Bane (20 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

BOOK: Bane
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“Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes.” Maren’s voice brought me out of my unfocused gazed as I went over the details of the past—hoping something would stick out as being out of place or wrong.

I focused back on Maren as she gave me a sweet smile. “Sounds good. I have one more phone call to make.”

“Okay. I’m going to go switch out the laundry and wash some of our clothes.”

Maren seemed to know I needed privacy. I dialed Sarge’s direct line and set the timer. In case anyone got through all the decryption coding, I’d cut this off at five minutes.

The line picked up. It was customary for Sarge not to say anything until we identified ourselves to him. “Bane Bradley, number five-one-three-six-zero-bravo.” All my files listed me now as the name I went by. I’d been forced to give it to them prior to leaving Black Division to be with Jasmine.

We had several identification numbers. The one I’d given said I wasn’t captured and speaking on my own free will.

“Bane.” The cold calculating tone brought back many memories of getting missions without an ounce of emotion. All Sarge cared about was getting a mission done.

I cleared my throat. “Eric Thornhill is alive. He has a team assembled and has tried to take me captive. I’ve evaded him and I’m now holed-up in a safe house until I figure out what’s going on.”

“Fuck! Are you sure?”

Opening the files I had of Eric, I pulled them into a file as I spoke. “Yes. I can upload the identifying images to the secure location. All prominent features are a match to the pic on file after his execution.”

A cold tone came over the Sarge. He didn’t like losing. “Send me the info. I’ll upload our findings at zero six hundred tomorrow morning. We should keep contact to a minimum in case we have another rat.”

“Yes, sir.” There were still three minutes until we had to disconnect.

“Do you need anything, Bane?”

I ran a hand over my smooth scalp. “No, I’ll be fine. I’ll continue to upload anything I find.”

“Okay. We’ll get this asshole taken care of.”

“Yes, sir.”

The line disconnected. Quickly, I uploaded the files. Scrubbing a hand down my face, I tried to decide what my next move was going to be.



COMING OUT OF the bedroom, Bane looked at a file with his normal frown in place. Dinner would be ready in about twenty minutes. I wasn’t sure what to make of the phone call. Bane must have called whoever he used to work with about Eric. With several screens pulled up, I knew Bane was running Eric Thornhill through some sort of facial recognition program. He’d done it on the train a few different times. So far, everything came back as a match.

I sat down on the edge of the table. “Found out anything new?”

“Not yet. I am hoping tomorrow we’ll have a breakthrough. I called Eric’s and my superior when we worked together. It’s a liability for his division also. We’ll see. Sarge had been there and saw the death. The person who’d escorted Eric to the execution chamber died nearly five years ago on a mission. For now, I think it’s best to lay low and see what Eric is going to do. As the days pass, I hope he gets sloppy like he did at the hotel.”

Bane took a breath. “What I do know is Sarge’s boss, Alex, is retiring. Sarge stated he wants this tidied up prior to him leaving Black Division. None of it makes sense. There’s something else going on. Sarge thinks so too. Eric always blamed Alex for his wife’s death. Maybe the announcement of the retirement set him off. The only thing I can think of is that I ruined his plans of revenge for who knows who else when I discovered he’d become a traitor.”

“It sounds like nothing is or was as it seems.” Bane nodded, lost in thought. Frankie came to mind. I hoped my brother was okay. “What do you think is happening to Frankie?”

“I’m not sure. You can’t call him, Maren. No contact. He’s working for the men after us.”

Biting my lower lip, I tried to keep the tears at bay. Blood was blood and I still loved my brother. I needed to hear his voice. “But maybe we could get more information out of him. Maybe they’re hoping I’ll call. Frankie’s not trained.”

Bane cracked his neck to the side. “Maren, not right now. I’m not saying no, but there are still too many unknowns. With you, I’m not taking any unnecessary risks.”

Bane’s true look of concern caused me to relent. Frankie made his bed. Hopefully he was okay, but I knew I’d be disappearing from his life forever when this was all over. The sting of leaving him was less than I thought it would be. It still stung, but I’d made the choice freely before all this started.

I stood and Bane watched me closely as he leaned back in his roller chair with his shirt off. Moving to his lap, I straddled him and felt his hard-on press against my barely there thong through his sweats. He was commando underneath and I wanted him inside me.

“Angel, are you wanting something?” The sexiness of his voice sent a round of butterflies through my stomach as his hands caressed my thighs.

Answering him silently, I pulled off my shirt to reveal my braless state. A condom was tucked in the top band of my thong. I put the condom wrapper to my teeth and tore it. Yeah, I wanted something.

The answering sex-ridden grin from Bane spurred me on. Hell, he was muscular. His abs contracted as I ran my hands down his stomach making it to my goal. My arousal heightened. Adjusting his sweatpants, his dick swung free. After playing with the tip and spreading the pre-cum, languorously l rolled on the condom. I was rewarded with a feral groan.

