Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (27 page)

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We’re both groaning as he starts to move.

Wrapping my legs around him, and locking my ankles I moan out, “I’ll make it worth your while. Ohhhhh, don’t stop. Harder. Fuck me hard, Jude.”

He braces himself on the bed, on his forearms, and starts slamming into me. “Like that, baby? You want it like that?”

He’s thrusting so hard, I’m bouncing off the bed. It’s rough and I love it. “Yes, just like that. Fuck me. God, fuck me. Ohhhhhhh.”

Sweat is running down his face and splashing onto my chest. His hand leaves the bed and finds my clit. He’s rubbing it between his fingers as he continues to pound into me.

“Oh shit… Oh fuck. Lexi, baby. Come with me… God…. Come with me…”

His short nails scratch my clit and my body bows off the bed with the force of my orgasm. I feel him tense, grabbing my hips tightly, and holding me to him, as he spills his seed inside of me. The bed is drenched beneath my ass and I’m not certain if it’s from me, or him, or a combination of us both.

He collapses on top of me and my legs splay to the sides. He’s heavy, but I don’t want him to move. Finally, we both come back to earth. I’m lying in the wet spot and it’s cold.

He moans… “I’m never going to survive not having you for ten weeks, Lex! You’re like my drug. I need you. We have to figure something out.”

I try to run my hand up his arm, but I’m too spent. It bounces off of him and hits the bed. I smirk. “I’ll try to come out once or twice for a day or so and we can text, and chat. How are you at phone sex?” I smirk and blush as I say it.

I have never had phone sex in my life, but I’m willing to do it with Jude. For Jude.

“Phone sex? Um, I don’t know. I don’t know that I’ve ever really had phone sex to be honest. Um, there’s never really been a need… You know…”

He’s embarrassed. It’s cute.

“But I’m down for some phone sex. Will you send me sexy pictures of you, Lex?” He seems unsure of my response.

I blush, but answer him. “I’ve never had phone sex either. But I want to, with you. And sexy pics? Like of me naked? I don’t know…”

He kisses me again and leans over to grab his phone off of the nightstand. Turning the camera on he pulls me close, and tells me to smile for the camera. He snaps a picture and shows it to me.

It’s of both of us. I look freshly fucked. My hair is a mess and my skin is flushed. My eyes are glowing. But Jude looks mouthwatering. He looks sexually satisfied. Our heads are close and his chest is visible. His tattoos are showing and my head is near the tattoo on his heart. The tops of my breasts show, but it’s not indecent. It’s actually a very sexy photo.

“You don’t have to show me anything you don’t want to, baby. But if you do, no one but me would ever see them. I promise you that. I’d have to murder anyone else who saw you naked!” He’s growling the words out.

I smile. I trust him. “Ok, I’ll send you some pictures sometimes. But you have to return the favor.” I’m blushing again.

He looks at the clock and says, “We need to get showered. I want nothing more than to stay in bed with you all day, but if you don’t get up, you’re going to be late, baby.”

I squeal as I see the time. I jump out of bed. If I don’t get my ass in gear, I’m going to be an hour late for work, and I have four cakes to decorate today.

He chuckles and slowly gets up behind me. I turn on the water and grab a towel, before stepping into the warm spray. A few seconds later the shower opens and Jude steps in. “I’ll help you. It’ll be quick and we can conserve water.”

“Well, I’m all about saving the planet. Wash my back while you’re back there,” I quip back at him. I wash my hair while he washes my back and within minutes, I’m done and hopping out. I get ready in record time. Twenty minutes later, Jude is driving me to Java and Sweeties and I’m only ten minutes late. He follows me into the shop and watches as I store my purse and grab an apron. I call out to Erik, asking if he needs my help, and he assures me they have it under control.

Jude kisses me in the kitchen and says he’ll call me later with details about our date and then he leaves me in my kitchen. As he walks out, I suddenly realize he’s leaving tomorrow, and I can’t stop the tears from falling. I indulge myself a quick pity party and then dry my face, wash my hands, and get to work.

