Read Bearilicious - Collection Online

Authors: Ashley Hunter

Bearilicious - Collection (27 page)

BOOK: Bearilicious - Collection
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Chapter 3


After making lunch, during which Reginald giggled the entire way through, she cleared the dishes and straightened up the kitchen.

Reginald came into the kitchen like a cat with a kill in its mouth.

“All right slave, ready for your first command?”

Rosalina bunched up the dish towel in her hands and tossed it to the counter.


“You heard me. Go clean my room.”

“I’m nobody’s slave, pencil-dick.”

She flicked her finger at his nose as she walked by, but he jerked away.

When she reached his room, she had to stop and take a breath. His room was bigger than her house, and it had been turned into a cosmic anomaly.

“Really?” she asked no one.

“Yep,” he said from behind her, giggling.

Every piece of clothing he owned had been pulled from his closet, dressers, and storage, and had been tossed all over.

The contents of his desk had been spilled all over the floor. And the smell!

Rosalina covered her nose after catching a whiff of it.

“Is that dog poop?”


“You realize you put dog poop in your room.
room. Where you sleep.”

“Not put. Hid. And you better find it and get rid of this smell by the time I’m ready for bed, otherwise our deal is off.”

Rosalina’s head whipped around so fast it made him jump back.

“You can’t do that. We had a deal!”

“Yeah, and the deal was you do whatever I say with no complaints. If you don’t do what I’m telling you to, you fail to hold up your end of the bargain. Don’t hold up your end, and I won’t hold up mine.”

Rosalina looked back at the room and shook her head.

“You’re sick, you know that? You have serious mental problems.”

He leaned in close and whispered, “You shouldn’t have been such a bitch for all these years. I’m gonna enjoy this.”

Rosalina’s lip curled in disgust.

“Well, at least I’ve got time. We all know you’re a night owl.”

“Oh, not tonight. I have an early day tomorrow, see, so I’m gonna need a good night of sleep. I was thinking of turning in around ten. Maybe even nine, depending on how tired I am.”

“What!” She spun on him again, and he danced back a few steps, laughing.

“Have fun.”

It took hours to clean what must’ve only taken him minutes to do. She eventually found the poop smeared in his bed.

Changing the sheets didn’t get rid of the smell. Instead, she’d had to wash his entire mattress by hand as well as disinfect almost everything in the room. On top of that, she still had to make dinner for the family.

By the end of the night, it was only through sheer force of will that she put in an hour of studying before crashing at home.




Chapter 4


The days stretched on. The few chores Reginald’s parents insisted he needed to do, he had his new slave take care of.

They were the usual childhood chores, but ones he still managed to slack on.

Easy stuff like taking out the garbage. Mowing the lawn – despite the fact that they had an entire landscaping army manage it.

Whenever he demanded she do a task, he made her start wearing a ridiculous shiny French maid outfit made out of pleather, or latex or something. Rosalina had no idea what material it was, but it squeaked when she moved.

All the while Reginald watched and laughed. He called her names as she did his work, talking down to her as though she were an idiot for agreeing to do this.

“Aren’t you sad you didn’t take me up all those years ago?” he’d ask.

Still, as long as she held up her end of the deal, she knew he would hold up his. As impetuous as he was, he’d do as he promised.

For a man so devoid of any respect or manners, it was surprising how honest he was. In her time helping her father at the mansion, she’d seen him come and go with dozens of girls. All of them had to know of his reputation, but they followed him home anyway like sick puppies.

He never treated them any better than he was treating her now. They all knew what they were getting into. He never promised them the moon to get into their pants. He didn’t need to.

The man could be charming when he wanted to be, and it didn’t hurt that he was filthy rich. And after he’d had his way with them, he sent them packing without so much as a goodbye.

The difference between her and Reginald, however, was their upbringing. Where he’d had everything handed to him growing up, never earning a thing, Rosalina and her father scraped by together.

They fought and worked hard just to eat. Christmas, birthdays, and every other special holiday was a chance for them to get creative about how to express their love for one another because they just didn’t have the money for presents.

She didn’t even get an allowance to save up to buy her father a tie for Father’s day. Things, opportunities, money, these were all put onto a list labeled “Things Everyone Else Has.”

Rosalina was never resentful of it. People led different lives. She knew that just as well as her father did.

He’d done the best he could for her, and together he raised her up, putting her on his shoulders so that she could reach a better life. There was nothing her father wouldn’t do for her.

