Beautifully Irresistible (14 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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I stood at the side of the bed looking at him but he was fast asleep.

Sticking my head out of the doorway I checked that the coast was clear and Jasper-free before I darted quickly along the hallway.

After showering, I went downstairs and started to prepare a full English breakfast.

Scarlett bounced into the kitchen followed by Zack who looked beyond gorgeous. I had to restrain myself not leap over and climb him like a flagpole.

“Good morning, ladies.”

“Where’s Jasper?” I asked Zack.

“He’s in his disgusting pit, the lazy boy!”

“Scarlett, your Dad has said it’s okay for me to try and ride Puzzle. But if you don’t want me to, I won’t.”

“I don’t mind at all. He could certainly do with it. I will come over to the stables with you,” she replied.

After our belly busting breakfast, we got ready for the stables. Puzzle was tacked up and ready to go.

“I have given him a lunge, Jennifer, to get some of his energy out.”

“Thanks, Billy.”

Billy led Puzzle into a large paddock and brought over a mounting block. I noticed Zack leaning casually against the fence, taking it all in. No pressure then!

I went over to Puzzle and stroked him gently.

“Hello, beautiful boy. How are you today?” I talked to him soothingly.

Billy held his reins as I mounted him. He bucked up a bit but I managed to stay on him. Puzzle reminded me of my old pony Merlin who tried all manner of ways to dismount me.

“Easy, boy, easy” Billy told him quietly.

We started off walking around the paddock and then I asked him to trot. He didn’t need much encouragement and he glided into a nice trot. We did a few circuits of the paddock and then I took him into a canter. He was a lovely horse to ride and we did several laps before I cooled him down.

“Well, you are the first person to survive riding him. You are a really good rider Jennifer,” Zack told me, congratulating me.

“That was brilliant, Jennifer,” Scarlett said, beaming at me.

“Billy, please could you ask Alan to come to the house first thing in the morning? I want to have a word with him.”

“Sure thing, Mr Cole, and well done, Jennifer, you did really well.”

“Dad, please could you give me a lift over to Yasmin’s house in a bit?”

As we walked back to the house, we met Jasper on his way out.

“Dad, I’m going to Callum’s house. I will get a lift back later.”

Turning around, he gave us both a knowing grin and winked at me. He put his leather jacket on and headed down the long sweeping driveway. I watched his profile, thinking how much he was like his Dad. He just needed to rein it in a bit and the girls would be flocking!

“We will have the house to ourselves. What ever will we do, Jennifer?”

“I can’t think of anything off hand, Mr Cole,” I replied, coyly flashing my eyes at him.

His beautiful blue eyes danced around mischievously as he wiggled his eyebrows.


After Zack was back from taxi duties, we took Gatsby on a long walk around the woods, enjoying each other’s company. I was excited to be with him again, completely on our own.

We ordered a Chinese takeaway and Zack and I sat crossed-legged on the floor, feeding each other. I was so happy in his company and I couldn’t figure why his bitch wife would ever think he wasn’t enough.

Stupid woman!

“I have a big meeting tomorrow about the proposed merger,” Zack told me, clearing his throat.

“Well, I hope it all goes well for you, Zack.”

“I don’t know what will happen if it doesn’t. Cole Enterprises is in serious financial trouble. Phoebe made some poorly judged investments in the Far East. This merger is make or break.”

“Was Phoebe set against the merger?” I asked him innocently.

“Err, yes, she was,” he mumbled, looking away.

So with her out of the way, it was all systems go. Very interesting.

Zack raked a hand through his hair and suddenly looked really tense. I decided to change the subject.

“Would you like some dessert?”

“Well, if you are the dessert, most definitely!”

He smacked my bottom as I headed to the kitchen. I nipped to the freezer and came back with some ice cream and two spoons.

Opening the lid of the ice cream, I took a large spoonful and held it to Zack’s lips. He opened his mouth as I pushed the spoon in. I watched as he swallowed, getting more and more turned on by the simple action of his throat.

“God, you are so beautiful, Zack,” I whispered as I stared at him.

He looked so effortlessly stunning, so breath-taking.

“You are the beautiful one, Jennifer. It’s your turn now, baby.”

He took a spoonful of the ice cream and placed it in my mouth. It tasted lovely as it slid down my throat.

“Take your dress off. There’s no one here but me.”

I slowly unzipped my dress and stepped out of it.

“Take your bra off too, beautiful.”

Unclasping my bra, I tossed it on the floor.

“Lay down.”

I obeyed him, completely turned on by his dominant commands. He carefully spooned the ice cream onto my nipple. It felt so cold on my aroused body. I writhed around waiting for him to make his next move. A dull throb started between my legs.

Leaning forward, his tongue snaked out, licking the ice cream off before taking my nipple in his sexy mouth.

“Zack, Jesus!” I moaned.

A red-hot rush of desire pulsed through me. He did the same with my other nipple as I grew wetter and wetter. His tongue licked my breasts slowly and leisurely. I gripped his head tightly.

“I will take these down for you,” he told me, relieving me of my pants.

Zack spooned ice cream down between my breasts onto my stomach. The ice cream seemed to sizzle on my skin.

“I am gonna have to hit the gym hard after this ice cream, Jennifer!”

He licked down my body very slowly, taking little nibbles and giving me kisses as he went. When he got between my legs, he slipped his tongue in deeply, sliding easily through my wetness. His marvellously skilled tongue teased me over and over. My body arched off the floor as I clasped his head and his gorgeous mouth to my body.

“Yes!” I shouted as I came.

