Read Balancer's Soul Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Tags: #soul, #sarah, #connor, #balancer, #h lee morgan, #changer

Balancer's Soul (52 page)

BOOK: Balancer's Soul
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“Let go!” She shouted and used her
fake normal human strength, trying to escape. He held her high
enough so that she couldn’t stomp on his feet or sweep her heel at
his groin. “Not until justice and punishment is served.” He said
with a wicked smile.

Several things happened all at the
same time. Sarah found Mark and Kara across from her predicament,
on the other side of the mass of people. They didn’t see her, but
as she watched, Sarah noticed Mark swiftly and easily leave Kara’s
side with a red face of fury. He slowly stalked behind Mathew with
both fists clenched.

Mathew walked around and continued
kicking the other side of Connor’s ribs as he remained faced down
on the concrete, still convulsing.

Her parents and the May’s made their
way to the front as well. As Sarah spotted them, they spotted her.
David and her father’s features went to pure murderous expressions
as they saw how Mr. V. held her hostage by the throat. Jenny, Rhoda
and Jillian looked towards her in fear, shock and then it changed
as a primal fury began to dominate them all. Her father and David
moved side by side to come and help her. Both of their fists were
clenched and they didn’t look at each other as she knew what was
going to happen to her captor next.

Sarah tore her eyes away to look back
at her defenseless husband getting stunned and kicked repeatedly.
She went still as she saw his face and felt his unleashed emotions
nearly knock her unconscious. His face was dripping in blood, from
the fall, but Connor’s eyes were looking right at her as he
remained laying on the ground. His eyes were by far the most
murderous of all.

“HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sarah and
everyone present heard Connor’s battle cry for the first time. A
frightening roar that put fear deep in the soul itself. His body
started to convulse less as his roar ripped through the entire
area. His rage consumed him.

Everything and everyone in the
courtyard went silent and still except for the continuing shocks
from the stun gun. Mark stopped just a foot behind Mathew and
Sarah’s rescuers stopped seven feet away to look at Connor in
surprise. The arms around her neck ever so slightly eased their
pressure, but still remained firm.

A massive, pure surge of energy
emanated from Connor as he gave off another loud battle cry. Sarah
knew he was calling on the power of Terra to his aid because she
noticed sand gathering on the ground all around him. The sand
skirted barely over the concrete, as she glanced down at her feet,
coming at his command.

“HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” He roared again and
this time Connor’s arms moved by his very own will.

While the electrodes continued
shocking, Connor used his arms to slowly push his body up. He then
slowly brought one leg up and planted it firmly beneath himself.
The sand and dirt encased and surrounded Connor’s black leather
shoes, but not one set of eyes, other than hers, noticed. He still
felt the shock, but not anywhere close enough to hinder his
movements now. All stunned eyes watched him stand under impossible

Mathew still held the trigger, but
stared up at Connor in total disbelief as he towered over the small
child. Mathew stood far too close to her mate to make it anywhere
to safety.

It was over.

With blinding speed, Connor grabbed
Mathew by the throat and lifted him with one hand, at least two
feet off the ground and held him there. Mathew should be honored
that Connor didn’t crush his windpipe, but that would be the least
of his problems. With Connor’s back turned to her she saw that
since he touched Mathew, the electric current somehow altered
direction and jumped into Mathew, through his throat. As the
current went into him his hand tightened on the trigger and he
became the one to convulse.

Connor lifted him even
higher and slammed Mathew on the concrete, back first as if he were
a ragdoll. It was hard enough for everyone in the audience hear and
feel the thud of the impact in their breast, but not enough to
kill. After Mathew collided into the courtyard he dropped the stun
gun and the shocking immediately ceased. Connor stopped the flow of
power he emanated as the last

Connor instantly turned around to look
directly at Sarah. His masculine black undershirt had become ruined
in dirt, rips and holes. It was beyond repair, luckily they bought
it outright and didn’t rent it. His face continued dripping and
streaming in blood profusely. He looked her up and down for a
moment and then set his eyes on the man who held her.

Hazel eyes were more murderous than
she has ever seen them before and his emotions washed her fear
away. He was her protector and Mr. V. made the mistake of breaching
a fatal line. Connor was in no mood for games. He slowly started
walking and stalking in her direction and Mr. V’s. Arms tightened
around her neck, but she barely noticed.

Connor stopped and spoke
loudly enough for everyone to hear. His spoke slowly with a voice
was laced with a command and murderous intent. “I will not repeat
this Mr. V.” Connor’s bloody face and body arched into another
battle stance. “Take your filthy hands off my…
!” Connor yelled Sarah’s

Everything became even more silent.
Her heart still beat wildly.

The arms around her barely loosened
and he said quietly in astonishment “Your…wife?”

Sensing a moment to break her bonds
Sarah sharply elbowed the fat man in the ribs and escaped behind
her husband when the arms were loose enough. Connor’s wide back
comforted her with a feeling of safety and it told her that she no
longer stood in danger. Mr. V. tried running away, but as he turned
around he saw five stone faced figures standing shoulder to
shoulder as a barricade.

From the left stood Jenny, Rhoda,
David, Jack and Jillian. They were all standing tall and their
faces were impassive, if it weren’t for all of their fists being
clenched one would never knew what they were thinking. “Boy, you
have screwed with the wrong family.” David said in his deep,
dangerous voice.

“You should know to never harm a lady.
Especially if her husband is as big as my son-in-law.” Jack said in
a menacing threat.

Mr. V. tried running away to an open
spot in the crowd, but Connor struck far quicker. With one hand he
grabbed his former teacher by the back of his shirt and threw him
on his back, picked him back up by the collar of his shirt and with
both hands he brought up the wide eyed man to his eye level. He
said loud enough for the crowd to hear. “I saw you in the corner of
the gym earlier.” He pulled him closer to his face. “You were the
one who gave Mathew this weapon.” Connor dropped the man down to
the ground forcefully, wrapped his hands around the electrodes and
yanked the two barbed needles out of his chest. Each needle had
been coated red with Connor’s blood.

