Bears' Claim [PUP Squad Alpha 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Bears' Claim [PUP Squad Alpha 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“That I am,” West said as he smacked her a lot harder with the brush. She just moaned louder. Fuck, his mate was absolutely perfect. He began smacking her rhythmically, constantly watching her reactions, gauging her enjoyment, pleased to see her reacting exactly as he’d hoped.


* * * *


Hannah had never felt anything like it. She’d read more than a few spanking scenes in her romance novels, but she’d never really understood the strange closeness that came with such unusually intimate behavior. The brush didn’t really hurt, but after each blow a slight sting and a slow burn began in her skin, the heat flowing to her pussy, swelling her clit, increasing her need.

She almost sighed at the pleasure when he started smacking her harder, spanking her more forcefully, moving the brush more quickly. She lifted on her toes, her need growing exponentially as orgasm pulled every muscle tighter. She whimpered, the sound escaping her before she knew it was there.

“Shhh, babe. I fully intend to slam my cock into this beautiful pussy the moment you start coming. I plan to ride your orgasm to heaven and back.”

Just his words set every muscle trembling. He pushed her lower, his big hand against her spine as he slapped her harder and harder. “Bite your lips,” he ordered quickly.
What the hell?
But she did as he ordered, grunting as the brush came down on the swollen folds of her pussy. She held the scream in, her body thrown into violent orgasm as West dropped the brush and rammed his cock into her body. She bucked against him, her pussy grabbing at his hard cock, gripping him tightly, trying to hold him trapped as he fucked her hard and fast.

“Shit,” he said as he lost control and spilled his seed into her body. He bucked with her, their movements jerky, uncoordinated. Heat washed over her again and again, her knees giving out as complete exhaustion claimed her. West held her up, the only thing between her and a crash to the hard tiled floor.

She pressed her heated face against the cool vanity, her pussy still caressing West even as he pulled out of her quivering flesh.

“Holy hell, sweet Hannah, you are absolutely perfect.”

She smiled, tried to talk, but couldn’t seem to find the energy to form words. He smiled as if he understood her dilemma.

“Come on, babe. Let’s get you cleaned up and tucked into bed beside Eric.”


* * * *


Eric smiled even with his head still under the pillow. His cock was hard and throbbing, but it was the way West and Hannah had just proven how perfect they were for each other that gave him the most satisfaction. He’d purposefully let them think he was asleep, but even with the pillow over his head he could hear every word clearly.

He couldn’t believe they’d gotten so lucky. Hannah was perfect for both of them. Eric listened to West talking to Hannah in the shower. She didn’t respond out loud, but considering that West spent the whole time praising her and telling her how much she’d pleased him, words probably weren’t required.

She was nearly asleep as West carried her back into the bedroom and lowered her to the mattress. Eric gave up the pretense of sleep to pull her into his embrace. He smiled as she curled into him, and he sighed in contentment as he indulged his need to hold her.

Chapter Five


“It’s not good news,” Ronan said as soon as he walked into the room with West’s commanding officer right behind him.

Jed Mathewson, half of West’s PUP squad, and several Deeks Security employees, including Darian, currently sat or stood in the living area of the safe house ready for the emergency meeting Benjamin had called.

West glanced at Eric and Hannah sitting side by side on the sofa and wished to hell he’d been able to talk them into staying in the bedroom. It was a frustrating situation. Hannah was obviously strong enough to know and understand the dangers she faced, but as her lover and Dom he wanted to protect her as much as possible.

He glanced at the bag of BDSM equipment at his feet and wished Adam had delivered it yesterday. If he’d timed it right, West might have been able to make sure Hannah was tied to the bed before the meeting began. He ground his teeth at the inappropriate response that thought gave him and tried really hard to concentrate on the information Ronan and Benjamin were about to give them.

“The pixies are mobilizing. We think they figured out what the original assassin was trying to do. Whether they understand the implications or are just going on instinct we’re not entirely sure. The one who came after Hannah is not the only assassin they’ve sent out.”

“How can we keep Hannah safe?” Eric asked, pulling his mate closer. She smiled indulgently but it didn’t quite hide the fear she was feeling. “How did you stop the pixie that came after the other women?”

“We were able to trap that pixie, and she is still currently confined. It’s her disappearance that sparked the current situation. We knew this was coming. We just hoped it wouldn’t be so soon.”

“Unfortunately,” Benjamin said quietly, “we can’t fake Hannah’s death like we did for Kali and Ava. The convenient timing would tip off the pixies and maybe even undo all we’ve managed to accomplish so far.”

“Have we found any of the others?” Thomas asked in a serious tone of voice.

“Not as yet. We have a few leads that surprisingly suggest that they are headed toward Sugarvale,” Ronan said. “My wife has proposed that perhaps the Oracle added that as a failsafe when she apparently split the information over so many receptacles. Kali’s not sure of exact details but she ‘knows’ that the others are heading to join her and Ava.”

“We are?” Hannah asked, looking skeptical.

Ronan smiled. “If you draw a straight line from your home to the diner where you stopped, it points directly to Sugarvale.”

“Oh,” Hannah said with one of those cute blushes. She tilted her head a moment later, and West recognized it as one of those times when information she wasn’t aware she possessed suddenly jumped to the forefront of her mind. “Actually, you’re right. Amber and Kristen are both traveling by car. I’m not sure about Lilly. I don’t seem to know where she is, but I know she exists.”

Every man in the room sat with his mouth open. No one had told Hannah the names of the other three women they were looking for. Only Skye, Benjamin’s vampire wife, had the presence of mind to ask if Hannah had coordinates for Amber and Kristen. The room was a flurry of activity as Hannah rattled off the longitude and latitude of the women’s whereabouts.

