Beginning with Forever (5 page)

BOOK: Beginning with Forever
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The breat
htaking ocean views gradually washed away as we drove deeper into an impoverished and underprivileged part of the island. Dry desert and cactus plants replaced lush vegetation land. I was stunned. The homes were plain, and the people were modestly dressed. I saw children running around in the streets in tattered sandals with farm animals. They seemed content, even with so little. People migrated to our car with handmade trinkets and fruits, pleading for us to buy from them as soon as Richard stopped the car. I felt even more humble and blessed to have what I have after witnessing this. Richard bought a handful of dainty bracelets with shiny pink stones from many of the street vendors and gave several small bills to the surrounding children. I had misjudged him altogether. He’s generous and tenderhearted, not typical of his
. I stowed my tough outer shell and shared a vulnerable side of me with him. “When I was younger, I met a very compassionate doctor who took care of my mother at a free health clinic. His generosity inspired me to want to become a doctor. He and I both believe that everyone deserves to be healthy whether they can afford it or not,” I disclosed to Richard while staring at the sweet little faces gathered around us.

Completely caught off guard
from my openness, Richard turned to face me and looked into my eyes. “Those who know much speak little and those who bullshit know little. It’s my own version of an old proverb.” He grinned and clasped the newly bought bracelet around my wrist. “A simple bracelet for an intricate lady.” He winked his right eye at me along with that killer smile that exposed his dazzling white teeth. My face was probably a shade shy of the crimson color of a pomegranate. I thanked him and bashfully turned away to face the window. Secretly, I smiled to myself as I twirled my new bracelet around my wrist.

Once again, we continued our drive in serene silence, passing more beautiful views of the blue ocean water and lush green tropical trees. Richard was preoccupied in his own world while I mindlessly took in my new surroundings. The radio was softly playing in the background while he lightly drummed his fingers and bopped his head to the rhythm. It was hardly audible until the song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” grabbed our attention. We both hummed simultaneously.

Bobby McFerrin fan, are you?” I asked him with a quirky smile.

“Who doesn’t love this
mindless song?  It makes everyone happy,” he replied with a chuckle.

So true,” I nodded and bopped my head along with him.

e cranked up the volume and started to sing the song’s catchy lyrics in a sexy reggae slash British accent.  I surprised him by joining in. We laughed and giggled uncontrollably as we inserted our own lyrics to the song about going to med school. It seemed silly and immature, but I didn’t care because I was having a good time and loving it. The remaining trip passed quickly once we were able to speak openly, and the rigid barrier was torn down.

hapter 3
Six months prior to the Present)

he regal building appeared to be an old historical castle transformed into an aristocratic medical school. It was hidden away, high on a cliff, overgrown with luscious tropical foliage, snaking vines and trees. The entire perimeter was guarded with a massive wrought iron and stone fence while the entrance was safely secured by two officials in red uniforms. The grounds were beautifully maintained with many distinctive flowering plants and hand sculpted boxwood bushes. A colossal water fountain with three ornate mermaid statues took center stage in front of the school. This was to be my home for the next five incredible years. I couldn’t imagine my life getting much better than this!

I st
rolled up to the fountain’s stone rim and balanced my bottom on it. My index finger dipped into the clear, cool water and drew circles, creating hypnotic rippling rings that grew in size and then faded away. I had a strong impulse to make a self-indulgent wish. I reached into my jean pocket for a couple of coins and tossed them in.
Success and happy endings
, I silently wished. Richard tapped my right shoulder from behind and my reverie came to a halt. He confirmed his dorm location with a map he picked up at the registrar building. He asked for my information, so we could figure out where I was supposed to be. “Lillian, we’ll be living in the same building,” was what he excitedly informed me as he read through my information letter. “In fact, our rooms are just down the hall from each other.” He pointed at the room number printed on my paper, #1008.

great, Richard!” I pretended to also be thrilled, but this was far from the truth. School hadn’t begun, and I already had a handsome male distraction. This accelerated medical program has a severe reputation for its intensity. I couldn’t allow myself to get off track before I even start. My entire future depended on how well I do here.

Richard led
the way to our dorm as I followed behind his trail of two large suitcases. Even with his hands full, Richard considerately insisted on helping me with mine. “I can get that for you. I’ll throw yours on top of mine. It won’t be a problem.”

I teasingly told
him, “This girl can handle her own shit, thank you very much!” I’ve learned to manage myself independently at a very young age because that’s what you do when you grow up poor with a single mom who struggled selflessly to get you both through life.

“I get
it, Miss Independent,” he replied with a grin. “Will you at least have dinner with me tonight?” he insisted.

…sure,” I reluctantly agreed. I couldn’t seem to discourage this persistent man who now had an invincible grin on his face.

We push
ed our luggage into the elevator and rode up to the 10
floor. Immediately, I wondered how much weight this car could handle. My fear of heights in a tight confining place was probably the worst possible scenario for me to be in. My palms sweated right away as I prayed for the elevator not to drop us. I felt panic creeping up my throat. The doors opened just in the nick of time, before I went into full-blown panic attack mode. We hauled our suitcases out and headed down the hallway in opposite directions. I dragged mine to room #1008.

The door to my
dorm room opened before I was even able to insert my card into the key slot. I saw a pair of arms reaching out to me, offering a welcoming bear hug and then I saw the rest of her. She introduced herself energetically with a high-pitched voice. “Hello, I’m Amelia McFarland from London, England, your new roomie!”

“Nice to meet you
, I’m Lillian Ly from the U.S.,” I replied with only a quarter of her energy level.

Which side of the room would you like, sweetie? She considerately offered. Amelia’s cheerful voice and easiness made her approachable. In the back of my mind, I prayed it was all sincere because I’ve had my share of psychotic roommates from undergraduate school.

