Bearly Consenting: Russet Falls Series (20 page)

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“Enough!” he roared, springing up from the bed, and tossing
Avery below him before pinning her to the bed.

She gasped, not only from his tone but also from the sheer

He hovered above her panting deeply and Avery recognized his
bear close to breaking free.

“It’s alright,” she soothed, “You’re not going to shift,”
she assured him, “You won’t shift,” she repeated.

“I can’t wait any longer,” he admitted, leaning down to kiss
her, tasting of herself and something she couldn’t place  - something wild and
feral. “Please, Avery,” he begged.

Gulping, Avery nodded.

Drew hopped off the bed and returned almost instantly, a
foil in his hand. He unwrapped it quickly and Avery watched as he swiftly
sheathed himself. Embarrassed, she realized that she would not have been
prepared at all for this. It had never crossed her mind to have protection for
when the time came for her and Drew to be intimated.

She didn’t have time to give it another thought because Drew
was above her once more, and this time he leaned down to kiss her, murmuring
her name.

He gripped himself at his base, and then slowly pushed into

Avery moaned as she stretched to accommodate Drew. He rubbed
snugly against her inner walls and the sheer fullness of him was pure bliss.

She closed her eyes, remembering what it had been like the
few times she and Drew had slept together before.

It had never felt this good.

It had never been so, she struggled for the right word—

It was clear to her that she and Drew were meant to be
together; she wouldn’t let their vicious tribe tear them apart now that they
had found one another again.



Chapter Twenty-Seven



Groaning, Drew pushed into Avery again, feeling her wrap
snugly around him. He had nearly blown his load early on, and he wasn’t sure if
he would have ever recovered from the embarrassment of that.

Avery was so raw and beautiful, and it felt as if Drew had
never really known her before.

He had been such a kid when he and Avery had first begun
dating, and now she was a bonafide woman. He had most certainly evolved over
the past seven years, and not all of it was good. But being here with Avery,
making love to her like this—it was more than he had ever hoped for in his life
after Seraphina had ruined him.

He pushed into Avery again, feeling the ebb and flow of her
body as she brought her hips to meet his every thrust. They fit together
perfectly, and while he knew it was corny, Drew felt like they had been made
for one another.

He dropped to his elbows so he could kiss her, and she
wrapped her thighs around his waist, her smooth legs resting against his warm

He kissed her harder, pushing his tongue into her mouth, and
grasping at her backside as he pulled her even closer to him, driving even
deeper inside her, and getting further aroused by her cries of pleasure.

Avery clenched her insides, pulling tightly on his cock as
if she didn’t want to let him go, and he literally growled.


He could barely stand it.

“I can’t last much longer,’’ he panted, wanting to give
Avery fair warning before he came. He reached down to rub between her legs,
hoping she would come with him.

He knew that if Avery was up for a second round, he could
last much longer, but it had been seven years since he had been inside of her,
and truthfully, he was surprised that he had lasted even this long.

“It’s okay, Drew,” she murmured.

Drew roared his approval, thrusting deeper and harder than
he had before, and he felt all of his power and energy drive between his legs
before bursting forward from his center.

He exploded deep within Avery, his cock twitching roughly as
he filled the condom. Moments later, Avery cried out and she clenched at him
tightly again, milking him for every drop as her own body trembled beneath him.

Drew collapsed on top of her, still shaking as his powerful
orgasm took over, and he held Avery while she experienced her own wave of

He felt his bear swell and rise within him—he wasn’t sure if
he had ever been so aroused before—and the feeling of his bear so strong while
in such close proximity to Avery scared the shit out of him.

He sprang from the bed, cowering in the corner, as he tried
to calm his inner beast.

Startled, Avery sat up on the bed, her breasts bouncing as
she looked at him with wide and frightened eyes. “Drew?” she asked anxiously.

He couldn’t talk, but only shook his head. He could feel the
bear in him fighting for release, and he squeezed his eyes shut, mentally
telling himself that he wasn’t going to shift.

Avery understood and she scrambled from the bed, hurrying to
him. “It’s okay, Drew, I’m here.”

