Bane (18 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

BOOK: Bane
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Light peeped into the room as I stretched my muscles and reached across the bed. All I found were cold sheets, abandoned long ago. Through the night, I’d woken up from the heat of Bane’s body as he held me. At some point during the night he’d moved close to me and I’d relished him holding me tightly. Staying awake for as long as I could, I felt his chest expand with each breath. Eventually, the soothing motion soon sent me back to sleep.

Through the walls, I could hear Bane watching footage of something. Probably security footage of one of the places we’d been. Bane had been keeping close tabs to see if anyone followed our tracks. So far we were in the clear.

After what he’d said in the kitchen last night, the shower incident, and him holding me through the night, I wanted to give him some space. Shower, first I’d take a shower.

The hot water felt soothing as I let it work my loose muscles. After the shower, I’d face reality again. And see if I could understand where Bane’s head was at. The emotional whiplash was getting old.

Drying off, I dressed in a pair of jeans and green sweater that hugged my figure. It was time to face the grumpy beast as I headed into the living room. Several computer screens were illuminated along the back wall. The snug-fitted black shirt hugged his body as he stood over the table looking at documents.

“Good morning.”

Bane took a sip of coffee. “Morning. Did you sleep okay?”

“Yes, I was very … warm.” Bane stopped and looked at me before going back to work.

Irritating ass.
If I stripped down, I bet he’d be all over me and calling me
and what not. I scoffed as I went to the kitchen. Bane loaded the cabinets after I’d gone to bed last night in frustration. The kitchen was well-stocked with enough food to last us awhile. Deciding on something easy, I got out the ingredients to make pancakes. I could make a batch and freeze the leftovers for later on since Bane didn’t seem to eat breakfast or he hadn’t while we were on the train.

Bane casually would peek glances at me, but would quickly focus back on the task at hand. As the batter sizzled in the skillet, I rolled my eyes. Whatever crawled up his ass drove me insane. Finding the peanut butter and syrup, I slathered both on in modest amounts before taking a bite.

The silence interrupted by irritated sighs brought an angry boil to the subsurface. Finishing the last of my pancake, I cleaned up the kitchen. I came and stood at the table where Bane alternated looking between maps and his computer.

“So are we back to ignoring each other?”

Bane paused, confusion passing over his features. “I’m not ignoring you. I’m working.”

“Right. You’ve said all of like five words to me this morning. Much different from the train or was that because I let you fuck me every five minutes?” Clearly his words from last night still rubbed me raw, even after the intimate moment in the shower.

Bane’s jaw set. “You say you know the score, but you’re acting like a clingy emotional girlfriend that needs attention. If all we were doing was fucking it wouldn’t matter if I said nothing to you.” That smug look nearly sent me over the edge. There was something completely off with him since we’d arrived. This version was an asshole.

Involuntarily, my hand slapped his face. With his jaw tense, he rubbed the now reddened area with his hand. “Fuck you, asshole. You’re the only one I can talk to out here in the middle of nowhere. I’m sorry I’m not a stone-cold trained secret agent person!” Turning on my heel, I stalked toward the bedroom. Before I closed the door, I looked back at Bane who stood there with a stunned look. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay out of your way.”

“Maren—” I shut the door and leaned against it before he could finish and tears pricked the back of my eyes. Until this moment, I had never felt cheap with Bane. Technically, we were each other’s escape, but I demanded respect. I would not be demeaned.

Restless, I started the first load of laundry before I laid down on the bed. I wasn’t tired, but I refused to go back out there. Bane made no attempt to come apologize.
Someone had done a number on Bane in his past unless it was the years of doing whatever he did that hardened him.

After tossing and turning for who knows how long, my mind slowed and I let myself fall to sleep.



Stretching, I glanced at my watch. It was after lunch time. I’d nearly been immobile since coming into the bedroom. Moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer, I washed a new load. There were probably still two to three loads that needed to be done from the sheets that covered the house.

Ready to leave the confines of the bedroom, I made my way out into the living area. No one was out there. The computer screens against the wall were black. There was no telling where Bane was. The fire crackled in the fire place and the vinegar smell from cleaning dissipated. Peeking out the window, the grocery store man had been right. The snow looked significantly deeper. I’d never been in snow that deep before.

My lips turned up in a smile as I thought about making a snow angel. We’d never gotten enough snow in Georgia to make a good angel since we could always see the tips of the grass still. Heading to the bedroom, I grabbed my heavy coat, hat, and gloves, courtesy of my new wardrobe I’d acquired on the way to the train station.

