Bearilicious - Collection (25 page)

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Authors: Ashley Hunter

BOOK: Bearilicious - Collection
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Chapter 5


They spent the rest of the day talking to one another, exchanging tentative kisses and more intimate moments of touching that had Emily gasping and Jeremy groaning. Eventually, they began to agree to take it a little slower and settled on a little less sex.

The next morning however, Emily woke to Jeremy greeting her with a kiss and a gentle touch beneath her ribs.

“Sorry,” he said, drawing gentle moans from her lips.

“I guess I can’t hold back at all.”

Emily grinned and parted her legs to him. She was getting used to his girth, slowly, steadily.

She still felt rather sore after their first time, but she found she liked the way he moaned out her name after sex. She could understand now what she had been missing.

They brought out a myriad of noises from each other and as the days passed, she could feel herself growing warmer to him as they talked about her past, as they talked about his. Yet, still, there was something that insisted that he wasn’t telling her everything…

Sometimes they argued over the dumbest things, but Emily found that whenever it got too heated, they would eventually find each other naked and pressing fingers deep into erotic points in their bodies.

Whenever her mother made a call, Emily felt a newer reason to not speak to her, unsure how she would even begin to explain how she had ended up fucking her protector.

It was all happening too fast, Emily knew this… but there was a huge part of her that didn’t care much at all.




Chapter 6


They had been living together for nearly two months until everything exploded.

And by everything, Emily meant

They had been eating breakfast and enjoying each other’s company in silence when Jeremy suddenly straightened in his seat, his eyes wide in the direction of the door.

“Jeremy?” Emily had asked when suddenly he turned and grabbed her.


He shouted before he shoved her and just a second later the sound of glass shattering in an ear-deafening series of shots surrounded them.

Emily screamed, ducking behind the couch where Jeremy had shoved her into. He wrapped his arms tight around her, shielding her as best he could until the explosions stopped.


They both heard after a brief silence fell. Emily recognized the voice instantly. Her stomach froze in fear.

“Come out to play, buddy!”

“Fuck,” Emily heard Jeremy swear in her ear.

When she turned around, to her horror, she noticed a harsh stain of crimson growing on Jeremy’s side.

“Jeremy!” Emily hissed, her hands jumping towards him.

“You’re hurt!”

Jeremy ignored her, “Stay down, don’t let him see you.”

“What are you going to do?”

His expression darkened considerably.

“I’m going to go see him.”

Emily nearly panicked.

“You can’t! He’ll kill you!”

Jeremy smiled at her, “I’ll be fine. Trust me.”

Jeremy pulled away from the couch, leaving Emily to hide behind the couch.

“There you are!”

Spencer’s voice was viciously gleeful.

“It’s about time, man. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“Congratulations,” Jeremy drawled.

“You found me, which was a big mistake by the way.”

Carefully, Emily peered out from the couch, seeing Jeremy’s figure standing close to the window yet out of sight from direct fire.

“No, you wanna know what the real mistake was,
old pal?
” Spencer called back.

“After all the shit I did for you, you pay me back by betraying
we ever did… THAT, old buddy, was the biggest mistake. And my mistake? Well, it was letting you walk away alive!”

Jeremy let out a laugh.

“No, Spencer. Your biggest mistake was thinking you weren’t going to get your ass handed to you. Karma’s funny that way don’t you think?”

“Fuck you, asshole!” Spencer roared, “Come out here and face me! You had no problem killing my father, so what’s stopping you now?”

Emily gasped. Had her mother killed Reginald? Was she okay?

“I’d rather not kill you, Spence,” Jeremy replied.

“There’s been too much death already.”

Suddenly, Emily felt hands grab her around her shoulders and hair before yanking her up. She let out a sharp cry, trying to escape but felt those hands wrap tightly around her arms before pressing something sharp against her throat.

Stiffening, Emily was dragged out her hiding space, meeting Jeremy’s eyes through the destruction of the cabin.

