Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1)
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He smiles that sexy smile that makes the depths of my womanhood tighten and flutter.

"Dress sexy but classy, I'll pick you up at nine." He says as he puts the last box by the door of the supply closet. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you this weekend."

"I'm looking forward to your performance and a night out with you as well, Adrian."

He steps closer to me, takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on top of it. "Our meeting today was a refreshing pleasure, the best delivery I've ever made." I'm speechless, tingling from his tender kiss on my hand, blushing from his compliments.

"Saturday, Veronica." He confirms.

"Saturday." I manage to confirm in return before he walks away.

I hear the sound of Jenna's heals nearing the open studio door. She pokes her head around the frame, "Mr. Howard called to request a minor change to his initial draft of the piece you're working on for him." She steps fully into the doorway. "I hope it's alright that I let that delivery guy from Blank Canvas back here. I was on the phone with Mr. Howard when he came in and figured it would be okay to send him your way. Quite handsome, didn't think you would mind him directly delivering to you." She smiled.

"He's taking me out Saturday night." I spill out, still stunned from what just happened.

"What? Wow! He didn't waste much time making a move! Or was it you that made the move?" I can tell Jenna is eager to hear the details, she can't hide her excitement for me.

"Yeah, I'm not sure where we're going exactly, but he performs as a singer when he's not working. He invited me to his show and offered to escort me there! I never expected that to happen when I answered the knock at the door by yelling as I opened it." I laughed, still embarrassed by my actions.

"You didn't." Jenna laughed. "You probably thought it was me."

"No, I just figured someone slipped by you and helped themselves back here to bother me." I chuckled. "Oh my God, I have nothing to wear to a venue like that, he said to dress sexy but classy."

"I will take care of you, Ronni, I've got something that will be perfect. You deserve this, girl, you work too hard. It's time you enjoy yourself. Pamper day Saturday morning?"

"A must." I smile.

midnight. I came home to shower, and had planned to go back to the studio to finish one of the projects I was working on until late in the evening. But now I can't get myself to go back, I feel exhausted. It isn't like me to turn down working. It's just that all these feelings came rushing over me, I can't stop thinking about how I introduced myself to this man that has had me twisted for some time now. I'm not one that claims fate normally, but it must have been meant to be that we meet.

The thought of him is really turning me on. Damn that man has a hold on my hormones in ways that I have never felt. He has captured my desires and doesn't even know it. Just because he asked me to go with him on Saturday doesn't mean he's into me the same way as I am him. I don't know that I can contain myself around him though.

I can tell he has Latino in his blood. A caramel brown skin tone. Hazel bright eyes that squint in the sexiest way. Dark brown hair that looks soft to the touch, with short curls that I want to play with. A strong jaw that has a perfect line up of facial hair, thin across his jawline and a small patch under his bottom lip matching a thin mustache. His features are just right and his body is lean with muscles that aren't overwhelming but noticeable. He is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome.

I can't help but get aroused. There is no way I am getting any sleep tonight. I wonder what he's doing right now. Freshly showered, I have a hot pink bath towel wrapped around me and nothing else. It's dark in my house, just the bathroom light on and the illumination of my mp3 player glowing in my bedroom. The sounds of R&B softly seeping out of the speakers. I sit down on my king size bed, the white down feather comforter is soft and cool beneath my bare ass. I scoot back to rest against the stacked pillows and open my laptop.

I imagine he's in his boxers, laying in bed. Maybe he's got a grip of his cock, stroking it to the thought of me. The idea makes me quiver. I click on a porn site that I have bookmarked on my laptop. Tits, ass, pussy, and dicks pop up all over my screen. My urge has me to the point that I just can't resist, I have to release this ache for him. I type in the search bar, Male Masturbation, and hit Search. Damn, this shit turns me on, watching a man get off. I turn the volume up and select a video from my favorites list. The sounds of groaning, moaning, and lube on a nice hard cock is the hottest symphony.

I reach over and open the bottom drawer of my night stand next to my bed, grab my rabbit vibrator and lubrication. I get it slick, slowly slide it into my pussy, and turn it on. The video is about half way through and the man with no face is breathing heavily while moaning as he strokes his dick a little faster. The shaft of his penis is rock hard, exposing every vein. The head is big, wet from lube and his pre-cum. The walls of my vagina start to clench with each glide in and out. I begin imagining Adrian on the brink of climax as he strokes his dick. I wish it was him I was watching.

I have a fetish for a man jerking off, a serious addiction to it. This is something I have been questioning about myself for some time, wondering if I'm sick because of it. I mean, this is not something I would share with anyone, there's no telling how I would be viewed for this sort of thing. Not even my closest of friends know what I do or just how deeply I am into it.

It all started a few years ago, like any normal human being I would get horny and masturbate. I have done so since I was rather young, but as I got older it became more of a regular occurrence. Eventually leading into watching porn consistently, every single day, finding more websites and videos than I ever realized existed. Leading into something I would not have guessed I would be so attracted to. Male Masturbation. I literally have over seven hundred saved videos in my favorites collection, and find more to add daily. I honestly don't know the last time I went a day without watching, even when I didn't have time to get off, I would still watch.

