BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (29 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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Chapter Three: Willing Agreement

The office is as silent as midnight, every counter top and desk looking sterile as ever. I calm my internal senses; they have lost control of their chill since the moment that my eyes matched with the billion dollar man in front of me. My lollipop now dangles between my thumb and index finger at my side, freed from the suckling of my anxiety. “It's a pleasure to meet you Malaya,” Mr. Howell greets in a consuming tone.  

His long- fingered hand extends for my overly fragile grasp, my senses dance with the rhythm of our brief hand shake. “The pleasure is mine” I softly reply whilst analyzing the cool gaze of his eyes. “So- why me?” I instantly begin to inquire, and my conscience is already weighted with guilt. “You were referred to me by Hollywood Films Production; I couldn’t dodge the fact that they were so satisfied with your service. I understand you’ve just retired from working with them, but I am willing to give you a great offer” Howell implies, my heart beat swiftly trembles.  

Although I cleared my name from the employment history of Hollywood Films, I am clearly within their remembrance. Yet, I am fortunately saved by their fondness of my previous labor with them; they'll never suspect me for their millions missing after some time has passed. “Oh, an offer you say? My ears are intrigued, please, continue” I speak in a voice a tad higher than usual, I take note that my confidence has paid my demeanor a revisit. I can sense a smirk on Evan’s expression, but he maintains his rigid portrayal. 

“I'm not one to
beat around the bush
. I'm hoping that a ten grand pay every two weeks would settle well with your expectations?” Howell cautiously asks, his eyebrows lifted as some sort of hope. All my visions of draining this man to pennies begins to stalk my thoughts, seemingly wounding the plans that I have set in stone. Such a generous man he is, a cool feeling traverses through my nerves at the thought of snatching the generosity from his selfless acts.  

I trail my eyes around every edge of Evan’s face, perhaps I've made him tense as he's began gesturing for me to take a seat next to him. “I suppose that would work, any bonuses?” I sarcastically inquire, he reveals a smile full of shining, perfect teeth. “I have a feeling we'll get along well. I actually do have a few additional offers- if your time isn't already precious” He speaks in a calming, hard tone. “I'm listening” I confirm with a patient nod. 

“You know, billionaires don't want accountants. We
them, therefore I need you-“A warm sensation floods my chest by the sound of his words. Suddenly I feel the urgent need to tame my lustful senses of the wild effect that Evan's persona is causing them. “I know it is far too soon to hand over such an opportunity, but if you wouldn't mind joining me on my business trips then please, partake. I've learned that those are the times I need wise money management the most” Howell explains of honesty. 

His aqua blue eyes stare into my soul with desperation, it is during this moment that I sense some sort of weakness in this man. How could he trust someone-
so abruptly? “My, that is a very overwhelming inquiry. Are your trips often?” I nosily ask. He studies my expression. “They are- periodically I'd say. I know of none upcoming on my schedule, but I thought I'd ask you now rather later. My intuition is telling me that I'll have you around for a while” Howell says with his eyebrows clenched in confusion.  Before I can process my response, my lips part and I find myself hesitantly responding. “I'll be your accountant.” 




Chapter Four: Humble and Fumble

My bed attempts to comfort me as I toss and turn beneath my sheets, I can tell I am going to be enduring a long; restless night. Each time the thought of my meeting with Evan crosses, my body is alarmed with sensual energy. Based from his stare, to the expressions on his face, I cannot ditch the idea that he had seen something of value in me. A strong feeling lurks within my conscious; Evan has awakened a part of my senseless soul that I had forbidden to be fondled. And for the first time in my history of scheming, a slant of guilt has begun to condemn my impending plans. 


A base pounding disco dance takes place in my head as I watch Evan, who currently rolls the sleeves of his white shirt above his forearms. A sharp sting of embarrassment burns in my chest as his captivating eyes suddenly snap in my direction, just in time to catch me looking away. "Can I get you some breakfast Ms. Luciano?" The charming man politely asks, and I redraw my eyes in his direction as if they had not been previously guzzling his physique. "Oh no, I'm okay. I ate before I got over here so, yeah. Thank you anyways" I respond while refraining a nervous tremble in my throat from escaping.  

