Because the Night (The Night Songs Collection) (18 page)

BOOK: Because the Night (The Night Songs Collection)
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The spell broke the minute I shut the car door and headed for the apartment. The shrill pitch of screaming girls pierced the night. “Tristan! Tristan! Oh my God!”

He didn’t hear the cries of his fans as he peeled away from my building. How did they know he’d be here? I looked at them in disbelief. None of them said anything to me. They just sneered and turned away, heartbroken that they’d failed to capture Tristan’s attention.

Janelle had already gone to sleep, which surprised me since the rest of the complex seemed to be on High Tristan Alert. I snuggled into my blankets to shake the chill from my body. When I closed my eyes, I saw all the stars of the desert sky again. Smelled the dusty air. It comforted me, as Tristan’s words echoed over and over in my head.

You cast a spell over me too, beautiful.
Those eight words were better than any of the elaborate presents he’d given me.

But if I was in danger of being ripped to pieces over trying to pry Blade from Talis’ grasp, what would happen to me if Tristan ignored her orders to leave me alone?

It didn’t matter who warned me. Talis’ threats couldn’t keep me away.

Chapter Thirty Six

Lennon wanted to bring me to meet Jacey and see Fire Dancer the next night. I pounded cup after cup of crappy coffee that Janelle’s countertop machine piddled out. I pined for the latte machine at my mom’s restaurant.

I was exhausted. Since I’d seen Blade at Embrace, I’d had nightmares about him every night. I saw him tied, bloody, unresponsive. I screamed and screamed trying to get his attention, but faceless vampires tortured him to access his blood. I could hear people laughing but I couldn’t see them.

Our plans for tonight made me nervous. I didn’t know if another clan of vampires would act totally differently than the ones I was already familiar with. How would they react to me, since Janelle had warned me of an all out war between the two bands? They were sure to know my affiliations. Lennon didn’t seem to think there was anything to worry about, but she had a much more carefree approach than I did with many things.

There was nothing I could do but be myself. It wouldn’t help anyone if I put on an act to impress these people.

This was my first visit to The Riviera. The damp, stale cigarette scented air slapped us in the face as we entered the older hotel. The attractions seemed tired and hokey compared to The Alta Vista, but many renovations were underway. The economy had improved considerably in Las Vegas with the phenomena of bands like Immortal Dilemma and Fire Dancer, who you could only see here. The city rallied to keep up with the new demands the vampires placed on it.

“Ricky will be right out with your pass.” Lennon slipped her plastic All Access lanyard over her head. The plastic necklace hung in ugly contrast to her close fitting, cap sleeved black cotton dress with a sweetheart neckline cinched by a wide red belt that matched her shoes, lips, and nails, fishnet stockings, and sky high red Mary Jane heels. She looked like a living doll. I’d just worn jeans and a tank top. For the first time since coming to Las Vegas, I had outfit envy.

All roadies seemed to look somewhat alike no matter what camp they worked for, moderately scruffy with an air of authority and ease. This one was no different, with horror movie T shirt, ripped jeans, and messy hair sticking out from under a baseball cap.

“Thanks, doll.” Lennon exchanged cheek kisses with him before he shook my hand. He handed me a sticker pass that I pasted to my jeans, and then disappeared. We walked through the door that led us backstage. No hysterical fans had gathered yet, hoping to catch a glimpse of their heroes. No posted warnings that your likeness would be broadcast throughout the known universe. No corporate looking people milled around nervously, making sure advertising dollars were being spent wisely. Something about it was kind of refreshing.

I’d be willing to bet that Tristan would love it here. This is what I wanted for him. Much more than the three ring circus that he called home.

We made our way to the main room where the band had gathered. They seemed to be rehearsing something, because they stopped often and repeated the song, laughing if someone messed it up. Already the atmosphere felt much more relaxed than I’d come to expect with Immortal Dilemma. These guys didn’t act like people just collecting a paycheck. Once they decided to take a break, Jacey came over and kissed Lennon on the cheek, hugging her as he pulled up off the arm of the couch.

“Honey, this is my friend Callie. She wanted to come see you guys tonight.” Lennon had a way of sugar coating everything. Jacey looked a bit confused as I stood to offer my hand, trying to place me. I held my breath, hoping he wouldn’t banish me immediately because of the band feud.

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” My voice sounded thin.

“Yeah, good to meet you too. I hope you have a good time tonight.” If he recognized me, he didn’t say a word. “Did you guys eat? There’s catering in the other room.”

“I couldn’t eat a thing,” Lennon’s dress looked like it had no mercy. “What about you, Callie?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“That’s cool,” Jacey might be the most laid back person I’d ever met. “Come on up to the dressing room. I’ve got to get ready for the show.”

