Read Balancer's Soul Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Tags: #soul, #sarah, #connor, #balancer, #h lee morgan, #changer

Balancer's Soul (49 page)

BOOK: Balancer's Soul
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During the night Connor started
building a new project at their cottage.

The day before graduation Connor
finally became strong and skilled enough to win a total of forty
three wins to Jack’s forty two. Sarah finally surpassed Jillian
with a score of nineteen to seventeen. And most of her wins were
close calls.

They only made the winning numbers
because they had a wider variety of elements at their disposal
compared to their two elders. That night Sarah and Connor
celebrated their win with the new outside brick barbecue that he
built. They invited her parents over along with Jenny, Kara and
Mark joined in as well.

When all of the food was cooked
everyone ate at the dinner table and talked about anything and
nothing. They laughed when Kara said something that popped in her
head. “Wow you and your sister sure eat a lot! Aren’t you afraid of
getting fat?” Kara said while looking at Sarah.

After Jillian could breathe again she
answered for a mortified Sarah. “We have to eat because we have
very fast metabolisms.” And Kara dropped the subject, but Mark
glanced at the four of them oddly.

As everything settled down Jenny stood
up and put the dishes in the sink. She then told Connor “Your Cap
and Gown came in this morning. I though you would like to try them
on before tomorrow. And the special package also

“That’s right!” He hugged her.
“Thanks, Mom.” Connor looked down at his in-laws and asked politely
“Will you be coming as well?”

“Of course we will. You’re family
now!” Jack answered with a wave of his fork and a childish






Passed and Failed


Early the next morning Sarah dimly
felt Conner get out of bed and head into the shower. She still felt
half asleep as she thought just how wonderful her life has become
since he came into it. Three hundred years of waiting for The One
was worth all the loneliness and solitude. He is the perfect

When she heard the shower cut off
Sarah reluctantly pulled herself out of bed and put on one of his
t-shirts. They were so comfortable and fit almost like a dress as
they reached all the way down to her knees. Her favorite thing
about his shirts were the lingering smell that permeated his tops.
It always lifted her spirits. Sarah opened the door and as her
Greek God stood before her completely cleaned up she noticed
something as he dried his hair with another towel.

His underarms were barren.

Sarah grabbed the towel
from around his waist and ripped it off. She looked back at his
face and saw his goofy grin. “What’s on
mind this morning?” He said
playfully as he arched one hopeful eyebrow.

“Connor, all of your hair is gone!”
She said astonishingly and he instantly grabbed a handful of his
hair on his head.

She almost laughed, but bit her lower

“Quit teasing, it’s all still up

She shook her head and
pointed below his waist line. “Not

He looked down. “Well what do you
know? I am a Balancer!” His goofy grin came back as he shrugged off
the importance of what she was getting at. Last night she didn’t
remember if he still had body hair, but he definitely had some a
week ago…

Connor sensed her distress, leaned
down and kissed her head again and she momentarily lost her senses
and he took the moment of hesitation to take the towel back from
her hand. He then started drying his desolate back of knotted

Sarah left their room and took a quick
shower and met Connor for breakfast after she put on the light blue
dress, the one she wore at their little wedding in the woods and
his favorite to stare at. They ate a carton of eggs and each ate a
half pound of bacon along with a bowl of mixed fruit.


As they left their home Sarah looked
to the east and the sky started to finally brighten. Connor and
Sarah separated when they hit the tree line of her parent’s
property. He ran across the street to Jenny’s house to get ready.
All of the lights in their house were on and that told Sarah that
Kara is also awake and getting ready for the big day. As Connor
went through the front door of his mother’s home Sarah went inside
her parent’s.

They weren’t ready…

As Sarah entered the house she noticed
her parents were still fast asleep and knew the perfect way to wake
both of them.

Walking into the kitchen Sarah opened
up the refrigerator. She took out some milk and the carton of eggs.
She opened up the cabinet and grabbed the powdered cinnamon
canister and two full loaves of sliced white bread. After filling
up a mixing bowl with some of the milk she added the cinnamon and
six eggs.

Heating the skillet on the stove Sarah
mixed the cinnamon, eggs and milk together. She grabbed two slices
of bread and dunked each slice in the mixing bowl. As she threw the
slices on the pan she went into the pantry to grab the maple syrup.
At the coffee table she laid two empty plates and two knives with
two forks on the wooden surface. And with the remaining milk she
poured four full glasses.

Cooking the tenth slice of French
toast allowed its scent to permeate through the entire house. As it
has worked countless times before Sarah heard someone stumble out
of bed and hit the floor; hard. “Damn!” She knew exactly who fell
out of bed and it was her mother. Sarah heard her scramble back up
to her feet and run to the door and opened it. She almost carried a
breeze as she ran and sat down at the coffee table holding a knife
and fork at the ready. “French toast! My favorite!”

As she came around the corner Sarah
finally saw her mother’s condition and almost lost it.

Her mother wore her usual red morning
robe, but Sarah couldn’t restrain herself from laughing for long.
Jillian’s forehead beamed bright red from where she fell out of bed
and painfully hit her head. A bright red mark was forming on her
creamy forehead and as Sarah calmed her laughing fit she sat the
plate of cooked toast down and asked “How did you like your wakeup

“It was perfect until I tripped over
the damned bed sheets.” Jillian started rubbing her forehead
absently. “What’s the occasion?”

Jack came down the hall wearing his
black sweat pants at the right time. Sarah answered them at the
same time as her father sat next to his mate. “Today is Connor’s,
Kara’s and Mark’s graduation and it starts at ten.” Her parents
each had a mouthful as she told them.