Moments later Mr. V. found his
demeaning voice. “What proof do you have for your

Sarah walked to the side of
Connor to see him smile. “Are you honestly that stupid? Oh right I
forgot you are!” Connor pulled off a piece of confetti from his
clothing. It was a small circular orange piece. “When you fire off
a stun gun, these are shot out. They are like the striations of a
bullet. Each stun gun is unique. They are branded with a serial
number that will be traced
to you.”

Connor lifted the man to his stubby
feet, crouched down and brought his right fist back. Short of
killing the man, Connor wouldn’t let him go without punishment.
With one quick movement he punched his teacher directly in his
stomach with enough for to deliver him unconscious. As the man
started to fall, Connor caught him and threw the limp body over his
shoulder like he was nothing. He stood tall as he turned to

“Are you alright, Princess?” Connor
asked quietly.

“I am, but you’re not!” She tried to
touch his bloody face, but he stepped back, grabbing her hand
gently and releasing it just as quick.

“You can work on me later.” He smiled
and turned his head sharply.

Sarah turned to look in the same
direction and saw Mark holding both of Mathew’s arms behind his
back. He still wore his silver suit and didn’t ruin it somehow.
Kara stood to the side of Mark, glaring at Mathew as he was
struggling to free himself without luck. “He tried to escape while
you were working on that porker, Buddy.” Mathew tried squirming,
but screamed in pain when Mark tightened his grip, almost
dislocating his shoulders from behind in the process. “What do you
want me to do with him?”

In a deep commanding voice Connor
ordered “Knock him out cold!”

Before Mark could react Kara stepped
closer. She swung her arm back and with a force Sarah never
expected her to have, she struck the back of his head to make him
go limp.

Everyone in the audience stared at her
with wide eyes. Mark started laughing “That’s my girl!” then copied
Connor by throwing Mathew over his shoulder with ease. He turned to
look at Connor. “What are we going to do with these two

Connor turned to the crowd. “Will
someone please go retrieve Deputy Burrow!” several people ran off,
following Connor’s order while the others remained dumbfounded and

“Sarah.” Her head spun back to
Connor’s bloody face. “Would you please pick up that stun gun and
wrap up the coils? We will need the evidence.”

“Ok, but when this is over
I will need to clean those wounds.”
smiled down at her.
“What’s that smile

“It looks like you can take
your revenge on me for the time I cleaned out those scrapes on your
hand and applied the sage…”

“Hey your right… you really
are going to get it!”
She shot him a
playful smile.

“WHERE ARE THEY!?” A deep male voice
called from the back of the crowd seconds later. “MOVE

With the weight of his unconscious
teacher draped over his shoulder Connor walked over to stand with
Mark who carried Mathew over his shoulder.

“Who called for me?” A tall, slender
man wearing a brown deputy sheriff’s uniform appeared in the crowd.
He was a middle aged, ebony skinned gentleman who has always
treated Connor with respect. He shaves his head and always carries
a smile wherever he’s called.

“I did, Deputy Burrow.” Connor raised
his free arm.

The deputy walked up to Mark and
Connor and started laughing. “Wow, Connor you look like hell. What
happened? And what is up with that new growth over your shoulder?”
He smiled brightly at the two young men.

“Oh this little ol thing?” Connor
shifted Mr. V’s. weight on his shoulder. “Oh he only handed a
weapon over to Mathew. Who by the way, is hanging over Mark’s
shoulder. Mathew here” he pointed on Mark’s shoulder. “used a stun
gun on me without provocation.” Deputy Burrow’s constant smile
vanished. “Oh it gets better… Mr. V. put my wife in a chokehold and
held her captive.

“While he was shocking and kicking me,
while I was down eating the concrete mind you, I stood up and
slammed Mathew on the ground. I was glad my wife was able to break
free from this teacher and I also incapacitated him until you

Deputy Burrow looked angry “Is your
wife ok, Son?”

“I’m fine officer.” Sarah walked up to
Connor with her hair billowing and her blue dress gracefully
shimmered in the sunlight. “I hope this helps convict these two
men?” Sarah stepped forward and placed the stun gun in his big
hands. “Oh wait…” She walked up to Connor and picked off a few
pieces of the stun gun confetti. “This will help as

With the stun gun in one hand and
solid evidence in the other, the deputy asked the crowd “Does
anyone else have anything to say otherwise in my

“I do!” One of the guys who asked
Connor to play Football with them stepped forward. “Connor,
actually tried to talk Mathew out of this foolishness. Plus he
saved me as well.”

“Explain.” The officer said

“Connor, took the shock head on. I saw
how fast he is capable of moving. If Connor did dodge the gun, I or
maybe someone else would have been seriously hurt. He took getting
shot on purpose.” The guy said honestly.

“That’s all I needed to hear.” Deputy Burrow
said and his smile returned.

“Where is your cruiser?” Connor asked,
gaining the deputy’s attention again.

Mark and Connor followed the officer
and were followed by Sarah and Kara. The two of them threw the
Ass-Clowns, as Mark happily and aptly named them, into the back of
the cruiser, still unconscious.

They were both being charged with
assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, discharging a weapon
in public, endangering the public, holding a hostage and a few
other charges thrown in just for kicks. As Deputy Burrow rolled
down the window of his cruiser he said “Son, you need to clean
yourself up. You have had a rough of a day. Want a ride to the

“I’ll take good care of him.” Sarah
came up and wrapped her arm around Connor’s. The officer nodded and
drove away with the criminals.

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