Bare Hearts (6 page)

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Authors: Devon Youngblood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Bare Hearts
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As fast as the ride started, it is over just as quickly. Even though I was afraid the adrenaline is coursing through my body, and it’s a complete high. I’m left wondering if what Parker said was only in my imagination. He grabs my hand, leading us back down to Tim and Molly.

“Wasn’t that amazing?” Parker says once we make it down on land.

“Hell no! Didn’t you hear my screams? I’m thankful having my feet back on solid ground,” I say, shaking my head.

Stopping at the photo booth from the ride, we find our picture. Parker buys it and hands it to me. Holding it in my hand, I see Parker looking at me as we rode the roller coaster. I just can’t describe it, there is something in his face saying much more than I could tell. He is looking at me fondly and smiling from ear to ear.

“You should keep it. Remember I was the first to get you on it,” he says, the spark in his eyes twinkle in the sunlight. We make our way back to Tim and Molly, show them the picture, and Molly smiles brightly, handing it back to me.

“The rollercoasters are all yours,” I say as we wait for Tim and Molly to ride the very same rollercoaster.

“I’m bummed that I didn’t win you over. But you’re having fun, right?” He asks nervously.

“Of course I’m having fun. This is one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. Really, I appreciate you asking me to come along. I just don’t do rollercoasters.”

“What else do you not do?” A smile spreads across his face and the question is implied on a more personal level. I don’t even know how to answer that. I only shake my head rolling my eyes and laughing.

The juices in my body are coming alive and the sweat is forming on my forehead. I shield the sun to look up at Tim and Molly on the rollercoaster as the ride ends.

“That kiss was amazing, by the way. I can’t stop thinking about it,” Parker says, leaning down as he lightly touches my hand.

“Yes it was,” I blush. “I think I need a drink. Want one?” I ask, heading toward the stand.

“Let me buy,” he says.

“Please allow me; it’s the least I can do,” I insist.

He doesn’t argue any further. I pay for the drinks and we take a seat as Tim and Molly catches up with us. The rest of the day goes much the same fun and amazing.

On the way home, Parker tells Tim to just drop us off at his house. “Is that okay?” he asks, turning to face me.

“Yeah, that’s fine.”
I think.

In the car, I’m seated in the back with Molly again.

“I know I don’t know you guys very well, but the heat between you two is on fire. I can tell he’s really into you,” Molly whispers.

“Really?” I whisper back.

“Yes, I don’t know how you don’t see it. He watches your every move, like he’s obsessed,” she says with smile.

“Wow; he’s a little on the dangerous side, though,” I tell her.

“And every girl likes a bad boy; don’t even try to deny it.”

I laugh at her comment, because it’s true.

We arrive at Parker’s place and exchange goodbye hugs and handshakes. Molly and I had hit it off so well we exchanged numbers and email addresses. It would be nice to actually have a friend again and have someone to connect with, besides my family and employees. Parker and I wave them off as they drive away. Grabbing my hand, he leads me into his house. My eyes quickly scan the place as we walk into the living room. There is an old TV along the right wall with a chair and couch lined on the opposite wall. He shows me around the house. The living room leads right into the kitchen. Between the kitchen and living room is a bathroom and a stairway, which leads to three bedrooms and another bathroom. Stepping inside Parker’s room, I scan the pictures on the dresser.

“That’s my mom,” he says, stepping closer to me.

“She was beautiful.” She has the same blue eyes as he does as well as dark hair. She is stunning, and it pains me that she was taken away from him so soon.

“Yes she was,” he says somberly. “Would you like something to drink?” He asks changing the subject and walk out of the room.

“Sure, what do you have?” I ask as we make our way back down to the kitchen.

Parker opens the fridge, scanning its contents. “I have OJ, water, beer, and soda.”

“A beer is fine.”

He hands me a bottle and we make our way over to couch in the living room.

“I had fun today. Tim and Molly are really cool,” I say. Parker and I managed to bring home more animals, as well as the picture from the rollercoaster ride. Tim had also won Molly some prizes.

