Beauty Queen (49 page)

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Authors: Julia London

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Beauty Queen
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Not that Rebecca heard any of his tripeshe couldnt hear anything with the blood pounding in her ears. Rebecca has been a help to my campaign? That was it? What happened to thanking the people who made this night possible? What happened to all the things she had done for his stupid campaign, even when she had lost faith in that fat bastard? That was all the recognition she was going to get? He didnt even remember her name, goddammit! And across the front row, she saw Bud, and she felt something implode within her.

She didnt even realize that she was gripping the edge of the table until Matt put his hand on hers. Only then did she notice how the rest of them were looking at her Pat, with horror; Gilbert, with confusion; and Matt... damn him, but Matt was looking at her with, what, pity?

That did it. Every self-help seminar she had attended, every self-help book she had read, all of them were suddenly bubbling up, frothing inside her, shouting no, screaming at her not to accept this horrible, unconscionable slight lying down. The real Rebecca, who slowly and surely had been climbing out of her hole, was suddenly clawing and scratching her way out, fighting for air.

As Tom droned on, Rebecca pulled her hand free of

Matts and, glaring at him, she leaned across and whispered harshly, Do not pity me!

Honey, I dont pity

But she had already jerked back into place, her back ramrod stiff, feeling as if her head might literally explode off her shoulders. She debated getting up and walking out in front of everyone, but decided that was too easy for Tom. So she waited. For what, she had no idea. Just sat there, gripping the table, her heart beating harder and harder as her fury raced.

And then Tom handed it to her on a silver platter. He mentioned his idea for a superhighway and pipeline across Texas, one that would bring jobs to struggling areas and new lanes for commerce from north to south. Now, my opponents are going to argue against it, he said, shaking his head with a sad little laugh. But you know my opponents. Phil Harbaugh would sell this state to Mexico if he could, and frankly, Russ Erwin has his head so far up a tree, hes sucking sap. Its hard to listen to someone whod rather do good for all the lizards in this state than the people, Tom added, and nodded his appreciation of the loud applause to that statement.

That was the moment Rebecca realized she was standing, her arm raised high in the air. Rebecca/ Pat hissed at the same moment Tom noticed her standing there with her arm raised high above her head. But Rebecca ignored Pat and glared at Tom, who seemed startled, and looked around for someone to tell him what was going on.

Senator Masters! she called in a voice that was, remarkably, as clear as the summer night.

Tom could not ignore her now, and said unevenly. Ah... I think Rebecca has an important announcement ... is that right?

Not exactly, she said, lowering her arm. I have an important question.

A murmur went through the crowd, and Tom cleared his throat, glanced helplessly at Bud, and thereby signed his own death warrant. Ah .. . okay

About this superhighway pipeline you have planned ... what do you say to all the ranchers out there who will be displaced in the name of progress? You know who Im talking about, right? Ranchers whose families settled Texas and have known nothing but a ranching way of life for generations? And then, as a follow-up question, could you please tell us what you will say to all those economically depressed areas when the thing is built and the jobs go away?

A hush fell over the crowd as everyone waited for his response. Tom looked at Matt no, glared at Matt.

Im sorry, Senator, but I didnt hear your response, Rebecca continued, wildly out of control and loving every minute of it. Oh, and another thing have you told the Three Nines Ranch, our host for the evening, that the superhighway will cross the southern corner of their acreage where they still graze cattle?

Tom laughed nervously as he glared at Matt. Ah ... all good questions, Rebecca, he said. I think weve got some answers for you, right, Matt?

Matt looked up at Rebecca. She couldnt read his expression as he slowly came to his feet. It didnt matter, she tried to tell herself. She had done what she had to do. What she had to do for her, not anyone else. Matt could continue to support Tom, could do that smooth speak and get Tom out of trouble like he was good at doing. She didnt care but she had had enough.

Only she wished, just once, that someone would stand beside her. Just once.

