BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (28 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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Though Ivar had been supportive of her, not even questioning her whereabouts last night, or even specific details about how she had acquired these secrets, Moira could still sense the tension there. And a part of her realized that their friendship was likely damaged. Even now, he was not at her side, but at Erskina’s home, protecting her and his family.

It should not have mattered, but it did.

Moira was deep in thought when the fleet was hit with a barrage of activity. Over the hill came swarm of Fòlais soldier. The surprised troops scrambled to get in place, but they were already on the defensive. At the back of the army - a fierce silhouette on the horizon - was a truly monstrous bear. It was covered from head to foot in armor, and held sword and shield nearly as big as a large man.

“BEINN NIBHEIS!” it roared, sounding more like a hurricane than any animal or human. “PREPARE TO DIE BY THE HAND OF PÁDRUIG FÒLAIS!”

No! This can’t be right! They were supposed to arrive later! Artair must have told them. That bastard!
Her old hatred filling her entire body, she put on her helmet and rushed at the beast. As she ran through the crowd, cutting down every Fòlais clan member she saw, all she could do was hope that one of them was him.

As most of the warriors were trying to flee the raging Fòlais, Moira was easily able to reach him. But even as she came closer to him, she realized that fighting him would likely mean her death.
It doesn’t matter. Without him… without my honor… nothing matters.
With a wild yell, Moira jumped off a nearby boulder and attempted to plunge the sword straight into the bear’s eye.

Before the weapon could make impact, she was swatted by its large paw. The blow sent her flying to the ground, and she was quite sure a few bones were now broken.

The lumbering beast looked over her and laughed. Pádruig then grabbed her by the throat, bringing her closer to his enormous jaws. “It is a shame your bravery was wasted on the Beinn Nibheis. You would have made a fine warrior for me.”

Moira closed her eyes as it prepared to devour her. The nightmare was finally going to become a reality. But the beast roared in pain before it could, and it dropped her to the ground. As she regained her stamina, she saw that another bear was now fighting it. It was somewhat smaller, but it was still a ferocious sight.

Wrestling with the roaring Fòlais, it managed to pin his arms back. However, its jaws continued to snap as it shouted a stream of curses. The bear then shouted at her, “The neck, Moira! Stab the neck!”

She thought, still in a daze. Grabbing her sword, she swiftly made one last jump. This time, her aim was true and she could feel the blade impale the animal’s flesh. Fòlais whipped wildly as he began to choke on his own blood, but Moira’s grip held as firm as a vice as she held on for dear life.

By the time, the beast was still, Moira felt the earth shaking beneath her. She was steadied by a strong hand. Turning around, she found herself in the tight embrace of Artair’s arms.

The man inhaled deeply as he smelled her scent. His uncle’s aid in escape had been for the purpose of setting him free from Fòlais. But even as Lyall had undone the chains in his cell, there was no place he could have imagined going other than to Moira.

And despite the fact that she knew what he truly was, Moira was unable to keep herself from holding on just as tightly.

“Artair I-“ she began.

“Moira, I am so sorry about all this.” Stepping back, he put her hands on her shoulders. “But right now we need to head to your home.”

“What? Why?”

“The beast that attacked you in the forest was another bear warrior, Doire. He framed me so that I could be executed and he could take my place in rank. And he told me he plans to kill your family and friends.” Before Lyall had managed to break him free, Doire had come to gloat about his perfect plans. The feeling of betrayal had been indescribable at time, but looking back, Artair was not very surprised.

Her heart stopped for a moment as she pictured her adoptive mother at the mercy of that monster. “But how can we get there in time? All the horses are either dead or gone!”

“Don’t worry,” he said with a grin. “I’m faster.”

In a flash, Moira was suddenly on the back of bear and racing towards the cluster of cottages on the far end of the village.
This is certainly much faster than a horse…
she thought, becoming slightly sick from the ride.

However, by the time they arrived, it appeared as if something had already attacked. The eastern wall of the roundhouse was crushed inwards. The two then hurried towards the opening to find another bear swatting at man with a sword and shield. Behind him were several women and children, including Erskina.

Artair immediately rushed at Doire, but before he arrived, the defending man left an opening too wide in his stance. The result was the swatting bear paw sending him into the left wall.

“IVAR!” Moira screamed, running to his side. But even as she held the man’s ripped torso in her arms, she knew that he was gone.

As his last breaths left his body, Ivar uttered a final apology. “Moira… I’m sorry…”

“Hush… you don’t have anything to be sorry for. I’m the one who betrayed all of us and –“

“No, Moira…” Ivar said, putting a hand on hers. “I helped that monster frame Artair. I also let the Fòlais now of our strategies… All because I was jealous… I wanted you… and when I knew I couldn’t… I betrayed everyone… And in return… Doire betrayed me…”

Though the revelation should have shocked her, it somehow did not. Smiling as her tears fell, Moira said, “Oh Ivar…”

“As long as I have your forgiveness… I can die in peace…”

“I forgive you, Ivar,” her now sob-racked voice replied, giving him a kiss on the forehead. His eyes then closed, a small smile on his lips.

Goodbye, Ivar….

Moira could only cry as she heard the fight between Artair and Doire. Even as she heard the latter bear die, she could not bring herself to feel any sense of victory. Another of her family was gone.



Moira looked at the village below, its simple beauty almost convincing her that should not leave. But in her heart, she knew that there was no place for her now. Though the resulting peace between the clans due to Fòlais’ defeat was glorious, Moira had only seen it as a sign of impending change. There was no need for Bear Slayer now. And the infinite memories each location now held were frankly too much for her to bear.