Before I know it, hours have passed and I’ve knocked out three of the four cakes I have to complete today. I only realize the time when Erik makes me take a quick break, as he brings me a coffee and a piece of biscotti.

He pulls up a stool and motions for me to sit down. “So, love, how are you doing today? How are you handling Jude leaving tomorrow?”

My eyes get cloudy as I answer him, “It’s rough. I had a mini breakdown earlier when it hit me that he’s actually leaving, but I’m ok. It’s only for ten weeks, so it’ll be ok.”

He smiles and pushes back a piece of hair that’s fallen loose, tucking it behind my ear. “Yes, it’s really not that long. But I know it’s going to be hard on the both of you. You’ll be ok though. And I was thinking… you know I can handle this place alone sometimes. Not for extended periods of time of course, but I can handle a day or two without you here and there.”

I smile as I hug him. “I know you can. And I am planning on going for a day or so at least once or twice. But thank you for saying it’s ok. You know that goes for you too. If ever you and Alec want some away time, I can handle this place too.”

Erik holds me close and says, “Look at us… both of us… all in relationships and shit. Who would have thought it?”

I laugh. “I know, right? This has been a crazy few weeks, huh? So, you and Alec… that’s pretty serious?”

He wipes his hands on his thighs, looking a little nervous. “Yeah, I think so. I really like him. He gets me and we are great together. Not to mention, he’s hot as hell. I think… I think I could love him, Lex.”

I hug him tight. “I’m so happy for you, E! I really like him and you seem so happy. If he’s what your heart wants, I say just go for it!”

“Thanks, love. And I am… But the same for you and Jude… I never thought I’d see you like this again. Your love for him is so evident. And he really does love you. You’ll work out this time. I feel it.”

“I hope so, E. I hope so… I love him so much it scares me.”

“I know, love. I know. The two of you have something. Something real. Everyone can see it, so just go with it. You can’t live in fear. You’ll miss out on a lot of stuff that way.”

Chuckling, I kiss him on the mouth. “You’re so wise. Now get out of my kitchen. I have work to do and I have a hot date tonight.”

“Yes, ma’am. Love you, Lexi. I’m glad you and Jude found a way back to each other.”

“I love you too, E. And me too.” Sighing, I get back to work.

Just as I’m placing the finishing touches on my last cake, my cell alerts me to a new text.

“Sexy Rock God

Talked to Erik.

He’s bringing you home.

Wear a dress.

Pick you up at 7:30.

I love you.”

I check the time. Its 4:30PM now, so if we leave at 5:30PM, that will give me plenty of time. I send a reply.


Sneaky, aren’t you?

And bossy.

But I’ll wear a dress. For you.

I love you too.”

I wait for a reply, but don’t get one. Oh well. I start sorting out the supplies I’ll need for tomorrow. Before I know it, Erik is asking me if I’m ready to go. I take one last look around, grab the box I’ve made up, and we head on home.

I take my time getting ready and once I’m done, it’s 7:10PM and I’m pleased with what I’m seeing in the mirror. My hair is half up and I’ve left the waves in, I’ve lined my eyes with black eyeliner and worn gold eyeshadow to bring out the honey tone of my eyes. My lips are shiny and lush from the berry gloss I’m wearing. My dress is short and nude, with a black lace overlay. Lots of leg is exposed and I look pretty good with my black peep-toe, four inch heels.

As I take one last look in the mirror, I spritz on some perfume and walk out to wait for Jude. Erik and Alec are in the living room, on the couch. Both of them whistle when I step into the room.

“Wow, Lexi, you look amazing! Simply gorgeous. Jude is a lucky, lucky man,” Alec says approvingly.

Erik responds with waggling eyebrows and a wolf whistle. “He’s going to want to devour you. Hope you didn’t actually
dinner, love.”

I blush as I thank them.

A few minutes later, I hear a car pull up outside. Are Erik and Alec expecting company?

