Beautiful Triad (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Watterson

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Beautiful Triad


Chapter Six

Ben gave the sheriff a blank look that probably reflected his shock over the information. “I wasn’t aware there was anyone around. The cabin next door is rarely used. You say they heard a scream? Good God, what does that mean?”

“Don’t panic and assume the worst, Dr. Heaton. I said the two young guys there thought they
have heard one. As far as the timing goes, it could coincide with your wife’s arrival.” The sheriff was a big man with a gut, and a small goatee he stroked at intervals.

“You say the house was locked when you got here?”

Glancing around at the expensive interior, decorated in what Regina thought was a country style but reflected more a downtown New York City notion of rustic, Ben nodded. “Yes. Nothing was disturbed. It’s like she never came inside. Her car keys were still in the ignition, but we frequently do that, anyway, up here. This place is very private.”

“It’s a nice area, sir, I agree.” Sheriff Barker eyed the coffee table in the den as if dubious over the elaborate curved legs and distressed finish, all topped with a shining mirror surface and several pieces of delicate blown glass sculptures. “Her suitcase was in the trunk?”


“Can I ask why you looked?”

A flicker of disquiet stirred. “What kind of a question is that? I can’t get a hold of my wife. I drive almost five hours because I was in a panic and didn’t know what else to do except come down here to check on her, and when I saw her car but couldn’t find her, of course I searched it.”

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Kate Watterson

“Don’t get defensive, sir. I was just curious.”

The bland expression on the man’s face irritated him. Ben clasped his hands together and leaned forward. “My sister-in-law called you, didn’t she?”

“We get leads from all sources, but in a disappearance like this, the family is usually the most helpful.”

In other words, yes. Helen was such a stone cold bitch.

He summoned a pleasant smile. The fact he despised Regina’s older sister wasn’t the sheriff’s problem, but he did need to make things clear. “I can imagine what she had to say about my marriage, but then again, she has never cared for me. For the record, yes, Regina and I have had a few troubles now and then. We’ve been married for fifteen years, so that shouldn’t stun anyone. It happens.”

“Troubles enough you might jump to the conclusion she took off with another man? Is that why you looked for her suitcase?”

Ben leaned back and reached for his cup of coffee. “If she was having an affair, I am unaware of it. Besides, why would she drive here to drop off her car? If she wanted to run off with someone—

which I am skeptical would ever happen—why not just leave from home? I go to the university almost every single day. An elaborate ruse would not be needed.”

having an affair?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You spoke in the past tense.” The sheriff merely lifted his bushy brows. “And, yes, her sister says she’s been unhappy.”

Past tense? Well, he supposed he had. He was coming to terms with her disappearance and past tense seemed to suit. Ben murmured,

“Her sister is an unhappy person that wishes that fate on everyone else. There’s a difference.”

The sheriff’s mouth quirked. “I’ve got one of those relatives myself. Now, one more thing, Dr. Heaton. Can we take a look at your boathouse?”

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Beautiful Triad


“Of course.” Ben took a sip, found his coffee skimmed over, and set the cup aside in distaste. “I’ve looked there, but we can check it out if you want. It was ridiculous for me to expect Regina to be there when I arrived, but I suppose I was grasping at straws so I looked everywhere. I don’t know why she wanted this house since she never goes near the water.”

“All of the boats there?”

Ben gave him a thin smile. “I think I would have noticed a missing boat. Yes, they all are there. Regina wouldn’t go out in the boat anyway. I don’t believe she’s ever even started one.”

“Any idea how someone else would get the keys, much less the opener, for one of the bays so they could take it out?”

So, this was the real reason for the oblique questioning. A small chill rippled through him. He rested his hands on the arms of the chair. “Someone took out one of my boats?”

Barker checked his notebook. “We have a witness that says she saw it. He was a young man. Blond, crew cut, prominent nose, dressed up. Any ideas?”

He had an idea he might have a small heart attack at the implications of what this revelation meant. Screams in the dark, a strange man seen on his property…

“No. But, my wife’s purse is missing and she naturally had keys into the house. Though it doesn’t look to me as if anything has been disturbed, I suppose someone might have come in and taken the opener for the boathouse. The keys for the boats are in there. It’s convenient.”

“Maybe we’d better look at what you have and even do a fingerprint dusting on the opener. You can never tell what it might turn up.”

“Be my guest.” He felt a churning in the pit of his stomach and he wondered if he looked pale, because he sure felt sick.

This new information was like a blow to the gut.

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Kate Watterson

He got stiffly to his feet. “I’ll show you where I keep what you want.”

* * * *

The setting sun threw spectacular red and gold streaks across the sky, like someone had dipped their fingers in paint and drifted them above the horizon. Drew stood over the grill, keeping a close eye on the pork chops, a beer in one hand and the tongs in the other. The brown sugar mustard glaze Lauren had concocted smelled fantastic, and she had mentioned something about pasta with pesto and fresh bread on the side. She not only liked to cook but was damned good at it and it was a definite bonus.

It had been a great day so far, the meal promised to be delicious, and he really couldn’t wait for afterwards either. They were all three thinking about it, he knew it. It had hung in the air like an electric charge all afternoon, even through the lazy picnic at the cove, the long swim afterwards, and now, as they all fixed dinner together in relaxed camaraderie. Rob was inside, ostensibly helping Lauren, but he seemed a lot more interested in leaning on the counter, drinking his beer, and just looking at her. The hunger he’d taken such care to try to hide for the past few months showed clearly in his face.