“I’m fine with either one
,” I replied. The Brit coincidences I’ve encountered within one day were uncanny. She had the most beautiful shade of scarlet red, silky straight hair that flowed freely past her shoulder blades. Amelia stood a few inches shorter than me with a bust line that both men and women could really appreciate. Her skin was fair with a light dusting of strawberry freckles on the bridge of her nose and high cheek bones. I caught myself coveting her dreamy, greenish-brown eyes.

I roamed
around my new little home. It didn’t feel as lonely as I thought it would be, now that I’d met two really nice people. My fingers glided over the loveseat in the middle of the room and stopped to squeeze the corner of one of the pillows. Wow, this cozy piece of furniture and I will be well acquainted by the end of the year. I had this awful urge to throw my body on top of the soft, red surface and feel the plushness of it, but I restrained myself. My eyes strayed over to a beautiful stained glass window and saw two antiquish dark-hardwood desks beneath it. The full size beds were equipped with vivid red and orange colored beddings. I pinched myself to make sure this wasn’t some amazing dream that would disappear the minute I opened my eyes. Everything I’ve encountered about this place has been surreal. I let my listless body sink deep into my super comfy bed and exhaled an appreciative breath as I stared into a mural ceiling of light blue and white clouds.

belongings were unpacked and neatly placed in my personal closet, but something was missing. Oh yes, the graduation picture of me with my mother and two best friends and my lucky fortune. I set them both on my desk and then took a couple of steps back to appreciate it. Now I was ready to call this place my home.

rhythmic knocking on the door startled both Amelia and me. I wondered who it could possibly be. Amelia jumped off her bed and clumsily stumbled over her feet to open it. It was Richard, standing at the door entrance, looking particularly charming in dark slacks and a light ivory linen shirt. He was holding a fancy bottle of champagne in his left hand. Perspiration dripped along the sides of it, indicating that it had been properly chilled and was ready for drinking.

“May I come in ladies?
I have a welcoming gift to christen your dorm room,” he asked with a smirk and then leaned his broad shoulder against the wooden doorframe. He was a tall, lanky man. Both Amelia and I were appreciating the same handsome view from different angles. Amelia smiled bashfully and turned a magnificent shade of cerise while walking him into our room. “I’m Amelia,” she shyly introduced herself. He tells her his name while staring at me.

He hand
ed me the bottle, and it was chilled, just as I speculated. “There’s a special place I’d like to take you for dinner tonight,” he reminded me in a warm, deep voice. Oh holy crap, he didn’t forget that I had agreed to go to dinner with him. I quickly included Amelia to help ease the pressure of having dinner alone with him. “Amelia, would you like to come with us?” I asked desperately, giving her pleading eyes.

I wish I could, but I have a dinner date with my parents.” Amelia seemed sincerely disappointed that she was unable to come with us, but Richard was rather relieved. He had a triumphant smile plastered across his face.


Richard escorted me to a fancy restaurant targeted for the upper class tourists as I predicted. I scanned the elaborate establishment and found myself underdressed and completely out of place. Most of the women were wearing elegant evening gowns, and I was wearing a simple, black dress.

“Richard, why didn’t you tell me I needed to wear something fancier?”
I asked, slightly irritated. It wouldn’t have made any difference, I guess. I had nothing fancier than what I was already wearing.

“You look stunning
to me. It’s the person, not the dress that matters.” His expression was humble. How nice of him to pay me such a sweet compliment, but unfortunately, I still felt like an odd piece that didn’t fit into this perfect puzzle.

We s
at outside on the terrace with a mesmerizing view of tranquil, cerulean waves flowing endlessly to the edge of the earth where it met the embrace of a crimson sunset. Even though the humidity was still present, there was a calm, constant, cool breeze that balanced the evening’s atmosphere. I ordered grilled fish with asparagus and so did Richard. The waiter recommended a crisp white wine to complement the fish. Being an amateur drinker, I was careful to take only a few small sips at a time. I’m a total light weight; therefore, it doesn’t take much to influence me.

had to admit, I enjoyed it all very much, maybe too much. The ambience was truly romantic, and my company wasn’t Mr. Average Joe. He was charismatic and so good looking. It would’ve been fairly easy to get lost in the moment, but not for me. I’m too determined to allow myself to stray. I cautioned myself to keep things simple between us. Nonchalantly, he reached for my wrist and adjusted my bracelet so the smooth pink stones faced up. “I see you’re still wearing my priceless bracelet. I’m honored,” he acknowledged with delight as he brought my hand up to his warm, soft lips. The hairs on my body rose from the tingling sensation of our touch. I had never been this close to a man before besides for Hayden from high school, but he really didn’t count because we were just immature teenagers. Richard was moving a bit too fast for me, and I didn’t know how to respond to his advances without offending him.

’s one of the few pieces of jewelry I own. I cherish the meaning behind it.” I slowly retrieved my hand away from his lips as I tried my best to cool the rising heat between us. “Richard, school is my first priority. Everything else will have to wait,” I regretfully broke it down to him.

understand. I know you want to help people,” he sweetly responded.

“Thanks for u
nderstanding.” I was grateful he handed my blow so smoothly. We ended the evening by telling each other personal stories and getting more acquainted as friends
over coffee and dessert.

shares my passion of helping people in need. “My mother taught me to never take anything for granted. ‘We should share our fortune with the less fortunate,’ she would tell us kids over and over again, hoping it would eventually sink in one day.” I saw the obvious admiration he had for her in his piercing blue eyes as he spoke proudly of his mother.

BOOK: Beginning with Forever
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