Beautiful Triad (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Watterson

BOOK: Beautiful Triad
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“I’m sure things can’t stay as they are. We’re all going a little crazy here.” Drew rubbed his jaw and gave a faint smile. “As for the question of sex, I’ll be there, too, remember? She’s an old-fashioned girl and was not sexually experienced at all before we met. Once she discovered how much she likes it, she has really warmed up in bed.”

If the soft moans he’d heard the night before were any indication, Drew was exactly right. Rob had stuck a pillow over his head to muffle the sounds of them making love and had only been semi-successful. He’d ended up with an erection and cursing himself for being a voyeur, but the acoustics in the house with the giant open floor plan had made him feel like he was right in that bed with them, even with his bedroom on a different level.

Tonight, maybe he would be. Just the idea of hearing her make those same sexy sounds as he touched her made a jolt go straight to his crotch.

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Beautiful Triad


He argued. “We can hardly inform her we’ve decided she should sleep with both of us. It’s not our choice for one, and makes us both sound like arrogant idiots.”

“No, it’s not our choice,” Drew agreed, “but I do think if we go about it the right way, she’ll actually love it.”

Or she’d flat out reject the idea, maybe reject them both for even thinking it. Drew must really be sincere about this off the wall suggestion because he was smart enough to know he was taking a chance of losing her altogether.

Rob remembered the way she looked at him the night before, her lovely face vulnerable in that instant their fingers brushed, her soft mouth parting just a fraction. He was experienced enough to recognize that look in a woman’s eyes.

attracted to him, he knew it.

Tonight he hoped to find out for sure.

* * * *

If the man hadn’t glanced side to side, she would never have thought anything about it. Lauren watched him walk to the end of the dock several hundred feet away, his gaze scanning the water in a full sweep. What he was looking for was a mystery, for the lake was deserted except for a pair of Canadian geese placidly swimming nearby.

It had been hot in the full sun and she wasn’t too much for overdoing sunbathing anyway, so she had taken her towel and moved to the bank where a small willow hung trailing fingers into the water and the cobalt shadows were thick and cool. Propped on one elbow, her open book in front of her, she saw the stranger turn and press a device in his hand. One of the boathouse doors lifted and she realized it must be some kind of thing like a garage door opener. He disappeared around the back, and a moment later the low hum of a motor started and a sleek speedboat backed out of one the bays.

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Kate Watterson

It was interesting he was wearing dress slacks, a long-sleeved button down shirt, and a tie. Not exactly boating apparel, in her opinion. His hair was fair and cropped close to his head, and he had prominent nose that dominated his face.

The boat pulled up to the dock and the man clambered out, wrapped a line around a metal anchor on the dock, and walked down the length of the pier.

He dragged an oblong object
quickly to the edge of the craft and dropped it. It wasn’t lightweight. The boat rocked as it thudded down and a second later he jumped in, unwrapped the rope, and started to idle off. As he bent over, he must have caught sight of her sitting there on the bank for the first time. H he visibly froze and stared her direction before turning away. The engine roared as he swung the boat around and opened the throttle.

The whole thing felt off-key, especially considering the bright sunshine and the peaceful quiet lake.

“Hey, babe.”

Shaken out of her contemplation of the wake left by the departing speedboat, Lauren glanced up. “Hey.”

Drew dropped beside her on the towel beneath the tree and smiled in his heart-stopping way. “Sorry it took me so long. Good book?”

She glanced absently at the paperback. “Oh, yes, it is.”

He removed it from her hand with a small grin and studied the jacket. His dark blond brows rose. “
Seducing the Highlander

“I adore Scottish historical romances.” She snatched it back and laughed. “So sue me.”

“Hmm. I like modern day romances where the women wear sexy, skimpy bikinis, have the most beautiful blue eyes, and smell like sun block.”

“Do you? I haven’t read that one.” He had the knack to make her pulse pick up the beat when he looked at her the way he did at the moment, the intensity in his azure eyes mesmerizing.

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Beautiful Triad


“It isn’t fiction.” He leaned over and brushed her mouth in a slow seductive slide, his tongue teasing her lower lip. He murmured against her mouth, “The water looks great, doesn’t it? How about a swim?”

“I was waiting for you.”

“Come on then.” In a swift athletic movement he got to his feet and reached out a hand. In only his swim trunks, his tanned chest bare, he looked all gorgeous male.

Unfortunately, so did Rob, she realized with the usual shimmer of dismay. He strolled out on the dock just behind them, wide-shouldered and tall, his dark hair just slightly tousled, accenting the chiseled features of his face. Nice hard muscles tapered to a flat stomach and she couldn’t help but notice the slight line of dark hair from his navel disappearing into the red swim trunks that hung off his lean hips.

Drew pointed at the rippling water. “Ladies first.”

Lauren shook her head and took a step back, seeing the teasing look on his face. “It’s probably cold. I’ll get in slowly, thank you.”

He advanced. “Chicken.”

“Andrew Fletcher, don’t you dare throw me in.” She took another step backwards and ran solidly into Rob, who she didn’t realize had moved to stand right behind her.

A strong arm slid around her waist and he held her there, against the solid heat of his body. “Don’t worry, Lauren, I’ll protect you from this loser.”

“Loser? Look who’s talking.” Drew gave a shrug and winked at her. “Okay, okay, since you have reinforcements I guess I’ll go first. I was just going to help you get it over with quickly, that’s all.” He then turned and ran a few steps before diving off the dock into the water.

The resulting shout when he surfaced told her she was right about the temperature of the lake.

Drew tossed the hair out of his eyes and treaded water. “You two going to stand there and cuddle all afternoon or are you coming in?”

