Bamboo and Blood (6 page)

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Authors: James Church

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #General, #Mystery & Detective, #International Mystery & Crime, #Hard-Boiled, #Political

BOOK: Bamboo and Blood
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I could never fathom what set Pak off like this, climbing to these
philosophical heights. Whenever it happened, the only thing to do was to follow along and try not to fall too far behind. “Intersections,” I said and nodded, but he wasn’t waiting for my reaction. He was already on the ledge above me.
“If you start to strip things down too much, get at their ‘essence,’ what do you suppose happens?”
This time I didn’t bother to nod. It wasn’t a real question. Pak pointed a finger at me. “I’ll tell you what happens. If we aren’t careful, things that matter disappear because we reduce them to bits and pieces, smaller and smaller, to the point where they become nothingness. Abstractions take over. Pretty soon, we start thinking that the only difference between day and night is the amount of light. ‘Essence is everything,’ people start thinking. So they keep searching for essence, some sort of first principle, but essence isn’t anything. Sometimes, it’s nothing.”
This was fast getting to be unprecedented. A change, not yet defined, was coming over Pak. First he had been unusually confrontational with the special section, and now he was soaring into philosophy, far beyond the boundaries where he usually stopped. In another minute, we might need oxygen bottles, we’d be so high in existential clouds.
If Pak was suffering from the altitude, he didn’t show it. “We can say exactly the same about sight,” he said, and he smiled expansively. I looked around the office. Was there nothing I could use to slow his ascent? Some sort of cord to keep him from drifting completely beyond the boundaries of space?
“You think you see something, O. No, what you really perceive is movement and change; what you perceive is the changing light, light off one object in relation to something else. If there’s no change, if things are totally static, there’s nothing to see. That is a fact. Provable fact.” That must have been the apogee, because he stopped and leaned back in his chair.
I took a breath. “Then I’m surprised anyone can see around here. Nothing ever changes.”
Pak pretended he hadn’t heard. He stared out the window into the darkness and the empty courtyard. “It’s exactly the same with sound, you know. Constant complaining—almost impossible to hear after a certain
point.” He swiveled back to his desk and took a piece of paper out of a folder. He studied it a moment. “A woman was murdered last month. We’re supposed to find out why.” He glanced up to see my reaction. I started to speak, but he cut me off. Pak rarely cuts anyone off; he always defers to another speaker, even when someone interrupts him. “Not ‘why,’ actually. Not ‘why’ in the traditional sense. We’re just supposed to gather information about her, background, family, friends, political reliability, education. Gather them up, all the things that might have a bearing on the ‘why.’”
“Sex life?” Right away I was on guard. Cutting me off was another example of aberrant behavior. He was worried about something. If he wasn’t going to share with me what it was, then I’d better worry, too.
Pak observed me with a kind of smoke in his eyes, a hazy, far-off look meant to avoid giving anything away. “If it’s relevant, yes.”
“You don’t think it’s relevant?” I never liked it when he gave me that hazy look.
“It might be. But there is a complication.”
“A complication. Let me guess. She had odd appetites.”
“No, she was murdered overseas.”
I gave it some thought. “That’s a few hundred kilometers out of my district, isn’t it?”
“We have less than a week. They want a nice thick dossier prepared. We hand it over, then it’s not our business anymore. It goes to the Ministry, but I have a feeling”—he paused for the downbeat—“I have a feeling it doesn’t stop there. You’d better get moving.”
“How do we know she was really murdered?” Getting moving, as Pak put it, was not high on my list until he let me know a little more about what I was supposed to do. A person could fall into a deep hole unless he asked a question or two before he got moving. “Maybe she just died. People do that.”
“We don’t know anything other than what it says on this.” Pak held up the piece of paper. “I’ll assume it’s right, and so will you. It doesn’t matter anyway. The facts will be the same on this end, no matter what happened to her or if she liked …” Pak paused. “It doesn’t matter what she liked. All we need is a collection of the facts on this end. That’s
it. Nothing fancy, no hypothesizing, no grand framework. No essence. Just facts. Fact one, fact two, fact thirty-four. Sweep them up with a broom. Just think of yourself as a broom, Inspector. Now, go sweep. Most of it should be in files somewhere, so you can sit and keep your shoes dry.” It was raining again, needle drops with icy tips that clattered against the window. “Don’t bet some of the files haven’t already been fiddled with, though. And where there are gaps, you’ll have to go out and fill them.”