Opening the door, the cold brisk air greeted me. I welcomed it, letting it refresh and invigorate me. With my boots on, I stepped out into the snow and nearly squealed in excitement as I sunk into the six or so inches of pure white powder.

Like a school girl, I took off running through the small yard. We were in a heavily-wooded area. The snow was powdery as I kicked through it. Nearly out of breath, I stopped and looked at the beauty. It was pure, clean and refreshing. Closing my eyes, I held out my hands and leaned back as I fell back into the snow.

Moving my legs and arms in and out, I made my first-ever snow angel. A giggle escaped as I enjoyed the moment. Dad read a story about a little girl who loved to make snow angels. This was better than I’d imagined. For a second, I pretended there were no problems as I fluttered my limbs about. With my eyes closed, I felt a shadow stand over of me. I stopped moving as the butterflies danced in my stomach. He came for me.

“I was an ass, I’m sorry.”

The deep voice stirred within me. Peeking my eyes open, I found Bane looking at me with an apologetic face, his shades tucked into the top of his shirt. “Yes, you were.”

“What do you want from me, Maren?”

“To lay down and make snow angels with me.”

Bane looked at me quizzically. I nodded my head to the side. It would be his decision, I wouldn’t press. The cold snow seeped into my pants, but I wanted to see what Bane decided. In a sense, this would give me an answer on if we were to stay at arm’s length apart or continue having fun together. After long minutes he moved to my left where he sat. “You want me to make snow angels with you?”

“Yes. Only if you want.”

A small wrinkle marred his forehead. It was hard fighting the chill that set in my bones, but I waited. Hesitantly, Bane laid back and glanced at my position as he mirrored it. A smile spread across my face.

“Now what?”

“Move your hands and arms like this.” I demonstrated and Bane followed my movements, a happy expression crossing over his features.

Stopping, we were eye to eye. “Are you ready to see our angels?”

“Sure thing, angel.”

My smile grew wider at my nickname and how fitting it was. I loved the name angel from Bane. My only other nickname had been ruined by my brother.

Carefully standing, we turned to look at the angels before us. Our feet and arms touched, joining us together where there was no separation between us.

“You bring out feelings I shouldn’t have. I can’t have them.”

I turned to Bane and grabbed his hand, bringing him out of whatever thought he was lost in. Snow started falling heavy. Any trace of my snow angel would be gone within a few hours. “Why?”

The look of pain that crossed his face tore through me. The scars were deeper than I’d imagined as his tormented eyes looked deep into mine. “Because everyone I’ve ever cared about or loved has ended up dead. I’m cursed.”

My hand went up to Bane’s face. “You’re not cursed.” He tried to protest or that’s what I assumed, but I put my index finger to his lips. “I’m not here to change your mind or who you are. Only you can do that.”

I removed my finger.

“Then, what are you here for?”

For once, I saw uncertainty and fear in the strong man. “To give you the escape we want. Let this last for as long as we’re on the run. When it’s over, I’ll disappear. We’ll go our separate ways. Stop pushing me away. There’s nothing to push.”

Bane leaned his forehead to mine. “You have to promise me you won’t get attached. Maren, I have nothing in my life I can’t walk away from. It’s not something I plan to change.”

“I don’t want you to change. I understand.” Our cold breaths mingled with each other.

His lips moved to touch mine, barely. “Are you sure you want this, angel?”

“Yes, for as long as it lasts. Yes.”

Kissing between words, my libido was in overdrive as Bane’s walls crumbled and he let me in, fully feeling his tender side.

“Nothing more can happen between us. I don’t want to hurt you, angel.”

“You won’t. I promise.”



I CLOSED MY eyes as I absorbed the feeling of Maren’s lips against mine.
Could I give myself this little bit to enjoy being with someone?
The walking away part would be no problem. I’d conditioned myself too thoroughly to not be able to. Maren seemed like she understood.

I wanted this … whatever
was. She’d promised me and I believed that Maren would hold true to her word. Having those few minutes in the damn snow making those snow angels gave me a feeling of … happiness. An internal war happened within me as I tried to come to grips to allow myself this time—however long it was.

Fervently, my mouth moved with more urgency against Maren’s. I would not be a dick to her again through this time we had. Maren’s body became pliant against mine. As we began to make our way to the cabin, I unzipped her jacket needing to feel more of her. Something happened and Maren tumbled down to the snow-covered ground. I didn’t care and followed her. We didn’t stop our onslaught of each other, needing to devour one another. The snow fell around us and Maren’s body shivered.

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