Jeremy’s eyes widened when he saw her, “Emily!”

“So, my beloved step-sister
with you!” Spencer called from outside.


“Let her go,” Jeremy hissed at Emily’s captor.

“Or I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

“You better come out, now, Forrest—if that’s even your name.” Spencer called, “Because I honestly have no issue taking something of yours for myself.”

Emily wheezed, nearly hyperventilating as she saw Jeremy’s jaw work tightly. Finally, he nodded before raising his hands and walking out into the outside.

Emily and her captor followed shortly after, tears of pain and fear squeezing out her eyes. There were two other men aside from Spencer, his Armani suit ruined with blood and dirt.

They held impressive rifles in their hands, aiming at Jeremy as he walked out.

“Let her go, Spencer.” Jeremy snarled.

Spencer’s face contorted into a black grin, sneering, “No, I don’t think I will. See, my father may be dead now, but I still have connections. I can still make money doing what I do best, and with that rack?”

He added, turning to look at Emily with a starving expression.

Emily shivered. “She’ll sell really well.”

“Your connections are gone, Spencer.” Jeremy hissed.

“My team made sure of that. You think I’m here alone? Think again. We’ve been working for years against your people, working in the dark and making sure you had nothing to go to after everything went down. It’s over.”

“You think a guy like me can’t meet new degenerates?” Spencer laughed.

“So long as this world spins, buddy, there will always be a client to sell to. So after I put a bullet in your head, I’m going to take my time with her. I’m going to enjoy her for myself fairly well—if you haven’t already… and after that? I’m going to sell her for a pretty penny.”

you will!”

They heard, and when they turned around, Emily let out a shout.

Something bright whizzed past her ear, landing with a thud against her captor. The man released her immediately and when Emily turned around she saw a dagger protruding from the man’s head.

Screaming, Emily scrambled away, before turning to see the source of the newest danger.

The other men beside Spencer had similar knives in their skulls, and when Emily looked up, she saw her mother, bleeding and gasping but angry.

“YOU BITCH!” Spencer roared, pulling out a pistol from his back pocket and firing at her.

Emily screamed, seeing her mother grip to her shoulder before collapsing backward.

Jeremy was moving like lightning, and when Emily looked she saw his body begin to shift and change. At first, she was convinced it was a trick of the light, but it was undeniable.

Jeremy was

In seconds, the man she had grown to love had turned into a large beast, letting out a deafening roar at Spencer. Emily’s step-brother let out a shocked yelp, falling backwards as the Bear lunged for him.

In a moment, she heard Spencer scream, heard him shout for his life before his screams ended without warning.

The bear huffed and growled, pushing away from the fallen man’s body before shifting once more. Emily stared, frozen, when she saw the bear shift back into the shape of Jeremy.

He hurried toward Lisa, his hand clutching to the wound at his side before arriving to her mother’s fallen body.

“Chief!” He exclaimed.

“Chief! Come on!”

The reminder that her mother was wounded snapped Emily into action and she was running towards where Jeremy was holding to the woman’s body.

Emily let out a sob of relief when she arrived, seeing her mother staring above in a dazed expression.

“Jeremy,” Lisa murmured.

“You didn’t… shift did you?”

“Yeah, Chief.” Jeremy admitted. Emily’s head spun.

“Sorry… but it was the only way I could get an advantage over Spencer.”

“Is he…?” Lisa asked, trailing off.

Jeremy nodded, his mouth covered in blood.

“Thank god.”

When Lisa glanced down and saw Emily, the younger woman made a motion to reach for her mother, but didn’t dare approach after what she had seen, what she had heard.

“Emily,” Lisa breathed.

“Are you alright?”

“She’s fine, Chief.” Jeremy said.

“Where’s the team?”

“They should be on their way soon,” Lisa explained, wincing as she held to her shoulder, blood staining her fingers.

“I’m fine. But we’ve got to get going.”

“Mom…” Emily croaked out, half sobbing.

