Balancer's Soul (44 page)

Read Balancer's Soul Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Tags: #soul, #sarah, #connor, #balancer, #h lee morgan, #changer

BOOK: Balancer's Soul
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They led everyone through the forest
and only had to take a break once for Jenny and Rhoda to catch
their breath. Mark walked and talked by Connor with ease through
the trails as Kara did the same on Sarah’s side. Neither Mark nor
Kara showed the slightest bit of fatigue and Connor knew his sister
could go another three hours at this pace before breaking a sweat,
but the old Mark and this new one were a complete one-eighty from
each other. It was a remarkable change.

Four hours later they arrived at the
intended destination.

Kara’s brutal criticism came through
for them yet again. “What is so significant about this place
compared to that clearing we passed thirty minutes ago? At least
that place had a fallen tree to sit on.”

“Kara, this is the exact spot where
Connor tracked and rescued me the night I was lost.” Sarah
explained nicely and it shut Kara right up.

Everyone looked at the scenery for a
moment until Jack started the ceremony. “Dearly beloved we are
gathered here today to…” Sarah and Connor held hands while Jack did
the service. The only thing that changed in the nuptials was “Till
deaths do you part” to “As long as you live.” No one thought
anything of its significance except for them and her parents. Sarah
made a similar ring of steel for him and slid it on his ring
finger. When they sealed their existences with a kiss everyone’s
congratulatory uproar was still unexpected.

Mark spoke to Connor first. “Hey
congrats, Buddy. And good luck in your future. It looks like you
might need it.”

“Thanks Mark and you too, but with my
sister.” He whispered in his ear and Mark flushed. Then he punched
Connor in his left shoulder.

After everything calmed down they
guided their families back home. A massive feast at Jack’s home
awaited their return, which filled everyone including all four
present Balancers.

That evening when everyone left to go
home Sarah and Connor did the same. They consummated their marriage
several times more than usual.


Thursday morning in bed
Connor said when she woke up “I think Wife, that I should start
training with Jack today.” When he said
it woke Sarah up completely.
Her heart and body hummed pleasurably at just the sound of that new
word. After three hundred years of being single, that one word
chimed through her repeatedly.

, I agree.” And he smiled at
her, feeling the same sensation she did because of their

As they put on clothes,
Connor walked away and had Tool strapped to his hip. As they headed
through the woods Connor thought
“Are you
going to train with me or just watch?”

“Can’t I do both?”
Sarah asked casually.

“I don’t see any reason not to.”

They knocked and her mother answered
the door wearing a deep red, almost brown tight blouse while
revealing how underhandedly developed she is. “Well isn’t it the
newly married couple. How is the honeymoon going?”

“Good morning to you too, Jillian.”
Connor said with playful respect.

“What can we do for you this morning?”

“Can I request some training, if
you’re not too busy?” He said gently.

“Well of course.” She turned around
and yelled in the house in an excited voice “Jack, you up

“I am now…” He walked out of the
bathroom as steam from the shower followed him. Her father wore
only brown jeans and a thin sheen of water. “Good morning you two.”
Turning his sights to Jillian he asked “What’s with all the racket
so early this morning? It’s barely eight.”

“My Love, they want to train with us.”
She replied with a dangerous smile.

“Really?” A smile crept on his face.
He looked at Connor. “Ready to lose?”

“Bring all you have, old man.”
Connor’s challenging side surfaced.

Her father’s smile became a
grin. “Boy, this
man is going to show you just how little you know.” Jack’s
eyes drifted down to Connor’s hip. “I see you brought the famous
Tool with you. I will be right back with my old companion.” Jack
turned around and walked back into the house.

“I was afraid of this.” Jillian shook
her head in defeat.

“Mother, what were you afraid of?”

“You’ll see soon enough.” And she
didn’t have to wait long.

Jack walked out of the room with
something long, heavy and wrapped in a red silk cloth. “I haven’t
released you in one hundred years, old friend.” He started
unwrapping the cloth off the object.

