Bearly Cooking (Pacific Northwest Werebears #1) (9 page)

Read Bearly Cooking (Pacific Northwest Werebears #1) Online

Authors: Moxie North

Tags: #Bear, #Shifter, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotic Romance Fiction, #Fiction, #BBW, #Werebear

BOOK: Bearly Cooking (Pacific Northwest Werebears #1)
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Chapter 22

Standing outside the guest room door, Cage took a deep breath. He listened and didn’t hear anything. So he knocked quietly, “Sophie, honey, can I come in?”

There was no answer, so he knocked again. Still quiet, he tried the handle and found it unlocked. Pushing open the door, he scanned the room looking for her. The lights were off and only the light was from the bright moon was shining into the room.

“Sophie?” he said walking to the end of the bed, his eyes caught on a huddled figure squeezed between the wall and the nightstand. Sophie with her legs drawn up and her head on her knees, she appeared so tiny.

“Oh, baby,” he whispered and approached her slowly.

Sophie’s head came up and he could see the tracks her tears had left down her face. Kneeling in front of her, not want to frighten her, he held out his hand.

Looking at it blankly for a moment, Sophie looked at it, then up to Cage. Soft blue eyes looked back at her with so much love and concern the side of Sophie that wasn’t freaked out about her man being a bear pushed the scared part of herself back and launched herself at Cage.

Strong arms wrapped around her as he fell back on his ass, leaning against the wall to brace himself. Sophie straddled his legs and wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his neck letting wracking sobs pour out of her.

“Baby, shhhh,” he said rubbing her back, trying to absorb her pain.

“I didn’t know how to tell you, I didn’t want to freak you out. We are so new and I’ve waited so long for you,” he tried to explain.

“ to me,” she sniffled against his shirt.

“No, honey, I didn’t lie. I just hadn’t gotten around to telling you. And I was going to, believe me. I just hadn’t figured out how. I certainly wasn’t going to show you my bear and end up naked and bleeding in front of you.”

“I don’t understand, how you are a bear? Are all Americans bears? Is this a national secret the world doesn’t know about?” she hiccupped.

“No, darlin’ not all Americans are bears,” he laughed.

Taking a deep breath and placing a kiss on her head he started, “My family are all werebears or you can call us shifters, as are my cousins, aunts and uncles. Our clan has lived in this area long before there were states. We were born this way, as are all shifters.”

“Shifters? Like other animals?” she said in a shocked hush.

“Yes, wolves, big cats and the like. We all stick to ourselves; it’s easier to keep our secret that way. We’d be hunted down if people found out. And we are happier living quietly. Our bears pick us when we are very young. We are born shifters, but our bear halves are fated to us. Something about our individual souls draws them to us. The fates bring us together. And for each bear we have one true mate. The One that our human and bear halves can’t live without. You are that for me, Sophie. My true mate, perfect for me in every way. My last date was over twenty years ago. I knew I wouldn’t be happy, truly happy until I met you.”

“Twenty years? What, you stopped dating as a teenager?” she sniffed

“Not exactly, weres age a little slower than humans,” he hedged.

“How old are you?” she whispered, curiosity over ruling her fear.

“Well….” Cage started.

Sophie waited, then pulled away from his chest and stared at him. Cage brought his thumbs up to her cheeks and brushed away the last drop of her tears.

“I’m technically, fifty-four years old,” he said, waiting for her to jump off his lap and kick him as she ran screaming the other direction. Oddly, he thought she might accept his bear easier than his age.

“Fifty-four…” she whispered, “You don’t look a day over thirty. Do you mean if we stay together I’m going to grow old while you stay handsome and young?” she asked in a near panic.

“Not exactly…”

“Cage Rochon, I am trying to stay very calm and listen to what you have to say, but if you don’t start being more forthcoming with information I won’t be able to stay. Tell me what I need to know, please…I don’t want to lose you,” she cried.

“I’m sorry Sophie, you’re right. Once a bear finds their true mate, there is a claiming. Basically bears bite each other, to not only taste each other’s blood which links them, but also to mark them so others know they are taken.

Since you aren’t a were, obviously you won’t be biting me. But to complete our mating I would mark you. I’ve heard it doesn’t hurt really, the mark happens during sex and I’d make sure you are very happy before I did it,” he tried to joke.

