Read Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America Online
Authors: Brigitte Gabriel
If American Muslims spoke forcefully to condemn terrorist organizations by name rather than dispensing empty verbiage seeking to soothe American’s pain, we in America could start buying their sincerity. Instead of all this talk about what a peaceful religion Islam is, why don’t they show us that the majority of Muslims are truly against this barbaric killing being spread around the world in the name of Allah? When mullahs throughout the Arabic world and Europe get on their soapbox in their mosques calling for the killing of all infidel Jews and Christians and establishing Islamic rule, none of the recognized and respected Islamic authorities in America or the West find it necessary to correct them. What does that tell us? What does that tell you about moderate Muslims? Where is their voice? Are they really there? Or are they an invention by Jewish and Christian Westerners who cannot accept the fact that there are people that really, really hate by an order from God according to their religion?
You hear about Wahhabi Islam as the only extreme form of Islam. All the other Muslims are wonderful moderates. What about the suicide bombers who are Egyptians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis, and Iranians? People of these nationalities were not raised in Saudi Arabia, but the common thread between them is written in the Koran. They are simply practicing Muslims. They are not the extreme, they are the mainstream.
Our leaders and politicians bend over backward to tell us how sweetly wonderful Islam is and that most Muslims are moderate, that a few radicals have hijacked this unbelievably sweet poetry called the Koran and are trying to twist it to do harm. Snap out of it, America. America and the West can no longer afford to stay in a state of ignorance. The consequences of this mental laziness are starting to attack the body of our country, and if the necessary medical steps aren’t taken now to control it, death will be knocking soon.
The reality is, suicide bombers and mass murderers are produced, financed, and brainwashed from birth by a system, a community, that prepares them to strive to fight for the cause and to attain martyrdom. The Muslim community harbors these killers and arms them to go out into the world and wage jihad. Upon their death, the community celebrates them as heroes. Their funerals are like weddings and they become an ideal that every Muslim kid should strive toward. Terrorist organizations are like a business that is financed, managed, directed, and operated by employees and supporters. They have warehouses for, and purchasers and deliverers of, products such as visas, suicide belts, explosives, and communication devices, all paid for by many people, not just one rogue person. Those terrorists usually live and travel within Muslim communities throughout the world, protected by the Muslim
Muslims are telling us exactly what their plan is. Muslims tell us straight out that their goal is to conquer us and establish Islamic law in Western lands. They are following through on every word they have said so far. It’s the West that is refusing to believe what they are saying and even justifying their words by disregarding them as extremists who don’t really reflect the views of the majority of moderate Muslims. That’s exactly what the Christians thought in Lebanon. They thought that they shouldn’t judge everybody, since the majority of Muslims were Lebanese first. Try asking that question to the Lebanese Christian refugees in the diaspora and let’s hear what they say. And let us hear it from the moderate Muslims by their actions. When they demonstrate where they stand by their actions, not their empty words, then and only then can we put our guard down.
Moderate Muslims must directly confront the teachings in their religion which support jihad and the killing of infidels, instead of pretending that those teachings do not exist. Before they can be considered truly moderate, they must expressly repudiate the belief that Muslims have the divine right and duty to impose their religion and culture on the entire world. They must acknowledge and repudiate the doctrine of
the divine right to lie to advance the cause of Islam. In the absence of a repudiation of the supposed right to lie, all promises remain worthless. On an individual and an institutional level, if Muslims are unwilling to relinquish the right to lie and kill in the name of Allah, how can they be considered moderate? It is Islam that declared perpetual war on the non-Muslim world. Unless Islam declares peace, Western civilization must defend itself, or disappear.
Islamic Influence Alive and Well
on American Campuses
Since 9/11, experts, think tanks, and authors have published volumes about who our enemy is, what their modus operandi is, and what is in store for us in the future. Yet little attention is being paid to one of the least recognized attacks our adversary is making. Their tactic is a subtle flanking maneuver taking place right in the middle of our college and university campuses. The groundwork for this sneak attack was laid well before 9/11, as the United States was then and is still now being inundated with millions of Arab dollars being poured into academic organizations. The irony is that the enemy of our culture and values has successfully hijacked a program that was originally intended to protect us, and is now using it against us.
As the daunting reality of 9/11 set in, many Americans questioned why the United States intelligence community and the public were not better informed about Islamic terrorism and its vision to destroy America and its Western way of life. Discoveries of backlogs of Arabic-language intelligence intercepts, literature, and documents began to surface. Reports of low numbers of intelligence personnel who could read and speak Arabic were alarming. Where was the pool of Arabic-language and Middle Eastern experts in which the government had been investing since 1958?
In an effort to create a reliable resource of talent from which to recruit personnel for Middle Eastern intelligence and espionage, Washington looked to our colleges and universities as a training ground for people versed in the languages and cultures of the Middle East. It turned to a program developed in 1958 called Title VI of the National Defense Education Act (NDEA). The U.S. Department of Education describes the NDEA as a program “to ensure trained manpower of sufficient quality and quantity to meet the national defense needs of the United States.” Title VI was the Language Development section of this act, focusing on uncommonly taught languages. Today, these language area centers, or National Resource Centers (NRCs), Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (FLASF), and International Research and Studies (IRS) remain central programs in the Title VI array.
This program has not gone unnoticed by the benefactor of Islamic Wahhabism, the Saudis. They saw a good thing, subtly worked their way in, and hijacked Middle Eastern studies on college campuses to their own advantage.
