Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (127 page)

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He clicks his tongue and stares at me before smirking and turning back to his friend and Tif. They talk and Tif looks at me with a smile. “Hey, handsome. I got you a beer. Abita Pecan Harvest Ale is on draft.”

Ah, Abita. I do love this Louisiana beer.
I take it from her as she holds it out and our hands brush. Ignoring the charge racing up my arm, I take a quick gulp. This is getting more and more difficult every day.

She takes a sip and looks at me over the rim of her glass. Finally I can’t take it and mutter, “What?”

She leans over to be heard above the noise of the bar and says into my ear, “You ok?”

I immediately nod, though her perception makes me nervous. She smiles and says, “Ok, you don’t have to tell me, but I’m here if you want to.” Linking her arm with mine, she pulls me closer toward the table and two empty stools. “Hey guys! Look who decided to join us.”

The table is full of paramedics and firemen. I’ve seen them a few times over the past couple of months, so I’m not as uncomfortable. Though I’m not on friendly terms with any of them and Tifanie is the only female in the bunch. Several nod at me through alcohol-glazed eyes and I notice that Ty and his friend are both looking at Tifanie and me and our linked arms. The friend is scowling.

Not my issue, dude.

The evening goes off without a hitch as we watch the game. I nurse the one beer, since I never drink and drive, while Tif has a couple and LSU wins over Wisconsin. As the place erupts in cheers and cat-calls, Tifanie hops off the stool she’s been occupying and says she’s going to the restroom.

I nod as I watch the announcers interview Les Miles on the large screen and pop a fried pickle into my mouth. I’m not much for conversation with people I’m not really close to and most of these guys are drunk and trying to pick up the cute waitresses serving us.

Tifanie’s stool is pulled out and Ty sits down. I notice his friend isn’t at the table anymore. I look at Ty because it’s obvious he wants to talk to me. My brow arches.

He chuckles and takes a sip of his beer. “So, what’s the deal, Drummer Boy?”

“What deal?”

“You know what I’m talking about. You’re not an idiot. Or are you?!”

What the hell? Is everyone going to get on my case today about this?
I just look at him and answer dryly, “Not sure what you’re getting at, Ty.”

“Yeah, ok. I’ll spell it out for you. You and Tifanie. What’s the deal? Are you interested in her or not?”

“What’s it to you?” I ask.

He stares at me and shakes his head. “She’s my partner. I care about her. We’re friends and she’s like family. She’s into you. You’re not an idiot. You have to know that. Yet, you hang out with her and nothing happens. I think you’re an ok dude, but if you aren’t interested in her, back off. Either make a move or walk away.”

Is this asshole threatening me? Who does he think he is? Tifanie and I are friends. Just friends. I respect her and we have a good time. I like her, but this guy is not going to tell me what to do. It’s none of his business.

I breathe through my nose and look at him. “I respect your opinion. You’re her partner and I get that you’re looking out for her, but we’re friends. What happens with us is our business.”

He nods and chuckles. “All I’m saying is shit or get off the pot, Drummer Boy. In case you haven’t noticed, she’s hot. But I know you’ve noticed. I see you noticing. Lots of people notice. So, if you don’t figure it out and fast, someone else is going to take your shot.” He stands up and taps the table. “Like Remy.” He nods toward the bathrooms where I see Tifanie talking to his friend. Their heads are close together and they’re laughing. Her cheeks are flushed and his hands are resting comfortably on her shoulders.

My hands clench and my jaw locks. He smirks as he throws his hands up. “Take the shot…” and walks away.

I’m left sitting at the table watching Tifanie flirt with Remy and an unwanted feeling in my gut.

Son of a bitch… What am I going to do here? Am I going to take a chance and make a move or am I going to walk away?

Dammit, why does this have to be so complicated? There are just so many things that she doesn’t know. So many things I haven’t told her. I haven’t told anyone. No one knows. Except the guys and girls. Am I ready to let someone in?

