Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (23 page)

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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he alarm goes off and I’m burrowed into Jude’s chest. Our legs are tangled and even in his sleep, he’s got me tucked into his side.

I lift up, settle my head onto my palm, and just look at him.

A devious thought enters my mind and I slowly, so as not to wake him, untangle myself and slide down his body. Just as I reach my intended target, I hear, “Don’t stop on my account. If you’re about to do what I think you’re about to do, I’m going to pretend to go back to sleep so you can wake me this way instead.” Jude’s husky, morning voice startles me.

I start to laugh and look down. He’s ready for me this morning. I lean in and give him a kiss on the tip of his morning wood.

As his head lifts up, I take him in my mouth and suck him in deep.

“Dear God. I want to wake up like this for the rest of my life! Uh… don’t stop,” Jude groans out.

There’s no time for a full out morning romp, but I can get him off with my mouth and make sure he thinks about me all day!

He puts his hands behind his head to keep from touching me, but thrusts into my mouth to match my rhythm.

I work his cock over using my hands and mouth and within five minutes, he’s straining and trying to pull me up. I ignore him and slap his hands away as I increase my pressure and tempo. He groans and gives me his seed. I swallow every drop and clean him off with my tongue before sitting up with a grin and wiping the sides of my mouth.

His arm is thrown over his eyes and his chest is rising and falling. I lean over and kiss him on the mouth. “Good morning, baby! Rise and shine.”

Hopping up, I stroll naked into the bathroom.

Jude calls out, “You don’t want a turn?”

I pop my head around the door. He’s staring at the door like he wants to jump me. Smiling, I answer, “Nope. That was just for you. I want to be on your mind all day!” I blow him a kiss and get my makeup out to start to get ready.

A few minutes later, he walks in shirtless, with his jeans unsnapped. His gorgeous chest, abs, “V”, and happy trail are on full display. My mouth waters as he hops onto the bathroom counter beside me and watches while I put on my face and throw my hair into a messy top knot.

“Are you busy today? Do you have a lot to do?” He grabs a piece of my hair and twirls it around his finger as I line my eyes.

“Yes. I have to decorate the Mason wedding cakes and get them ready to stack tomorrow. Why?” I bat his hand away and brush my teeth.

“I wanted to take you to lunch. But I can grab something and meet you at the shop. You have to break to eat, right?” He’s watching me get dressed.

“Yes, I can make some time for you. What else are you going to do today? Big plans?” I ask as I zip my booties up over my leggings.

Grabbing my hips and positioning me between his legs, he kisses my neck and says in my ear as he runs his tongue around the shell, “Just shopping. I figure I need furniture for my place. I wish you could come with me.”

I grab his face and kiss him, letting my tongue tangle with his. “That’s a lot of house to buy furniture for.”

“I know… want to blow off work and come with?” He’s wiggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes at him and smirk. “Yes, but I won’t. I’m a mature, responsible business owner. Besides, I have to get this cake done, but I might be able to swing dinner… if you’re interested and can find me a hot date.”

“I’m the hottest thing on four continents, baby, and I’m all yours!” He winks as he points to himself, laughing. He jumps off the counter and takes my hand.

I swat his ass and giggle, as he pulls me towards my kitchen. He makes me feel like a teenager again.

As we walk in, Erik is leaning over the island with a cup of coffee in hand, looking over the paper. He raises a brow as he takes in my flushed face and Jude’s shirtless torso. “So, I’m guessing the Sex Olympics are over for the time being?”

I sputter and turn my back to him as my face gets even redder.

Jude laughs and answers, “Yup. How did we score?”

Erik laughs under his breath. “Well, judging from the noises coming from Lexi’s room all last night and this morning… not to mention the screaming, I’d say you both get gold medals!”

“Oh God, Erik. Seriously?!?!” I gasp out. My face is on fire.

“Well shit, love. Y’all weren’t exactly
” He’s outright laughing now and Jude is smirking too, looking pleased, but also a little chagrined. “I had to sleep with earphones on to block out the racket!”

