Read Beautiful Ties Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Beautiful Ties (27 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Ties
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“Keep going,” he urged with a smile.

I ripped off another part of the paper, revealing green shades of pine trees and then sparkling blue water, and I continued removing the paper until I reached the browns and tans of the dock.

My favorite dock.

I was moved beyond words.

He had bought me the canvas at the art gallery—the one I had dearly wanted but could not justify the price.

Once completely uncovered, my vision blurred with tears threatening to spill onto my cheeks. I blinked them back, only to feel a knot lodging in my throat, as I gazed up at him. “You bought this for me? When?” I asked, trying to rationalize my thoughts.

“Shortly after I saw you looking at it that day in the gallery,” he answered. “I could see the way it had captured you and how much it meant to you. I wanted you to have it.”

I shook my head, glancing back down at the canvas, as I balanced it with my left hand. “But it cost so much. I don’t think I can accept it,” I said, knowing it was too expensive of a gift.

Wordlessly, Jason lightly put his hand on mine. He gently pushed backward on the canvas until it was lying flat on the bed. His hands came to my waist, pulling me against him. My breathing was audible as I waited for him to speak. His eyes were expressive, searching mine, as he lifted his hand and ran the back of his knuckles down my cheekbone.

“Abbey…” he said my name with a certain softness that had me weakening at the knees. “I’m in love with you. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to say the words.” He brushed a tendril of hair off my face and tucked it behind my ear. “But when I went back to my apartment today and saw this painting, all I could think about was how my world rises and falls with you.” He slid his thumb across my jaw and tipped my head up until he was looking directly into my eyes. “You have my heart tied in knots, Abbey. Every part of me is woven with thoughts of you.”

My heart and mind were reeling.
He loves me.
I placed my hands on his chest, feeling the beating of his heart beneath my palms. I ran my trembling fingertips upward while gathering my thoughts.

“I never expected to fall this hard or this fast,” I breathed, meeting his eyes while speaking from my heart. “The things you make me feel inside and the way you look at me as though I’m all you see make the word
seem as if it’s not enough to describe what I feel for you.” I cupped the back of his nape, delving my fingers into his hair. “It’s so much more powerful than that.”

Bending his head forward, he kissed my cheek and then my nose. He abruptly pulled back. His eyes, consumed with a burning desire, bore into mine. A loving grin spread across his features before he nestled his cheek against mine. “So, does that mean you love me, too?” he asked in a lighthearted tone, pulling back to look at me once more.

I tightened my grip on him like he was a lifeline, and I released an unreserved laugh. “Yes.” I nodded, knowing he had captured my heart, my body, and my soul in every possible way.

I saw passion flash in his eyes a second before his luscious lips crashed over mine. Needing him more than my next breath, I surrendered my mouth to him. Our tongues twined with one another, causing my insides to erupt with my own scorching need. His hands gripped my sides as he pivoted me, and the back of my knees bumped into the bed. He moved his left hand to lift the canvas from its spot before carefully setting it on the floor.

Returning his attention back to me, he gently eased me to the mattress and climbed atop of me. His talented mouth found mine again, and he kissed me with a tenderness that overwhelmed my senses. He lowered his hands to the hem of my blouse and lifted it over my head, and then he removed his own shirt. I arched into him as I reached around for the clasp of my bra. I undid the silky material, freeing my breasts to his gaze. Jason’s eyes feasted on my bare chest. He dipped his head down to seal his lips over the firm peak, swirling and sucking, and then he nuzzled the underside of my breast. He dragged his lips across the valley of my breasts to repeat the process on the other side.

I writhed beneath him. A low whimper seeped out of me, sounding low and full of pleasure, as I shivered uncontrollably. The muscles in my belly contracted on the brink of release. Lowering himself on the bed, he trailed sweet kisses down my abdomen. His hands came to my sides, and he wedged my black skirt up my waist. He slid the thin silk of my panties down my legs and moved his hands to cup my behind, drawing me closer to his mouth.