“Isn’t this a little odd? I can’t remember being put on something like this before, worrying with events so far outside our jurisdiction.”
“An unquestioning broom, a dumb, unthinking, uncomprehending broom. Shut up and sweep, can’t you?”
“You don’t think this smells right, I can tell. What do you know that you’re not sharing?”
Pak got up and closed the door. When he sat down again, he crossed his arms. It made him look weighty—weighty and obdurate. He wasted another minute or so, hoping I would turn into a broom. I didn’t, and finally he shrugged. When I first started to work in Pak’s section, I thought that shrug was dismissive, a gesture meant to show that he was top dog and I wasn’t. If I wanted to shrug, I thought, I’d have to find someone lower down the chain. Over time, though, I realized it wasn’t deliberate and it wasn’t aimed at me. It was part of a conversation Pak carried on within himself, an internal argument he had before deciding he didn’t want to debate a point anymore. Some people grimace after they’ve made a decision they don’t like. Pak shrugged. “The word is, this isn’t just a simple murder. There are overtones. Or undertones. The sort of thing I don’t like, and I tried to make the same argument you’re making—that it’s outside our jurisdiction. No luck.”
“Not simple.” I moved over to the window. “Murder may be a lot of things, but it’s never simple.” The icy rain had changed to snow, and would soon be piling up against the three ginkgo trees that stood in the courtyard. Pine trees took winter with a touch of grace. Not the gink-goes. They endured in a stolid, flinty sort of way, pursed lips, rigid and annoyed. One of the three was sick. It probably wouldn’t last much past spring. It would never be replaced. We’d be down to two, and that would change the entire tone of the courtyard, change the light coming
into the office, change everything. “You can’t nurse a tree,” my grandfather would say. “All you can do is say good-bye.”
“I don’t know how, but the whole thing seems mixed up with that funny group that works out of the party, you know, whatever they call themselves these days,” Pak said. “The ones who deal in special weapons, and I don’t mean infantry rifles or pistol ammunition. They’re hooked up with this somehow, that’s what I’m reading between the lines.” He held up the paper again. This time I got a better look. There weren’t many lines on it.
“Where did this assumed murder take place?”
“How should I know?” Which sometimes meant he knew exactly.
“So, we can assume they don’t want us to guess where, and they certainly don’t want us to find out. Agreed?”
Pak fiddled with his pencil.
“In this case,” I said, “I’m going to take silence as assent. But you must realize, I’ll certainly find out sooner or later some of the things we aren’t supposed to know. It’s inevitable. Maybe even by tomorrow. I mean, it won’t be very hard to figure out where she was sent, and if we’re unlucky I’ll stumble over a lot more.”
“You might, unless they’ve already pulled all of the files, not just fooled with them but pulled them and warned people to clam up.”
“No, not ‘might.’ I will. Even if I try not to, I’ll find out. And when I do, we’ll know too much, won’t we?” It suddenly occurred to me that whoever ordered this assignment either didn’t understand much about investigations, or knew more than we realized. First the visitor had showed up, then Mun, and now this.
Pak opened a drawer and took out a piece of paper. “You don’t mind if I doodle, do you?”
“You want to know what stinks about this? If it is really connected to that funny weapons group you just mentioned, then the investigation belongs in other circles, not with us. There are plenty of units outside the Ministry to handle something like this. Why not those guerrillas from the special section? It has nothing to do with us, does it, if a woman is killed in Pakistan?”
Pak’s pencil stopped on the paper. He looked up and frowned. “Why would you think that?”
“That it has nothing to do with us?”
“Don’t be coy, Inspector.”
“Pakistan?” I thought about it. “I don’t know, no reason, I guess.”
Pak didn’t look like he was going to take that for an answer.
“Alright, just thinking out loud. Why? Am I getting close?”
Pak’s expression didn’t change.