When her father sat the cloth on the
floor Sarah saw what laid in his hands. It was four feet long and
shaped similarly to a baseball bat. It had a handle that could
easily fit two and a half hands. The shape of the shaft increased
in diameter until it rounded at the top. It was completely smooth
from base to top with no spikes, they weren’t required. Weighing at
over forty pounds, Sarah instantly knew what it was. It was her
father’s ancient steel club.

Jack tested its balance and remembered
instantly that he remained adept as its wielder. He walked up to
Connor. “This is the same weapon I had from before I became a
Balancer myself.” He held it out easily for Connor to take. “This
is Haunt.” Connor took out Tool from his belt and offered it to
Jack. Before they exchanged gifts Sarah had to ask. “Connor, what
are you doing?”

He smiled. “It’s a man thing. How can
I explain…?” He looked up trying to formulate a plan. His eyes
widened once he found what he was thinking about. “Ah. When a
warrior offers his weapon to someone else to test, it is only fair
that the other warrior gives the same courtesy.”

“He’s right, Sarah. Not many people
extend or even know about this simple courtesy.” Her father stated,
backing up Connor’s explanation.

Jack took Tool as Connor effortlessly
held Haunt. Connor walked into the back yard and tested its weight.
Jack was right on his heels while Jillian and Sarah followed them

Connor swung it with one hand in
vertical circles to stretch out his extensive muscles. It still
makes her shiver when Sarah sees his muscles flex and move. After
he finished stretching he said proudly “I see why you call your
weapon Haunt. If someone is lucky to survive the initial hit, they
will be haunted forever by the damage this thing’s capable

“That’s always been my philosophy.
Kill or cripple. Those are the only two options that a person will
ever get from me.” Jack felt proud since someone could understand
his weapon of choice.

Jack tested Connor’s weapon by shadow
fighting. Her father imagined a person in front of him while he
slashed with the hatchet and bludgeoned his imaginary opponent with
the hammer. “Connor, I see why you call this Tool. It’s because it
is so versatile in its simplicity. You can throw it, hammer
anything and cut through almost everything. A tool to destroy and

“Correct. Now let’s go
somewhere that not so exposed.” And he walked towards the woods,

Chasing Connor was easy because he
didn’t run too fast.


Ten minutes later they stopped in a
clearing. He began to explain “Sarah, when I was looking for a
place to build our home I found this place first, but as you can
clearly see I made the better choice.”

He was right. Grass couldn’t grow,
flowing water didn’t cool the area nor did this place hold a
natural beauty. It was another natural clearing, but it was almost
barren. The ground lay covered with rocks ranging from pebbles to
baseballs and weeds sparsely littered the land. The ground was
truly rocky and not a good place for a home. Trees surrounded
around the expansive clearing and was perfectly isolated. It was
open and far from prying eyes. There weren’t any streams, let alone
flowers or colorful shrubs. The ground simply held a brown and gray
field that begged to be used.

“I figured that we would need a place
to do things without fear of getting caught or doing any damage to
the area. Just incase we get…overzealous.” Connor said to them all,
but looked at Jack with a grin.

“Good thinking!” Her father said
loudly. Connor stood about twenty feet away when Jack tossed Tool
back and Connor returned the favor. “It’s up to you, Jack. What do
you think we should start with?”

“First I believe we need to spar
first. It will get our timing more accurate and mistakes will
lessen.” Jack held up his club as a reference.

“Ok, but first…” Connor came up to
Sarah and kissed her, but it was a quick kiss. “I love you.” He got
into position, looking at her father with Tool clutched in his
right hand. “What are the rules?”

“No elemental abilities. Only speed,
strength, dodging and you need to stop before any critical hits.”
Sarah’s father finished explaining the short rules.

Jillian and Sarah sat down under a
shade tree before the first match began.