“No,” he choked, his eyes flying open and backing up against
the wall. “Stay away,” he begged, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Avery moved slowly towards him, her hand outstretched. “You
aren’t going to hurt me, Drew,” she softly assured him. “You aren’t going to
hurt me. I trust you. You aren’t going to shift. You’re calming down.”

Her voice soothed him, and he closed his eyes again,
focusing on her calming words. He could smell her even closer now and his
nostrils filled with the heavy, sweet smell of her abundant arousal.

He took a deep breath, felt his bear rise tall within him,
and then slowly retreat.

It had passed.

He opened his eyes and blinked at Avery. “You’re foolish,”
he warned her, before nervously chuckling. “You were nearly ripped to shreds.”

“No, I wasn’t. I trusted you,” she said simply.

“I almost shifted!” he exclaimed, taking a deep breath.

“But you didn’t.” Avery reached out and took his large hand
into her own. “Come back to bed,” she urged.

Drew stared at her for a brief moment, both impressed and
terrified by her calm reaction. He followed her back to bed, and shook himself
of the awful feeling that he could have truly harmed her.

Avery climbed back into his warm bed, modestly burrowing
under the covers.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Drew said, climbing in next to her, and
pulling her onto his chest. “You aren’t going to cover yourself up with me.”

Avery blushed.

“Avery. You just got out of bed completely naked and walked
across the room to me.”

“I know. But I was trying to help you.”

“Well, help me now by not covering up that amazing body of

“Pervert,” she teased, but she relaxed into him.

They lay together quietly, their bodies both calming down
from climaxing, and Drew’s also from his near-shifting experience.

He shuddered when he thought about the harm he nearly
inflected on Avery.

She must have felt him shudder, because she kissed his chest.

“I’ve never been that close to losing control,” he told her.
“I think it was connected to how much I was aroused by you.”

Avery laughed nervously.

“I’m serious, Avery. That was incredibly intense for me.”

“Me too,” she whispered.

Drew wrapped his arms tightly around her. “I’m not giving up
on us. I’ll find a way to protect you,” he vowed.

His bear roared with approval.

He would find a way to rid his life of Seraphina for once
and for all so he could live in peace with Avery.

No one would ever understand him or accept him as Avery did.

“I know. I believe you, Drew.”

He saw her eyes flick around the room, and he wondered what
she was thinking.

“What are you thinking?”

“Umm, your bedroom is amazing! It’s larger than the entire
upstairs of my house.”

Drew looked around, taking in the oasis that was his
bedroom. The room was done in whites and varying shades of brown, and it was
both soothing and true to the character of the house.

His bed, a specially made extra-large version of a
California king, sat against the far wall. There was an armoire and a set of
drawers next to the doors of his walk-in closet, which led back to his

“Want a tour?” he asked as Avery continued to look around
the room.

“Yes, please,” she said excitedly.

Drew got out of bed, even though he could have stayed there
with Avery for days. He pulled on his jeans, as Avery started to pull on her

“Too dressy,” Drew told her, handing her his t-shirt.

She laughed, but she took it from him and pulled it on.

She looked sexy as hell.

His faded t-shirt hung to her mid-thighs, just enough to
cover her up but still showed plenty of leg.


“Is that a closet?” she asked, peering towards the open

“Yes. The bathroom is back there too.”

He led the way, flipping on the specialty lights that
mimicked retail lighting of a department store.

“Oh. Wow.”

She walked slowly into the closet, her hands grazing across
the marble island and the rows of suits. There were also a number of shelves
for shoes, though Drew hardly used any of those.

“This is unreal,” she breathed.

Drew shrugged. “I can see how it would be more exciting for
women. A closet it a closet.”

“Oh this is
more than a closet.”

They moved into the master bath, and as Drew surveyed his
rain-spa shower and oversized Jacuzzi tub, he couldn’t help but think of how
much he would like to get Avery naked and lather her up with suds.

Avery must have noticed his growing desire for her, because
she laughed nervously.

“Alright, show me the rest of the house before you get any naughty

“Oh, I have plenty of naughty ideas,” he promised.

