Beautiful Triad (2 page)

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Authors: Kate Watterson

BOOK: Beautiful Triad
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Lauren murmured in a halting voice, “That’s sounds nice.”

The bedroom was enormous, with a fireplace, huge windows facing the back of the house, the expanse of forest around them, and a bed the size of a football stadium. The carpet was lush, and the private bathroom had a jetted tub, marble floors, and a separate walk-in shower built for two. There was even a small bar with a refrigerator and a flat screen television on the wall.

Lauren seemed unmoved by all the opulence, slender and standing very still just inside the door, her body betraying a language he didn’t have to be a psychology major to read. Drew had been interpreting the signals without any problem for some time now and just wasn’t sure what to do about it. Maybe he should be pissed, since it was the logical reaction. But logic didn’t seem to apply to this situation, not if he wanted to keep her.

And he did. More than anything in his life.

Rob eased away from the doorframe in a smooth athletic movement. “I’ll go downstairs while you all unpack. There’s a deck chair with my name on it and a cold one on the table next to it.”

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Beautiful Triad


“We’ll be right down.” Drew made the promise as he deposited their suitcases on the floor. As soon as Rob was gone, he asked, “Are you upset?”

Lauren gave him a look he couldn’t quite interpret. “Because Karen ditched out? I won’t miss her, I admit it, though you weren’t supposed to announce it to Rob. What if they stay together and eventually get married or something, Drew? Now he’ll always know I don’t care for her.”

“They won’t.” He spoke with complete confidence because he’d known Rob Hanson since they were both in grade school. Rob was not into his latest girlfriend except in the most casual of ways. Drew was pretty sure they weren’t even sleeping together before this trip and apparently that wasn’t going to happen either. “They haven’t dated very long. He seemed relieved to me she didn’t come and I’m personally happy as hell because I couldn’t quite picture her enjoying the vacation in the woods theme. The woman can’t even stay off her cell phone for five minutes. You said you wanted to sleep in, read, lie out in the sun, and swim a little. Think of it this way, you’ll be able to do whatever you want and not feel obligated to entertain her. It isn’t like you don’t know Rob pretty well, babe. We’re all friends. It’ll be fun.”

She moved toward the suitcase he’d set down, unbuttoning her blouse. “A week with the guys? Hmm, I guess as long as I don’t have to go fishing with you two or do all the cooking, it’ll be fine.”

“You have my word on it.” He watched her slide the silk material from her shoulders, a familiar hunger shooting from brain to groin.

Lauren was beautiful in an understated elegant way, slender but feminine. She had perfect firm, high breasts, not too big but still shapely and sexy as hell, a slim waist, and nice long legs. Her hair was a rich chestnut brown that glimmered with golden highlights, worn down past her shoulders in a simple elegant straight swing, and her skin in contrast was fair and flawless. The almost fragile beauty of her face was striking with enormous dark blue eyes under arched Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Kate Watterson

brows, high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a very soft, pink mouth she rarely accented with anything but clear gloss. Other than a little mascara, he knew she wore little makeup, but she didn’t need cosmetics anyway. Mother Nature had done it all for her. She was a knockout and the physical part of their relationship was more than satisfying. All he had to do was look at her and he got an erection on the spot.

It was happening at the moment, he thought in amused self-disgust as he watched her step out of her skirt. In just her bra and skimpy bikini panties—both a delicate pink that turned him on even more—she bent over to rummage in her case, and he got a world class view of her tempting, perfect ass and his cock went on full alert.

Later, he promised himself, adjusting the bulge in his shorts.

When they went to bed for the evening he’d start the vacation out in a way she wouldn’t forget. It had taken him months to finally get her to sleep with him, but the wait had been more than worth it. With her looks, he’d been astounded to discover that at twenty-four, she’d been practically a virgin, her sexual experience limited to a shaky romance her freshman year in college that fizzled after a few months. Shy but responsive was a sexy combination, he’d found, and as they grew more comfortable with each other’s bodies, he could tell she enjoyed it more and more when they made love. A little experience went a long way and she was a natural when it came to sex, her innate sensuality a huge turn-on.

He was head over heels, heart and soul in love with her. But they had one big issue he had a feeling wasn’t going to go away and part of problem was her refusal to acknowledge it.

Lauren found a pair of white shorts, slipped them on, and then pulled a pale blue tank top over her head. She shook back her shining hair so it fell gracefully over her slim shoulders again. “You go on down if you want. I’m going to brush my teeth and put a few things away.”

“The minute you join us, I’ll pour you a glass of wine.”

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Beautiful Triad


She smiled, a tempting curve of her mouth that lit her face with the familiar warmth. “That sounds pretty fabulous.”

“You’re fabulous.” He walked over, pulled her into his arms, kissed her lightly, and looked into her eyes. “I’m really looking forward to spending this week with you, Lauren.”

Her hand lifted to touch his cheek and lush dark lashes lowered a fraction over the deep blue of her eyes. “I feel the same way.”

He believed her. That was part of his problem. She felt it. That was part of
r problem.

“I’m glad.” Drew let her go before she figured out he had a hard on just from watching her change her clothes. “Take your time. It sounds like we’ll be out on the deck.”

“It’ll just be a few minutes.”

The house really was spectacular, he thought as he went down the stairs and through the open great room. Rob was on the porch as promised, sprawled carelessly in an Adirondack chair, the light breeze ruffling his dark hair. Without a word he reached into a nearby cooler, pulled out a dripping bottle, and handed it over.

“Thanks.” Drew twisted off the cap and dropped into the chair next to him. “This is pretty sweet. How big is the lake?”