Drew knew exactly how he felt. One hundred percent. She was very much worth admiring, all long lightly tanned legs and chestnut hair, her natural beauty fresh and clean, like the bucolic setting of woods and water. He’d meant it when he proposed they just forget the grind waiting at the end of the week when they returned to Indiana.

This was like living a fantasy and he was all for it.

A very sexy, intriguing fantasy.

“How are the chops coming?” Lauren opened the screen and gave him an inquiring look.

“Almost done.” He tested the center of one with his spatula. “It smells great.”

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Beautiful Triad


“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it? The pasta is ready when you are.”

“Babe, I’m always ready.” The best theatrical leer he could summon curved his mouth.

She raised her delicate brows and laughed. “I seem to have noticed that a time or two.”

They ate outside on the deck and between the beautiful sunset, the great food, and since he was with two of the people he cared for the most in the world, it was one of the best meals of his life. Lauren seemed to be relaxing a little into the new energy of their changed circumstances and as far as he was concerned, it beat the hell out of the growing tension of the past months. It had bothered him more than he realized, and seeing Lauren and Rob interact in a completely different way than their constant discomfort with each other was both interesting and a relief. He knew he was by far more liberal than either of them, but he had a feeling this unconventional arrangement might be the best thing that had happened to all three of them.

After they were done with the meal, they lingered, just talking and enjoying the perfect evening. The shadows thickened under the trees, the night breeze carrying a cool scent from the lake. When the mosquitoes got persistent despite the citronella candles Rob lit all over the place, they cleaned up the dishes while bickering over whether to watch another movie from the impressive collection in the media room or play cards, the byplay friendly and competitive.

“I vote for cards. I’m sure you’ll both insist it’s your turn to pick out a movie and I have a feeling I’ll end up watching some action-packed film with a muscle bound hero. By the way, who
fight off an improbable number of armed attackers with his bare hands and jump from an airplane and land on a speeding car unhurt?.” After that long speech Lauren gave them each a quelling look. “There’s way too much testosterone going on around here anyway.”

“Cards it is. But it’s only fair we get to choose the game.” Rob gave her an innocent smile.

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Drew knew exactly what he was thinking and grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

“Uh-oh. That was way too easy.” Lauren put her hands on her slender hips and stared at them suspiciously.

“One nice friendly game of strip poker coming up. There has to be a deck of cards around here. I thought I saw one.” Rob went to one of the kitchen drawers and rummaged around, finding what they needed and holding it up. “Here we go.”

“I never agreed to play strip poker.” The objection was only half-hearted, softened by her laugh.

Drew balanced one hip against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “Macho movie, or strip poker? Last night we did what you wanted, babe.”

The indirect reference to what had happened on the couch first, and in the bedroom later, didn’t escape her. A slight flush rose to her cheeks. “It seems to me it worked both ways.”

“It worked all right,” Drew said in a soft voice. “I think we’re all in agreement on that point.”

“No argument here.” Rob went to the table off the kitchen and dropped into a chair as he opened the package and slid out the cards, shuffling them smoothly in his long fingers. “Shall we play?”

He didn’t just mean cards and they all knew it. Drew eased away from the counter and went to pull out a chair for her. “Any game that will get Lauren out of her clothes is good with me.”

“What makes you think you’re going to win?” She came over and sank down, sending him a challenging look.

“Let’s just say I’m damn hopeful. Deal, Hanson. I’m usually lucky as hell at cards, as you know.” Drew sat down opposite.

“I know you always claim it’s skill.” Rob flicked cards in front of each of them with deft precision. “Which is a crock as far as I can tell.”

“I’ll have both of you naked in no time.”

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Beautiful Triad


“In that case, I hope you win.” Rob gave Lauren an amused glance. “What are the rules or are we winging this?”

“The winner is the one who has on an item of clothing when the other two are sans apparel.” Drew picked up his cards and lifted his brows with exaggerated emphasis. “Uhm, nice start. I also say the winner gets to make a victory request of his choosing.”

Rob leaned back, the soft lighting playing across his fine features.

“I take it this request is of a sexual nature?”

“It’s up to the winner, of course. I already have something in mind.”

Lauren shook her head. “You are so cocksure, Andrew Fletcher. It must be that swaggering pilot thing.”

“Damn, I love it when you say cock, babe.”

“I didn’t say…oh, you’re impossible sometimes.” The reproof in her voice was belied by her laugh afterwards.

“Part of my charm.” He gave her wink.

“I wasn’t aware you had any charm,” Rob said dryly. “Now, want any cards?”

“Nope. I’ll stick with this hand right here.”

Rob and Lauren looked at each other. She asked, “Is he bluffing?”

“Not usually,” Rob admitted. He glanced at his hand, and back at her. “Cards?”

“Two.” She set her discards on the table, pushing it toward him with her slim fingers.

The dealer also took two and promptly folded with a small groan.

When Drew smugly set down his three tens, Lauren made a similar noise.

Rob took off a shoe. Lauren slipped off a sandal.

It was a nice beginning, Drew thought with an inner grin.

* * * *

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Kate Watterson

The slip of lace hit the floor and Lauren sat back down in her chair, feeling the night breeze coming in through the French doors onto the deck brush her naked body. “Fine, I suppose I lose,” she grumbled. Two sandals, a blouse, a bra, shorts, and now her panties.

Considering she was wearing more than either of her competitors at the beginning of the game, how come she was the first one nude?

Drew, in fact, still had on everything but his shoes, but Rob was down to his underwear. It was no lie about Drew’s luck because he seemed to get the most incredible cards, and neither she nor Rob had won more than two hands. If she hadn’t have known better, she’d have accused Drew of cheating.

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