That was the thought that kept her going through Reginald’s heckling and his ridiculous chores and tortures. No matter what he did to wound her pride or to make her feel stupid or pathetic for doing whatever he asked, Rosalina just had to think back to her entire childhood.

No new clothes in school. Packed lunches containing hardly any food when all the other kids bought the cafeteria lunches. Rosalina knew what it was to be ridiculed. And she’d fought her way free of that.

Through hard work, she earned her scholarship to the culinary academy and the pride of her father. That had been twelve years.

There was nothing Reginald could come up with in a single month that could faze her.

Oh how he tried, though.

It was in the middle of week three when she realized that, though the insane chores were still ongoing, his constant demeaning of her had waned.

She figured he’d probably gotten bored of it when she didn’t respond the way he wanted to. That was how one handled bullies. They did it to get a rise. Deny them a reaction, and you’re labeled as “no fun” and they go find someone else to torture.

At least, that was mostly the case.




Chapter 5


Rosalina sweated in the hot afternoon sun as she tried for the fourth time to clip a shrub into the shape of a Minotaur. So far she’d completely ruined three shrubs, their branches and leaves misshapen in an almost macabre scene of mutilation and death.

Ice rattling in a glass caught her attention and she saw Reginald walking toward her holding two glasses filled with what looked like iced-tea, complete with a lemon wedge on the rim.

Knowing she was hot, he’d come to drink both in front of her, no doubt. He’d do it slowly, commenting on how refreshing they were on such a hot day.

“I’m not complaining,” she called out as he came closer, “but I’m telling you, I’m not good at this. I get it, you think it’s funny, but I’m never going to be able to get one of these bushes even close.”

“Shrubs,” he corrected her. “They are shrubs you mindless simpleton. Here.”

He held out one of the glasses to her.

“What? Not sweet enough?”

“No, I’m giving it to you. It’s hot out.”

“What’s the catch?”

Reginald sighed with exasperation, set the glass down on the grass, and then walked to the folding chair he’d setup nearby to watch her work.

Rosalina bent down and picked up the glass, taking a tentative sip.

Sweet tea.

She’d expected liquid dish soap, or salt, or something, but no. It was delicious, refreshing, and cold sweet iced-tea. “Thank you,” she said.

He held up his glass to her in a salute and took a sip.

“I don’t know,” he said, “I think it’s coming along swimmingly. Is that a penis, or did you miss a spot?”

Rosalina stepped back from the shrub to try and see what he was seeing. There it was, a branch that stuck out right from where she’d made two legs.

Laughing, she said, “Yes?”

Reginald laughed and nearly spit out his tea. “Very nice. I say leave it.”

“Won’t your mother be pleased.”

“Tell you the truth,” he said, leaning in conspiratorially, “I think she just may be.”

This time it was Rosalina’s turn to nearly spit out a mouthful of tea. Her distress caused him no small amount of joy, and they both laughed together as she struggled to keep the tea from going out her nose.

Their laughter grew worse with every second, feeding back into itself. Her cheeks filled with tea, she waited until she could get herself back under control before trying to swallow, but every time she thought it was under control, another fit would rise up and she’d be laughing far too hard to risk it.

“Come on,” he said, “swallow. You can do it. Swallow like a good girl.”

The way he coached her was somehow funny and not his usual crude humor. She waved at him frantically, unable to tell him to stop without risking the tea exploding from her mouth.

“You can do it,” he said, laughing along with her.

“Show me you love me.”

Somehow that line struck a chord and she spat the tea into the grass, laughing so hard her side hurt.

Reginald dove in and grabbed the glass of tea from her before she dropped it.

“You ass,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes.

“I cannot believe you would say that!”

Now he was laughing, far too pleased with himself.

“You just looked so cute with your cheeks all puffed out like that. I couldn’t help myself.”

Rosalina’s laughter dulled a little to a giggling fit, and she looked at him.

Did he just call her cute?

The humor was fading as she waited for him to follow it up with a scathing comment about something horrible, like only dogs being interested in her now.

That would kill the mood for sure, and her anticipation of such a comment was doing a damn fine job itself. No follow-up came, however.

Oblivious to her suspicions, he just grinned and handed her back her glass.

“Thank you,” she said.

He smiled and nodded, then went back to his chair. She waited still, not wanting to call attention to it, but unable to believe it.

They’d just shared a nice moment together and Rosalina had no idea what to make of it.

