The Trillionaire's Lady (Trillionaire Wishes Book 2)

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The Trillionaire's Lady


Book Two in Trillionaire Wishes


By Ella Mansfield


Copyright 2014

Kindle Edition, License Notes


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After making a wish on a mysterious fountain in the middle of their favorite park, strange things happen to three women.  When one of her best friends disappears before her eyes, Megan is shocked and more than a little disbelieving.  She and her friend,
Alexa, search for their missing companion.  Megan quickly finds herself transported not to another place, but to both another place and time, waking to a sexy trillionaire leaning over her.


Tessen's all but given up on finding a woman to call his own when he finds a mysterious fountain in the middle of his land.  He feels compelled to wish on it, and soon after finds a beautiful woman in the lake.  He believes her claims to be from another century, but isn't willing to pass up the opportunity to make her his wife.  Will the unlikely pair be able to find love?  Or will they both always feel as if they are together only because of a strange quirk of fate?



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Chapter One



Megan and
Alexa stared at each other in shock.  Where had Alicia disappeared to?  She'd been there one minute, and the next she was gone.  Neither had ever experienced the terror of having a friend disappear before their eyes before, and their reaction was not unusual.

Megan, a petite woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes, wiped away a tear.  "Where did she go?  Do you think our wish had anything to do with it?"

Just minutes before the three friends, who had been together since college, had wished on a fountain.  None of them were certain why, but they'd all felt drawn to it, as if it were telling them they needed to wish on it, so they had.  They had all wished for love.  Megan had wished for a rich man who would treat her like the most important person in the entire world.  Alexa had wished for a rich man who would sweep her off her feet and propose within minutes of meeting her.  Alicia had wished for a rich man, who would love her as if she were the only woman in the world.

shook her head.  "No matter how real it felt, that thing cannot be a real wishing fountain.  They don't exist.  I don't care how many books and movies are written about magic.  It's not real!" 

Megan bit her lip.  "What do we do now?"
  What on earth were you supposed to do when your best friend disappeared before your eyes? 
was the one they looked to for answers whenever there was a dilemma.

took a deep breath, considering the question.  "I think we need to go to the police station and report what happened."  The look on her face was apprehensive, making Megan wonder if that's really what she thought they should do. 

Megan nodded slowly.  "Should we call the police or go there?"  She'd never really dealt with the police before.  She was a rule-follower.
  The very idea of talking to the police frightened her, but not as much as the idea of never seeing Alicia again.

"I think we should probably walk over there.  Calm down a little on the way."
  Alexa looked as nervous as Megan felt.

Megan did her best to take deep calming breaths as they walked.  How were they going to explain to the police that their friend had disappeared in front of their
eyes?  "I think it was the fountain.  I don't know what else it could have been."  She expected Alexa to argue with her, but she had to point out what she felt was terribly obvious.

bit her lip, obviously thinking about it.  "I think so, too."

"Do we tell the police that?  I mean, we'll sound crazy."

shrugged.  "We must be crazy if that's what we think, but really?  I think we should tell them everything, exactly as it happened.  They won't be able to find her otherwise."  A tear slowly trickled down her cheek.  "I can't imagine never seeing Alicia again.  We have to find her somehow."

Megan nodded emphatically.  "We do.  We've been friends for so long.  I can't imagine going
even a week without seeing her.  This is crazy!"  Alicia had once lived with them in their small house, but now lived in an apartment.  Megan wondered what would happen if they called her.  "I'm going to call her.  See if she answers."

"That's a great idea!  Call her while we walk.  Why didn't I think of that?"

Megan fished her phone out of her purse and hit Alicia's number on her contact list.  She waited for a moment as a voice telling her the cellular number she'd reached was out of the service area came on.  "Went straight to voice mail.  Said it's out of the service area."

sighed.  "It was worth a shot."

They reached the police station, and after going inside, went to the desk of a receptionist
-type woman.  "We need to talk to someone.  Our friend disappeared."  Megan could hear the shakiness in her own voice, and did her best to stay calm.

The woman, a soft-
looking older woman of about fifty, pulled a piece of paper from her desk.  "How long has she been missing?"  She seemed bored with her job, as if she'd talked to people who were missing their best friends every day for thirty years.

Megan and
Alexa exchanged looks.  "About forty-five minutes?" Megan asked, looking to Alexa for confirmation. 

nodded.  "That sounds about right."

The woman looked highly annoyed at that point.  "She probably went out for a few minutes to get something.  She's not missing until she's been gone at least twenty-four hours."
  She put the paper back into her drawer.

shook her head, a slightly panicked look on her face as she struggled to make the woman understand.  "But...we saw her disappear.  She was right in front of us, and then she wasn't."

Megan wanted to run away when she heard how strange what they were saying sounded as
Alexa said it.  No one was going to believe them.  How could they?

The woman raised an eyebrow.  "I'll get one of the officers out here to talk to you then."