His hands moved to slip between my thighs, gently easing my limbs apart. With the slightest touch, his tongue brushed along my folds, caressing the sensitive flesh. My sex throbbed impatiently, and my hips had a mind of their own as I bucked into him. A hoarse and heady primal sound left his throat, followed by one firm stroke of his tongue over my swollen clit. Everything clenched, tightening and pulling from within me. I cried out at the intensity of my climax as it broke through its invisible barrier, sending vibrations through every fiber of my core, as I exploded around him, making me see stars. Dazed and breathless, I drew in mouthfuls of air into my famished lungs.

Jason gave me a moment to recover as he shucked off his pants and briefs. He came up and over me while gazing down into my eyes. His gorgeous smile hit me hard, square in my chest, momentarily stopping my heart. Yearning to feel his lips on mine again, I sat up and laced my arms around his neck before taking his mouth for a chaste kiss. With slow, precise movements, he fell backward, taking me with him while never breaking our connection, positioning us so that I was lying astride him. My hair pooled on either side of our faces, closing us in. Jason raised his hands and raked his fingers through my long brown locks all while kissing me intimately, like he was a starving man who would never get enough of me. I eagerly matched his fervor, delving my tongue with his.

I could feel his thick arousal pulsating against my inner thigh, and I maneuvered myself until I was sitting directly above him. His eyes landed on mine, and the feral yet ardent look in them had me mesmerized.

All I could see was him.

Without breaking eye contact, he gripped my hips and oh-too slowly pulled me down on him, burying himself to the root. My mouth fell open into a silent O-shape, and I splayed my palms out on his chest to keep myself upright. Together, we found a rhythm—up and down, slow and steady—creating an exquisite friction that rubbed along all my sensitive spots. Tension coiled deep in my belly, so much tighter than ever before. Jason lowered one hand between us, thumbing my clit, and in the next second, I shattered around him. My arms gave out at the intensity of my orgasm. I folded partially forward as his hand met my cheek, and he fervently kissed me, claiming me, and then he let out a groan as he found his release.

Once we regained our breaths, his right hand hugged around my waist. He pulled my back onto his chest, burrowing his nose into my hair. His body surrounded me, fitting like a glove, as though he was made just for me.

I awoke on Sunday wrapped in Jason’s arms, feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the world. I snuggled into his warmth, listening to the steady in and out of his breathing, not ready to leave his side yet. Of course, my phone buzzed right in the middle of my relaxing moment. I rolled over and grabbed it off the nightstand, squinting to read the name. A huge grin broke across my face at seeing Ryan’s name displayed on the screen.

“Ryan?” I squealed delightedly into the phone. “Has my little niece finally decided to make an appearance?” I asked, full of hope.

Jason stirred next to me as I heard Ryan’s elated chuckle.

“Yep. Kate has been in labor since two in the morning,” Ryan said.

“Oh,” I said, counting the hours in my head.
That sounds like torture.
“How’s Kate holding up?”

“Well, she got her drugs.” He chortled. “The doctor said Annabel was now facing head down and that Kate is dilated to six—whatever that means. We should have a baby soon.”

“Uh…I don’t know baby language any better than you,” I admitted sheepishly, feeling silly. “But I caught the
part. We’ll be there as soon as we can,” I added.

“Okay, I’ll see you then,” Ryan said, sounding like he was smiling into the phone. “Oh, and Abbey?” he said my name as a question just as my doorbell rang.

My heart did flip-flops in my chest at his tone. Happiness did not describe what I was feeling right now. It was way, way more than that. There were no words.

“Yes?” I answered, rising from the bed and striding forward.

“I’m going to be a daddy today,” he said in complete awe.

My steps faltered at the threshold of my bedroom door. “Yes, you are.” I smiled, resuming my walk to the foyer. “Congratulations, new daddy.”

