by
commanding “Jack, help me up.”

“You really shouldn’t move just yet.” He said
softly while looking down.

Connor looked at him with the piercing stare
of a natural born leader. “I wasn’t asking. There is just one more
thing I need to do before it gets dark and I’m going to accomplish
it.” Connor stretched his hand out and Jack grabbed his wrist and
helped him to stand. Connor wobbled for a minute trying to get his
equilibrium back. Her father patiently waited till Connor could
stand properly.

Connor looked at Sarah and smiled that he was
ready. He slowly bent down and picked up two of her heavier boxes
of clothing. As he left her room Connor called from the hallway
“Sarah, please get the door for me.” Using her petite size to an
advantage she rushed under his arm to open the doors and saw the
wagon he pulls Kara to school in. Inside were two suitcases which
held his things. He placed the two boxes inside the wagon as her
father brought the other two boxes and stacked them on top of the
suitcases. “Sarah, were you grading papers yesterday?” Connor
smiled weakly at her as Jillian brought out the last box.

“Gotcha.” She ran inside the house and
grabbed her school bag that was filled with the papers that she
forgot to put up before she left yesterday. “Mother, thank you for
putting my work in my bag.”

She smiled and replied with “Goodbye,

As Sarah came outside, her father and Connor
were discussing something. Connor wore the chest harness as he
waited. Connor said “…of course, I probably will not see you until
Monday morning.”

“Good.” Jack smiled as he walked into the

“What was that about?” She asked while
walking up to Connor, slinging her pack over his shoulder.

“He’s just worried about me.” He looked her
over with tired eyes. “Are you ready to go to your new home

“Our home,” She corrected with a possessive
smile. And he pulled the wagon through the woods, still breathing
hard. She knew he was still weak because she’s seen him run well
over eight miles at a dead run and not even break a sweat. He
really was hurting.


When they eventually arrived at the cottage,
he pulled the wagon straight into the living room. Sarah heard him
curse under his breath. Walking around to see what was wrong she
spotted him trying in vain to unclasp the strap connecter. Sarah
casually walked up to him and raised her hands in offering. “Let me
help.” His fingers were shaking fiercely because they weren’t
responding properly. As she removed the straps off his shoulders
she told him “Go take a hot shower, it will help. While you do
that, I will make you a better meal for dinner. The bar and banana
won’t be enough.” He nodded and started for the bathroom.

Sarah walked back into the kitchen and pulled
out some ground beef and made a quick meatloaf. She set the timer
for about thirty minutes and slid the meal into the preheated oven.
Connor must have been having a hard time in the shower because the
water had only been on for a minute as she finished making dinner
preparations and slid it into the oven.

She took a very deep
. “It’s time for your reward for
going shirtless all day for me.”
Sarah walked to the
bathroom door and cracked the door to peek inside. Connor stood in
the shower and it looked like he was leaning on the tile wall for
support, letting the water beat against his body. It was difficult
to see him through the glass sliding door because the

Sarah walked in as quietly as she could.
Taking off her clothing, she carefully slid the glass door back and
entered. Connor leaned heavily on the wall, allowing the hot water
to cascade off him. His eyes were closed, almost looking asleep.
Seeing him nude was more than she ever expected. His upper body
muscles were one thing, but his lower body was built more like a
warhorse. His calves bulged in a massive knot and his thighs were
the same. Even with him always wearing pants she couldn’t have
imagined anyone with legs like his.

Connor must have finally sensed her
because he spun around rapidly. His eyes went wide as he finally
noticed what stood before him. His eyes looked up and down at her
before he shut his eyes in embarrassment and delayed passion. Sarah
tried forcing herself to keep my eyes on his face, it didn’t work.
Not one aspect of him could be considered
. His attraction for her fully revealed
itself and she shivered as it stared at her with a primal hunger
only she could sate.

“Sarah, what are you doing?” His voice was
still weak.

“Just turn
around. This is your surprise, it’s a shame
you can’t enjoy it.” He didn’t turn completely around, but he
opened up his eyes and looked only at her face which was now
dripping wet from being in the steamy shower.

“I’m surprised.” He smiled weakly.

“I’m sorry?” He caught her off guard.

“What do you think of your fully naked

“Wait… didn’t we have a
similar conversation this morning?”
“You really are my
very own personal Greek God.” And he smiled weakly, looking even
more tired than she originally thought.

Speaking softly he said “And you look like my
Goddess.” He finally turned around to look at the showerhead

Wanting to get him to bed quicker, she told
him “Hand me the soap and the sponge.” He did and she washed his
back and chest. Sarah didn’t dare go lower or she might lose what
little control she had left and take him as her own. As they both
finished drying off she stepped out of the room first with a towel
wrapped over her middle and hurried into the kitchen to take out
dinner. Connor came out wearing the towel, covering only his waist.
He walked to the wagon and pulled it into their bedroom. “Dinner is
ready!” she yelled into the back.

Connor came out of the room, now wearing
black pants and sat at the dinner table.

They ate in complete silence. As he ate she
saw him shake his head violently to stay awake. Sarah took his
plate immediately once he finished and placed it in the sink.
“Let’s get you to bed.”

“You won’t get any arguments from me.” He
stood and walked into the bedroom, she followed in worry because he
didn’t make an insinuating retort. He collapsed on the bed, belly
down, and was sleeping within moments. Sarah put on a t-shirt and
panties to join him.

“Since he isn’t going
anywhere tomorrow I need to do some shopping.”
fell asleep as she heard his deep sleeping breaths and knew he
would survive the night.




Connor awoke around noon with a dull,
throbbing headache and all of his muscles were screaming in agony
and fatigue. Looking to his right and hoping to find Sarah, he was
disappointed to find a letter on Sarah’s pillow. It read:

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