She picked up the phone and spoke softly into it, keeping her eyes on the two girls in front of her.  "We have two young ladies here to report the disappearance of their friend.  They said she's only been gone a few minutes, but they know that she is gone, because she was right in front of them when she disappeared."

Megan looked at
Alexa.  When the woman explained it that way, it certainly sounded like they were insane or on drugs or something.  How could they explain it in a way that made sense?

"I'll tell them."  The older woman
laid the phone onto the receiver.  "Have a seat over there, ladies.  One of the officers will be out to speak with you in a moment."

They took seats in a small waiting area, clutching one another's hands.  Obviously no one believed them, but did it really matter?  Alicia was missing, and they needed to find her.

When a young officer wearing sunglasses atop his head joined them, he looked at both of them carefully.  "Why don't you ladies come with me, and we'll talk about what you saw?"

They both got to their feet together, following him toward the back of the building.  He led them to
a small room with a long table and took a seat at one side, while indicating the chairs on the other.  "How long have the two of you known your friend?"

and Megan exchanged a look, thinking about it.  "Nine years," Megan finally answered.  "We were all sorority sisters at the university."

He looked at them both steadily.  "Do either of you have any objections to me recording this conversation?" he asked.

They both shook their heads, wishing Alicia was there.  Not only did they miss her, but she was a lawyer, and if they'd gotten into trouble with the law, they both knew they could turn to her if necessary.  Without her there, they were unsure of what they should do and say. 

He pushed a button on a recorder.  "My name is Deputy Sanders.  I'm going to ask you a few questions to get this started.  First of all, what is the name of the missing woman?"

"Alicia Quick," Megan answered quickly.

"Alicia Quick?  As in city attorney, Alicia Quick?"  The deputy looked stunned at her response.

Alexa nodded.  "We've been best friends forever."

He blinked a few times.  "So you're telling me that Alicia Quick was with you in the park tonight, and she magically disappeared?"

Megan sighed.  "Well, we go to dinner together one night per week, and this was it for us.  After we ate, we decided to go walk off the meal in the park, figuring we'd burn off some of the calories.  So we walked down by the lake, and we saw this huge fountain.  We'd never seen it before and Alicia thought it was odd, because she hadn't heard anything about the city putting in a new fountain."

"There's no new fountain in the park."
  The officer leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing them skeptically.

nodded.  "Sure there is.  Anyway, we all walked to the fountain and felt like it wanted us to make a wish.  I know that sounds weird, but it's true.  It was like it was calling us to it, telling us to wish.  So we all made wishes, and a few minutes later Alicia said that her legs weren't working right.  The next thing we knew, she fell to the ground and was just...gone."

"There's no fountain in that park."
  The officer obviously couldn't get past the fountain.

Megan sighed.  "Well, there wasn't the last time we went, but there was tonight.  Do you need us to show you?"
  Why couldn't he accept a simple thing like the fountain?  He seemed to take the idea of Alicia disappearing into thin air more readily than he did the idea of the fountain.

Deputy Sanders looked like he was thinking about it for a moment before nodding.  "Yes, I need you to show me the fountain."  He got to his feet.  "After you
, ladies."

The police station was only two blocks from the park, so they all left on foot, with
Alexa and Megan walking side by side leading Deputy Sanders.  Once they reached the park, they headed to the lake, but stopped short.  Where the fountain had been only an hour earlier was now just a mound of grass.  It wasn't even crushed as if something had been there.  It was as if not only their friend had disappeared, but the fountain had as well.  "It was here," Alexa told him.  "I swear it was." 

"Of course it was.  Ladies?   I don't know what kind of joke you think you're playing, but I want you to know that if it turns out that Alicia Quick really is missing?  You will be the first ones we look to as suspects.  Do you want to come back to the station with me and take breathalyzers?  I think it would definitely help your case."

"But...we haven't done anything wrong!  She disappeared."  Megan knew her voice was getting loud and squeaky as it always did when she became angry or nervous.  "She just disappeared.  Right after we wished on the fountain."

squeezed Megan's arm.  "We'd be happy to take breathalyzer tests, and we'll even do drug tests if you'd like.  We're just trying to find our friend, and if taking those tests will help you to find her, then we're happy to take them.  We have nothing to hide."

They went back to the station with him, wanting to talk about the vanishing fountain, but not wanting to do it in front of the deputy.  Their looks spoke volumes, though, and they'd been friends and roommates so long they could read one another's looks well. 

They both took the drug test and breathalyzer, agreeing that they would not leave town until it was determined if Alicia was actually missing.  As they slowly walked out of the police station and toward their house, they realized that it was already dark.  They waited until they were around the corner from the police station to speak.  "Where did the fountain go?" Megan asked, her voice soft.

shook her head.  "I have no idea.  I'm going to do some research tomorrow and see if I can find any historical information on a fountain that grants wishes this way.  I'm more than a little freaked out."  Alexa was a librarian, so she had access to what she needed to try to determine the origins of their 'magic fountain.'

Megan nodded.  "And I think we're both going to be suspects in her disappearance.  Our best friend is missing, and we're being blamed.  That's crazy!"

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