“Thank you,” he responded. “See you soon, and drive safe.”

“I will. Bye,” I said before hanging up.

I opened the front door. Pearl was standing on the other side, dressed in a snug pair of jeans and a black-and-white polka-dot shirt. She beamed up at me, and her smile was infectious.

“Hi, Abbey!” She lifted a book in her hand to show me. “This is for my book club at school. I was hoping you could help me read it?”

“Actually, my brother, Ryan, just called. Kate is having her baby today. Would you like to come with us to the hospital?” I asked her.

“To see a little baby?” Her eyes went wide. “Of course!”

“Okay. Just let me check with Diane really quick to make sure it’s all right with her. Then, maybe we can read your book when we get back.” I gestured her inside and shut the door. “Is she working today?”

“Yes,” she replied gloomily, hopping up on the stool at my kitchen island.

Phone still in hand, I slid my fingers across the screen and opened my Contacts list. I tapped on Diane’s cell number I had saved last week.

She answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

“Hi, Diane.” I ambled over to stand at the counter across from Pearl. “It’s Abbey.”

“Yes, I know,” she replied into the phone, her tone brisk.

I ignored it. “My brother is having a baby today. Would it be okay if I took Pearl along to the hospital with me?”

“That’s fine. Just have her back before bedtime. Did she bring her school book with her?” She continued on before I had the chance to answer, “Pearl needs to have the first three chapters read by tomorrow for school.”

I loved helping Pearl with her homework, but the fact that Diane was now
me to do so burned my biscuit. I abruptly turned around, striding forward, so Pearl would not see the sour expression on my face. I bit back my anger and forced myself to smile at the outline of my reflection bouncing off the refrigerator.

This lady and I are due to have another chat.

“Sure,” I replied, hearing Jason greet Pearl behind me. “I’ll help her as soon as we get back.”

“Thank you,” Diane replied curtly, sounding anything but grateful. “Bye, Abbey.”

She ended the call before I could even say good-bye. My hand slightly clenched around my cell, and I had to ignore the urge to launch my phone at my refrigerator. Closing my eyes, I silently counted to three while listening to Jason and Abbey talk. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, and spun around to face Pearl and Jason.

Jason gazed at me with that perplexed look in his eyes.

Pearl broke our connection. “Did Diane say it was okay for me to see the baby?” she asked, her tone full of optimism.

I glanced down at her and nodded. “All set to go. Just make sure you bring your book, sweetie. We might have some time to start reading it while we wait.”

“Yippee!” Pearl shrieked happily.

“I have to get dressed, and then we can go. I’ll be right back.”

I moved around the island, and I could sense Jason’s eyes on me, but I didn’t look his way because I didn’t want to answer questions in front of Pearl. I beelined straight toward my bedroom.

After passing the threshold of my room, I went to my walk-in closet. I skimmed over the clothes, wanting to meet my little niece for the first time in something cute. I selected a loose-fitted Kenneth Cole skirt. The material had a graceful flow that rippled down to just an inch or two above my knee. I reached for a pink V-neck silky shirt, smiling over the thought that the color pink seemed very fitting today. Items in hand, I walked over to my dresser and opened it. I chose a pink lacy bra set to match my selection, and then I sauntered into my bathroom to change out of my pajamas.

I heard Jason’s footsteps behind me by the time I reached the sink. I set my clothes on the counter. He closed the door behind us and leaned against my maple cabinetry. I gazed over at him to see he was already dressed, looking fine in a dark pair of jeans and a black Harley-Davidson T-shirt. My eyes caught on the way his sleeves hugged his biceps.

His eyes were lost in thought as he broke the silence. “Care to tell me what all of that was about?” he asked guardedly.

With no time to waste, I started stripping off my pajamas. “Ryan and Kate are at the hospital,” I responded, tossing my shirt onto the floor next to me.

BOOK: Beautiful Ties
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