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Kate Watterson

It was true, Rob hadn’t let her go, still holding her pressed against his front. Maybe it was her traitorous imagination, but she could swear she felt an impressive bulge where her backside nestled against his groin.

To her relief, he loosened his arm and a laugh stirred her hair.

Two seconds later he stepped past her to cut the water with a clean dive.

Why the hell am I trembling
, she demanded in silent furious self-reproach. It had been just casual contact, and certainly Drew had thought nothing of it.

Of course not. He trusted her. He trusted Rob.

But she had felt the clear tension in the tensile strength of the arm wrapped around her waist and could swear the moment before Rob let her go and jumped in the water, his mouth had grazed her temple in a feather brush caress.

There was no way she was going to survive another six days.

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Beautiful Triad


Chapter Four

The images flickered across the screen and thankfully the credits began to roll. He and Drew had lost the toss of the coin and instead of the action adventure flick they’d opted for, Lauren had chosen a romantic comedy that was definitely geared toward a female audience.

Not that it mattered to him, Rob thought, so aware of her it was like a physical touch. He’d watch cartoons if she wanted.

Drew snorted and pressed a button on the remote, shutting off the television. The small media room was just off the main part of the house, comfortably furnished with a leather sectional and a couple low glass coffee tables, the sole focus a vast, expensive entertainment center with a massive theater system. The three of them were seated the couch, and Lauren, in a thin tank top and light shorts, looked enticingly pretty with her slender legs curled under her, an after dinner glass of wine in her hand.

Arched brows lifted as she gave Drew a mock glare. “What was that sound for?”

“Sorry, babe, but these chick movies all end the same.”

“Chick movies? Better watch yourself, Drew, you sound like a misogynist with a comment like that. Why was it a chick flick?

Because there weren’t a bunch of bad guys with guns being foiled by a bunch of good guys with guns?”

Drew looked at him. “Did you hear that? Misogynist? Back me up, Hanson. Don’t these movies all end with the same sappy kiss?

That one wasn’t even a good kiss.” He gestured at the now blank screen with the remote.

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Kate Watterson

Rob grinned and shrugged. “From a male perspective, I have to admit it looked like a substandard kiss to me. She probably yawned afterwards.”

“I thought it was romantic.” Lauren took a sip of wine and then made a gurgle of protest as Drew plucked the glass from her hand and set it on the table. “Hey.”

He turned toward her and gave her a slow smile. “I’ll be more than happy to show you how it should be done.”

She laughed. “Really, Drew, that isn’t necessary at the moment.”

He ignored the protest, his hand lifting to brush her hair back from her shoulder in a familiar gesture. One finger traced the line of her collarbone and he looked into her eyes. “You see, what we just saw was not an I-want-to-fuck-you kiss.”

“Drew.” There was outraged protest in her voice. “That is the least romantic word in the world, by the way.”

“Fuck? Probably. But it
be sexy.” His gaze dropped her mouth.

“I’m not going to comment.”

“Well, shouldn’t it have been?”


“An I-want-to-fuck-you kiss. The director left us at the bedroom door. If so, the way it was done was all wrong.”

“Oh, you’re an expert, is that it?” Lauren’s tone was teasing, but her lush lashes lowered a fraction as Drew leaned in, pinning her to the back of the couch with his body as his mouth descended to capture hers.

Rob didn’t move, just watching. His friend kissed her with slow deliberation, angling his head, his hands moving slowly. At first she stiffened, probably in objection to someone right next to them, and then the gradual relaxation was apparent as she began to respond. It was a very intimate kiss, and Rob was surprised at himself to find the sight was actually arousing rather than sparking the jealous reaction a man might usually feel to see the woman he wants in the arms of Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Beautiful Triad


another man. Drew loved her, he knew that, and it was evident in the light movement of his fingers across her upper arms, and the way he melded their mouths together.

Lauren sounded a little breathless when they broke apart, her breasts lifting quickly under the material of her thin shirt. She was also blushing.

With a smug smile, Drew asked, “Well?”

In answer she gave an exaggerated shrug, her cheeks a vivid pink.

“That was okay, I suppose, but—”

“Okay?” Drew caught her shoulders to turn her to face away from him, toward where Rob sat. “That’s a challenge if I ever heard one, Hanson. Let’s see how you do.”

For a moment their gazes locked over the top of her head.

This is it

Lauren’s eyes widened and her lips parted in alarm as she stared at him, obviously off balance. “I…I don’t think we need to take this too far here.”

“I don’t get an opportunity at the best kiss title?” Rob felt his heart begin a slow pound, knowing he had this chance—and this chance only maybe—to convince her to at least consider the idea of two lovers. Drew had more than done his part and the ball was definitely in his court.

She didn’t answer and he guessed from the expression on her face she realized Drew had essentially just given them permission to do what he hoped like hell she wanted to do as much as he did.

He didn’t wait for her to think about it. Instead he slid closer, his gaze riveted on the tempting curve of her lips, his hands closing over her slim waist as he lowered his head. With the first touch of his lips she gave a betraying tremble. Then her mouth parted for the brush of his tongue.


She tasted like wine and warm woman, and he felt the reaction in his cock, which was already at half mast just from watching them. His Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Kate Watterson

erection surged as he tugged her closer, the roundness of her hip pressing his thigh, his exploration of her mouth gentle but urgent.

Lauren’s hands came up to clasp his upper arms and he noted the lack of resistance with a surge of triumph.

It was definitely an I-want-to-fuck-you kiss as he teased and tasted. It might have even qualified for an I-want-to-make-wild, passionate-love-to-you-all-night-long kiss. He broke away, captured her mouth again, and she made a small sound that he easily interpreted as pleasure, because it was clear she was kissing him right back with encouraging enthusiasm.

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