Before Sunrise (66 page)

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Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #bwwm interracial romance ir military romance, #bwwm interracial romance, #bwwm interracial

BOOK: Before Sunrise
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Something wrong?” Angelina

Where’s my sister?” Kennedy
looked out to the living room, where Eric sat with her father and
two other men—neighbors.

Call her.”

Good idea.” She turned for
the kitchen when the door opened.

Harper chirped, “Merry Christmas” and
strutted in the door with her arms loaded with gifts. Behind her
was a handsome young man. Very athletic, stocky, he wore a
collegiate jacket and jersey with hood underneath. The door shut
behind them and a silence fell over the room. In his hands he
carried bags as well.

Kennedy immediately searched for Eric’s
reaction. His discomfort was all over the deep scowl he fixed on
them both.

Merry Christmas, sis!”
Harper gave her air kisses to both sides of her cheeks.

You’re late,” Gail stated
from behind Kennedy.

Oh mama, I had to visit
Jason’s family first. Jason, come here and meet my mother and

Merry Christmas to you
both,” he said. “I’m Jason Maxwell.”

Kennedy accepted the bags from his hands.
“Welcome, Jason. It’s a little crazy. My baby’s birthday is today,

I told him.” Harper handed
her bags off to Gail then slipped her arm around Jason’s waist. She
dropped her head on his shoulder. “Where is the

In the den,” Angelina said,
looking Jason up and down.

C’mon Jason, you have got
to meet her.”

Kennedy and the others watched them go. When
her head turned she saw Eric walk out the front door.

I didn’t know she was
dating someone?” Angelina asked.

She wasn’t. I thought. Good
grief, never mind. Let’s put these where the other gifts



It had snowed. The neighborhood looked as if
fuzzy white fake fur had been poured over it. Eric paced outside of
the front door. The cold didn’t bother him. His head was already
splitting from the argument with Liam. He understood his friend’s
pain. But Alexa had fucked him good. He didn’t share the agenda
sweeping through the Senate right now, but Liam was at the heart of
it. Once he accused Alexa of being in love with Liam. Maybe that
had been true before the war. Since then, the cold-hearted bitch
had fallen in love with power. Now what the fuck choice did he and
Vasquez have? The world was different. So was the enemy. The rules
of engagement had changed since Liam disappeared. He was splitting
himself in half to try to help his friend. Why couldn’t Liam
understand that? Vasquez even got called away on Christmas morning.
No one belonged to their families, least of all themselves. They
belonged to the cause.

To make matters worse,
Harper had arrived. Fuck, he’d been waiting to see her all morning.
He was damn near pacing the floor worried because she was late.
He'd screwed things up, couldn’t sleep a wink last night. Had to
change the linens twice ’cause her scent was still in his fucking
room. He had wanted to talk again, maybe talk his way through his
deepening ache to possess her. He knew it was selfish. He never let
a broad get her clutches in him. He had no taste for them young.
Harper was different, though, and he planned to tell her. Then in
she walks, dressed beautiful in a white sweater that hung off one
shoulder and tight, faded blue jeans. Fuck, her chocolate stiletto
boots were hot too. As soon as he heard her voice and saw her
appear with that raven-dark hair, bangs cascading around her oval
face, he couldn’t help but smile. That was until he spotted the
punk kid behind her.
So this is how she
wants to play it
Tell me you can’t live without me last night and parade
another man in front of me the very next day


The gentle purr of a car engine grew
stronger and Eric lifted his gaze from the frozen grass. He watched
Phil’s Mercedes park at the curb. What he didn’t expect to see was
who rode shotgun.

What the fuck?”

Alexa Sinclair opened the door and stepped
out. She reached behind her and retrieved her purse and a nicely
wrapped Christmas present. Phil hurried around the car and met

Shaking his head, Eric marched across the
lawn and met them before they approached the door. “What are you
doing here?”

Alexa smiled sweetly at him. “Merry
Christmas, Commander Drake.”