“I’m sure you do.”

Reluctantly, Drew led her from the bathroom, and back
through the master bedroom. He pointed out the balcony that overlooked the lake
and Avery oohed and ahhed over it.

He took her through the upstairs, feeling somewhat foolish
as he pointed out the empty bedrooms.

Of course, they weren’t actually empty.

Four were set up as guest rooms, while another room was set
up with a massage table for the rare occasion when he took the time to have a
masseuse come to the house.

“It seems silly now,” he commented, gesturing to the extra
rooms. “I don’t need all the space.”

Avery squeezed his hand. “You don’t have to explain yourself
to me, Drew.”

They went downstairs and Drew continued to give her a tour,
taking her through the kitchen and dining room, as well as the living room,
which he never used. The rec room was his favorite place and it spilled over
into the kitchen. This was where he spent the small amount of down time that he
had. A huge flat screen TV hung on the wall opposite of a large sectional couch
with multiple reclining options. The rec room also boasted great views of the
lake and had a huge stone fireplace.

“So what else is down here?” Avery asked. “There has to be
an office.”

Drew smiled sheepishly. “Of course.” He took her down a
hall, first showing her the sunroom that sat directly on the lake.

It was night so Avery couldn’t get the full effect of being
right on the lake, and Drew could only hope that Avery would still be here in
the morning so she could see the spectacular views.

Something about showing Avery his house felt right—as if he
had been waiting for this moment.

He showed her the small reading room that was across from
his office, and then he took her into his work oasis.

It was clear that work was important to him.

The office was fitted with the most ergonomic chair on the
market, and a massive L-shaped desk. There were shelves displaying awards that
wouldn’t fit in his downtown office, and there were three servers to house
copies of everything that was housed in his downtown office.

There was no reason that he couldn’t conduct all business
from his home office should he need to do so.

“Whoa,” Avery whispered. “This is no joke.”

“No joke,” he echoed. Work was his life. But he was
determined to fit Avery in no matter what. “I should also add that there is a
gym in the basement.”

Avery’s head snapped up from where she was studying a
certificate that was framed.

“A what?”

“A gym?’

“As in some workout equipment?”

“As in a full-gym. Like the kind you can pay a membership to

Avery balked. “My god, Drew. How much money do you have?”
Her hand quickly flew to her mouth. “I’m so sorry,” she said quickly, “I don’t
know why I said that out loud. That was rude of me. It just kind of came out.”

Drew laughed.

He couldn’t be mad at Avery, especially when she was looking
so damn gorgeous in his t-shirt.

“Don’t apologize. Obviously, I have more than I know what to
do with.” He tilted his head to the side. “That didn’t come out right either. I
sound like a cocky bastard.”

Avery shook her head. “No, you didn’t. You were honest. And
you would have every right to be a cocky bastard anyway.”

“No one has the right to be a bastard. I just have done
really well for myself, and I’ve spent the money to make this house nice.
Ironically, I’m hardly here though. I spend so much time at the office.” He
studied Avery. “I actually have an apartment above my office downtown.”

“What?” Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

“For nights when I need to sleep there. It’s excessive, I
know, but it’s convenient.”

“Is it weird that I want to see it?” she asked, grinning up
at him.

“Not weird at all.” He thought quickly. “Do you mean that
you actually want to go there? Now?”

She nodded sheepishly.

Drew would love to stay holed up in his house with her, but
there were some documents that he could pick up from a meeting he missed since
he had left the office early.

His stomach growled—he was starving too.

“How about we run over quickly? I can give you a quick tour,
pick up some papers I need, and we can order take out to bring back here.” He
stopped himself. “That is, if you wanted to come back here. Maybe you’ve had
enough of me and want to go back to your place?”

Avery tugged on his t-shirt, trying to pull it down further
over her thighs. “I think I need to change first, but I would love to go over
with you. And I would love to come back here.”

Feeling lighter than he could ever remember, he laughed. So
this is what it felt like when Seraphina wasn’t foremost in his mind?

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your outfit, but
I understand if you want to change.”

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