“Are you ready, Moira?” Artair asked, slinging his heavy bag onto his back.

“Nearly,” she replied, grabbing her own gear. “So,
, where should we go from here?” Moira asked cheekily.

,” he responded, equally as facetious. “I heard that there is a village on the other side of the mountain. I’m sure there has to be at least one plot of land available for a newlywed couple.”

“Do you think we’re doing the right thing? Leaving our family behind like this?” she asked, placing her head on his chest.

Artair was silent for a moment as they both listened to the mountaintop’s whistling winds. “I believe that it is time for us to leave our pasts… and focus on our futures.”

Moira smiled as they began to walk ahead in the crunching snow. That sounded quite alright to her.



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Her Fin
al Scheme
by Samantha Forest

Chapter One: Master Plan

 Hot sunlight glares down on my silky sienna skin, only in Montego Bay, Jamaica have I ever experienced warm weather through day and night. I peer down at my heated feet as they take long strides through the hot; white sand. I pace in the direction of a mini bar nearby. My head in deep contemplation of my plans after arriving back to the city. I am currently headed to indulge my last coconut margarita of my mystical vacation here on this island resort.  

However, after a few hours and a well night’s rest- I awake from a nap as my flight lands back on the grounds of LAX. I locate my luggage and find my way to my awaiting chauffeur; I inhale a deep breath of the city air as a welcome home. My nose easily recognizes a hint of transportation pollution, something I'd find impossible to sense on the tropical islands I've visited this year. “Shall it be your home, Ms. Luciano?” My assigned driver Nicholas inquires. 

 I confirm as he pulls away from the curb, my attitude duller than usual as I mentally prepare myself to return to business. If it weren't for my seventy-thousand dollar scheme with the previous movie productions team I ditched, I wouldn't have been privileged to experience my trip to Jamaica. That's right, by my lonesome I was able to slither my way into managing a million dollar Hollywood Films accounting and replace the funds with false cash. 

 Or in other words false numbers, something that will take them well over a year to figure. I cleared my name from their system of past employment, leaving the many others that will work there in the future as suspects. Once they realize that their funds have all along been false numbers on their computer screen, of course. I play my game as a perfectionist, ensuring that my hands are always clean of the gunk from their tricks. Such as the automated emails of
I sent out by my fake email a few weeks back.  

I arrive to my nearly over average home in the hills of Los Angeles and find myself surprised by a voicemail after setting foot inside. “
Malaya Luciano.
This is Evan Howell speaking, CEO of the Regal Cinemas. Listen, I'm interested in offering you a position as my assistant, I've been told that you are good with arrangements. Give me a call back if interested, thanks” The billionaire’s cold tone message entails, I suppose this is one of the results of my recent automated message. My temples flush with warm blood as I cherish the thought of all the treasures to come from scamming his company. The task will certainly require the best of my master plans and impeccable plotting. I've found my ticket back to Jamaica, A.K.A my next victim. 





Chapter Two: Devised Acceptance

 I lather the partially dried ends of my loose, springy curls in coconut oil, thick hair is curse and a blessing at once. After I have tweezed out a few of my unruly brow hairs and applied a nude matte lipstick, I realize a major upgrade in my appearance. My flaws that were previously confident with me on vacation are now concealed behind professionalism. After draping a black, fox coat over my white blouse and dim leggings, I proceed out to my 2015 Audi.  

On the radio, I play aloud the voicemail from Evan on my auxiliary cord. I am familiar with the area of his headquarters, which allows me to freely guide myself to where he had informed me to meet him yesterday. Once arrived, I am halted in my path by two armed security guards, both tall and strong who seemingly serve the purpose of guarding a gate that is identical to their frames. 

I smoothly turn up my radio so that the words of Evan’s voicemail may meet with the guard’s ears. While a hint of a smile sneaks upon one of the sturdy men’s face, the other remains as serious as a rock. “Malaya Luciano- Evan Howell has scheduled me to meet with him this morning. Any minute sooner and I'll be late” I inform the guard, who has now begun speaking through his intercom. “My apology, go ahead Ms. Luciano” The rigid man allows me after an obvious confirmation of my arrival.  

My eyes cannot help but roll as I internally enjoy a hysterical laughter after pulling through the opened gate. Two of the strongest looking guards I've yet to see and little do they know that they've allowed the hungriest of leeches inside of Evan’s corporate building. It's nearly a shame to know where one of my automated emails of reference can get me- but here I am. Head tilted back as I admire the towering polished building before my eyes.  

As usual, I tug out my favorite mini cherry flavored lollipop and plop it between my naturally replete lips. I've heard that some people use eating as a method of intimidation, and as a woman that trait fits well. Therefore, it has been a ritual for me to suckle upon a lollipop whilst entering a superior meeting with these million and billionaires such as Evan. Secretly, the sweet tang and oral occupation of a mini lollipop has always been one of the keys to my anxiety relief.  

Somehow, my lollipops have managed to stay around as a charm to the eyes of the wealthy that I've met with. Today however, I step into a fresh sandalwood and silica glass windowed office and my desire to suck away at my lollipop is ceased. My cocoa colored eyes meet with the icy blue stare of an exquisite man across from me, who has clearly been awaiting my presence. I am suddenly self-conscious of my every move, as if I have been set back to my first moment of meeting with a millionaire. My body stings with hot tension as I experience the contact of the multi-billionaire in front of me. His shining blonde hair mirroring the sun’s luminosity and sculpted into perfect beach waves- I have never felt so entrapped in time.

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