Beautiful Surrender (The Surrender Series Book Three) (8 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Surrender (The Surrender Series Book Three)
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Chapter Five


and Wednesday passed by in a blur of anxiety. Most of that time had been spent
on thinking about the pregnancy than on actual work. I’d wavered back and forth
between wanting to tell Vincent and not wanting to tell him, wanting to keep
the baby and not wanting to keep the baby.

By the
time Thursday came, I’d made up my mind that I was going to tell Vincent, but I
was still unsure about my personal stance on keeping the baby or not. I would
need to know how Vincent felt before making a decision on how I felt.

before the meeting with Vincent was a morass of emails and memos. I kept having
to reread messages to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. It was impossible to
focus; I couldn’t tell if it was hormones or nervousness, but my mind felt dull
and fuzzy. Even though I would have usually completed the work in thirty
minutes, it took a full four hours before it was done.

the moment came for me to leave for my meeting. I packed up my stuff and took a
cab over to his office. The ride went by in a numb haze. How would I start the
conversation? How would he react, regardless of how I started it? The course of
my life could depend on this meeting. Funny how it’s always the people you
least expect that end up changing your life in the biggest ways. A few months
ago, I would have never thought I’d have Vincent Sorenson’s unborn child
nestled in my womb, but here I was.

I took
a deep breath and exited the cab. The walk from the curb into his building and
up the elevator felt like a sprint. I was going to do this. Striding through
the Red Fusion office, I waved to his secretary before reaching his office. His
door was half open and I knocked on it.

in,” Vincent called.

I eased
the door open and walked through. Vincent wasn’t sitting at his desk. Rather,
he was looking out the window, lost in thought. He wore a slim cut pair of navy
pants and a white and light blue checkered shirt separated by a tan leather
belt. Casual but neat. I still wasn’t used to how sexy he looked in whatever he

turned over his shoulder and looked at me. “Hello, Kristen. You’re a few
minutes early.”

“Am I?”
I asked. I looked at my watch. “Sorry about that. Traffic was lighter than

waved his hand as if pushing aside my words and smiled. “Don’t worry, it’s a
good surprise. I like good surprises. ”

He took
a couple steps toward where I was standing just inside his door. “Close that,”
he said.

I knew
that tone. He was seconds away from kissing me, and if that started, there was
no way I was going to end up talking to him about the pregnancy. I held up the
file I had prepared for presenting the strategy I had in mind for his assets.
“We should get through this,” I said. “It is important, after all. I also have
something else to tell you afterwards, something unrelated to business.”

must be about pleasure then. I’m looking forward to it, Kitten.”

smiled but inwardly resisted letting his usual effect on me take hold. Vincent
didn’t need any extra encouragement to keep teasing me and I didn’t need him
trying to derail my carefully laid plan.

quite, let’s just take it one thing at a time.”

sighed. “You’re right. Where do you want me?”

context it sounded sexual and my sex instinctively tightened at his tone. With
how busy he’d been the past few weeks and the crazy events that happened, it
seemed like forever since we had sex. I needed to focus. One thing at a time.
First get through your presentation and then you can tell him about the baby.

cocked an eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

I shook
my head. “Yes, sorry. I was just thinking about my presentation.”

laughed. “I hope you’re not as nervous as you were the first time we were in
this office. Though I rather enjoyed that conversation . . . ”

though he got a smile out of me, I knew I had to get this discussion back on
track. “Sorry Vincent, don’t think that’s happening today.”

well once you’re done presenting these materials maybe we can move on to phase
two of the meeting.”

clearly had a different idea of how phase two of the meeting was going to go.

“We can
just sit on the couch,” I said.

would he react when he found out about the baby? It was clear from our weekend
visit with Giselle that Vincent loved Brady, but that was his nephew. He didn’t
have to take care of Brady every day. Would he feel the same way if the child
was his? Would he be willing to sacrifice his lifestyle for that?

He took
a seat. “I hope I can have your undivided attention here,” he said. “Otherwise
I’ll have to make sure.”

images of the different ways he’d “make sure” flashed in my mind before
took a deep breath and smiled up at him. “Sorry, I’m just preoccupied with some
things at work.”

a discussion of the facts and figures of his wealth would deflate things. I
handed him the binder I had put together for this presentation.

smiled at me. I waited for him to speak, but he continued to watch me, saying

blinked and plowed ahead, opening the binder and turning past the cover page to
the executive summary. I launched into an explanation of the different
strategies we had prepared for him.

nodded, attentive, though there was also still a knowing smirk on his face.

questions so far?” I asked.

shook his head, pursing his lips as if to avoid smiling.

so funny?”

looked at me a few beats. Still fighting back a smile, he finally spoke. “Are
you listening to yourself?”

scrunched my face. What was he talking about? “Did I say something wrong?”

you’ve been doing fine. It’s just . . .” He trailed off.


Then I
heard it. I had the tiny rasp I sometimes got in my voice when I was turned on.

cleared my throat then pursed my lips, trying to think of what to say. This was
not going to plan. Not my plan anyway, though Vincent seemed to be enjoying
himself. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

this is important.”