Evan continues to remain his focus on my being "My pleasure" He includes through a husky tone. As he jots his eyes elsewhere around the office, I continue to watch him as he prepares himself for an event that he has yet to inform me of details on. "I see you're
and ready to go. Shall we?" Evan asks with a hand gesture for me to proceed in front of him and out the door of his office. "Yes, we shall" I hush-ly respond while proceeding in front of him. I can feel his delicious stare shining its focused aim on my plump rear.  

Evan clears his throat from behind me, causing my body to tingle with a buzz of attraction as I am sure that is his way of sending a hidden compliment. “You have a very lovely background-
In your work history,
Ms. Luciano” He nearly utters in complimentary. I swiftly turn my head over my shoulder to thank him, my smooth curls bounce with the motion of my glance towards his steadied eyes. They are slightly widened, almost as if his potent stare has returned from a sighting of what his expression reveals bliss.  “Thank you Mr. Howell, I am pleased to be your
assistant” I reply with wit.

After stepping outside into the sunny weather, Evan and I are greeted by a well suited man who stands beside the opened door of a Bentley SUV. My heart beat works against me as it pounds with adrenaline at the thought of setting foot within such a lavish vehicle. “After you,” Evan coolly speaks while allowing me to enter the backseat of what is clearly his car. Once the door has shut behind us and the Chauffer has pulled away from the curb of the glistening building of Regal Cinemas, Evan begins to explain our destination.

“I scheduled a charity event for the college students of the community.” Evan says, he also reveals that he has an unsettled grant for the underprivileged students who need to attend school in our area. “You’ve had access to my loose budget, how much do you say we fund?” He kindly demands with the hint of a grin on his silken, pink lips. My nerves fumble as he speaks; suddenly my plans for scamming him have untied themselves from my intentions.

Chapter Five: I’ve Been Waiting

After a few hours and several funding activities, Evan wraps up his campaign with the donation of 1.2 million dollars in contribution towards the schooling of our community. His heartfelt speech is applauded even after he exits the stage and takes place next to me. By this time, the sun has sunk into a pool of orange and red, smeared flames within the horizon. “You ready to get out of here?” Howell asks with a beastly smile, displaying his perfect white teeth. I can’t resist, my heart melts; I fall into deeper infatuation with the thought of how he may feel about me. I am aware of my dense attraction towards him, but it is the possibility of his interest in me that sends a rush of happiness through my emotions.

“Whenever you are” I respond with a flushed smile, the focus of Evan Howell’s eyes slip down to my lips, and for a moment, I feel restrained from moving while caught beneath his gaze. “In that case, let’s hit the road” He implies while slipping his hand into mine as I allow him. My body flows like silk in the wind as I permit the striking man to guide me through the crowd of people and various chatter. I can feel my nerves jittering with raging uncertainty of financially harming Evan, he is not the ordinary billion dollar asshole.    

“Shall it be back to the office? Or may I have the honor of taking my lovely assistant out for a nice dinner? He soothingly asks, the deep and smooth tone of Evan’s voice would be enough to calm me after witnessing a bloody murder. I attempt to hold eye contact with him but my fastened heart rate reports that his eyes are locked on the view of my lips. “It would
be my honor. I could go for a bite to eat” I casually respond, my mind fully conscious of each word that I speak to the cultivated man.

We walk through a field of neatly trimmed grass in order to arrive back to the parking lot, where we can see his Bentley in the distance; awaiting us by the curb. “Thank you for coming with me to this event. I hadn’t usually required my assistants to partake on my adventures” Evan confesses through a shallow tone. My curls nearly bounce with every step that I take, and as my head turns to meet with Evan’s, I find that he has already had his focus on me. “Why is it that you’ve chosen
to follow
ou around on your shopping sprees?” I say of jest.