There’s a knock at the door and I open it, expecting someone for the guys, and I’m floored. Jude is standing there in black jeans, a red button up shirt, and a black suit jacket. He looks gorgeous! I almost miss the small box he’s holding I’m so enthralled with his appearance.

I get caught staring and he smirks. “I’m guessing you like me this way?”

His eyes rake over my body. It feels like he’s looking through my clothes.

“Oh wow! Wow… you’re breathtaking, Lex! You look amazing.”

From the living room we hear, “You two just going to stare and strip each other with your eyes or are you coming in, Jude?”

We snap out of our sexual fog.

“Oh shit. I’m sorry. Uh, what did you say? Oh right… Um, yes. Yes, I like it. You look great. Shit… come in.” I grab his hand and pull him in the house, blushing profusely.

Well that was embarrassing. I got caught drooling and yes, I was actually drooling. Shit!

Jude laughs and pulls me into his arms for a quick kiss, careful so he doesn’t smear my lipstick. He hands me the box. “This is for you.”

I open it with shaking hands. I gasp. Inside is a gorgeous white gold, diamond, and pink stone necklace.

The pendant is a daisy… a pink Gerber daisy.

My fingers reach for it as Jude nervously asks, “Do you like it? I saw it and I had to buy it for you. It is

My hand touches my lips and my eyes fill with tears, “Oh, Jude it’s beautiful. It’s perfect! I love it. Thank you.”

He takes it out of the box and places it around my neck. I lift my hair, so he can close the clasp. “You are as precious to me as diamonds, Lex. And as rare as the pink diamonds in the necklace.”

Grabbing his hands, I pull him towards me and kiss him. Lipstick be damned!

Breaking the kiss, he pulls away. “Yeah, well I
taking you to dinner tonight, so we need to get going. We have reservations at eight.” He pulls me out the door, towards the Corvette in the driveway, as he shakes the keys, calling over his shoulder, “Night, fellas. She’s staying with me tonight.”

At my questioning look at the car, he opens the door and helps me in. He shrugs. “It’s mine. I figured I needed a car too, since we can’t take the bike everywhere.”

He bought a car… And a house… I guess he really is staying. My heart swoons.


Holy shit, Jude. Keep your hands to yourself. You are taking Lex out tonight. You promised and she deserves it. But damn she looks so good. She’s simply the most beautiful woman in the world. How the hell am I going to do this? How am I going to leave tomorrow without her? I need her with me.

Lexi is sitting in the front seat with her hands folded on her lap. Her teeth are nibbling at her bottom lip. She’s nervous about something, but what?

“Lex, you ok, baby? Why are you worrying your lip? What’s wrong?”

She looks over at me and licks her lips. “I’m fine, just thinking about you leaving tomorrow. And well, I’m kind of sad.”

She’s sad I’m leaving? She must feel for me what I feel for her. Dammit why does she have to work? I’m rich, she can come with me. Wait… no she can’t. She has a business and she loves it. I would never ask her to leave that behind to follow me on the road. Damn… this sucks!

“It’s only for a little while, Baby. And we’re going to talk all the time. I promise. Before you know it, I’ll be back. But I do like that you are going to miss me, because the thought of being without you, even for that short of time, is killing me. I’m going to lose my mind, Lex…” Reaching over the console, I cover her hand with mine, interlocking our fingers.

She leans her head back and looks over at me. I glance at her and then back at the road. “I know. It’s really not that long. I’m just being a girl. And I don’t want you to lose your mind.” She’s smiling.

We have a romantic dinner. We take our time and talk about everything. The conversation with Lexi just flows. As we leave, I ask her to stay the night with me, since I have to leave so early in the morning.

She does and we make love several times before the dawn. Once the alarm on my phone goes off, I get up, grab my bags, leave her a note and the keys to my house and my car on my pillow, kiss her lightly on the forehead because I can’t bear to wake her, and tuck the box of red velvet brownies she made for me under my arm.

With one last look, I walk out of the bedroom, whispering into the quiet, “I love you Alexia Sloane. Only you. Forever.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


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