“Me too; I’m so glad you came.”

Suddenly, I become aware of the fact that we are alone and in his house. My body is feeling alive, being so close to him and I have no idea how to control it.
What if he kisses me again? I’m not so sure I’d be able to stop it. Like I said all he’d have to do is ask, and my panties would disappear in a flash.


Chapter Ten

Being in such close proximity to Lily is doing crazy things to me, making me think lustful thoughts as her beauty takes my breath away.

I lean in toward her and grab her bottle, setting it on the coffee table. I lean in closer, letting her know what’s coming
. She did say she likes to see what’s ahead.
She turns into me as I cup one side of her face and our lips crash together in an instant. The kiss is lustful, feverish, and there is a need there. A need that I think both of us can relate to. I guide her as she straddles my lap. She cradles my face, kissing me deeply; wrapping my arms around her middle, I let her continue as we take turns exploring each other’s mouth. She tastes so sweet, like cotton candy.

My hunger takes over as I grab a handful of her hair, lightly pulling her head back to completely expose her neck. Taking my time, I lick my way up from the bottom of her neck upward. She inhales a deep breath, her mouth forming an O as I continue making my way up, her hair fisted in my hand.

“You do crazy things to me, Lily,” I whisper, lightly grazing my lips against her neck.

A little moan escapes her throat, and in an instant she stands. “I should go home before this gets out of control,” she says, motioning her hand between her and I.

Standing up, I dominate her height. “What is it about you always needing to be in control of situations? Why do you deny yourself to just enjoy the moment?” I ask impatiently.

“I’ve been hurt in every relationship I’ve ever been in. And being with you, near you, is scaring the living shit out of me. You do things to me with just a look; your touch sends my body into overdrive, and I don’t know why I feel this intense connection to you. You cloud my judgment.” Her words escape in a fast tone.

“Well, you of all people should know we aren’t promised tomorrow. Please, will you at least stay to watch a movie or something? I promise I will behave.” I gesture for her to sit.

“That’s just it! I don’t want you to behave. Hell, I don’t even want to behave. I’m tired of being the good girl, fearing what others will think of me.” She rushes out, as my heart beats frantically.

Those words are powerful and explain a lot about her. I stalk toward her, gripping her face and once more bringing my lips to hers. The kiss is urgent, but not needy. Still standing, her hands wrap around my neck as I bring her forward, pressing our bodies together like glue. I start to walk her backward toward the staircase, still kissing her. Taking the lead up the stairs, I hold onto her hand as she walks up behind me. Stopping at the top, I turn her and continue kissing her lips. We continue until we make it to my bedroom. Inside, I fall on the bed with her on top of me and a laugh escapes her lips. Her hair fans over us, shielding away the moonlight.

With the darkness upon us only the moon shines in the window making her the most gorgeous silhouette. Still on top of me she sits up, removing her shirt in one swift move over her head and I follow suit. She leans down, kissing me again. Her body feels amazing against mine. Reaching up, I unhook her bra with one hand as she arches her back. Her bra falls forward and I fling it on the floor next to our shirts. Her breasts graze my chest freely and I grab them in each hand, taking turns with each one, licking and sucking. As she is tilting her head back, I can tell she is enjoying the moment. Having her fill, she bends down, tantalizing my neck with her tongue. She drags her tongue all the way down my chest until she reaches the top of my shorts. Teasing me, she slides her body back up, crashing her lips against mine. In one swift move, I flip her, switching our positions. She leans up, kissing me forcefully and I quickly unbutton her shorts, pull them down and off, and fling them with the rest of the clothes. The passion between us is so heated and filled with lust that I’m starting to sweat. I have never felt this kind of need before. It’s not that I haven’t been with other women before; it’s just that she is the only one to have this effect on me. I’ve been in relationships, but never have I felt…..