Jude coughs to cover his laugh and says, “Sorry, dude.”

Erik looks at him and winks. “No worries, bro. Happy for y’all. But seriously… how many times was that?”

I throw an orange at him and he laughs as he backs down the hall. “You suck, Erik!”

“Nah, I’m pretty sure
sucked, love.” He whoops with laughter and closes his bedroom door. He calls through it, “You riding in with me or driving yourself today?”

I look at Jude, who is looking entirely too pleased with himself. He pours a cup of coffee and takes a sip, grimacing as he does so, before holding it out to me.

I raise my brow… “What are you so smug about, Delecroix?”

He prowls around the kitchen before backing me against the counter. “Who, me? Oh nothing… I just had the most incredible night with a gorgeous woman who
my name so loud her roommate had to wear headphones,
and then
blacked out from sex with me… I’m not smug about anything. Nothing. At. All!” And he kisses me.

Ducking under his arm, and taking a sip of my coffee, I look over my shoulder. He’s watching my ass, so I give it a little extra shake and say, “You just going to stand there half naked all day? I think you might need a shirt if you’re going shopping. I mean, unless you want to get your shit for free…” Then, narrowing my eyes, “Nope not free… go put some clothes on! I don’t want anyone else ogling your chest!”

He rolls his eyes as he walks down the hall. “Crazy chick… you’re a crazy chick.”

God he’s sexy. All lean muscle and those tattoos with that rumpled hair and that scruff… barefoot with unbuttoned jeans… I really have to make myself stop from following him down the hall and jumping him; but I call out, “Maybe I am crazy, but you make me that way, and you love me!”

Just then Erik’s door opens and Jude pops his head out. “Yup, I do!” My smiling eyes meet Erik’s wide ones, and we both smile.

“I guess you’re riding with me after all?” he asks.

“Yes, if that’s ok.”

“You know it is. Kiss lover boy and let’s go. We’re going to be late to open. I’m going to start the car.” He kisses my head as he walks past, calling out over his shoulder, “Later, Jude!”

“Yes, Sir!” I snicker. Jude walks out of my bedroom, pulling his shirt over his head, with his boots untied on his feet.

“Later, Erik. Thanks for not throwing a shit fit or beating my ass this morning.”

Erik looks back before walking out the door. “Don’t hurt her again and we’ll be good.”

Jude looks confused, but responds, “I’ll do everything I can not to hurt her. I love her, dude.”

Erik smiles and says, “I know,” as he walks out, closing the door and leaving Jude and me alone in the living room.

Jude pulls me into his body and kisses me lightly, cupping his hands around my face, as I hold onto his forearms. “You know I’d never intentionally hurt you, right?”

I kiss him back, and whisper, “I do know that.”

“Ok good. You know if I’m going to stay over, it’d be nice to have a change of clothes here. I’m wearing dirty shit from last night again…” He motions down his body.

“Well I guess you need to pack a bag then, huh?” And I kiss him again.

A horn blowing outside, reminds us that I have to go.

Jude pulls me out the door, locking it behind us, and walks me to Erik’s car. He drops a kiss on my nose before swooping in to capture my mouth and once I’m breathless and craving more, he breaks away, opens the door, and pushes me inside with a smirk. “Now you’ll think about
all day too.”

He winks, shuts the door, and walks to his bike.

I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and say under my breath, “Yeah, like I wasn’t going to anyway…”

Erik chuckles again and grabs my hand, squeezing my fingers. “It’s good to see you and Jude together. You both seem lighter and younger. You seem happy, love.”

I look at him and smile. “I am, E. I am. I love him. I’ve always loved him. I think he’s it for me, you know.”

“I do know. I’ve always known.” He raises our linked hands and kisses my knuckles and we set off to Java and Sweeties.

We have a nice conversation as we drive. He tells me about Alec, the guy from Bruno’s, and tells me they have a date tonight. I joke with him that he can have his own sexcapades. He laughs and shrugs.

The banter is nice and familiar. Cozy. Comfortable.