Her father was finally starting to actually recover from his surgeries, instead of teetering on the razor’s edge of life-or-death. After spending weeks busting her ass for Reginald, all while cooking and studying, it came as a shock when Reginald didn’t just allow her to visit her father, but demanded it of her.

Said it was his order for the day, and the only one. She didn’t even have to wear the maid outfit when she went to see him.

For the first time in almost four weeks, her father was awake. The drugs made him groggy, and the tubes going in and out of his mouth and nose kept him from being able to talk too well. It didn’t matter. She was just happy to see him alive and awake.

Of course the first thing he asked was if she’d been keeping up on her studies. Despite her reassurance that she was, he could tell she wasn’t getting much sleep.

As she was trying to come up with a way to tell him an excuse rather than the truth of what was actually going on, the drugs had taken hold of him and he slowly drifted off to sleep again.

Having taken her books with her, she studied there in his hospital room as he slept. He didn’t wake up again, but she was just glad to be around him, to know that he was going to be okay.

Chapter 6



That night when she got home, she’d barely come in the door when her phone buzzed.

When she checked, she saw she had a text from Reginald.

“Home yet?”

Rosalina sighed and grumbled to herself. It had been such a nice but long day. She was exhausted. “Yes,” was all she said in return.

“Good. Come over.”

Rosalina whimpered and stomped her feet. She just wanted to sleep!

“Seriously, can this wait until tomorrow?”

“No complaints.”

She screamed. It was only because she was home alone and no one would hear or care. If you got it, flaunt it, and she did.

She had to hold up her end, or the bill wouldn’t be paid. She knew it, Reginald knew it, but she was coming to the end of her rope. No other options, she angrily snatched up the straps of her bag and left the house.

It was 11pm by the time she got back to the Florence’s house, and Reginald was there at the door waiting for her.

“Sure took your time,” he said, but shrank away when she glared at him.

“What is it, Reggie? I know the agreement was for no complaints, but I’m so tired. Please.”

“All right,” he said, “all right. I know you’re tired. I just need you to clean something for me.”

Her frustration and exhaustion nearly brought tears to her eyes.

“Seriously? You called me over to clean something? This couldn’t have waited for tomorrow?”

He looked at her and shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry.”

“Fine. No complaints. Let’s get to it. Do I have to put the outfit on?”

Reginald laughed. “No, no outfit. What you have on is perfect.”

“Oh, great. My sweats are perfect. I can’t wait to see what it is I have to clean. Did you smear poop in your room again?”

He wrinkled his nose and took her by the hand.

“No, no poop. Promise.”

Rosalina paused and looked down at their hands. Why wasn’t she pulling hers away? His fingers were warm and soft.

“What is it then?” she asked.

“A plate.”

“A plate? One plate?”

“Mhm,” he said and nodded.

“Come on.”

Reluctant but intrigued she let him guide her through the house to the dining room. The only light in the room came from the soft glow of a row of candles.

Two place settings were situated near one another at the end of the table, along with a number of covered platters.


“Have a seat,” he said, gently pulling her by the hand to the head of the table.

As he pulled her chair out for her, she looked at the fine silverware and china, then up to his smiling expectant face.

“Reggie, if this is another trick or joke, I really don’t have it in me.”

“It’s not.”

“I’m serious! I’ll lose it.”

Reginald shook his head quickly, the joy draining from his face.

“It’s not, I promise. I wanted to do something nice. Sit down.” When she looked at him dubiously, he added, “Please?”

It was the first time she’d heard the word come out of his mouth so sincerely.

Choosing to believe him for now, she set her bag down and sat in the chair. The excitement returned to his movements in a flash, and he ran to the table to remove the covers from everything.

“Is this all still your favorite?”

There were mashed sweet potatoes, baked chicken, fresh dinner rolls. The smells woke her stomach and she realized she was ravenous.

“Reggie, you cooked me dinner?”

“God no!”

She looked at him, and he was quick to amend the statement.

“You’re an amazing cook.”


“Right, chef. I’m a lousy one. Trying to cook for you would be an insult. No, I contacted your school and paid a few of your classmates to come over and cook for you. I warmed it up before you came over. It should still be fresh.”

“You called my school?”

“Yeah. Why? Is that okay?” The expression on his face fell into one of dread.

“Yes, it’s fine. I just… it’s very sweet. I don’t know what’s going on.”

He swallowed and set about spooning food onto their plates.

“I wanted to do something nice for you and hear about how your dad is doing.”