“Do you
know how you look right now?” Vincent’s eyes flickered up and down my body, I
could almost feel his invisible fingers caressing my curves slowly. His tongue
darted out and wet his lips slightly.

should see yourself in a mirror, you look too fuckable. I could just tear your
clothes off right now. It’s been too long. We both know we’re far overdue for

desire in his voice sent a spike of heat to my core. I squirmed, rubbing my
legs together. For some reason, I thought about the first time I was here in
his office. We were right here on his couch. Except we were lying down, not
sitting, and his hands had been sliding up my thigh. I looked at him and
blushed, hoping that he couldn’t read my mind. I needed to get this back on

you care about managing your assets?”

moved closer to me, his leg pressing right up against mine. It was good that we
were sitting down, because looking into his deep brown eyes, I felt ready to
melt. He lifted his right hand, gliding the back of his fingers down the side
of my face.

my most valuable asset right now,” he whispered.

shiver ran down the back of my spine. He was being so sweet and it was getting
more difficult by the minute to resist him.

serious, Vincent.”

closed the binder and set it down on the glass coffee table. “Listen, I trust
the strategy you’ve put together for me, and I’m sure I can read through this
on my own when I’m less distracted. We don’t need to decide on a strategy right
this minute.”

turned back to me, a fire burning in his eyes. He caressed my hair with one
hand, moving down my tender exposed neck, and with his other gripped my bare
leg possessively. I closed my eyes, delighting in the sensations for a moment.

if someone hears us?” I whispered.

glass walls could stop bullets. No one will hear us.”


I’ve wanted to take you in this office since the first time you were here.”

something I need to tell you . . .”

“Shhh .
. .  it can wait. I can’t.”

knew what would happen between us after he learned about the pregnancy. I
decided I could wait a little longer to tell him so that we could enjoy each
other’s bodies, in this moment. It might be the last time.

mouth covered mine, claiming a kiss. My body betrayed me, responding to his
touch like it belonged to him. I leaned back until I was lying down on the
couch, Vincent’s chest pressed against mine.

fingers eased down toward my pussy, which was on fire. I arched my hips up to
give him better access, desperate for him to touch me. He obliged and pressed
against my soaked underwear.

so wet for me, Kristen. Tell me where you want me now.” He slid a finger around
my panties and into my pussy, hitting the perfect spot. He massaged my tender
spot slowly, drawing out my pleasure, as if he was demonstrating his control
over my body.

It sent
me over the edge. I came hard, biting the fabric of his shirt to stop from
crying out. Bucking wildly, my muscles contracted in spasms that would have
been painful if they didn’t feel so earth shatteringly good. Vincent kept hold
of me, his lone finger pulsing against my g-spot.

When I
had finally finished, I eased up and saw I had left mascara on his shirt to go
along with the color on my lips. Turning to his face, I saw a mixture of
surprise and arousal in his expression.

He took
his finger out of me and grabbed my hips. Looking up at me, he smiled wickedly.
“You were ready, weren’t you?”

nodded. “Sorry about your shirt.”

looked over dismissively. “I have another. Do you?”

looked at my blouse, but it was fine.

squeezed my hips. In response, I kissed him desperately on the mouth. I loved
it when he challenged me. He knew just which buttons to press and when. In this
case, he had lit a new fire to go along with my already aching need.

fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, my mouth still pressed against his.
Finding the prize I had been looking for, I relished the sensations of his
smooth chest, taut and hard. His nipple rings were polished and surprisingly
warm under my hand.

he groaned. “I need to be inside you.”


picked me up, flipping me over. I kneeled on the couch, turning my back to him.
He slid his hand up my thigh, groping me possessively. God, I needed him inside
me. I spread my legs wider for him, giving him better access, thrusting my
needy sex closer towards him. The air felt cool against my skin, making me
hyper aware of how exposed I was to him. I heard his belt unbuckle.

My body
shuddered as he entered me. I clenched involuntarily around him as he dragged
the turgid tip of his cock against my slick inner walls. I didn’t know how much
more I could take, the pleasure was too intense.

please . . . ”

continued to thrust into me, repeatedly hitting my pleasure center, until we
shattered together. I felt him come inside me, his warm seed mixing with my
fluids and I followed soon after, arching myself into the air, offering Vincent
my body. Afterwards he collapsed on me and we laid there on the couch.

weight on top of me was comforting. We breathed in sync, recovering slowly from
our ecstasy. After he wiped the evidence of our encounter from my leg, we
curled up together on the couch. We were both sweaty, but it felt good to have
his warmth next to me.

It had
to be now or it wasn’t going to happen today. I needed to tell him I was
pregnant. Now it was time to see how he was going to react. At least I knew he
would be in the best possible mood.

I took
a deep breath as my heart started beating faster in anticipation of the
fallout. “Vincent—”

intercom buzzed, sending my insides into freefall.

Sorenson, security just called up. Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Bennet are here for
you. Shall I let them know you and Ms. Daley aren’t finished?”

untangled himself from me and strode over to his desk. He tilted his head
questioningly at me as if asking me if we were done. A loose strand of hair on
his face, coupled with his dimpled smile gave him a boyish look.

couldn’t tell him. He—no—we were so happy in the moment, that I couldn’t spoil
it and drop this bomb on him just before leaving. The important part wasn’t so
much me telling him as his reaction, and leaving right after I told him
wouldn’t allow me to see that. With that in mind, I nodded quietly and
straightened myself out.

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