We pull up at Java and Sweeties, with five minutes to spare. There are already two regulars in the parking lot. We wave and tell them to give us just a minute.

I race to the back to stow my purse, and greet the two college students we employ as baristas, and grab an apron. Erik checks to make sure the coffee is brewed and the bar is set, then he unlocks the door.

The next hour and a half are busy as I fill people’s orders for baked goods from the display case and Erik and the others handle the coffeeshop.

I keep my smile on my face and more than once look up to catch Erik looking at me with a smile on his face. Each time I catch him; he winks and blows me a kiss. I laugh.

Soon, I’m back in my kitchen with the music rolling through the speakers and concentrating hard on the intricate details on the decorations for the wedding cakes.

I’m in the zone, working furiously and as it often happens, I lose track of the time.

My cell phone buzzes from the island and it breaks my concentration. I look around and realize I’ve completed five of the seven tiers. The only two left are the top tiers.

I gasp as I see the time. It’s 1:24PM. I’ve been working nonstop for almost six hours!

Rolling my shoulders to get the kinks out, I grab the phone to check the text.

It’s from Jude.

I pull the scroll bar to unlock it and up pops a picture of a shirtless Jude, wet from the shower, with his hair standing every which way and water droplets on his eyelashes and cheeks. He’s blowing me a kiss.

My mouth dries… God, he’s gorgeous!

My phone buzzes again.

“Sexy Rock God

Stop drooling!”

I laugh and text him back.


I’m not drooling!”

Immediately, I get another one.

Sexy Rock God

You sure about that?”

I send a reply.


Yup. Ego much? I’ve seen better! ;p”

The door to my kitchen swings open. I spin around and see an insulted looking Jude walk in, carrying a deli bag.

“You’ve seen better, huh? Then why do you have drool at the corners of that delectable mouth?”

“Oh, you cheated. Were you watching me through the glass?” I narrow my eyes at him, trying to look intimidating.

Stopping right in front of me, he makes a point of wiping the sides of my mouth, which do not have drool! Setting the bag on the island, he grabs my hips and lifts me up onto the counter, stepping between my legs so we’re eye level. “Why yes, I was watching you. You are very sexy when you’re working. Did you know you stick your tongue out?” He licks my lips. “And bite the tip when you’re in deep concentration? It’s very,” he sweeps his tongue into my mouth and removes it, “very sexy.”

I grab his face and hold it still as I smash my lips to his and massage his tongue with mine.

We simply kiss for a long while. It’s heaven.

After breaking the kiss, he trails his lips down my jaw and neck, before he places a kiss on the rapid pulse in my neck.

“Ok, let’s eat. I’m starving. Shopping is hard and I suck at it!”

He backs away and opens the bag.

Lord, I’m putty in his hands and he knows it. Sighing, I grab the bag and look to see what he’s brought.

We eat and talk and he tells me about his shopping adventure. He says he was lucky enough that the salesgirl was a fan and she was more than willing to help him furnish his home.

A twinge of jealousy must show on my face, because he laughs and kisses me lightly. “Stop with the green eyes. She was like twenty and she was a perfectly sweet girl who stopped flirting immediately when I told her that I needed awesome furniture since my woman was too busy being responsible and working to help me pick anything out.”

“You told a fan that?” I ask in surprise.

“Yes, why? It’s the truth, isn’t it? Why does that surprise you, Lex?” He truly looks puzzled that I asked.

Pulling him into me for a hug and a sweet kiss, I smooth the wrinkles on his brow, between his eyes, from his frown. “You’re just constantly surprising me, Jude. And that’s not a bad thing. It’s just not what I’d expect from a rock star, you know?”

He frowns at me again and responds, “I’ve told you, Lex. With you, I’m not a rock star. With you… with you, I’m just me. What do I have to do to make you see that?”

Grabbing his face and meeting his hazel eyes with my amber ones, I say, “Nothing, Jude. You’re doing everything right. To me, you
just Jude…
Jude, and I love you. I love you so much.”

He closes his eyes and leans his forehead against mine. “I hope you do. I really hope you do.”

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