Connor crouched in his battle,
springing position. With Tool in hand, he rushed forth and closed
the distance instantly. Jack stood ready and swung at Connor’s head
the moment the rush began. As Connor ducked the first blow Sarah’s
father kept spinning with the weight of Haunt. Just before Connor
could get his first hit in Sarah felt the faintest of breezes
caress her just before her father back-kicked Connor square in the
center of his chest. Connor flew back ten feet from the one blow.
Jack’s spin stopped and he leaned lazily on his weapon, in one
fluid motion. He said “That was a good dodge, Kid.”

Connor sat up with a smile
on his face, which surprised everyone, especially her father. “I
knew I didn’t make a mistake! I
learn a lot from you.” He stood up and dusted
himself off like he didn’t have any damage and upon closer
inspection he had somehow managed to come out unscathed. “If I
didn’t jump back when I did, that kick would have easily cracked
several ribs.”

“Well I am here to teach you.” Jack
picked up Haunt and rested it on his right shoulder.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Connor
sprinted at Jack in the exact same way. Haunt swung at his head
again, Connor ducked, and dropped Tool to now fight unarmed. Jack
back-kicked again at Connor’s chest, but he dodged the foot this
time. He spun on the ball of his left foot and tried using his
other leg to sweep Jack’s legs out from under him. Her silver
haired father jumped in the air and swung the metal club midair at
Connor’s ribs. Connor rolled away, missing the impact of the weapon
by only inches. Jack landed flatly on both feet.

Connor stood up again without any
injuries and continued breathing evenly. “That one was close.” He
smiled as Jack kicked Connor’s weapon back into his hand. Sarah’s
father had a smile on and looked to be enjoying the sparring
session as well. “Again!”

Connor rushed her father again and did
the same steps, but this time he pushed too hard. As Jack’s weapon
swept down at his ribs, Connor flipped himself backwards on the
ground and stood. As the weapon swung into a vertical circle,
Connor kicked the weapon out of her father’s hand in midair. The
weapon flew away from the two combatants and Jack’s body inverted
and approached the ground, head first. Before he made an impact
with the ground Connor grabbed him with both hands and stood him
upright without a moment’s hesitation. “Are you ok?” Connor asked
as the two men stood eye to eye.

“Son, you are the first person to
disarm me in close to five hundred years.” Jack started laughing.
“That was a terrific move.”

“Maybe, but it was only because being
a Balancer saved me. If I was normal, my head would have been taken
clean off in the first round.” Her man admitted humbly.

“A win is a win. Balancer or not, you
have much potential.”

“Connor!” Jillian shouted next to
Sarah. “Don’t let him fool you too. He is learning how you move to
better find leverage against you.”

“You wouldn’t be a good warrior if you
didn’t always learn. No two battles are ever fought the same.”
Connor stated and Jack started to chuckle.

“Connor, I wanted to ask why you
dropped your weapon?” Sarah asked a good question because all eyes
turned to him.

“Because I needed my hands
free for hand to hand grappling. You never know if you lose your
weapon and all you might have left are your fists.” Then he entered
her mind.
“I was trying to get your dad in
a chokehold, but he was turned the wrong way so I had only one
option; disarm.”

“Lucky for you, your mind
and body move quicker.”

“You’re telling me. I still
feel the wind from the pressure of Jack’s attack.”
He rubbed the top of his head while

Jack and Connor sparred with weapons
and fifteen minutes later they called a stalemate.

Her father told Connor “Next we do
another technique called Sonar.” His expression became confused.
Sarah stood up and walked over to Connor. “Father, may I do this
with him as well?”

I don’t see why we all can’t do it
all together.” Jack said and Jillian joined the party. They all sat
down in a loose circle, facing each other in the shade. Jack looked
at Connor because he needed more explanation than the rest of them.
“Sonar is slightly different from trying to read someone’s mind
Connor. As you delve into someone’s mind, you try to read and
process their consciousness in your mind. Even if you speak
different languages once you enter their mind yours will begin to
see how they associate words with images. It is the quickest way
for us to learn a language without spending weeks or months trying
to listen and learn.

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