Read Beat of the Heart Online

Authors: Katie Ashley

Beat of the Heart (25 page)

BOOK: Beat of the Heart
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once again how much I adore and worship this ass,” he said before sending a stinging smack against

one of my cheeks.

My face flushed with warmth. I wanted more than anything to believe that AJ was sincere in what

he said about my body, but I had too many years of self-loathing ingrained in me. With desire and

admiration glimmering in his eyes, I crooked my finger, beckoning him to me. As he rose up from the

ground, his gaze locked in on mine as I gave him a truly grateful smile. “Thank you, AJ.”

“You’re welcome,” he murmured, pushing long strands of hair out of my face.

I ducked my head down to press a lingering kiss against his chest above his heart. Even under my

lips, I could feel the strong beat of his heart—one that was so amazingly kind and giving. I peeked up

at him through the shroud of hair covering my face. “In spite of all the joking and innuendo, you sure

do know how to make a girl feel wanted.”

He grinned down at me. “I’m glad you’re finally realizing how magnificent I am, both in and out of

the bedroom.”

At his cockiness, I sank my teeth into the skin where I had once tenderly kissed. AJ yelped and

jumped back. “Mia Martinelli, did you just bite me?” He rubbed his chest while giving me a pouty

face. “What a waste. I mean, it wasn’t even a love bite either.”

I giggled. “Yeah, well, that will teach you to make douche comments when I’m being genuine,” I

replied as I stepped out of my shorts.

At the sight of me in my bra and panties, AJ’s expression switched over to one of pure lust. After I

tossed my shorts on the bank, I wagged my finger at him. “Just swimming, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah,” he grunted.

Brushing past him, I made my way deeper into the water. The further I walked into the stream, the

deeper my toes sank into the squishy mud. When I realized AJ had yet to join me, I glanced over my

shoulder. I spied AJ shoving his wallet back in his shorts. The blazing sun caught the gold foil

wrapper, and I giggled in spite of myself. After I recovered, I called, “I would think swimming

protection would include a life vest and sunscreen, not a condom.”

He used his free hand to scratch the back of his neck. I could tell he was waging war with himself

as to whether to bring it with him or drop it back on the pile of clothes.

Turning around in the water, I crossed my arms over my breasts. “Do I turn you on so much that you

can’t imagine taking a harmless swim without us banging?”

He rolled his eyes. “There’s a difference between not being able to control myself and just not

wanting to, Mia. Is it that hard for you to understand that I want you twenty-four seven?”

His words sent a tingle rippling through me, but I shook my head. “Bring it here.”

AJ took a few trudging steps towards me, sending water splashing around us. When I held out my

hand, he reluctantly slipped the condom in it. “Thank you.” When I shoved the wrapper inside one of

my bra cups, AJ’s mouth curved up in a smirk. “What?” I questioned with a shrug.

“I thought you were going to toss it.”

“Now what a waste that would be.” Stepping forward, I grabbed the waist band of his boxers,

jerking him to me. “But I will make one thing clear. I get to come at least once or twice before you get

to use this.”

AJ grinned. “I have no problem with that.”

“Good.” I adjusted my bra cup, making sure the condom was held firmly in place. Once it was

fixed, I continued walking into the stream until I was at chest level. “I’m going in,” I said, before I

dove under the water.

Kicking my arms and legs, I swam closer to the waterfall. When I resurfaced, I brushed my damp

hair out of my face and wiped my eyes. Glancing around, there was no sign of AJ.

“AJ?” I questioned. As I turned left and right in the water, desperately searching for him, my heart

started to beat faster in fear.

Something brushed against me before I was jerked under by my feet. Kicking my legs, I fought

against it to find my way to the surface. When AJ popped up behind me, I squealed and clutched my

heart. “You shithead!” I cried, splashing his face with water.

He chuckled before wrapping his arms around me. “Did you think I’d been eaten by some river

monster, and it was after you, too?”

“No, I didn’t,” I huffed. Pushing against his chest, I tried wiggling out of his embrace. When he kept

his grip tight around me, I shook my head. “Don’t think you’re going to get any loving from me after

you pulled that douche move.”

“Aw, I’m sorry for scaring you, amorcito mio. Let me make it up to you, okay?” AJ brought his lips

to mine. As he deepened the kiss, my resolve slowly faded, and I melted into him. Pulling away, he

cocked his brows at me. “Forgiven?”

I smiled. “Yes, forgiven.”

“Good. Let’s go swim over there where our feet can touch the bottom.”

“Okay.” Spreading my arms out, I kicked with my feet and followed AJ’s steady strokes across the

water. As we got closer to the rock formations, I could see the water was growing shallower. But

when I put my feet down, the water was still chin level. “I think I’m a little vertically challenged for


AJ laughed. “Come here. I’ll help you since I got a few inches on you.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“In more ways than one.”

I rolled my eyes as he pulled me against him. “Lame, Resendiz. Very, very lame.”

“I had to go there. Now wrap your sexy legs around my waist.”

“With pleasure,” I replied. Grasping his shoulders, I hoisted myself up. The moment my center

brushed against AJ’s cock, it reared to life. I raised a brow at him. “Seriously? Isn’t the water too


“Obviously not.” He slid one of his hands off my hips and brought it between my legs. “Looks like

we need to warm you up a little.”

I gasped as he rubbed my clit. “I thought we were going to swim first.”

“Can’t we fuck first and swim later?” he asked earnestly.

My pleasure turned over to amusement. “You and your one track mind. You had this planned back

at the bonfire, didn’t you?”

“Sort of.” His deft fingers brushed past my panties to slide two fingers inside me. “But I’ve never

fucked at a waterfall before.” He nipped my bottom lip, sucking it between his teeth as he began

pumping his fingers even faster inside me. An amused look twinkled in his hooded eyes. “Mia, will

you do the honors of taking my waterfall virginity?”