Eric shot Phil a glare. “Why did you invite
her? Today of all days.”

Alexa is a friend, my date,
and that’s my fucking house so I can invite anybody I damn well

Eric narrowed his gaze on him, then her.
“You heard from the vice president’s chief-of-staff?”

Congratulations.” She gave
a curt salute.

He’s under my command

Is he?” Alexa smirked. Eric
felt a renewed strain move through his clenched fist and up his
right arm as he repressed the urge to grab her throat and snap her
pretty neck. Alexa tossed her auburn locks and blinked her sky-blue
eyes at the house. “Does Liam know about our trip tomorrow to the
White House?”

Don’t start anything,
Alexa. I mean it. I’m on to you and Clayton.”

I wouldn’t dream of it.”
She winked, then walked around him with Phil. He watched them head
up the walk. Eric cursed again under his breath and followed. He
had no other choice.




Daddy, you’re so funny!”
Mackenzie squeezed Liam’s neck. Her sweet breath, reminiscent of
cherry soda, blew in his face. He hugged her tighter and bit her
cheek. Mackenzie let go a burst of giggles that had her kicking her
feet and swinging her tiny fists.

Time to eat. They can’t
start without you.” He calmed her down and set her on her

Okay!” She helped him from
his chair. The twins and a few neighboring kids raced out of the
back room. All had gathered to watch his magic trick, as he made
any small objects they could find, mostly coins, disappear up his
sleeve and out of his hands. Liam had spent the afternoon trailing
his daughter and playing with the kids, effectively avoiding the
others crowded through the house. It was a good, solid plan and
before long his frustrated anger over what Eric had told him began
to ebb away.

Liam rose to his feet and grabbed his cane.
Children surged through the den, bowling over the gathering adults.
He never understood why adults without children gathered at kid’s
parties. Too many stood around with cups of eggnog, hot chocolate
or wine—a sea of bubbling faces. The loud chatter with pockets of
isolated conversations was deafening. He felt his chest tighten
with anxiety. When he was chained to a wall and kept from humanity
he’d felt claustrophobic, crowded. It was the suffocation that made
him rage inwardly. Now he forced himself to adjust.

Mind over bullshit, mind
over bullshit,” he repeated, squeezing his eyes shut and then
opening them again. Liam recognized this stressor. Mentally he
checked himself and found the strength to back down his

The room blurred then returned to focus and
the first pair of interested eyes he perceived were Alex’s.
Imperatives disguised as choices ruled his senses suddenly and he
made a move to throw her out on her ass. But he stopped cold. Phil
stepped to her right and dropped his arm around her shoulder. He
spoke to Andrew, then to Kennedy, who glared at them both with her
arms crossed.

What the hell is this
about? They came together? You have got to be shitting me.
He shifted his weight on his cane, and held back.
No matter what, he would not lose his cool today. He smelled the
setup and it had a rotten stench to it. They wanted to break him,
both of them. Well fuck that. He wouldn’t let his daughter’s day go
up in flames because he couldn’t handle the stress. He would not
play into Alexa’s hands. But even as he made the silent vow, he

The kids are enjoying
Mackenzie’s birthday lunch. I want to invite all the adults to the
dining room to join us. Please everyone, come in and find a seat,”
Gail announced with Sally at her side.

Kennedy had set a huge table with a
Christmas feast. The kids were busy at smaller tables enjoying
their special meal. His wife drifted to him and leaned up to kiss
his cheek. She smiled at their guests. “We have a lot to celebrate
this Christmas morning. Our daughter is—”

Five!” Mackenzie shouted
from her small table.

Many people laughed. Liam
hugged Kennedy from behind and kissed her neck. She wiggled in his
hold but made no other move to escape it. “Yes, she’s five today.
After we eat we will all sing
.” Kennedy turned in his arms. “Go
sit Liam, and entertain our guests. I got to help mom and Sally
with the food.”