Sophie gave him a raised eyebrow and he continued.

“Mated couples usually start a family pretty quickly. Our race is rare and each child is precious. I had to ask my uncle who is our Alpha what happens when one mate is human. He says after the claiming my seed would change you on a biological level. You’ll still be human but you will age slower and be able to carry our cubs.”

Sophie sat chewing her lip, Cage watched and gave her time to absorb the information. He kept rubbing her back hoping the fact she was still sitting on his lap was a good sign.

Sophie took in a deep breath and looked Cage in the eye, he held his breath. What she said next would mean either his eternal happiness or the total destruction of his heart.



“Yes, okay,” Sophie repeated.

“Okay, what, honey?” Cage asked, confused.

“Okay to all of it.”

“You are saying okay that I’m a bear, that we are fated mates, that I want to bite you and mark you, make babies with you and live happily ever after?” he asked in disbelief.

“Sure, but I want to meet your bear,” she demanded. “As long as it’s safe to.”

“Of course you can meet my bear, honey. He wants to be around you. But I’m a little taken aback by your easy acceptance.”

“Oh, it’s wasn’t easy Cage Rochon. I’ve been in here thinking about whether I should be heading to the airport. If I should find a gun and shoot you. Should I call the national media and out you for be a big hiding wanker. But all of those ideas made me sad. They made me sad because I knew that I’d never be the same if I wasn’t with you. I love you Cage, I don’t know how or why, but I do and I can’t live without you.”

Cage realized his prayers had been answered in the curvy, vivacious beauty sitting in his lap. The fates had blessed him beyond measure, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to screw this up.

“Honey, that is the best thing you could ever say to me. I love you more than my own life. I will cherish every day I have with you. Protect you and love you with everything that I am. I swear.”

Sophie let his declaration wash over her. The beauty in the words were nothing compared to the absolute conviction with which he said them.

“I believe you,” she said giving him a kiss.

He tried to deepen the kiss, but Sophie pulled back. “I want to meet your bear. What if we don’t get along? What if he doesn’t like me?” she said worriedly.

“Trust me, honey, he already likes you. But if it means that much to you, let’s take a walk. I’ll introduce you two,” he said lifting her off his lap and standing pulling her up with him.

Chapter 23

Walking her out to the living room, he stopped by the front door and helped her put her shoes and jacket on. Grabbing the throw off the couch they walked outside. Cage sniffed the air and told Sophie, “Wyatt is out in the woods keeping watch tonight for us,” assuring her of their safety and privacy.

The short walk down the path led them to a clearing by the lake. The moon shimmered over the water and the reflection brightened the shore.

Releasing her hand, Cage spread the blanket on the ground. Leading her to the middle of it, she sat and looked at him expectantly. Cage took a step back and suddenly looked nervous.

“I’ve never done this in front of a human before, you’ll have to give me a minute,” he admitted.

“Performance anxiety?” she couldn’t help but tease.

“Haha, very funny,” he laughed back.

Cage gathered his courage and started removing his clothing. “I like this part,” Sophie said with a giggle.

“Well, shifting in clothes isn’t like the Hulk. They don’t always tear, sometimes they just bind up and it can hurt,” he explained.

Sophie quieted as she watched Cage reveal his skin. He was a stunningly built man. Strong all over, muscles on top of muscles. His size made her feel safe, and she knew that he’d be able to take on the world for her. As long as there wasn’t a gun involved that is. The bandage around his arm wasn’t evening bleeding now. He tore it off and there was a red, closed wound underneath. Seeing her eyes on it he explained, “Um, yeah, we heal faster too,” he said chagrined.

“Good to know,” she muttered.

Once Cage was standing naked in front of her, he relaxed and let his bear come forward. The change washing over him as he gave over to his other half. In a glittering display, his bear pushed out of his skin, dropping to all fours in front of a wide-eyed Sophie.

He reminded his bear to play nice. They were always of one mind, but sharing the space was often a negotiation. His bear listened and sat down on its haunches. Trying to look less intimidating, he chuffed and sniffed in Sophie’s direction.