“A couple hundred acres. Not huge, but all private, and from what I’ve seen when I’ve been up here, pretty much all ours. Most of the houses are like this one. Big expensive places built by people too busy to use them much. On the weekends there are some boats out, but during the week it’s dead quiet.”

“Heaven on earth is what you’re describing to me. I was going to take Lauren someplace in the Caribbean, but the thought of a crowded beach doesn’t do much for me, honestly. When you and I went in college for spring break that year it was a little different.”

Rob took a drink from his beer bottle and laughed. “Yeah, that whole trip is a bit of a blur. Who knew we’d someday turn into responsible adults and prefer peace and quiet? Hell, before you got Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Kate Watterson

here I even made a salad, put the steaks in the marinade, and got the baked potatoes ready.”

“You’re a regular Martha Stewart.” Drew grinned.

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far. That’s a pretty elaborate meal for me. I can do a decent spaghetti, but brace yourself for burgers and brats the rest of the week. I don’t have time to cook. You aren’t a culinary genius with your schedule either, Fletcher.”

It was true, Drew acknowledged. Six years before, they had both graduated from Purdue with honors, and Rob was now a computer engineer for a software company. Drew had managed to capitalize on a love of flying and ended up a corporate pilot. They were busy as hell, both of them, and he was out of the country half the time, so this week was even more special because they’d get to spend some time together. Of course, he would also get to be with Lauren.

“Simple is fine with me. Besides, Lauren is a great cook, and though she said she doesn’t want to get stuck with all the cooking, I’m going to guess she’ll be more than happy to pitch in if it comes down to the bologna sandwiches I can make.”

“She unhappy about Karen not coming or is what you said true?”

Rob sounded casual—almost too carefully casual.

“She’s fine.”

“That’s good.”

The ensuing silence was just a little strained, and Drew uttered a silent curse at the situation that was fast becoming the norm between two friends who were as close as brothers.

Just one word summed up his feelings.


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Chapter Two

Lighting the candles was too much in retrospect. Candlelit dinner for three.
That’s romance for you, Hanson.

Rob took another bite of his steak. It was actually really good, the spice rub the butcher had recommended doing the trick, and he managed to get it just medium rare with a nice char on the outside.

Even the baked potatoes weren’t underdone, which he had a habit of doing since he seemed perpetually in a hurry.

Maybe that was why he couldn’t completely relax.

Yeah, right, who was he fooling?

The real reason sat across the table, the theatrical light playing over her shimmering hair as she sipped wine and picked at her food.

Since the steaks were delicious and it was hard to go wrong with potatoes and salad, he knew it wasn’t the food. Just what it was affecting her appetite he wasn’t sure, but he hoped the only vibe he was sending was platonic brotherly affection.

He was doing his best anyway.

“…back to Japan again,” Drew was saying with a small grimace.

“It’ll be the third time in two months.”

Rob jerked his attention back to the conversation. “I’ve always wanted to see it and now that we acquired that new company, I might have to go someday, or so they’ve mentioned in a couple of memos.”

“Believe me,
seen it.” Drew lounged in chair and grimaced, toying with the stem of his wine glass. “Once we get there, I have nothing to do until they’re ready to leave. Last time we were there ten days. It’s an interesting place, but you can only play tourist for so long.”

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“You could fly commercial.” It was an old debate, and Rob grinned, knowing the answer.

“No thanks.” Drew shook his head.

Lauren, who had been quiet through the meal—the whole evening, actually—spoke up. “Heaven forbid he be boring and conventional and have a regular schedule.”

“Like I said, no thanks.” Drew smiled at her, the expression on his face teasing with the intimacy of a lover. “I thought you liked that I’m not another
executive in an Armani suit like the ones constantly hitting on you.”

“It’d be nice if you were around a little more, that’s all.” She smiled back, but it was fleeting and she got to her feet to gather her still mostly full plate. “That was delicious, Rob. Thank you.”

“You didn’t eat much,” he pointed out in a neutral tone.

“I’ll save the rest for tomorrow for lunch. I don’t know why, but I’m really tired tonight. I went in early to work to try to get as much done before noon when Drew was picking me up. Maybe that’s it.”

She moved gracefully toward the kitchen, a slender shape in the inadequate lighting, though a spectacular moon had risen and was visible through the glass wall facing the lake, helping light the cabin.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go up to bed after I help clean this up.”

“There isn’t much to do.” He got to his feet with alacrity and switched on the light in the kitchen. “I’ll take care of it. I know where everything goes. You can have clean up duty tomorrow if you want.”

“Okay…fair enough.” She relinquished her plate as he reached for it.

Unfortunately, their fingers brushed. Just a touch, but enough to make his entire hand tingle in some ridiculous adolescent way that—

if it was physically possible—made him want to kick himself.

She’s off limits, bud.

For a second her eyes, so lovely and luminous with those dark thick lashes and indigo color, widened almost as if she could read his Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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mind, and then she turned to leave, brushing past Drew with little more than a murmured good night, and hurrying up the stairs.

“Not exactly how I’d thought the evening would go.” Drew’s tone was joking, but there was an underlying edge to it. He sat and stared at where Lauren had disappeared into the small hallway to the master bedroom. “She’s been pretty edgy lately and I’ve been trying to figure it out.”

Well, shit.

“Maybe she
just tired.” Rob hoped he sounded casual as he moved to find some plastic wrap and put it over her plate. “We all work hard. That’s why we’re here. Tomorrow, when all she has to do is sleep late, hang around catching some sun, and maybe go for an afternoon boat ride, she’ll relax.”

“Our relationship has always felt solid, right from the beginning.”

Why did they have to talk about this
? “It’s seemed that way to me all along.” Rob slid the plate into the refrigerator. It was true.

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