Beautiful Mess (28 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Preston

BOOK: Beautiful Mess
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had an away game that Friday, and Bri decided to surprise him and go.  She
talked Layla and a couple girls from the Dance Team into going with her. 
They all wore their navy blue letterman jackets and stood out like sore thumbs
in the visitor’s section of the opposing team’s gym.  They would be hard
to miss sitting altogether like that.

team finished warming up, and as Cole headed to the bench, he caught sight of
the girls in the stands.  His eyes found Bri almost immediately.  A
surprised smile formed on his face that quickly transformed into a knowing
smirk that seemed to say, “Yeah, you’ve got it bad!”.  Bri laughed,
shaking her head at him, and Cole headed out to the floor and the game began.

couldn’t take her eyes off Cole the entire game, and only partly because he was
smoking’ hot in his basketball uniform.  The guy played like a man
possessed.  He was utterly amazing, and the other team couldn’t do
anything to stop him.  Needless to say, it was a huge win for the
Tigers.  Cole caught Bri’s eye on his way to the locker room and gave her
a huge smile and a wink.  Bri discreetly waved at him before following her
friends to the parking lot.

and the girls recounted how freaking amazing Cole had been as they drove
home.  Bri felt her phone buzz in her pocket and pulled it out.

Beautiful!  There’s a party at Jensen’s house tonight.  Want to go?

was one of Cole’s extremely tall team mates.

wish I could.  With the competition tomorrow, we have been given a strict
curfew.  Belinda will kill me if she finds out I went out.

She won’t find out, and I promise not to keep you out too late?

waffled for a minute.

sorry, but I can’t. :(  I’m ornery enough at 6am with a full night’s
sleep.  Trust me, if you want my team mates to survive the bus ride, I’d
better get home and get to bed.  Another time, though, I promise!

I wouldn’t want you maiming your team.  I just miss you.

know, I miss you too.  I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?

I’ll be there front and center.  Goodnight, Ambria.


went to put her phone away, when it buzzed once more.

and Bri?  I’m really glad you came tonight!

didn’t stop smiling the whole way home.

next day, Cole, Devon, and a few other guys were sitting on the front row,
cheering the Dance Team on, just like Cole had promised.  Bri’s dad was
even there.  It was one of the only competitions he’d be able to make it
to, and she was really glad he was there.  As she watched her dad and Cole
laugh together at something, Bri decided she needed to tell her dad the truth
about her and Cole.  No more putting it off.  She just hoped her dad
would still be as accepting of Cole when he found out they were more than just

night, Connor picked up Bri at the school after the bus dropped the team
off.  They had taken first place in every category and first place
overall, and the girls were all excited.  Bri was beaming as she climbed
into her dad’s BMW.

Pumpkin!” Connor leaned over and gave his daughter a kiss on the head. 
“You girls were amazing.”

Dad.  I’m really glad you were able to come.  It was nice having you

was a little surprised to see Cole there.  I didn’t realize you guys had
your own groupies!”

aren’t groupies,” Bri laughed.  “They’re mostly boyfriends of the girls on
the team.”

Then why was Cole there?” he sounded confused.

about a perfect opening.  Bri took a deep breath. 

about that.  Dad, there’s something I want to tell you.”

he replied hesitantly.

just that... Cole and I, we’re kind of... dating,” she winced.

Her dad looked over at her, shocked.  “Really?  When?  How
long...?  Why am I just hearing about this now?”  Bri couldn’t tell
if her dad was angry, or just  flabbergasted.

only been official for a couple of weeks,” Bri rushed to clarify.  “We
haven’t even told our friends yet.  We just wanted to keep it quiet for a

A couple of
?  You mean to tell me that you two were together
when I agreed to let you go away with him for three days, by
Connor was definitely angry.  “And you didn’t think that this was
something you should’ve mentioned
I let you go!?!”

it wasn’t like that,” she tried to quell his escalating anger.

you two...?  Did something happen?” he yelled.

No!  Of course not!”  It was Bri’s turn to get angry.  “Not only
are we nowhere near that point in our relationship, but you know me better than
that!  Cole and I were not alone, doing... whatever for three days, and
you know it!  Jimmy and the Hamilton’s were there the whole time. 
And in case you were unaware, it is
to get any privacy on a
boat,” Bri huffed.

sorry,” Connor attempted to reign in his anger.  “I didn’t mean to imply
anything.  You just took me by surprise, and I panicked.  I know
you’re a good kid, Bri, and I trust you to make your own decisions.  I’m
sorry I freaked out there for a minute,” he gave Bri a small smile.

okay,” Bri replied, her anger gone.  “We should’ve told you sooner. 
It’s just that, it was all so new, and I guess I wanted to make sure we were
going to work out before I said anything.”

you think it’ll work this time?  Because I know you two have been back and
forth before.  I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Dad,” Bri smiled, touched at his concern.  “But I think this time will be
different.  The timing just hasn’t been right before.”

it is now?”

think so.  I’m willing to take that chance, anyway.”

Connor breathed out.  “Cole seems like a good kid.  He’s always been
very respectful of you, and I trust your judgment.  Though, I think it’s
time we officially had him over for dinner, so I can make sure he and I are on
the same page.”

promise me, no shotguns,” Bri smiled.  “But, really, you aren’t mad?”