“Three Fingers, actually.” I really didn’t know for sure why I’d mentioned Pakistan. Maybe it was on my mind. Seeing Mun had brought back a lot of memories.
“Is that where he left the other two? Is that where someone didn’t prop the door open for you?” His eyes bored into mine. “That’s all? Just free association?”
“You mentioned something about special weapons. I’ve heard a few things about that, not much. When foreign visitors come through my sector, I get reports. I don’t file everything I hear, you know that, but lately we’ve had some curious comings and goings. Even if I look the other way, people like to tell me things. Pakistan keeps coming up in what they say. Special weapons come up sometimes. I figured it was cracked, garbled, I don’t know. It’s cold and people are hungry, a lot of stuff is going around on the streets. Some people talk more than they used to.”
“Forget whatever you’ve heard; forget it.” Pak began to draw jagged lines on the paper. “Inspector, let’s not make this any more complicated than it has to be. Empty your pockets of all of this speculation.” He glanced up. “Never mind, forget what’s in your pockets. You just gather a few facts for us tomorrow. We’ll put them on a form, seal it up in a nice new envelope, and drop it into the bureaucratic river that flows through the whole of mankind’s existence. It unifies us as a species. I think bureaucracy preceded speech. It may have even preceded sex, normal sex, anyway.” He gazed thoughtfully into the courtyard for a moment. “Do us both a favor, O, and for once take my advice: Just be a broom.”
“I don’t think a broom is what we need.”
“You don’t.” Pak sighed. “Naturally, you don’t.”
“No, I think we are in the realm of the shovel.”
“You planning to dig?”
“If necessary. I do that sometimes, you know.”
As soon as I knocked on the door, I knew things weren’t going right. From inside I could hear sounds, furniture scraping, someone clearing his throat, then footsteps.
“Who is it?” It was a man’s voice, an old man. According to the file, this was her father, a widower, a former air force general. Leave it to a general not to open the door. “I said who the hell is it? You hard of hearing?”
“No, sir. I’m just waiting. Would you mind opening the door so we can talk? It’s cold in the hall.”
Laughter. “Not any warmer in here, sonny.” The door opened. He was old, sharp eyes, grizzled is probably the right word for the rest of him. “Say what you want and say it quick. I’m sick.” He coughed and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Well, say it, what do you want?”
As soon as I’d left Pak’s office, I got started on the investigation. I rummaged around in the Ministry’s file room, traded an insult or two with the clerks, and then made a list of facts to sweep into a big folder to put on Pak’s desk as soon as I could. No shovels, no digging—I heard a little voice repeating. The sooner I start, I told myself, the sooner it’s done.
First on the list was the woman’s father, the old general. “I’ve got to ask you a few questions, that’s all.”
“The hell you do. You tell me who you are first, then we’ll decide what comes next.”
“Inspector O, Ministry of Public Security. I’m sorry about your daughter, but I have to ask you some questions, General.”
He frowned. “You alone?”
“I am.”
“Come in. Keep your coat buttoned, it’s cold as hell in here.” He stood aside, and I walked past him into a dark room.
“Should I open the curtains?” I bumped into a low table. “It will give us some light.”
“I don’t want any damned light, what do you think about that? I
want it dark. I want to sit in the dark and think. That meet with your approval, Inspector?”
“Fine. Mind if I sit?”
“Ask your questions, why don’t you?”
I sat down and tried to figure out how to deal with the man. The air in the room was so laden with grief, it was hard to think. I wasn’t going to get much out of him, no matter what tack I took, and he wasn’t going to give me much time. Since he wouldn’t tell me what I needed to know, even if he knew it, I might as well not even bother to ask him directly. Just take it easy, I told myself. Stay in control. “About your daughter. Did you have any communication with her in the last few months?”
“The last few months? No.”
“Few means many, several, something more than two but less than six. Does that help?”
“We spoke once or twice.”
“On the phone?”
“Stupid question. Yes, on the phone. How else would we speak? Once, she was in an embassy; she called my office. The other time”—he said this very softly—“was from New York. She was real excited. She didn’t say much, but I could tell by her voice. She said she was happy. I told her to be careful, to listen to the security people.”

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