Well, Tom, Id like to say that we have some good answers, Matt said, looking at Rebecca, and then, so subtle that she almost missed it, he winked at her. Winked at her! But / dont have any, and frankly, Id like to hear your answer to Ms. Lears questions. Personally, I think a pipeline that long is a pretty dangerous idea. And I dont understand why this highway is such a good idea. I mean, weve already got a major interstate running from Dallas to Brownsville. You think there is enough over-the-road commerce to support two superhighways?

A buzz had started in the crowd; people around them were talking excitedly, and Tom looked as if he had suddenly awakened to find himself in a foreign land. He madly looked about for someone to help him out of his mess, but everyone around him was confused about what was happening.

Not Rebecca. She had never loved anyone as much in her life as she did that moment, and she tapped Matt on the arm, smiling gratefully. You wanna blow this pop stand? she asked.

Matt laughed. You think we have a choice? he said, and with another wink, put her hand on his arm and escorted her through a sea of tables, a sea of people who had paid a small fortune to be here. She smiled at them all as if she was a reigning beauty queen on her last walk as someone took the stage behind them and announced the music would begin again shortly.

Matt attempted to lead her out of the little park, but Rebecca tugged on his arm, pointed to her father, who was, she couldnt help noticing, the only one standing. She walked over, smiled at her family. Im sorry. But then again, Im not, she said cheerfully.

Dont ever be sorry, baby! Dad exclaimed. Im so proud of you, girl! You finally stood up for yourself! Thats what Ive been trying to get across to you these last two yearsstand on your own two feet! he said, and grabbed her in a fierce bear hug, holding her tightly. And when he released her, she thought she saw a glimmer of a tear in his eye, but he quickly turned to Robin. You could take a page out of her book, you know. To which Robin groaned as she came to her feet and hugged Rebecca.

Way to stir up a party! she said proudly.

Are you coming with us? Rebecca asked.

Robin looked at Jake, then both of them looked at Dad, who was beaming at Rebecca. Robin shook her head. Are you kidding? We cant wait to see what happens next!

We better go, Matt said low, nodding to where Tom, Doug, and Jeff were making their way through the tables to reach them.

Yeah, get the hell out of here and enjoy yourselves, Dad said, and put his hand on Rebeccas cheek, smiling at her again before pushing her to leave.

Hand in hand, she and Matt walked quickly out of the gates, headed for her truck.

But once they were out of the gate, Matt abruptly stopped her.

Come on, she urged him.

No. I have to say this. I mean, what you did back there .. . He paused, shook his head, his gray eyes dancing with laughter. When you take the silk gloves off, youre one tough cookie. You know, I love how weird you are, how beautiful you are, how righteous you can get. I love everything about you! And I realized tonight when you had the guts to stand up and ask what weve all been wondering, that I dont think I can live without you.

She laughed, flung her arms around his neck, and kissed him. And I never loved anyone as much as I loved you when you stood up. Thanks for standing by me, Matt.

Are you kidding? I should have stood up a long time ago. I knew thered be trouble the moment I met you, but now I am prepared to follow you all the way to the ends of Planet Rebecca if I must.

With a grin, she grabbed his hand and tugged. The way things are going, it might at least be Mexico, she said, and laughing, they ran for the monster truck.

Chapter Thirty-five
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on ...

Robin and Jake brought an enthusiastic Dad back to the lake house with them a couple of hours later, and Rebecca broke out the champagne and ice cream.

Dad looked a hell of a lot better having heard the news of Robins pregnancy, which left him ecstatic. After the usual interrogation about marriage and college funds (which earned a groan from everyone, please!), Dad turned his attention to what Rebecca had done, giggling like a schoolboy.

Robin said that Senator Masters spent the rest of the evening going from table to table, frantically assuring his sponsors that he did indeed care about ranchers. And she added that Pat Griswold had asked her to tell Rebecca that she wished she had said it. Dad said again he was so proud of her for standing up, and proclaimed the bastard Tom Masters had it coming, and the five of them laughed and made a game of thinking up new campaign slogans for Masters the Bastard.

But the next afternoon, when her family had left and it was just the three of them again, Matt and Rebecca pored

over news from around the state, slowly realizing that they had effectively ruined any political aspirations for Matt. He said he was glad, that he didnt think he had the stomach for it and thought he could do more good elsewhere.