I trailed behind the couple, who held hands on the way up the staircase. “I like to do his hair and makeup,” Lennon turned back and whispered to me loudly, winking. It didn’t freak her out at all, as it did when Tristan had asked me to do the same.

Jacey sat down in front of the mirror in the small dressing room. Lennon immediately began to work, switching on hair appliances and rubbing hair goo between her palms before massaging Jacey’s head to distribute it. He moaned in approval. I felt uncomfortable watching this unexpectedly intimate exchange.

“Is Peter around tonight?” Lennon asked casually as she pulled a hot iron through the top of Jacey’s hair, creating stiff spikes. “Callie might like to meet him.”

“Why would she want to talk to him?” Jacey asked, looking confused.

“Yeah, why would I want to talk to him? Who is he?”

“Peter’s our manager.” Jacey explained without turning to face me. I met his eyes in the mirror.

“Your creator.” Lennon clarified.

“Oh.” Way to jump in the deep end, Lennon. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“Sure it is.” Lennon insisted. “She needs some help with, you know,” she dropped her volume. “Talis.”

“What are you, a fucking spy for her?” Jacey’s body stiffened in defense, his tone shrill as he stared at me in the mirror. Maybe he wasn’t so laid back after all. “I knew you looked familiar for some reason.” He sighed, and I expected him to ask me to leave.

I hurried to answer before he could kick me out. I needed to help Blade and if Jacey knew someone who could, I wasn’t going to miss this chance. “God no! I want nothing to do with her.”

“Calm down, baby,” Lennon cooed. “You know Blade, right? That’s Callie’s boyfriend.” Jacey turned around and looked at me suspiciously, obviously not believing everything Lennon said. “Talis has him. He needs our help.”

“Fuck,” Jacey spat, relaxing somewhat. “Blade hates that bitch.”

“I can’t do this alone. Lennon thought that maybe you guys might be able to do something. Talis is holding him captive. He doesn’t want to be a vampire.”

“Lennon overestimates our superpowers.” Jacey no longer looked at me as Lennon straddled his legs in front of him. He held his eyes closed so she could apply his eye makeup, obeying the commands she murmured. “I’ll see what we can do. But I can’t make any promises.”

“Thank you.” I found his honesty refreshing.

“Hey, lover boy! Ooh, a threesome! Can I watch?” A tall, skinny guy with kohl rimmed eyes and long brown hair pushed back in a colorful scarf sauntered into the room. He practically sat on my lap, putting his arm around me like we were old friends.

“What’s your name, pretty girl?” He purred in my ear. He seemed to have a slight European accent. I couldn’t help but bristle at his brashness.

“Don’t mind Noah,” Lennon rolled her eyes. “He’s got LSD.”

“What’s that?”

“Lead Singer Disease.” Jacey clarified, making it clear that Noah’s behavior bored him.

“Don’t listen to them.” Noah sniffed my hair. I did my best not to squirm. Vanilla wafted from him, I guessed he’d hit the Venom. “When you’ve got it, might as well flaunt it, right? So, what’s your name? Not that I mind calling you pretty girl, of course.”

I pulled away from his as much as I could without being rude. “Callie.”

“As in Calliope?”

His over familiarity dug under my skin. “Yes.”

“The muse,” he sighed, pulling me back in. I stiffened. “I’m sure you can do many things to inspire me, Calliope.”

“Knock it off,” Jacey scolded him. “She’s Blade’s girl.”

Noah put his arm around me and burst out laughing. “Oh really? Because if you listen to everyone else tell it, she’s fucking Trevosier.” My mouth dropped. “Obviously she’s not very selective. You’ve got time for another lover, don’t you, my muse?”

I stood up and moved roughly away from him. This guy was such an asshole. He wasn’t worth it. There had to be another way to help Blade. I wasn’t going to be treated like this.

“Callie! Don’t go.” Lennon pleaded as I reached for the doorknob. “He doesn’t mean it.”

“Yes I do.” He smiled wickedly. “I’d fuck you until you didn’t even know your name, then let you drink my blood from a challis. Like the Goddess you are.”

“Cut the shit, Noah!” Jacey roared. He pulled away from her makeup brush and turned to glare at me. “What the fuck is going on? Jesus Christ. Lennon, what the hell is she doing here?”

I sighed and flopped back down on the couch, staring down Noah as he watched my every move like he planned to throw a net over me. “Let me explain. They’re both right.” Jacey rolled his eyes and I hurried to continue, knowing I was at danger of losing him as an ally. “But I do need whatever help you can give me with Talis. She’s threatening me, and she’s holding Blade captive, and yes, Tristan is my friend. I’m not here to cause trouble.”

Noah scoffed. Jacey turned away from me, and Lennon tipped his chin up to her. “I wouldn’t have brought her here if I didn’t trust her. None of us are angels, you know?” She looked over Jacey at Noah.