“It’s nice. That’s all. This is very nice and exactly what I needed. Thank you.”

He smiled at her, and she felt the old stirrings in her flare up. “You’re welcome.”

They ate together, the conversation easy. She told him of her father and how happy she was to finally see him awake.

They talked about which classmates he had come over, and the mess they’d made. Unlike Rosalina, they didn’t clean as they went, and he had to actually clean the kitchen on his own so she wouldn’t have to. They drank some wine and shared jokes.

As she felt looser, they found themselves sitting closer to one another. Soon they moved to the couch to chat, and she was in his arms, her head rested against his chest.

Somehow she knew it was wrong, and she shouldn’t, but so much of her wanted to. She’d always wanted to.

“Rose?” he asked, his voice quiet.


“There’s something else. I mean, another reason I made you dinner.”

Her heart immediately hammered in her chest, and she lifted her head from his chest. Every part of her wanted him to say it, and at the same time to not say it.

“Well, I know I’ve been terrible. I thought it’d be funny to make fun of you and break you. You always looked at me so… you never treated me like I was above you. It bothered me, and I wanted you to… I don’t know.”

“Uh huh,” she said, suddenly not feeling the warm flattery feeling she had been.

“Anyway, you didn’t. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. No matter what I did, you took it. I don’t get how you can be so tough. I… well then, I…”

“You what?”

“Rose, I’m in love with you.”

Rosalina pulled back from him and set her glass on the coffee table.

“That’s not funny.”

He set his glass down next to hers, his face serious.

“It’s not a joke. Haven’t you noticed I haven’t had any women over lately?”

“I just thought…”

“Well you’re wrong. It’s because it felt wrong. It’s all wrong. It was you. Rose, it’s always been you. When you rejected me so long ago, I didn’t want to be with anyone again.”

“So you decided to be with everyone?”

“Yeah, kinda,” he said, shrugging.

“I couldn’t find that connection again. There’s never been anyone like you. These last few weeks, I’m seeing again all the things I fell in love with the first time.”

Rosalina’s mind swam with the information, and she realized that the same was true of her.

No man could ever live up to how she’d felt about Reginald so many years ago, and part of her fury at him was how he’d become so rude and strayed so far from the man she fell in love with. The man she knew he could be. It was that man she’d been seeing again recently.

“The deal’s off,” she said.

“What?” he said quickly, confused.

“No. I gave my word.”

“No, no good. Deal’s off.”

Reginald sighed sadly.


“Because I said no sex stuff.”

Rosalina leaned in and grabbed him by the shirt and hair and kissed him.

They made out wildly, their hands tearing at one another’s clothes as they stumbled and spun their way up the stairs to his room.

“There’s no poop in your bed, is there?” she asked him as they closed the door.

Reginald laughed.

“No. No poop.”

“Good,” she said and tossed him to the bed. As she took off her shirt, he sat on the edge of his bed and watched, his eyes hungry for her.

“I’ve always loved your body,” he said as he watched her slowly push down her pants.

“You’re so beautiful.”

Rosalina scrunched her nose. “You say that, but I’ve seen the women you bring home. Sticks. I’ve got more than enough for two of them.”

“Right, and do any of them look like you? No. You know why that is? Because you can’t be replaced.”

Rosalina rolled her eyes and smiled.

“Cut out the sweet talk, handsome. You already got me in your room.”

Reginald jumped up, grabbed her by the waist and spun her. They laughed together before falling onto his bed and he kissed her.

“That’s how you know I’m telling the truth.”

They kissed and in moments they were both naked, rolling on the top of his bed. He was on top of her, his hardness running along the length of her.

Rosalina’s heart pounded so hard she could hear it in her ears. Scared, nervous, but she couldn’t care for any of that. She’d never been more turned on in her life.

“Are you ready?” he asked, the head of his erection gently pressing against the opening of her sex.

“Yes,” she breathed.

He pushed, her walls stretching to accommodate him. The sharp pressure of him piercing through, taking her virginity hurt at first, and she had to make him stop so she could deal with it.

Slowly it passed, but when it did, she rocked her hips testing the sensation. It was delicious.

Rosalina licked her lips, moving her body to feel him inside of her. It was all the encouragement he needed, and he began a steady rhythm.

Their breathing picked up with their efforts. Reginald groaned near her ear as he thrust away on top of her, and she held him close. In moments they shared their orgasms together, sleep soon taking hold.

BOOK: Bearilicious - Collection
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