Weirdly, I think I want to let Tifanie in. I just hope she doesn’t walk away once she knows the facts…

What do I do here?

Chapter Four


emy is so attractive and sweet. He’s flirting like crazy and we’ve had a casual thing when he’s been home on leave in the past, but I’m so focused on Cruz at the table with Ty that I’m not giving Remy the attention he deserves. He chuckles as he notices my distraction.

“You’re not here with me, are you?”

I shake my head and smile at him. “I’m sorry. I am here and I like you. You know that.”

He nods and grimaces. “I do. But you like the drummer more.”

I swallow and glance over at Cruz. He’s looking over here, but looks away as soon as our eyes meet. Returning my gaze to Remy, I shrug. “I’m sorry. He’s worked his way under my skin.”

His eyes search mine and he smiles sadly. “I see that. He seems ok, but he’s got something going on, Tif. Just be careful. I like you and we’ve had fun. I’m home now and I’ve thought about possibly starting something up… with you… but, I see the coy glances you throw his way. You and me… we’ve had a good time. But you,” he inclines his chin toward Cruz, “and him, well, I can’t compete with that. Just be careful.”

I smile at Remy and lean up to kiss his cheek. Leaning back, I cup his face. “I’m sorry.” He smiles sadly at me. “I know he has stuff going on. I’d like for him to share that stuff with me.” I sigh. “I’m just not sure he ever will.”

He tucks my hair behind my ear. “If the covert glances are an indication, he will.”

Looking back at Cruz, I see Ty get up from the table and stroll away. Cruz looks back at me and this time, he stares. He swallows and I can see his throat working. My gut clenches at the sight and I let out an unintentional sigh.

Remy chuckles. “Ok, then. Go on girl, go break that man down.” He gives me a wink and walks in the same direction Ty just went.

I continue to stare at Cruz. Neither of us is willing to be the first to look away this time. When my insides are a complete puddle of mush and my panties are completely soaked, I take a deep breath and look away. Then, straightening my back, I head back to the blue eyes at the table.

He watches me walk. As I reach the table, I swipe his beer since mine is empty and take a swig of the warm liquid before sitting down on my stool. Turning to him, I smile. He’s watching me warily. Leaning over, I decide to push the envelope. I want him. And it’s time to step up my game.

His eyes widen as I encroach on his space, but he holds firm. Leaning in, I stop at the shell of his ear. “You ready to get out of here? I’m beat and I need a ride home. Take me?”

He pulls back slightly and watches me. I hold my breath. He nods and stands up.

My breath whooshes out as he turns his back to leave. He doesn’t move though. He just stands there. Finally, he turns around and holds his hand out to help me down. Not that he needs to. Without a second thought, I place my hand in his and he doesn’t drop it as we walk out of the bar into the night.

We walk to his car in comfortable silence as he continues to lightly hold my hand. As we stop at the passenger door, I make no move to open it. He quirks his brow as I stare at him and he leans down, boxing me in as he opens it. I refuse to move and I can feel his accelerated breaths against my neck. I stare at him, willing him to look at me. He exhales and turns his head. Our faces are so close I can see the darker rim of blue around his startlingly light eyes in his caramel face. Without thinking it through, I lightly brush my lips against his full, perfect ones. Just once. Then, I duck under his arm and plop onto the seat because my knees are so weak, I’m about to collapse.

He stands there for a full minute before closing the door and walking around to his side of the car. He opens the door and sits in silence before starting the car. The engine roars and it makes me jump.

Staring ahead, he calmly asks, “Why did you do that?”

I lean my head back and angle my body toward his as I sigh. “Because I wanted to, Cruz.”

He swallows and turns his head, looking at me. “You do whatever you want to do?”

I laugh. “Not all the time. If I did, I’d have kissed you long before now. But yes, I do for the most part.”

He chuckles lightly too. “Ok.”