Jacey slumped back in his chair. I held my breath, waiting for his verdict. “Fine. Baby, I trust you. But I think you might be dangerous, Callie.” He turned back around to me. “I’ll give you a chance, because Blade’s cool and he doesn’t need this shit. But one false move and I’ll bring you back to Talis myself.”

I swallowed hard and nodded.

Noah moved back towards me. I let out an exasperated breath. “I bet she’s dangerous.” He ran his hand along my thigh. I pushed him away. “I can’t wait to find out.”

“Noah, just go. You’ve caused enough trouble.” Lennon scolded him like a child.

“I haven’t, but I’ll go.” He got up and winked at me. “See you later, muse.”

As soon as the door closed behind him, oxygen flowed back into the room. “Is it okay if I hate him?” I sighed.

Lennon and Jacey burst out laughing. “It wouldn’t be okay if you didn’t.” Jacey confirmed. “He’s a hell of a frontman, but Jesus, the minute he sees a girl, he’s a fucking asshole.”

“I’m really not here to cause trouble, Jacey. If this isn’t a good idea, I can go.”

“No!” Lennon pouted.

“No, you don’t have to leave.” Jacey echoed, and Lennon kissed his cheek, then wiped off the red lipstick tattoo she left behind.

“Thanks.” I wanted to respect his wishes. I didn’t think I’d get anywhere around Fire Dancer Land without Jacey’s approval. “Your makeup looks amazing.”

Lennon put the finishing touches on his grayish toned face makeup, setting it with powder. She’d lined his eyes with black liquid liner, and shadowed them gray on top and reddish purple on the bottom, making him look like a demon. His lips were painted black, in stark contrast to his platinum blonde hair. He looked ghastly.

“Isn’t she talented? I keep telling her to do something with it, besides painting this ugly mug.” Jacey relaxed again, and Lennon beamed with his praise.

“Don’t be silly. You’d look good no matter what I did.” She swatted at him as she cleaned up after herself. “It’s fun for me, you know? I worry if it was my job, it would feel like a job.”

“What time does the show start?” I didn’t look forward to seeing Noah again.

“Ten thirty.”

“They’re the best.” Lennon gushed, sitting down on Jacey’s lap. “You will love it, Callie. I’m almost jealous that you get to see them for the first time tonight.”

“I can’t wait.”

Jacey left us alone in his dressing room so he could go over final business with the band before the show started.

“That was interesting.” Lennon sighed, cleaning up the rest of her work station.

“Is there anything I can do to help you?” I asked, but she shook her head. “Jacey seems like he’s in charge of the rest of the guys.”

“Sort of. He’s not an asshole, Callie. He’s worked hard for this. I probably should have told him more before I brought you here, but Noah.” She shook her head again. “He’s such a loose cannon. I guess I should have warned you, too. Looks like it’s too much to hope that everyone can just play nice.”

“It’s cool, I didn’t exactly expect to be welcomed with open arms.” I knotted my fingers in my lap.

Lennon fell next to me on the couch, throwing her arms around me and kissing my cheek. She left red lipstick on me as well. She laughed as she rubbed my face to clean me up. “Just give everyone a chance. They’ll love you. I promise.”

I nodded as we stood to head down the show, looking at myself in the mirror to make sure all traces of her lipstick had disappeared. I didn’t need Fire Dancer to love me. But I did need their support.

We watched the show from the side of the stage. We didn’t have the protection of the stage structure and curtains like I did at Sin City Vampire Club. The stage stood in the middle of the room, totally exposed. No vaudeville type performance started the show, the band simply came out on stage after ACDC finished proclaiming For Those About To Rock, We Salute You. The fans, notably more male and almost as enthusiastic as those attending an Immortal Dilemma concert, stood because they had no other choice. The only seats in the theater lined the bars along the perimeter of the oversized room.

Fire Dancer’s performance seemed more raw, less calculated than Immortal Dilemma. The emotion was palatable. Of course, I didn’t have Tristan to distract me from taking in all the little details. I looked everywhere but at Noah, who made a point of prancing over to us, making obscene gestures in my direction. He turned my stomach.

The band disappeared behind the drum kit after an encore and the lights came up, signaling the end of the show. Someone announced over the PA that a DJ would start spinning in about a half an hour and all were welcome to stay. Many people still filed out, on to the next thrill.

I looked at Lennon, not sure what to do.

“Let’s wait here for a few minutes, give them some time to come down from the show.” She suggested and hoisted herself up on a monitor.

I joined her, watching the transition in the crowd. Even though everyone insisted Immortal Dilemma and Fire Dancer fans didn’t mix, I wondered if anyone would notice my appearance here. It didn’t really bother me, I didn’t need to answer to any vampire code. I just wasn’t looking forward to the headache.

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