Beauty and the Beast (39 page)

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Authors: Deatri King-Bey

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beauty and the Beast
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He opened his eyes slowly. “I love you, water ninja.”

“I love you, too, fire ninja.”

“Where’s Auntie Vic.”

“Auntie Alexis made her go shopping with her and Mama. It’s her way of taking their minds off worrying about us.”

“Thanks for talking sense into me about her.”

“Ah, it was nothing. Are you comfortable?” She fluffed his pillows and checked his water jug. “Do you need me to do anything?”

“Yes I do,” he said softly. He gently took Nefertiti’s hand into his and pulled it to his heart. “Will you marry me, water ninja?”

“How many times must I say yes?” she teased. “I’ve been thinking, and I have finally come up with the ultimate fairy tale wedding.”

The sweet smell of freshly cut flowers from Victoria’s garden filled the room, and the sunset was visible through the window. “Here Comes The Bride” played softly in the background as Bruce, dressed in a black tux, waited nervously for his bride.

After Alexis, Anna, Betty, Catherine, Janis, Ken, Marco, May, Rachel, Silas, Tiffany and Father Sutherland crowded into the hospital room and surrounded Bruce’s bed, there was barely any room for Nathan to escort his daughter to her intended.

Dressed in a simple white evening gown and carrying a single violet iris, Nefertiti took Bruce’s hand into hers.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”

Bruce watched his beauty and knew that fairy tales do come true.

Discussion Questions

Please explain the reasoning behind each of your answers.

1.Do looks really matter?

2.Do you think May should have told Nefertiti what was going on with Nathan? If so, when and how?

3.Did Alexis abandon Bruce? And did she do this out of love, selfishness…?

4.Did Alexis love her son?

5.Why did Victoria continually cover for Alexis (for example giving Bruce gifts in Alexis’s name)?

6.When did you know Roy had lost touch with reality?

7.What did you think about Bruce and Marco’s relationship/friendship?

8.Do you know anyone who suffers from an anxiety or mood disorder, such as manic depression?



I pray you enjoyed Nefertiti and Bruce’s story. I had fun writing it, but I also wrote the story this way to raise awareness. My husband of twenty years has bipolar disorder (is a manic depressive), and yes, he used to go through at least one laptop a year (SMILE). Talking about mental illness is taboo in our community; seeking treatment is practically unheard of. We need to stop this behavior. Don’t let shame or pride keep you or your loved one from being treated for a chemical imbalance. A few years ago, I read Standing in the Shadows: Understanding and Overcoming Depression in Black Men by John Head. It’s a pretty good book, and you may wish to pick it up.

Much Joy, Peace, and Love

Deatri King-Bey

Titles By Deatri King-Bey

Beauty and the Beast

Become A Successful Author (nonfiction)

Black Widow and the Sandman (writing as L. L. Reaper)

Broken Promises

Caught Up

Diamond in the Rough

Ebony Angel

Love’s Desire

Picture Perfect

Santa’s Helper

Tell Her How You Feel

The Other Realm

Trapped In Paradise

Whisper Something Sweet

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Until we meet again, keep reading and writing,

Deatri King-Bey

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