Like where? Rebecca asked.

Im not sure, he said honestly. But Id like to give people who dont have money a chance at decent representation, he said. Thats what I want to do. And it helped when Marts father called later and asked him about all the flack. He told Matt he was relieved and heartened that his son wouldnt be going into politics. I spent my career there, and son, youre above politics, he assured him. You deserve a better life.

As for Rebecca, she felt exhilarated, scandalized, enlightened, and most importantly, finally and completely free to be herself. And one other thingshe finally understood how a person might know that she had undergone a transformation .. . she felt like a new person on the inside. She felt like her own person, one who was less than perfect, the evidence of which was played up in the local papers for several days following the event while she and Matt hid out at the lake house.

It was surprising to her that Matt seemed like a new person, too.

To Matt, too. How could he be the same again, having witnessed firsthand what it meant to stand up for your principles? Once the furor had died down and he returned to his offices, he quietly began looking into some questions he had had for a few weeks, particularly after hearing the names Franklin and Vandermere. In the middle of one night, he had awakened with the answer Franklin and Vandermere was a big road construction firm, and several years ago, they had been party to a lawsuit in which he had been peripherally involved. His memory was that they had paid themselves for contracted work on a toll road near Houston that was never completed. The details were foggy, but he recalled that they were a shady outfit. After the events of that night-the closeness between Rebeccas ex-husband and Tom. alone with Franklin and Vandermere

reps, he knew there was something rotten going on, and he was determined to unearth what it was.

While Matt was quietly looking into Toms ties to Franklin and Vandermere, Rebecca had begun to pull things out of the old barn in her quest to return to her artistic roots. She told Matt that maybe she would create and sell pottery, or paint for a living until she figured out what she might do, and who knew? At the moment, she was just ecstatically happy being free of the old Rebecca and planning on her life as the new Rebecca.

But a couple of weeks after her astounding fall from grace, Rebeccas phone rang, and a male voice asked for her. Ah, Ms. Lear, my name is Russ Erwin, and you and I met at a little candidate deal up there in Georgetown, his deep voice rang out.

Yes, of course! I remember it well.

Well, now, Id be less than honest if I said I hadnt followed with some glee what happened out there at Tom Masterss big fund-raiser, and I thought Id just touch base, see if you were interested in coming over to our side. You sound like the type of lady we want.

Rebecca sank onto a bar stool. You want me to help you with your campaign? But the election is less than a month away!

I know, its creeping up, isnt it? Still, Id like your help not without some study on your part, though. What Id like to do is send you some material, and after you look it over, see what Im about, maybe you can call with any questions you have and we can decide if theres a fit, and what sort of place we might have for you in our organization, before and after the election.

She grinned broadly at Grayson, who was sitting at the bar eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Id like that, Mr. Erwin.

Please, call me Russ. Were just a few folk who came together and are trying to do the right thing. Where could I send you some material to take a look at? he asked.

Rebecca gave him her address, and they talked a little longer about what had happened at the Three Nines Ranch.

When she at last hung up, she was thrilled, as was Matt when she called to tell him. It sounds like a great opportunity, he agreed.

But I thought we had sworn off politics, she laughingly reminded him.

No, weve sworn off politicians we dont believe in, he said. Theres a big difference.

Youre sure you wouldnt mind if I got involved in another campaign? she asked.

All I want is for you to be happy, Rebecca. Whatever it takes.

God, she loved that man!

Rebecca did indeed join the Independents and was so immersed in it (the days were passing quickly toward the election) that she didnt really notice how much time Matt was putting in at the office.

Matt was pretty immersed himself in two issues: the first, and most important, was to come up with a buy-out plan that Ben could live with. Ben wasnt exactly anxious to split up, but he agreed with Matt that the time had come to go their philosophical ways. The trauma was too much for Harold, and, having branched out a little with Rebecca during the campaign, decided he had what it took to run a biker coffee shop. Which is precisely what he and Gary moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, to tackle.

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