Before grabbing a condom, I look at her for approval, making sure this is okay. She gives me a nod, before taking a deep breath. Sliding the condom on, I take my time sliding inside her, as we continue to kiss. Her hips buck against me once I enter her, and she lets out a gasp, and then moans. Her body convulses as we both finish together in sync, which has never happened to me before.

Laying there in silence, we both fall asleep from the exhaustion of our day. I can’t believe I just made love to Lily and she reciprocated. Spending the whole day with her was amazing and I hope I was able to break through her comfort zone.

Sometime during the night I feel movement in the bed and quickly realize I’m not alone. Rubbing my eyes, I see Lily grabbing her clothes in a rush.

“What are you doing? You can stay.”

“No, last night was a mistake. I shouldn’t have said the things I said. I’m going home,” she says with hurt in her eyes.

Last night was not a mistake.
Whipping the sheet off of me, I head straight to her. “Last night wasn’t a mistake. It happened because we both wanted it to happen. You wanted it to happen as much as I did; you can’t deny that,” I tell her. But my words have no effect on her. She is out the door in an instant.

“Lily! Please!” I yell out the door. She glances back before heading down the road.

I hurriedly grab my car keys and meet her not far down the road. “Get in; I will at least drive you,” I tell her, stopping the car next to her. I open the passenger side door from where I sit. She hesitates for a split second before getting in the car. We ride in silence, and I torture myself about what she’s thinking. I don’t say anything because I don’t want to upset her. We arrive at her place and she rushes out the door before I can even say anything even if I wanted too.

Back at home, I try to rationalize her thinking.
How can she think last night was a mistake? It was the best day of my fucking existence.
Her words stung like a dagger to the heart, and I have no clue what she was thinking. I thought I had finally broken through her barrier. The attraction is there, the connection is there, so why is she holding back? How can she walk out like she did? I know she feels exactly the way I do. But she is scared from her past relationships.

As I’m lying in bed, I continue thinking about her. She consumes my thoughts and there is nothing else I want to think about. I want her. I need her.


I wake the next morning remembering yesterday’s events. Everything went well. Hell, it was perfect until she left. She keeps running from me, and I don’t know how to calm her down when she freaks. Fuck, I don’t know why I wasn’t more persistent. She has to see I am not the enemy here; she is fighting a force that is bigger than the both of us. This shit is maddening not knowing if I will ever see her again, touch her again, or kiss her again. The girl lights a fire deep inside me, something I’ve never felt before.

Once I realize its late afternoon by the time I shower and get myself together, I call Tim to see if he is up to doing some paintball. It’s one of favorite past times. The thrill from it is exhilarating as you try to hit your target while dodging hits as well. Yes, I live for any thrill I can get; anything that can get my adrenaline pumping. It’s like a high; it lets you forget your problems even just for a minute. And paintballing is just the thing I need to take my mind off Lily. Obviously, she doesn’t care to be around me. Yet all I want to do is be around her. All I want is her.


Chapter Eleven

I just panicked in the middle of the night and I had to get away from him. He will only hurt me in the end. What happens between us if he re-enlists? That kind of distance between two people can rip them apart. What if something happened to him over there? I won’t be able to take another loss; I’ve had far too many as it is.
What was I thinking going to his house in the first place? What was I thinking giving into him the way I did?

Cutting ties sooner rather than later is only for the best. Last night was just about two people consoling each other in their time of need.
Yes, that’s what it was.

What I said was true last night was a mistake. However, I did want to feel; feel something other than loss, pain, grief, despair, and suffering. And with him I felt different, my body felt alive, my soul felt free. But I also know it was only a one night stand. I can’t keep pushing him away, only to think he will come back for more. So that was it.

“Out late last night, huh?” My aunt says, interrupting my thoughts as I sit in the kitchen.

I grab a mug for some hot tea. “Yeah, sorry I didn’t call. I hope I didn’t worry you.”

“I figured you were with the guy that came to the door.”

“Parker, his name is Parker,” I say bringing the mug to my lips.

“He seemed nice,” my aunt says as she makes some breakfast.

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