No babe, sit with

I’ll come join you. Go

He popped her on her fanny as she sashayed
off. Resolved to the task of being the man in the house, he
followed the stream of adults heading to the dining room. Alex had
found a way to get close him. He wasn’t sure when, but she was at
his side in a flash. “Merry Christmas, Liam.”

Same to you Alex.” He
ground out through clenched teeth. “Surprised you’re here. With

She blinked at him innocently. “I wouldn’t
miss this holiday. You’re home. And I, for one, can’t get over the
miracle.” She placed a hand to his arm. Liam narrowed his eyes on
her and she let her hand fall away.

Let’s get one thing
straight. I’m on to you. I heard of your little plot to drag me in.
Not going to fucking happen.”

Careful of your tone Liam.
I expect respect.”

Well fuck respect. I’m not
under your command. This is my daughter’s day. You watch your step,
and don’t upset my wife.”

Alex nodded. “Of course. I wouldn’t dream of

As he took his seat he felt the heat from
Kennedy’s glare. Alexa made herself comfortable in the chair next
to him; Kennedy arrived in time to witness the seating arrangement.
She lowered the final serving of roasted chicken to the table and
was forced to sit across from them with Phil on her left. Liam
tried to smile at her, but the sourpuss face she gave made the
effort awkward. He considered forcing Alex to change seats with his
wife, but the festive cheer from others be interrupted and all
focus would be centered on them. Not wanting to come off as jealous
or territorial, he swallowed the urge and hoped the meal wouldn’t
last long.

Liam tried to join in the conversation at
the table. He answered a few questions from people he didn’t know
and ignored the smug look of satisfaction on Phil Freeman’s face
when neighbors greeted him as the man of the house.

Andrew gave prayer. The adults eased into
the meal, and Liam swallowed down his sweetheart’s cooking, barely
tasting it. Christmas dinner dragged on. Soon Liam began to notice
the discomfort of his friend. Eric couldn’t take his eyes off
Harper, who made a big show of her affections for her new
boyfriend. His sister-in-law went as far as trying to feed the guy
from her plate. Phil and Kennedy kept speaking to each other in
clipped whispers. It was evident the conversation upset her, which
in turn pissed Liam off. Alex had tried to engage Liam in friendly
banter, but each time she spoke, Sally pounced on her. His mother
had taken an immediate dislike to her presence next to her son and
everyone on the south end of the dining table was witness to it.
Through it all Liam maintained his cool.

When the meal ended, Mackenzie was in his
arms once more, whiny and lethargic. He could tell she was tired of
all the commotion, even in her honor. In his arms she settled,
staring at the smiling faces of children and adults that tried to
speak to her. Liam had to admit his daughter had no problem
allowing him into her life. He wondered if all children had a
natural draw to their biological parent? He wouldn’t dare test his
theory by passing her off to Phil, though he caught him staring at
Mackenzie often, smiling her way.

The day had been a great
one. The best medicine was Christmas through his daughter’s eyes.
He couldn’t wait to sing
with her. Her happiness melted his
heart. He considered giving her his present then, but decided he’d
make his gift to her the very last one she opened.

Liam, it’s time for
everyone to sing to Mackenzie. Come on, sweetheart.” Sally coaxed
her from his lap. He let her go. He rose and stood behind her with
his arm around Kennedy while the chorus rang out through the room.
Mackenzie seemed to have gotten her second burst of energy. She
blew out the candles and grinned at everyone. Soon after the
celebration died down, Gail and Sally cut and dispersed cake to the

Liam slipped from the circling crowd.
Dragging his leg, he headed for the bathroom.

Can I talk to you?” Alex
stepped in his path.

Not now. I’m in no mood.”
He grimaced.

It’s important.”

He had to admit she hadn’t changed much.
Alex had a chameleon-like ability to adapt to her surroundings.
Neither his mother’s nor Kennedy’s heated glares deterred her. She
met his stare dead on, never blinking or averting her eyes. A
seductive smile curled along her pouty pink lips. Why was she so
damn calculating? What the hell did she want?

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