Just “ok?” I finally kiss him, sort of. After two months, I finally decide to just do what I want and his response is “ok?”

Shit, I’ve already crossed the threshold, so I’m just going for it! He’s going to either admit he’s interested or not, but I’m tired of dancing around this shit.

I want him. I am pretty certain he wants me, so tonight, Cruz Edwards, tonight you’re making a choice. Either you’re interested or you’re not, but tonight, tonight, you’re making a choice!

Dear God, let it be the choice I want you to make though.

“What does ‘ok’ mean?”

He looks at me in confusion. “What does it mean?!”

I stare at him and take a deep breath. “Yes, what does it mean? I kissed you. Finally. I’m going to be straight with you so you can’t say you don’t know what it is I want. I want
!” His eyes go wide at my point blank declaration. “I like you. I want to date you. I want you, Cruz. I’m interested in you on so many levels. I think you want me too, yet, you’re scared or unwilling to make the first move, so I’m making it for you.

“I want you. That’s what I want. If you don’t want me in the same way, I’ll stop this. We can go back to being friends and just hanging out, but I’m tired of this dance. If you want me, take me. I’m here. If you don’t, it’s totally ok. It’ll suck for a bit, but I’m a big girl. So, you know what I want. The question now is what do

He stares at me and his intense gaze searches my face before he groans and looks out of his window. I watch his reflection in the glass as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His eyes meet mine through the reflection. I don’t look away. I refuse to look away.

Finally, he says something. “It’s complicated, Tifanie.”

Without thinking, I grab his arm. He stiffens. “Cruz. Look at me.”

He stays as still as a statue for a minute before reluctantly turning toward me. The console is the only thing between us.

Reaching out, I take his hand and trace the veins popping out with his tense stance. “Why is it complicated?”

He looks down and watches my fingers trace the length of his hand. Muttering so lightly I have to strain to hear him, he says, “It just is. There are things you don’t know. Bad things. Things I don’t want you to know.”

My hand stills.
Bad things? Like what? What could be so bad that he’s built this wall around himself? Was he abused? Molested? I don’t understand what he’s talking about, but I want him to share it with me. Nothing he can say is going to change anything I feel… right?

“Like what, Cruz? You can talk to me. You should know that by now.”

He nods. “I do know that. I know you say that, but I have a feeling it won’t matter. It always ends up mattering to people. People think about me differently.”

What on earth is he talking about? He’s not making any sense.

“I have to admit, I’m lost here, Cruz. I know you have secrets. Hell, anyone can see that you have a wall up, but I really haven’t the slightest idea as to why that is. I want nothing more than for you to talk to me. I’d be there for you. I would still be
. Nothing you can say will change anything about the way I feel for you, but you have to let me in.

“I can wait. I’m not pushing, but I want you to tell me, when you’re comfortable. I just can’t do this anymore. I want you. I care about you. I want things to move on to the next level with us, but you have to give me something. You have to either tell me that you want me too or you don’t. I promise I’ll be fine with either, but you have to give me at least that.”

Shit, Tif, nothing like laying it all out there.

I know that breaks every rule, but shit… I need an answer and he’s going to give me one.

Cruz is still just watching me, saying nothing. Finally he nods.

What the hell is the nod about? Does he think he just answered me? What the hell?

He puts the car in reverse and backs out. What the hell?!

I stare at his profile in confusion. What was the nod about? Was he saying he
interested? Is he saying he’s not? That nod has me more confused than anything he’s done up until now.

I watch Cruz expertly handle the sports car through traffic. He drives fast, but cautiously. Within ten minutes, he’s pulling up at my small house. He pulls into the driveway and parks before he looks at me. The security light came on when he parked, so his face is illuminated.
God, he’s perfect.

We sit in silence and I pick at the seam on my jeans. He doesn’t talk, but then again, he’s never been much of a talker. Eventually, I can’t take it anymore. I blurt out, “What the hell was the nod for?”

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