Play time was over.

As I was about to dismount and remove my thong, Bane pinched my right nipple. I arched as my sensitive nipple spiked with pleasure keeping me in place. Fabric tearing sounded through the room and I felt my desire. “Bane—”

“Slide on, Angel. Take what’s yours.”

Positioning myself above Bane, I slammed down on his dick causing us to curse at the sensation.

In this moment, he was mine.

I was his.

We consumed each other.

Using my legs, I propelled myself up and down while increasing the momentum.

“That’s right. Clench that pussy around me.”

I bared down on him as the engorged head of his dick rubbed against my walls. Both of Bane’s hands came up and pinched my nipples simultaneously—hard. I screamed as my orgasm took over. An animalistic noise came from Bane as he released himself. Our breathing heavy, I slumped against his chest. Fingers trailed up and down my spine as I heard his heart beat return to normal.

“You’re fucking amazing, Maren.”

I smiled into his chest. “I think the same about you.” The timer for dinner went off. Standing, Bane’s thick dick slid out of me, covered in my pleasure. I wanted him again.

Striding to the kitchen, Bane called after me, “Do you want your shirt?”

Looking over my shoulder, I sexily replied, “Why? I’m hoping you fuck me again right after dinner.”

Behind me as I moseyed toward the oven, I heard the chair moving. Bane prowled to me and I loved it. My hand came up to turn off the knob for the oven. Bane’s hand covered mine and a shrill of pleasure filled me. “I think we can wait a few more minutes to eat.”

Facing him, I nipped his lip. “What did you have in mind?”




A week passed and nothing new had been discovered that I knew about. Bane spent countless hours looking at documents, satellite snapshots, different security feeds, and documents from the past. It had been two weeks since I’d met Bane. We’d fallen into a comfortable pattern which I liked. It was easy. But, I knew time with each other would be drawing to a close at some point. It was hard keeping my heart guarded because Bane opened up to me.

I didn’t know all about his past, what he’d done, or what happened to him. However, I saw the person inside—his soul. Deep down, I knew Bane wanted something more. He wanted to live and be happy, but he didn’t allow himself.

The morning light came in through the windows. Bane laid on his stomach, his dragon tattoo facing me. It was a maze of intricate lines forming the geometric dragon that I never grew tired of staring at. With the head starting in the middle of the left side of his back, the body wound up with the tail finishing at the base of his neck. It was strong and powerful—like Bane.

I traced the claws, working my way to his body. “You like my tattoo.” The morning-gruff voice brought a smile to my face.

It was true. I traced it all the time when we were lying together. “I do. What does it mean?”

Bane rolled over and searched my face, something passing over his features I couldn’t place. Something warred within him. “It signifies raw power. Dragons are guardians of things and known to be wise. A dragon’s soul must at all times be tempered with wisdom to keep those safe around him. They must always be prepared. I got it about six years ago. It’s a reminder to never become complacent.”

From the pain passing across Bane’s face I knew this was the result of the demon he faced. I didn’t press but knew this was tied into his nightmare from the first night we were here. We hadn’t talked about the nightmare since it happened. But I knew he lost someone. Since that night, he’d slept with me and I seemed to help keep whatever ghosts of his past that haunted him at bay. Maybe my presence soothed him too.

“What are we going to do today?” For the last week, we hadn’t left the cabin at all except the occasional stroll outside. Bane had the snowmobiles working but he hadn’t allowed us to go anywhere on them. Our groceries were running low. I hoped we’d be able to go into town.

Bane stretched. “What would you say to us heading into town to get some groceries and calling Frank?”

I couldn’t answer for a second as I processed him wanting me to call Frankie. “What?”

“We haven’t gotten anywhere with the leads we have. Let’s call your brother and see what he has to say like you suggested. It may give me an idea on where to look next. If he’s with them, Frank has been coached, but I’m hoping we may catch a break.”

“Why are we going into town to make the call? I thought the cabin was safer.”

“If someone is listening in, I don’t want them to know I’m having to communicate by a satellite phone. They’d be able to tell so we need to use the regular cell.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Nerves sat in my gut as I thought about talking to Frankie. Through all this, I’d somewhat stayed in a state of denial, mentally giving reasons why Frankie would get in their truck. He was forced. He was coerced. He was threatened. He was protecting me. This was what I hoped.

After this phone call, if Frankie picked up, I’d know the truth. Getting ready, I knew I was quieter than normal, but Bane gave me my space.

Heading to the car, I plowed through the fresh snow. If only people could spend all of their days making snow angels. I loved the isolation here at the cabin, but I missed the warmth of the Georgia sun. City life never suited me. Inside the garage shed, Bane’s car had chains added to the tires.

I blew out a breath as I got in the vehicle trying to relieve the anticipation of the phone call. Without a word, Bane got in, cranked the car and we made our way down the mountain.

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