“Is it over? Are we safe now?”

Lisa smiled at her daughter, “Yes. It’s over.”

When Jeremy glanced up at her, Emily couldn’t help but pause to take a breath. Yes… the worst was over… but not this.




Chapter 7


Lisa Abernathy survived the bullet wound, and long after the team had been debriefed was Emily finally face to face with Jeremy. It had been several weeks since the events that happened in the forest, and Emily couldn’t help but stay silent even after Jeremy appeared at her door.

Emily had moved into her mother’s apartment on the basis that she would watch over her mother and get more information that had been missed out.

Emily had demanded to know more about Jeremy’s situation, why he had been able to change into an animal, and why they had kept quiet about it.

All Lisa had said was that there had been an experimental trial in the military that had been used in secret to strengthen soldiers. Instead, it had a side effect… but Lisa said the rest was for Jeremy to explain.

Sure enough, he appeared and Emily had been torn between jumping in his arms and slamming the door in his face. So, she let him in, allowed him to sit across from her and waited for him to speak.

“I was a volunteer,” Jeremy began, his eyes downcast.

“For a new development in the military. We were told it would be a medicinal trial that would help us heal faster from wounds, be stronger than our opponents, be less susceptible to disease… I had been a private at the time, fresh out of Military school. The experiments had been long and many of my comrades had died… I had been given a specific dose that would test my abilities to sustain it… instead it gave me the ability to transform into an animal… a beast. I was told I would need to sacrifice everything for my job… for my country. So I took it. I didn’t realize they meant I needed to sacrifice my humanity as well.”

“Eventually, the project was canceled and they threatened to kill me—because I had such an ability that couldn’t be tested safely. Until your mom appeared. She and the Director, insisted to take me on in the FBI, saved my life.”

“They said that I would be allowed to live so long as I made sure to be monitored. For years, I’ve lived under their care, and I’ve been able to control this ability more and more. It’s because of your mom that I’m alive and well.”

“What none of us expected was that I would also experience more… pronounced urges because of my other nature. When I met you, I liked you… I still like you… but when you kissed me… I realized how much I needed you. How much I desired to have you… claim you.”

“ You were so willing, and I had never experienced such a level of desire before… so I wasn’t able to stop. I don’t want to anyway… because I truly do care about you, Em. I want to be with you, but if you don’t want to be with me, just say the word and I’ll leave.”

“Of course I want to be with you, jackass.” Emily cut in, surprising him.

“You think after saving my life not once but twice I could ever forget you? I want you too.”

“Emily,” Jeremy breathed. Emily shook her head before standing up to him and taking hold of his hand.

“Come on,” Emily said.

“Wait… you’re not mad at me?” Jeremy sputtered.

Emily rolled her eyes, “Of course I am. I’m pissed the hell off. But I also know you’re going to make it up to me, and you’re going to do it right.”

Jeremy stared at her, flabbergasted, before he suddenly moved and pressed his mouth hot on hers.

“Oh god, Emily,” he laughed against her mouth.

“I thought you were going to hate me forever.”

“Don’t tempt me,” she snapped, but returned his kisses with equal fervor.

Swiftly, Emily led Jeremy into her room, their clothes flying behind them the more their fingers touched skin to skin. There was an honest happiness beginning to rise within Emily’s chest as Jeremy kissed her, made her want to hold on to him and never let him go.

As he entered her, the two let out shared sighs of relief… of home.

And as he pumped into her and she rocked back into him, Emily realized what this happiness was.

“I love you,” She gasped in his ear, moaning hard as he caressed her breasts.

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” Jeremy replied, thrusting into her a little faster, a little deeper. His movements were not frantic now, but deliberate, drawing out pleasured hums and mewls from her throat until she was clamping down on him and begging him to keep going.

Together, they came hard around one another and as Emily pressed kisses to her lover, she noticed how his underwear hung over the doorknob of her bedroom… and she found she much preferred regular doorknobs over obnoxious ones any day.


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