Benjamin quickly assigned two teams to intercept Amber and Kristen. The men hurried from the house, and moments later a dragon jump vortex and a warlock’s bounce tunnel both opened in the front yard. After having so many people in the small house, the sudden quiet was a little eerie.

“Can you tell them we’re coming?” Benjamin asked, looking just a little bit freaked out. He might have been a PUP squad leader for the past fifty years, but it was obvious he’d never dealt with a situation quite like this one.

“I think they already know,” Hannah said with a small smile.


* * * *


Several hours later Hannah still didn’t really know what to do with herself. The meeting had been interesting, and knowing that Amber and Kristen were now being protected as well was a huge relief, but it hadn’t changed anything for her situation. She was still in the safe house, still surrounded by magical wards, human weaponry, and soldiers, and still had nothing to do. Sitting idle had never appealed to her, which was probably why she thrived on the stresses of working in a busy hospital. She looked over at Eric for a while before he noticed her watching. He smiled, closed the medical textbook he’d been reading, and gave her a smile.


She nodded, feeling a little bit childish in her selfishness. All of these men were working around the clock to protect her—even Eric, who was a doctor not a soldier. She should be very grateful—she
very grateful—but it didn’t alleviate the boredom of having nothing to do.

“How long did you take off from the hospital?”

Eric looked like he didn’t want to tell her. He rubbed the back of his neck, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. “I’m not on holidays. I resigned to deal with a family emergency.”

“You what?” Hannah asked as shock reverberated through her. “But you love that job.”

“I love you more,” he said with a smile.

Hannah felt tears well in her eyes. She hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. It wasn’t fair that Eric’s life was being turned upside down, or that West and his PUP squad were spending all their time on protection detail when they were capable of so much more. It felt wrong to be in the center of it all.

“Hey,” Eric said when he saw her face, “it’s okay, Hannah. As soon as we can get this situation sorted out, we’ll find a way back to our careers.” He crossed the room, lifted her to her feet, and pulled her into his embrace. “It was probably time for me to move on anyway. People were starting to comment on how a fifty-three-year-old could look so young.”

“Fifty-three? I thought you said you were one hundred and four?”

“I am,” he said with a smile, “but that’s not what it said on my medical license.”

“Oh, I hadn’t really thought of that. It must be annoying to have to give up a successful career just because you live longer than humans.”

“It is,” he said as he sat on the sofa and pulled her down beside him, “but it also allows for a variety of different careers over a bear’s lifetime. The changes I’ve seen over the past one hundred years are nothing compared to what’s coming. Human society has advanced so quickly in the last twenty years that I almost can’t wait to see the future. Of course, it would be incredible to watch the world grow with my mate by my side.”

“Eric—” she began to say, but he cut her off with a hard kiss. By the time he pulled back, they were both panting.

“Don’t. We don’t have to make any decisions right now. Let’s just enjoy the here and now.”

“Sounds like an excellent idea,” West said from the doorway. “I’m officially off duty and I think it’s time for bed.” He said the word “bed” with such a lascivious smile that she suspected he had no intention that any of them would get actual sleep. “Come on, babe.” He held a hand out to help her off the sofa, but when she placed her hand in his he ducked low, pulled her over his shoulder fireman style, and carried her from the room.

She kicked her legs, giggling like a loon as he managed to tickle the sensitive spot behind her knees.

“I have big plans for you, my mate. Big plans.”

She stopped kicking as his touch moved higher, his warm palm cupping her ass before his finger traced the crease between her cheeks through the soft material of her pants. She squirmed, surprised by how much she enjoyed the firm touch. West carefully lowered her to stand in front of him. She frowned at the very serious expression on his face.

“I get the impression that it’s all been vanilla up until I spanked you last night.”

“Vanilla?” she asked, glancing around West’s big body, glad to see that Eric had followed them into the room.

“He means ordinary sex, nothing kinky,” Eric answered.

“Depends what you call kinky,” she said in a sassy voice, trying to lighten the mood. “Does imagination count?”

West smiled. “Imagination is good, but it doesn’t really prepare you for the reality. A lot of women enjoy reading about kinky sex. It doesn’t mean they want to be tied down, flogged, and forced into orgasm again and again and again.”

Considering the way her pussy clenched at his dark words, she was pretty certain she liked the idea very much. He must have noticed her reaction because he smiled seductively and reached out to push her hair behind her ear.

“I’m going to give you a safe word this time. If at any stage you feel overwhelmed for
reason I want you to use your safe word. Don’t hesitate.”

She nodded, willing to promise him anything.

She glanced again at the man standing in the doorway. Her affection for Eric had grown over time, but those warm feelings didn’t even go close to the love she felt for him now. In the past few days gently simmering emotions had gone on the boil, and she literally couldn’t imagine life without him. The fact that she felt the same for West after such a short time just seemed to fit. It was obvious the two men were close, even if they hadn’t seen each other very much over the past few decades, but there was a camaraderie there that just made things between the three of them feel right.

She was pretty sure that explaining that flawed logic to a medical professional would get her some strange looks, but at this moment she didn’t really care. If pixies were as dangerous as the information stored in her head suggested, then it was possible she wouldn’t live long enough to explain her emotions to anybody. She had here, and she had now, and she wasn’t about to let fear destroy it.

“What’s you safe word, Hannah? It’s best to go with something that you wouldn’t say accidentally. How about ‘red’?” He glanced over his shoulder at Eric, who nodded in approval. “It’s short, easy to remember, and you should be able to get it out of your mouth before the urge to send us flying across the room hits.”

“Hey, I apologized for that,” she said with a giggle. “I didn’t even realize I could do that until some guy came running at me. I was too freaked out by a pixie’s attack and Jed’s bounce tunnel to recognize Eric.”

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