While Saudi-supported Wahhabism fuels hatred within its own ranks in madrassas and mosques toward the West’s religious tolerance, relatively liberal social agenda, and permissive lifestyle, it’s on campuses across America that Arabs using their petrodollars are undermining our war on terror and softening the brains of Western college students toward radical Islamic fundamentalist dogma. These “lobbyists for Islam” are increasingly penetrating our prestigious centers of higher learning with enormous offerings of cash.
The Saudi royal family has spent close to $70 billion worldwide to further the teaching of Wahhabism through Islamic madrassas, and to spread anti-American and anti-Israel sentiment. Much of this money is spent deceptively on U.S. college campuses.
The millions they offer cash-strapped school administrations to supplement the NDEA concept and found Middle Eastern studies programs, complete with buildings, staff, and teachers, are hard to turn down. These schools and the majority of college-affiliated Muslim Students Associations (MSAs) in the United States are dominated by pro-Islamic and anti-American agendas, as are the majority of Islamic centers and schools funded by the Saudis worldwide.
It’s their money, so they call the shots.
Middle East Quarterly
notes, “There is plenty of evidence for the MSA’s strident advocacy of the Saudi-style Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.” In “Wahhabism: A Critical Essay,” Hamid Algar of the University of California, Berkeley writes,
Some Muslim student organizations have functioned at times as Saudi-supported channels for the propagation of Wahhabism abroad, especially in the United States. . . . Particularly in the 1960s and 1970s, no criticism of Saudi Arabia would be tolerated at the annual conventions of the MSA. The organization has, in fact, consistently advocated theological and political positions derived from radical Islamist organizations, including the Muslim Brotherhood and]amaati Islam.
In addition to paying the salaries of the academics who are promoting the Saudi Wahhabi cause, money from Title VI supports Saudi “mercenaries” on campuses. These warriors are actually student activists that train overseas during the summer and return in the fall to put into action their newly learned skills. As a result, anti-American and anti-Jewish attacks are steadily increasing on college campuses.
So what return on investment has the government gotten? Not much, considering the poor numbers of Arabic speakers available in the intelligence agencies and State Department. With the Saudis muscling in with big bucks, the focus of these Middle Eastern studies departments that are 10 percent funded by Title VI has quietly changed to spread terrorist propaganda that turns students against our government instead of encouraging them to use their interest in the Middle East to help the government staff with Arabic translation and policy positions.
Why should we be so concerned about what Saudi Wahhabism is up to? Let me have John L. Esposito, professor of religion and international affairs and of Islamic studies at Georgetown University, whom I consider an unabashed Islamic apologist, remind you in a revealingly candid appraisal in his book
Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam
what Wahhabi Islam is all about.
The Wahhabi religious vision or brand of Islam . . . is a strict, puritanical faith that emphasizes literal interpretation of the Quran and Sunmah (example) of the Prophet Muhammad and the absolute oneness of God. . . . Anything the Wahhabis perceived as un-Islamic behavior constituted unbelief (kufur) in their eyes, which must be countered by jihad. Thus jihad or holy war was not simply permissible: to fight the unbelievers and reestablish a true Islamic state was required.
Clearly, we should be worrying.
I find the amount of money pouring into U.S. universities from the radical Wahhabi Saudis as revealing as it is distressing. As of this writing, the extent of influence peddling that has taken place is as follows: King Fahd has donated $20 million to set up a Middle Eastern studies program at the University of Arkansas; $5 million was donated to UC Berkeley’s program by two Saudi sheikhs linked to al Qaeda.
Harvard has received $22.5 million, and $28.1 million has gone to Georgetown.
At Georgetown, a Catholic school started by Jesuits, the Muslim Students Association has initiated a segregated private living community on campus for Muslims and non-Muslims interested in being steeped in Islam. According to the community’s promotional material, the “Muslim Interest Living Community (MILC) [was] designed to create a strong support group for Muslims and non-Muslims who want to be steadfast in prayer and in their commitment to campus building and cooperation.” I thought the era of segregation proved that
was the key to “campus building and cooperation” on a social level. Europe is finding out how dead set Muslims are about not wanting to integrate into heathen, idolatrous communities. They want all the social welfare benefits but to have their own, separate community life. When you read the rest of the MILC’s material you get a better idea of what its intent is: “ [t]o establish an Islamic living environment for those who wish to increase and strengthen their faith.” Georgetown sounds like a very respectable place for a mini madrassa. I hope and pray that this is all in the spirit of what Georgetown’s president, John DeGioia, says in his Internet welcome letter describing the university as a place where “students and faculty examine the modern world in its infinite complexity” (
). I hope “modern” wins out over cloistered thinking and a return to the days of Muhammad envisioned by the Islamo-fascists. As someone who comes from the Middle East, I recognize the places and conditions that Muslims use to incubate their line of thinking and then inject it into young minds.
And now back to the list of Saudi funding: $11 million to Cornell; $5 million to MIT; $1.5 million to Texas A&M; $1 million to Princeton. Rutgers received a $5 million chair endowment, as did Columbia, which tried to conceal the source of funds.
Other recipients of Saudi-tainted monies include UC Santa Barbara, Johns Hopkins University, Rice University, American University, the University of Chicago, USC, UCLA, Duke University, Syracuse University, Howard University, and countless others.
We pump the gas; they pump their way into the hearts and minds of young freshmen.
These endowed chairs give the Saudis ultimate power to influence the curriculum taught to vulnerable American students. This curriculum is typically anti-Western, anti-Christian, and anti-Semitic. What better way to combat the war on radical Islam and pave the way for its takeover of a culture than fifth column psychological warfare. It’s a great opportunity to openly fund some
(persuasion and reason) accomplished by
(lying and deception) protected by the right to academic free speech and endorsed by the boards of directors of U.S. colleges!