“-Honestly, I really enjoy your company. My past assistants were an earful, which would eventually turn to headaches. But you, Malaya, are very proportional” Howell fills my senses with joy as I listen to his exact words. Is this reality? Or have I slipped into daze of fascination? I suddenly find myself nearly tumbling to the ground as Evan and I step off of the grass and onto the concrete.
Clumsy ass nerves
, of course my anxiety would destroy the only tender moment that I’d hoped for the past few days.

My body feels numb with hot rushed embarrassment, up until the instant that I realize I am within Evan’s firm grasp. “Are you alright?” He asks with heavy concern as my palms trail along his diamond hard chest. “I’d be on the floor if it weren’t for you” I reply in shock to his swift reaction. I stare deeply into his captivating blue eyes, noticing that one of my curls have swayed onto my left eyelashes and barely blocked my sight. Evan steadies me on my feet without losing his grip on my body, his right hand particularly on the curve of my lower back. My body refuses to push away from him, his hold feels like the quench to my everlasting thirst. He glides his left hand gently up my side and swipes aside my almond tinted hair from my face. “Let’s get to the car” He softly speaks, and there is an obvious dissolution of the tension between us.



Chapter Six: Making it Happen

              "Do you do this often?" I ask Evan seductively in a hushed tone. His eyes are transfixed on mine, leaving only to ravish my body with his eyes. He glides his hands across my cheek and rests it lightly on my waist pulling me into him. Evan breathes in my neck slowly and his beautiful, icy blue eyes meet mine, he stares at me deeply and replies "No... This is an entirely new experience for me. I've always tried to maintain a professional relationship with all my employees but you... I could not resist. The thought of taking you out and showing you a good time would not leave my mind, I’ve been overwhelmed with happiness since you accepted my invitation for dinner."

I look back at him and his eyes no longer look icy blue, they have melted and suddenly I see the vulnerability he is expressing. I can tell that this is difficult for him, I can clearly tell by his body language and overall demeanor that what he is doing is uncharted waters for him. I catch him admiring my body again and our eyes meet once more. "To be incredibly honest with you, this is new for me as well. I don't know if you can tell but I don't really lend my time to others much, there is just something about you, something that made me want to give this a shot." I tell Evan looking at him intently, his hands tracing the outline of my dress.

"You look beautiful." he whispers into my ear, brushing my hair off my shoulder. I feel myself grow nervous, this is new for me as well. Never did I ever imagine myself entertaining the affections of a man like this, let alone my employer. As much as I imagine myself to be a stone cold fox, hell bent on taking what I want and need from men and leaving them behind to put together the pieces, here I am on a date with my boss. The very fact that I have deviated from my plan this far only polluted my mind with anxiety and makes my heart flutter. The butterflies in my stomach is something I had always thought I left behind in my school girl days, this is indeed a new feeling for me.

I look at Evan again and this time I feel my eyes betray me, my nervousness seeps through and I am instantly comforted by his smile, "Shall we go?" he whispers into my ear. I follow him to his Bentley SUV and his driver opens the car door letting us both in. On our way to dinner he keeps glancing at me, as if he is admiring me completely. I am both flattered and overwhelmed. I am used to men looking at me and taking me out, what I am not used to however, is the exquisite yearning I feel right now for more. I feel his eyes burning into my body as I look outside the window, I feel my palms getting sweaty, I, Malaya Luciano, actually give a damn about what this man sees when he is looking at me.

When we arrive at the restaurant, I immediately order a bottle of the best wine, "Nothing like a little alcohol to soothe my nerves" I think to myself as I try my best to compose myself. The thought of going back to Evan's house sounds more and more appealing as the night progresses and I decide after my third glass of wine that tonight will be the night that I am open to see what kind of physical chemistry exists between us. Evan reaches for my hand, "Are you alright Malaya, you've been unusually quiet tonight?" he asks. I nod reassuringly and respond "I'm just really enjoying being in your company, this food here is amazing." Evan has been looking at me like he wants to rip me out of my dress all night, his radiant blue eyes are enough to make any woman melt into submission, I am uncharacteristically quiet and it has nothing to do with not having a good time. In fact, I am ecstatic but lost in my thoughts.

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