“Sorry, but you didn’t tell us what
day it was being held, let alone the time we had to be there.” Her
father said and as Sarah looked back in her mind, recalling the
previous night, she understood why they weren’t ready. So it really
wasn’t their fault.

It was hers and Connor’s.

After they ate both loaves of the
homemade French Toast Sarah casually asked her father a question as
he began drinking the last of his milk. “Father, how long did it
take for you to lose all of your excess body hair?” He choked as he
tried swallowing and even her mother was stunned by the innocent

When he could breathe
easily again, and after Jillian patted his back, she walked away to
take a shower and gave them some privacy. Her father pulled his
silver hair over his shoulder as he looked Sarah directly in the
eye. His tone became calm and even as he asked “Of what importance

“This morning I noticed that Connor
didn’t have any hair. He now looks like a pro swimmer on steroids.”
She admitted uneasily while looking at a curious speck of dirt on
the floor.

Jack chuckled and her head
snapped up at the reaction to see his playful grin that Connor
miraculously brought back to life after nearly four hundred years.
“Sarah, it usually takes up to a year, but it took me about four
months to lose all of mine. My people didn’t have as much as the
English…” He tilted his head to the side in consideration. “Plus
you don’t need to worry about that because we all know how special
the two of you are. A little hair never hurt anyone…” He started to
chuckle. “Unless you count the time I
lit the butcher’s hair on
fire. It really was his fault since he made a pass at your mother.”
And Sarah finally smiled with relief from her father’s renewed
antics. He was always a kinder person with his mate

Sarah cleaned up the dishes and her
father showered after her mother stepped out. They came out of
their room together and they looked dashing.

Jack wore a silver shirt that tucked
neatly into his black pants. He attired a classy belt and his brown
and black shoes were brand new. Sarah’s father has always had
sharp, handsome features, but now he looked exquisite. His long
mane of silver hair was freshly brushed as it flowed down to his
shoulder blades like a waterfall. “Well how do I look?” Sarah gave
him two thumbs up like an idiot.

Jillian wore a thin, elegant and
beautiful red dress that hung to every one of her luscious curves.
It hung as long as a skirt that reached her knees, but it had a
slit on the right side that ran up to the top of her hip. A low
neckline emphasized her ample cleavage and the dress even exposed
her upper back. Two strings were wrapped at the back of her neck to
keep her dress in the right place. Even her thick hair sat perfect
and straight as it draped down to the bottom of her shoulder
blades. She wore ruby red high heels and matching lipstick. “And
how do I?”

“Unfair.” Sarah whispered under her
breath and then shook her head at the injustice of the world. “I
only look like this.” She used her hands to show what she wore and
then gestured what they were wearing. “Mother, your beauty is
bordering on unnatural.” She just grinned and Sarah asked

“My dear daughter, you are sooo
barking up the wrong tree.” Jillian looked at her sincerely.
“Sarah, you don’t need any look modifications. You have a natural
beauty that can’t be matched, you’ve just never had the opportunity
or the will to show it. Why do you think your new mate can’t keep
his eyes from wandering in your direction with your every motion?”
Her mother bent over in a bow, exposing her ample bosom to fix the
strap of her high heel. “The first day I met Connor at his house, I
realized his eyes were focused only on my face. Usually all males
either glance or stare at a woman’s breasts or bottom, but your new
husband never been simply the usual type, now has he?”

“No, he never has seemed usual.” and
Sarah began laughing silently. “Especially as a Balancer, he is
definitely one of a kind.” Jillian shook her head slowly and lifted
two fingers, adding Sarah with him. She smiled at her beautiful
mother and her relaxed nature.


After everything was finally cleared
and ready as they walked across the street. Sarah knocked on the
front door and Kara answered.

She wore a pink dress that fit her
athletic and buoyant personality. The dress passed her knees and a
slit of her dress came up to her mid-thigh. The stylish dress
complimented her curves well, but wasn’t as clingy as Sarah’s
mother’s red dress. Her sandy blonde hair remained wrapped up in
curlers and the makeup she wore was already applied. She was a
beautiful sight. Light pink lipstick emphasized her pouty lips and
turquoise blue eyeliner made her chocolate irises stand out. And
she even did her lashes because they were full and beautiful. Her
finger and toenails were even painted deep pink.

“Good morning, Sarah! You
look pretty this morning.” She chirped. She looked passed Sarah.
“Hello Mr. Branderson.” Her head turned and she finally saw
Jillian’s dress. Kara’s eyes widened and Sarah knew exactly what
was about to happen.
“Here it
“Jillian! What’s holding that
dress on? Duct tape or Super glue?” Jack started laughing, hard.
But Kara continued being unrestrained. “Be careful because our
graduation will be held outside on the school’s Football fields.
One good breeze and
you’ll be stark naked in a school full of horny
idiots.” She suddenly changed to a different mental channel and
looked at Sarah. She instantly said “Come on in, we’ll get ready to
leave in an hour.”
“Ahh… Kara your brother
gave you a good reference of being similar to a Jack Rustle

They all followed Kara inside and sat
down on the couch. Jack picked up the remote and turned to Sports

Jenny walked in the room a few minutes
later dressed similar to Sarah. She wore a simple light brown
dress. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, but like Jillian said to
Sarah earlier, she had a natural beauty as well. “Would you all
like anything to eat?” She tossed her wavy golden hair back across
her shoulder.

“No thank you. We just ate, but thanks
for offering.” Jillian said. Jenny caught the dress Jillian wore
and she smiled in a way that said ‘Showoff.’ She then went down the
hallway to Connor’s old room silently.


Ten minutes later Sarah smelled her
favorite male scent, but didn’t hear a single sound from his
approach. She spun on the sofa to look for Connor. When she saw him
he took her breath away. He had changed clothes.

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