“Mmm, let me think about it.” When I tightened my legs around his waist, our bodies melted

together, and we both moaned into each other’s mouths. He thrust his hips out, nudging his enlarged

cock against my center. Filled with his fingers, I wanted even more of him, so I arched against him

causing a shudder to ripple through AJ.

The teasing look he had before vanished, and one of white hot lust burned in his eyes. “I want to

take you right here, right now,” he rasped.

I pulled back to run my fingers through the wet strands of his dark hair. At the base of his neck, I

tugged hard. “Then take me.”

At my invitation, AJ enthusiastically replied by pushing hard against me. As I went spiraling

backwards, I slammed my back onto the jagged rocks. I cried out in pain, rather than pleasure.

“Oh amorcito mio, I’m so, so sorry.” AJ’s hands went to tenderly rub up and down the stinging

flesh of my back. “Here turn around and let me check on you.”

I pivoted in the water to where I was facing my former nemesis, the rocks. “No cuts or scrapes,

thankfully.” I shivered when AJ’s warm lips kissed a trail over my back. When he finished, his strong

hands came to my shoulders and turned me back around. Cupping my face with his hands, he gave me

a truly apologetic look. “I’m so sorry for being such a Neanderthal and manhandling you like that.”

I brought one of my hands up to pat his arm. “You don’t have to apologize. It was an accident. I

know you would never willingly hurt me.” A shudder rippled through me as a few buried memories

flashed through my head.

AJ leaned over to place a chaste and tender kiss on my lips. “I couldn’t live with myself if I ever

hurt you intentionally.”

Desperately fighting the ghosts of the past, I forced a smile to my lips. “I know that. Although

you’re a badass, you’re a sweetheart through and through.”

He scowled at me. “Thanks for making me sound like an utter pussy.”

I laughed. “That’s the last thing you could ever be. Besides, it’s no secret that you like it rough.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” AJ’s thumb traced my lower lip. “But I feel awful.”

“Would you stop wasting energy on this self-deprecating tirade and instead get your fabulous dick

in me?”

His eyes widened. “Hell yeah, I can do that.”

“And while you’re at it, bring back the arrogant, naughty talking guy I like so much.”

“My pleasure,” he replied, snatching the condom out of my bra cup. While he worked on removing

his boxer shorts, I reached around to unclasp my bra and then shimmied out of my panties. After I

wadded them in my hands, I tossed them onto one of the higher boulders. AJ followed my lead and

threw his boxers up there as well.

When he brought his gaze to mine, desire burned bright in his eyes. “Put your hands on those

rocks,” AJ commanded, his voice a harsh growl in my ears.

I shivered in anticipation as my trembling palms reached out for the moss-covered stones. Once I

planted them as firmly as I could, I glanced over my shoulder. “Are you sure no one can see us?”


“But you said—”

AJ nudged his condom-sheathed erection against my bare bottom. His teeth grazed my earlobe

before he sucked it into his mouth. My nipples tightened at the sensation, wishing he was sucking them

rather than my earlobe. “Even though we’re miles and miles from civilization and there’s no way in

hell Jake or the others would follow us, I could almost blow my load just thinking of someone seeing

me fuck you out here.”

A shudder rippled through me at his words. I pinned him with a hard stare. “Then what are you

waiting for?”

He responded by slamming into me with one harsh thrust. When I cried out, it echoed off the rocks

around us, just like the wet slapping of our skin.

“Oh fuck, that’s hot. Make that noise again,” AJ murmured into my ear, as he continued thrusting in

and out of me. His hands went to my waist. His fingers dug into the skin on my hips as he jerked me

back and forth against him. He went deeper and deeper each time, and I felt myself easily climbing

towards an orgasm. When I let my head fall back onto his shoulder, AJ leaned over to cover my lips

with his. Bringing my arm back, I cupped his head with my hand, drawing him closer. His warm

tongue thrust in my mouth in time with his movements inside me.

Our breathing became heavier while our moans of pleasure echoed against each other’s lips. As AJ

continued his harsh pounding, one of his hands left my hip to cup my breast. He tweaked and twisted

the nipple with his fingers. I closed my eyes and shivered. Once my nipple had been worked to a

perfect peak, his hand left my breast to entangle his fingers with my hand covering the rock.

Something about the affectionate gesture in the middle of such hardcore fucking sent me reeling, and I

felt my walls spasm.

“Yes, yes! Oh God, yes, AJ!” I screamed. As I came, I fisted his hair in my hands. My cries

echoing off the rocks were met with AJ’s satisfied grunt as he shuddered and jerked inside me. As he

continued convulsing, he kept up his rabid assault on my mouth. I moaned against his lips. If he didn’t

stop soon, I was going to be ready for another round, and I knew we needed to get back to the others.

Breathless and drained, I pulled away. AJ’s broad chest heaved as he fought to catch his breath.

“Fuck me,” he muttered.

I couldn’t help laughing. “Yeah, I think I just did pretty thoroughly.”

He grinned. “Whatever smartass. I just meant, that each time it gets more and more intense between


As he slid out of me, I turned around to face him, resting my hands on his shoulders. “I’m glad to

hear that. I’d hate for you to be growing tired of me after two weeks.”

“I don’t think I could get tired of you after a fucking decade, least of all a few weeks.”

His words caused a fluttering in my chest that I tried unsuccessfully to ignore. “Good.” I jerked my

chin up to the boulder above us. “Now why don’t you be a real gentleman and go get our underwear

back, huh?”

“Your wish is my command, Miss Bossy,” he replied with a wink.

BOOK: Beat of the Heart
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