I’m not mad.  I kind of saw this coming.  But promise me you won’t
start letting your hormones make your decisions,” Connor half teased.

she laughed back.  “Thanks Dad.  I love you.”

love you too, Sweet Pea.”

they got home, Bri lugged her bag into her room and flopped on her bed.  A
minute later her phone rang.  Bri pulled it out and smiled when she saw
who was calling.

she answered.

Beautiful,” Cole replied.  “Did you make it home?”

a few minutes ago.  What are you doing?”     

waiting outside your house, hoping you’ll come out and see me.”

Bri jumped off her bed and looked out her window.  Sure enough, Cole was
leaning casually against the tree in her front yard. 

someone’s got it bad!” she teased him.

not the only one,” he taunted back.  “So, what do you say?  Can you
spare a few minutes for your boyfriend who hasn’t seen you all week and misses
you terribly?”

when you put it like that... Be out in a second!”

hung up and rushed out of her room.  Her dad and Summer were in the den,
and Bri decided to let him know she was stepping out for a minute.

Bri walked into the den.


stopped by to see me.  He’s outside right now.  Is it okay if I run
out and say hi?”

smiled.  “Sure, Sweetie, just don’t be too long.”

won’t.  Oh, and no spying!” she pointed at him before heading out the
front door.

straightened when he saw her approaching. 

she stopped a few steps away.  The darkness offered them some cover from
the street, but she could still see Cole’s face clearly.

He looked her up and down.  Bri was suddenly aware she was still in her
dance warm ups and make up, but Cole didn’t seem to mind.

for coming today.  I’m sorry I didn’t get to spend much time with
you.”  She stepped closer.

exactly why I’m here,” he grinned.  “I had a win last night, and you had a
win today.  I think we’re both due for some serious victory kisses.”

I like the way you think.”

pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers.  Bri kissed him back
deeply, not caring that they were standing in the middle of her lawn for all
the neighbors to see.  They hadn’t had any time together this week, and it
had taken a toll on both of them.  She held him tight, wanting to feel as
close to him as possible.  Cole’s hands moved down her back and pulled her
closer.  Yep, he’d definitely missed her, too.

to breath, Bri broke their kiss and rested her forehead against Cole’s.

wish I didn’t have to go inside,” she murmured.

don’t.”  He captured her mouth again and convinced her to stay a little
longer.  Several minutes later, she pulled back.

free to show up outside my window any time you like,” she smiled.  “But
now I really have to go.”

Cole groaned, not releasing her.

because it’s late, and second, there’s a pretty good chance my dad is watching
us from the window.”

would your dad be watching us?”

because I told him we were together now, and he probably wants to make sure
things stay PG rated.”  She blushed.

told your dad about us?”

she smiled shyly.

huge smile spread across Coles’ face, and he pulled her in for another
kiss.  “Hey, we should start up our Tuesday study sessions again. 
This whole not seeing you all week is killing me.  I know we’re both super
busy, but do you think we could make it work?”

Bri agreed.  “Come to my house Tuesday after basketball practice.  I
don’t care what time or how late.  I’ll make sure it’s cool with Summer.”

a date then,” Cole smiled.

Now, I really have to go.  See you Monday.”  Bri stood on her tiptoes
and gave him a quick peck.  “Goodnight, Cole.”

dreams, Ambria.”



next few weeks passed pretty uneventfully.  Cole and the basketball team
continued racking up impressive wins and had attracted quite the
following.  Bri and the Dance Team continued sweeping first place honors
at their competitions, though they didn’t have quite the same following. 
At school Bri and Cole moved beyond just exchanged greetings and started having
actual conversations.  It was just small talk, but Bri loved being able to
talk to Cole a little in History, though she noticed Trey watching them
suspiciously.  Serena had also taken a greater interest in Bri ever since
Natalie’s New Year’s party, and had rudely butted into a couple of Bri and
Cole’s conversations in the hall.  Bri noticed that Serena was watching
her and whispering more often, but she wasn’t about to let Serena get to her.

was the last Monday in January, and Cole stopped by Bri’s locker after
school.  It was the first time he’d sought her out to talk at school, and
she was a little surprised.

Bri!”  Cole leaned against the locker next to hers.

hi Cole.”  Bri looked up and down the hall, confused.  “What are you

just had a quick question for you.”

So what is it you wanted to ask?”  She smiled, shutting her locker. 
She noticed they were getting some curious glances, but she really didn’t care.

leaned in closer so they wouldn’t be overheard.

has jury duty tomorrow, so practice had been cancelled.  I was wondering
if you’d want to go out with me?”  He smiled at her up through his lashes.

Bri had to restrain her urge to hug him.  “I mean, that would be cool,”
she tried to sound nonchalant.

enthusiasm wasn’t lost on Cole and he grinned smugly.

then I’ll pick you up at you house after school tomorrow.”

driving?” she teased.

course!” he scoffed.  “It is a date after all,” he winked at her. 
“Bye, Bri.”  He pushed off the locker and walked away.

next morning at dance practice, Bri was practically ambushed by Natalie and

what’s up with you and Cole?”  Erica demanded, cutting right to the point.

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