“Mm, you taste so very good. Let’s go upstairs, Jennifer.”

He leaned forward and pulled me up. Sliding his hands down my back, he cupped my bottom as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Zack practically ran up the stairs with me in his embrace.

Wonderful anticipation rushed around my body. We collapsed onto his bed. He crossed his arms across his body and pulled his t-shirt off. My heart pounded and my mouth went dry as I drank in his perfect body. I couldn’t help but touch his sculptured abs as I trailed my finger along them.

“I am going to give you that massage even though it was a draw! Please lay on your front, Jennifer,” he gently requested.

Desire completely overwhelmed me.

“Close your eyes. I will know if they are not closed,” he said sexily as I felt something pass over my head.

I opened my eyes and realised it was a mask like the ones you use on long flights.

“Put your arms above your head and spread your legs, Jennifer,” he instructed.

His sexy American accent melted deliciously into my ears.

I again obeyed him, feeling more and more turned on by his complete dominance of me. He bound my wrists and ankles to the bed with what felt like silk. I was completely trapped at his mercy.

It was as hot as hell.

I relaxed as he put oil onto his hands. His touch was sublime, so gentle, so caring. He then started to gently knead my back starting at my shoulders.

“You seem a bit tense. I will sort that out for you,” he told me.

I could feel his weight on me as he gently straddled over me. His jeans felt rough against my naked skin. He took his time touching every part of my back. It was very sensual and I was becoming increasingly more and hornier.

“Is that nice darling?” he whispered in my ear, kissing my neck.

“It’s amazing, just like you,” I told him as he spread my legs wider apart.

He touched my throbbing clit. My body got ready for another onslaught of delirious, delicious pleasure.

Zack inserted one, then two fingers in and vigorously pushed them in and out of me. His other hand rested on my bottom stroking it gently. I could feel an orgasm building up inside me as his fingers moved faster and faster. I clenched around him as I started to come.

“Oh Zack,” I screamed as my body rode out the orgasm.

“Was that good, Jennifer?”

“Yes, it was. It always is.”

“Have you ever used any toys?”

“Yes but usually on my own,” I replied shyly.

“Well, I have bought you a present,” he told me, laughing wickedly.

My heart thudded quickly as I heard him unwrapping something. I guessed that it was a vibrator. I felt a bit embarrassed but I decided to ignore it.

“I am just going to oil it up a little and then put it in you.”

He switched it on and gently inserted it into my wetness. It felt naughty and really good. I started to moan as he pushed the vibrator in a bit more.

“Do you want it faster, Jennifer?”

“Yes,” I replied as he turned the speed up.

I let out whimpers and soft moans as he pushed it further in.

His thumb teased my clit as my body climaxed again. I started to feel quite tired by this amazing foreplay but I still wanted him inside me.

“Do you want the real thing now, Jennifer?”

He didn’t really need to ask. I couldn’t get enough of him satisfying me.

“I’m going to turn you over now, Jennifer,” he told me as he released me from my binds.

He rolled me over then he re-tied my wrists. I couldn’t move and I was panting with desire for him.

“Can I look at you, Zack?” I asked him.

“No. Not yet,” he said in his deep sexy drawl.

“Let me pleasure you first, Zack. I want to taste you.”


I heard him swallowing noisily.

“I can’t touch you or see you,” I complained.

He touched my cheek and traced his fingers around my mouth. I grabbed them into my mouth and sucked them hard.

He groaned loudly before he pulled them out. I could hear him undressing and the blood rushed to my ears roaring noisily. My nipples tightened in arousal.

“You will just have to use your lovely sweet mouth, Jennifer,” he whispered as he pushed his enormous erection into my mouth touching my lips.

He nudged them apart as my tongue darted out and touched him. I licked the end gently and kissed up and down him. It was killing me not to be able to touch his gorgeous body or look at him.

Zack pushed in and out of my mouth as I built up the pressure with my skilled mouth. I had never been a huge fan of this particular part of lovemaking before but it turned me on so much with him. My tongue flicked and fluttered over him savouring his musky flavour. His hands gently wrapped through my long hair.

“Jennifer, that feels so good,” he whispered.

I hollowed my cheeks out as I sucked him hard. He pumped hard in and out of my willing mouth. Low sexy moans escaped him. I felt trapped but it was really hot. I trusted him completely and I knew that he would never hurt me during our lovemaking.

“Oh yes, Jennifer! Shit! I'm going to come! Sorry!” he shouted as he ejaculated.

Zack quickly untied my wrists and took off my mask, pulling me up.

“I'm so sorry, Jennifer. Are you okay?”

“Zack, it’s okay. I don’t mind, you know,” I told him as I gently stroked his cheek.

He looked quite upset.

“I didn’t mean to but you turn me on so much I just lost control. I’m not used to losing control in anything,” he told me shyly looking away.

I noticed two blue silk ties in his hands.

“Forget about it, gorgeous. You made good on your promise of the tie, I see!”

I nipped into his en-suite to get cleaned up and then I re-joined him on his bed. We lay together and he started stroking my hair gently.

“Did you enjoy that, Zack?” I asked him, looking into his eyes.

“It was the most erotic thing I have ever experienced.”

“It was for me too. I love your body so much and the pleasure you give me.”

“Are you enjoying working here, Jennifer?” he asked smirking.

“Oh yes, it’s by far the best job I have ever had. The boss is a complete hottie!” I giggled.

“Stop it. I am not,” he laughed, all embarrassed.

“He is also very, very demanding. You see, he wants a sweet lady in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom but I don’t mind one bit! He turns me on so much that I reach fever pitch!”

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