Getting to her knees, Sophie watched as the bear sat down. It was huge, even sitting, it was massive. Knowing Cage was in there helped, but her natural survival instinct was to curl up in a ball and hope he didn’t eat her.

Getting to her feet, she took a step closer to the big bear, then another until she was standing in front of the beast. The bear leaned forward and sniffed her again.

“Cage?” she couldn’t help but whisper.

The bear huffed again and his eyes glowed yellow. Those looked familiar. Tentatively reaching out towards the giant head, she saw the bear hold still like he didn’t want to frighten her. Her hand touched the coarse fur on top of his head and a low rumble vibrated through her hand.

“Hi,” she whispered.

The bear butted its head against her stomach and Sophie laughed. Putting both hands on his big head, she rubbed her fingers through his hair. The bear dragged his head back and forth against her. “You’re awful sweet for a bear,” she whispered to him.

A big paw hooked around her leg pulling her closer into him. She wrapped her arms around his head and squeezed. They both took a moment, getting to know each other. Then Sophie pulled back and said, “It was very nice to meet you, but can I have Cage back?”

Bear huffed and pushed back from her, he gave her hand a lick and then started to shimmer. In a blink Cage was kneeling in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head against her chest.

“Thank you, honey. He’s quite content now. He liked you a lot.” Cage assured her.

“I liked him too, but I think I’d rather cuddle up to you like this,” she whispered.

“Were you serious earlier, I have to be sure. Do you want to be my mate? To shifters, mates are more permanent and binding than any marriage. I want you to make sure, before we complete the claiming,” he said looking up to her worry etched across his handsome features.

Running her hands over his face, she traced his strong cheekbones and let her fingers run over his smooth lips.

“I’m sure Cage. I love you, I want us to be together, forever.”

“Honey, I love you so much,” he standing and scooping her into his arms. Walking to the blanket he gently laid her down following until he was braced over the top of her.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered to her.

“Yes,” she answered with all the love in her heart, trusting the rightness of those words and knowing the universe had fated them together.

Cage kissed her, delving into the sweet recesses of her mouth. Twining his tongue with hers, tasting her as she did him. Cage began peeling her clothes away, “I promise to keep you warm,” he said nipping at her lips which caused her to laugh.

Quickly her clothes were off and Cage was worshiping her body. He palmed both of her breasts and pushed them together so he could suck each nipple in turn. Squeezing and tormenting them with his fingers before sucking her breast deep into his mouth.

Sophie moaned and cried out into the night. She didn’t feel the cold, Cage had her body burning with desire.

“I promise to provide you with everything you need.” Kissing his way down her body, he spread her legs and licked up her sweet wetness.

“Cage,” she cried out. Her pussy was wet and she needed Cage’s mouth on her clit. The need to come after the night she’d had was a physical necessity. “Please, make me come, I need it,” she begged him.

Cage responded by licking her again, this time stopping to plunge his tongue into her heated core. Lapping up her juices he growled into her pussy, the vibrations pulling a squeal out of her.

“Do it again,” she panted.

Cage growled and rumbled against her swollen folds again, causing her to shudder. “My honey, likes that,” he growled again, “I’ll never get enough of your taste, baby. You’re sweeter than honey.”

Sophie was losing patience, she didn’t want to come without him buried deep inside her. “Cage, I need you inside me.”

Cage sucked hard on her clit one last time before flipping her onto her hands and knees. The movement so fast, it had Sophie gasping.

“I promise to always protect you and cherish you,” he pledged running his hands over her body, touching each nook and hidden pleasure point.

“Tell me what you want, Sophie,” he ordered.

“Make love to me, Cage,” she begged.

“Nice and slow? I can do that,” he teased.

“No,” she cried out.

“What? Tell me, Sophie, tell exactly what you want me to do to you,” he taunted running his hands over her ass, squeezing her cheeks and spreading them apart, exposing her pussy to the cool night air.

Sophie was crazed with need, his hands massaging her ass and spreading her pussy with each tug had her insides clenching.

“I’m going to teach you how to talk dirty to me, Sophie. I like it, I like thinking about how tight and wet your sweet cunt is for me. How sweet your pretty nipples are when I suck on them. When I finally get control of myself, I want see your hot mouth wrapped around my cock.”

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