It's like I can't enough of seeing this act of self-pleasure. Only now, I can't help but think of Adrian being the one performing the masturbation in front of me, rather than the videos of random strangers on my screen. If he found out about this he would probably think I'm disgusting. It's so hard for me to stop though, I have tried countless of times, and I keep coming back. I just hope it never comes in between anything, I have to learn to control it.

Of course, I love sex itself, there's nothing like actual penetration of a man inside of me. That's actually part of my fetish. I want to watch a man explode from pleasing himself while I watch and play with myself, then fuck like crazy until we have both exhausted our orgasms. I want it all the time. My hormones seem to never shut down, they have been at an all-time high since spotting Adrian that day at the park. It's like I found my prey that I have been on the hunt for, without even knowing it. The desires within a person can be stronger than we know, subliminal desires can be dangerous if we don't acknowledge them and take control.

I let out a loud moan and my legs jerk as I come along with the man in the video. After my third orgasm from the use of my vibrator in different positions, and four videos later, I drift off to sleep.

wake up, feeling rough, as though I haven't slept at all. I peek beside of me, my vibrator resting on the bed. I clutch it in my hand and turn it on to see if it's still alive after my triple threat last night... dead. I killed the batteries. Thankfully I have a drawer packed full of the damned things. I look towards the end of the bed, my laptop. I left it on all night... it's also lifeless. The sun is shining rather brightly... oh no, what time is it?! Nine forty five. I slap my palm onto my forehead and over my eyes. I groan. Not again.

I jump to my feet, run to use the bathroom and freshen up. I brush my teeth and fix my hair as quickly as possible, and rush back into my bedroom to find something in my closet to put on. I pick my favorite blouse and A-line skirt that comes just above my knees. I pull my skirt up and zip it, just then my phone rings.

"Hello." I say. Normally I would answer more formally, 'Ms. Thorne speaking', but I'm in a panic.

"Ronni? Where are you?" Jenna's voice sounds as if she is also panicking.

"I'm on my way, Jen, I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Okay, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine, I just overslept. Yes, again. Let me finish getting dressed and I'll talk to you when I get there. I'm sorry I left you to open up by yourself for a second day in a row, I don't know what's wrong with me lately."

"Don't worry yourself, just get here before Mr. Clayton shows up this morning. It's Friday." She reminds me.

"Oh shit, I can't be late for this meet up, because then he will probably find someone else to do the project for him. Mr. Clayton is very punctual. I just had to be running late on the day I was to meet with him." I ramble manically. "Ten 'o' clock is our meeting, I've got to go!"

I hang up the phone before Jenna can get another word in.

I grab my purse, search frantically for my keys that aren't hanging on their usual spot on the wall, and slide my heels on all at once. I dig through my purse, finding my keys next to my wallet. I run out the door, lock it behind me, and hurry to my car. I can't believe that I am running late for such an important meeting. I am never late. I need to get my shit together for real. All this mess I have been in with my hormones, my career is in jeopardy over all of this. What's wrong with me? I turn on the ignition, throw it in reverse, and back out of my driveway.

I take the quickest route to my gallery, speeding past all the traffic on the way. Almost there, I have three minutes to make it in time, but this will take at least another five minutes if not more. Damn, I have let too many emotions take over lately. My head is all over the place. I weave in and out of the two lanes, pass up every vehicle going far too slowly, I near a red light and I'm going at least ninety. I slam my foot on the brake.

"NO!!!" I scream as I try to stop in time, but it's too late. The car coming through the green light barrels into mine. Glass breaks like the sound of crackling thunder and shatters in every direction. The metal of the car has a soul crushing noise that rumbles through my chest. My head slams into the driver's side window, bashing out the glass. The car spins out of control, making a complete circle at least two times, stopping as it hits as hard as it possibly can into a street pole on the other side of the road. My body jolts and frees itself from the convertible that has the top down. I feel myself land outside of the car with a loud thud and a back breaking pain through my entire body. My head flies backwards into the pavement. Everything is black and silent.

I pry my eyes open, it feels like I have to literally peel them open. Oh my god, where the fuck am I? I try sitting up, but I can't move. I can't move! Am I dead? Am I... shit, it hurts to even think right now. Where am I? I want to scream. I can feel myself moving, it feels like I'm on my back floating, with a bump every few seconds. Somebody tell me where I am. Somebody help me! I open my mouth, but nothing comes out, there's something around my neck and on my face, restricting me, holding me still and flat as a board. I start to panic inside. I can't see anyone around me. Everything is blurry, but I don't even see a blur of someone. Am I alone? Where am I going? I can tell I'm moving.

All at once I hear a voice and someone leans over me into my visual, the figure is so blurred that I can't tell who it is. I hear the voice again, it's a male's voice. "Ms. Thorne, Ms. Thorne, are you awake now sweetie?" I can finally make out what the voice is saying, but the figure remains to look like a shadowy blur. "Who" I manage to get out, nothing more than a whisper. I don't think they heard me. I want to ask who they are, I want to know where I am and why I can't move!

BOOK: Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1)
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